Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son


[Vincent POV]

[2:40 A.M in the Badlands location unknown]

Although it was in the middle of the night most of the Raffens were awake shooting in the air while getting high, listening to music or if they had captured someone..... torturing them or worse.....

Recently, one of them had told me that the Raffens boss wanted to see me.... it seems that they had found out that it was me who helped the Aldecado girl they had captured to escape.... when I saw her.... I couldn't contain myself, she reminded me of my sister..... I know that when the raffens found out they would most likely kill me, but.... I don't regret it, knowing what they could have done to that girl....

I don't even know her name, but... I still remember the look on her face when I helped her, and her words to go with her..... making me touch my neck and the-


As I was thinking, a sickening laugh interrupted me as I saw where it came from, I can see Kenny a psycho bastard, the one I hated the most out of this bunch of Raffen Shivs, I still remember the expression he made of joy almost as if he was getting a boner, while killing my Clan mates when we were on patrol.... the face he made when he was going to kill me if he hadn't been stopped by the Raffens boss.....

"KEKKEKEKEKEKE are you going to see that Bloody woman? Eh..... Vini, I hope she doesn't kill you.... when she gets tired of you I want to be the one to do it" Kenny said.

"Fuck you psycho" I replied without holding back.

"Kekekekekekeek, I told you to leave the Aldecado girl alone we captured.... but you don't listen. Vini had to be the hero, the good nomad and put his ass on the line to save her KEKKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE

You know boy, I don't understand why that crazy bitch let you live..... but you really want us to kill you, don't you?"

"That's what you bastards must have done, I never begged you for my life."

"Tch don't be like that.... Vini you've been with us for 8 months now and we've gotten used to your defiant attitude.....KEKKEKKEKEEK it makes us laugh..... you don't want us to go after your clan, do you kid? If the boss kills you, we could go after them again, you have a sister don't you? I wonder if she would be as rebellious as you KEKEKEKE."

When he said that..... I couldn't hold back anymore, I walked past him as if what he had said didn't matter to me, causing him to laugh as he turned his back to me, I picked up a rusty metal bar that was in a nearby can that was burning lit up the camp....

I grabbed it and....

"STOP!" shouted one of this fucker's buddies, seeing me grab the metal bar.

Causing Kenny to turn his head from the sudden shout behind him.

"Fuck you!"


I said as I jabbed the metal bar into Kenny's motherfucker who had named my sister with his filthy mouth.

I nailed him as he turned around and looked at me in surprise, not having expected that I had attacked him with a fucking metal bar making ..... "Bluahgggeeee" vomit blood with the bar through his chest.

Making as he vomited blood, splatter on my face with the blood of this psychopath.

As I watched with fear in his eyes knowing he was dying.... I said "That's for naming my sister and for the members of my clan you killed.... BASTARD!"


As Kenny's body fell to the ground, I stood there watching him slowly bleed out and at the same time realizing what he had done....

"You bastard you killed Kenny! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" shouted Kev the Raffen who was nearby and had shouted trying to stop me....

When he pulled out his gun pointing it at me... He made me believe that these were my last moments and with them I could only think of my sister` I'm sorry Valerie, but I couldn't stop myself'.


With a scream and a shot the Bloody Woman or Bloody Maria, the leader of this clan of Raffers came out of the abandoned building in the middle of the Badlands that they had used to set up their camp.

"HE KILLED KENNY, FUCK, I'm not going to let your pet fuck us over anymore, Bloody Maria, if you don't do it!... I will, I DON'T FUCKING CARE WHAT YOU SAY!" Kev said still pointing his gun at me as he replied, barely restraining himself from shooting me.

"You think I care that he killed Kenny? I don't give a fuck I've always wanted to kill that asshole for as long as I've known you guys, I'm glad the kid did it..... but Kev tell me, since when have I ever let you talk to me like that?"

Said Bloody Maria the leader of this group of psychopaths, while carrying a M2038 shotgun in one her healthy arm while in the other she had an implant almost made of scrap metal from which you could see she had several small transparent containers with liquid inside the forearm of her cyberware made of scrap.

"You know Kev I was once married.... he was a firefighter..... a good you know how many things I learned about fire kev?"

"A LOT!"

"Like for example KEV!!! you know how long it takes for a human to burn to death you know...?"

"Depends on the accelerant... Kev!"

"Sphhhhhhhhhh" said Maria raising her prosthetic arm, as from it she started spraying some kind of liquid at Kev she was arguing with, causing him and the rest of the Raffens who had come over to see what was going on to be able to imagine what kind of liquid Maria had used

"NO- no wait "Kev said with a desperate expression on his face, not daring to open fire with his gun while it was doused in some kind of flammable accelerant.

"Too late Kev "As Maria said those words from inside the Hand that was spraying the accelerant, a small spark ignited causing the Kyle who wanted to kill me....


When Kev stopped screaming and lay motionless still burning Maria said.

"WHAT DID YOU LIKE? THE NEXT one that contradicts me.... THAT SHOOT ME, FUCK!..... if we are Raffen, act like one DAMN!....." She said as she grew a maniacal grin on her face which when the rest of Raffens heard and saw.....





When all of a sudden they started screaming like crazy while grabbing their weapons dispelling them into the air.....

Celebrating what their leader had said, when she had killed Kev by burning him alive making everyone seem to forget the fact that it had been me who had started all this shit by killing Kenny.... as if she prot-

"you with me" Maria said wiping her psycho smile off her face putting on a serious one as she looked at me and spoke.

When we got inside the building, where we couldn't be heard, I spoke.

"Why Maria, why don't you kill me? I killed one of your people? Why do that crazy thing just to protect me?"

"CRAZY? Does that sound crazy to you? Boy you have no idea what insanity looks like and walk through that door...

You know Vincent, what people think insanity is?

Repeating the same action over and over again expecting different outcome...I disagree, to me that's not insanity... it's hope.

Like a mother praying second after second hour after hour day after day after day for her son, half dead from a cruel beating, to get better, deluding herself with hope as she prays...

For me, you know what the definition of insanity is Vincent? A bad day.

It's when in one day EVERYTHING is taken away from you.....

EVERYTHING!!!! GET IT KIDDO? When they take away everything you care about with a lie and in doing so use you and your family as a sacrifice to satisfy the masses..... without giving a second thought to what would happen to those people because of their lie.


Filling you with a despair that drowns you.... you see that's the madness I'm talking about..... HAHAHAHAHAH, When the thing you love the most that matters the most to your child, suffers in fate worse than death... humiliation, people's hatred, pain and despair before dying.....

Making you in your head appears a door to escape from that reality, the MADNESS.....

A defense mechanism of the mind to be able to escape when you can't take it anymore....

You know I have to thank the raffens for that, if it wasn't for them finding me in the middle of the badlands and one of them trying to rape me..... I wouldn't have entered through that door.... and how free I felt when I crossed it,

Of how you realize that the injustice and despair you feel, was not injustice and despair..... NO!


HATRED towards the masses that believing everything they are told as if they were animals, leading to them giving such a beating to my son killing him, but not before taking pictures of him taking off his clothes, burning parts of his body and then uploading it to the net laughing about it as if they were HEROES doing some karmic Justice against an innocent child who had done nothing wrong to anyone.

RESENTMENT against the media that live off the misfortunes of others only to enrich themselves with their hypocritical mask on false ideals believing themselves to be spokesmen of the truth without realizing the consequences of their words and the damage they can do.

ANGER against the politicians who framed my family in order to save their fucking jobs..... ending with my husband throwing himself off a rooftop....


Maria shouted with a look in her dark eyes as she walked over to me and grabbed my head with her hands pulling her head close to mine I could see up close the look full of madness and pain in her eyes

"Do you know why I saved you Vincent?"

"The same reason you helped that Aldecado girl, she reminded you of someone, didn't she, your sister? You reminded me of my son that I still think about every day even after walking through that door, but let me tell you something Vincent, so that my words don't get you too excited AND make you think that whatever you do I won't hold you responsible.... if I could bring my son back... I wouldn't do it, you know why Vincent?"


"No" I replied


"THAT is the real CRAZY thing!!!, LIVING IN THIS WORLD!"


"That's why I don't care to kill one of my own, as you say, for me to see them die is like seeing those who started that `fire' die which I like... but behave yourself, you don't want the leash I put on you to explode do you?"

Maria said as I took my hands to my neck and with it to a metal clasped leash that had explosives on it, preventing me from running away from this fucking place...

I don't know if it's good or bad, but at least the only one with the detonator is Maria.....

"Now go do your fucking job kid, I want the cars ready to go at dawn.... I don't know how long your clan is going to keep looking for us, we better keep moving."

"Fuck you Maria" I said not wanting to show my fear of this crazy woman.... who was threatening to make me explode...but I couldn't bring myself to hate, after she saved my life twice.....

"HAHAHA, OF COURSE boy when I burn that fucking city down I'll go where you say hahaha and one more thing. I know, at your age you want to look good with the girls and stuff, but Vincent..... go back to doing what you did by freeing that Aldecado and I'll leave you to take her place."

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