CyberPunk New Game Plus

Cyber 3

Cyberpunk New Game Plus

Chapter 3

By: BigToFu





[ David Martinez ]

Bumping to some music, I gave the multi-tool one last twist confirming that the bolt was securely in place. Leaning back in my seat, I turned and looked over the coding program that was going through the code of the AI I got from Metal Gear Rising. The code was being crunched at a rate no possible net-runner could have hoped to follow. The three days between squaring things away with Maine had allowed me to do a lot with my time.


Things kicked off the same night the little digistruct device was able to produce the hydrogen power cell. With that power cell, I was able to power the digistruct device and then use it to produce more digistruct devices. Once I had two, then I had four, then spent the night building a large version because breaking the law of physics or not. Using such a small thing wouldn’t even put a dent in my to-do list.


To tackle that list, I started with Borderlands since it came with stealth tech. And I wouldn’t have to put points in Crysis and that nano-suit. My two charges covered Zero’s suit, technical manuals on a variety of weapons, and even some medical data and understanding procedures to add to my growing archives. With my fabricators up and running, they were only able to make small devices, but that was alright. This was a marathon, not a sprint and I would get to the end of the line eventually.


With my blueprints and specs programmed in, I fabricated a stealth module, then got to make a few shields that also came compact enough to stick onto my exo-frame. Zero’s stealth suit covered both visual and auditory along with sensors. My own wasn’t that advanced since my exo-frame was still made out of the standard materials, but it would do for now. Just being able to hide from sight with a visual stealth field was alright with me, for now.


With my self-imposed grounding, I made sure to add five more charges into mechanical engineering and turned myself into a savant. This allowed me to not only have an understanding and be able to use any tools that I ever have or will ever be invented, but it also gave me numerous insights into my technology and various ways to go about improving things. Hell, a charge into electrical engineering had me improve the hydrogen power cells along with the digistruct systems.




With all of my charges of knowledge working with great synergy, it allowed me to upgrade my Call of Duty exo-frames with some goodies after I made a few more models. Mag gloves, grapple hook, mag boots, along with the smart link and full sensor systems, I spared nothing as I upgraded the thing that would keep me alive for a very long time. I turned another bolt on my newly created Wolf bot as I remembered why I recreated man's best friend.


So when I was watching TV and relaxing after almost burning my fingers with some crossed wires, David's childhood cartoon came on about Rex the robot dog. Shooting up out of my seat with a ‘how stupid I could be’ look on my face, I shoved two charges into Metal Gear over five hours using the time to sort myself to let my brain cool down. It also didn’t help that I was also recovering from what the Sandi had done to my body.


The cool part about putting charges into Metal Gear means that it also covered a lot of other things that I would like to learn. The technology packet also covered miniaturization technology along with neural transmitters, cyberwear, and nanotechnology. There were just so many things inside the tech tree that I almost creamed my pants. I didn’t need math, biology, chemistry, or a multitude of things as both Borderlands and Metal Gear were filling in the gaps for me and pushing me even further.


Gloria laughed at me from the bed while she watched as I ran around programming things in to get them printed with the help of the five large digistruct racks that were all plugged into a hydrogen power cell. Once I was finished and took a look around, I was distinctly aware that we would need a bigger place. This place was only a stepping stone anyway, but all that could wait as I had to put together the best ‘good boy’ the world would ever know.


Along with the charges into Metal Gear, I not only got a full technological packet of all their advancements up to a certain level, I also got blueprints and schematics allowing me to recreate iconic weapons, armor, and even AI. That was how I came to make my version of Wolf. The body was the same, but I had changed out the chainsaw on his back along with adding a retractable machine gun within his mouth. That same weapons platform wasn’t just shooting any kind of rounds. My new doggy was going to shoot everything from corrosive rounds to electrical and H.E.A.T. rounds.  There were even Tesla coils so he could shoot plasma: for those times when I wanted to give my opposition a spicy kick. The world's best boy would also come with state-of-the-art stealth systems allowing him to be completely hidden from visuals.


The computer hit me with a clear and I smiled as I hit my authorization codes to upload the program.



There was motion behind me and I turned to see Gloria standing there with an appraising look in her eyes.


"So that's what you have been excited about over the last few hours?"


With a grin, I took a step backward, wrapped an arm around her waist, and placed a kiss on her forehead.


 "Yup," I replied while popping the P. Then I held out one of the activation control chips to her, "Want to do the honors?"


Gloria gave me a little look, then took the chip, and gave it a long look before letting out a sigh and pushing the key into her neural port. Light sounds of motors spun to life as armored panels on the battle wolf flexed and shifted. Blue LEDs flickered in the eyes as the jaws worked along with the telescopic ears flicked backward and forwards. Wolf shifted his weight from one leg to the other and I could only stop myself from squealing like a school girl even if I did have a massive grin on my face.


“So, what do you think?” I asked with a glance at Gloria while Wolf went through his boot-up routine.


Gloria looked at the dog bot and smiled, then her eyes widened before she turned and looked at me, “What do I think… What I think is that once he is spotted out in the world, the corpo’s will be knocking down our doors.”


A sly smile spread across my face as I gave Wolf the stealth command because not only was it part of his blueprint, but I also had a secondary blueprint for stealth that came from Borderlands. There still wasn't any full sound cancellation, but I could still work with sound damping. The most important feature, for now, was that the visual cloaking didn’t show any ripples, and with the power core that ran his frame. Wolf wouldn’t have any issues staying in stealth indefinitely. What I would have to be aware of though, was the heat he would need to vent. Even after the digistruction, I didn’t have any form of super material or super coolants to solve that issue at the moment.


“Active Cloak Gloria Martinez,” Wolf answered before dropping the cloak and showing that he was sitting down right in front of where she was standing.


“David?” Gloria asked, a little surprised and taking half a step back.


Walking over, I rested a hand on Wolf's head, “You’re looking at your new bodyguard.”


Gloria shook her head, “No.”


“Yes,” I replied with a nod.


Gloria shook her head at me, “David, I don’t need a bodyguard.”


I stared at her hard until things started to feel tense, “You’re not combat-oriented, so I will hear nothing of you denying protection.” Then I stepped forward, my motions and actions intense, “This is why I have been working nonstop to make sure that we will be safe.”


She shifted from one foot to the other, then let out a long sigh, “There is nothing I could say to dissuade you is there?”


“No, Wolf is a good boy and he was made to be a companion first and a fighter second,” I replied with a motion towards the very large Mecha Canine that was just sitting on his hunches. “He has a learning algorithm that will keep him flexible and will allow him to keep making advancements. The shard key you have will provide easy communication and he is fully medical capable.”


She went quiet and I left her to it before walking over to my neural chair, something I had made with a combination of Metal Gear technology and David's old braindance kit. The setup wasn’t as advanced as I wanted it, but with the modified computers and some spit and chewing gum-style programming, it would do for now. Granted, everything I was using now was far beyond top-of-the-line, but I knew what I was capable of. The issue was the time crunch I was working underneath.  The fact of the matter was that something was going to screw up somewhere, somehow, and it would all come falling on my head.


From what I could remember of the anime, one of the Arasaka suits was after the Sandi on my back along with MIlitech. So with that thought in mind, I opened my Winter Soldier folder since it had all the cyber parts to put myself back together. Then a thought occurred to me and I put two charges into Ghost in the Shell.


As the knowledge came in, I wrote, my read and write speeds outclassing the most top-of-the-line Nvme express drives. Gigabytes of data streamed out, then I hit a petabyte of data and kept going. By the time I was finished, I had uploaded two exabytes of data to my network. Slowly, I released the white knuckle grip that I had on the armrest of my chair. With a mental check of the time, I grimaced at discovering that I had been sitting down for an hour.  I was so far lost in the network as I uploaded all that I knew on a subject. I couldn’t complain since the knowledge was everything I wanted and not what I wanted all rolled into one. Instead of picking a specific brand of knowledge to get, I went for the entire package and I got everything from a general understanding to a more complex and esoteric understanding of how the technology worked in that world.


Even in that world, they had a food shortage and I did not want to know how their reclaimer garbage trucks worked to strip down food, reprocess it, and then blend it back together to feed the masses. From what I could see of the farming and processing technology, only the wealthy could eat one hundred percent meat. The citizens were fed a mixture of far too many things for me to like what I was seeing. The only upside was it wasn’t Warhammer. In that universe, they had a Corpse Guild that recycled people and fed them back to people in a tin can called corpse starch.


Anyway, I stopped my procrastination and took a look at the medical information.  I was looking for how they handled cyber psychosis and almost choked on my spit from what I discovered. Since they had a far stronger ethical backbone in the medical field, the doctors pushed for a deeper study when the first few people went crazy after getting full borg bodies. What this meant was they discovered that by not having general stimuli from the environment, the human mind couldn't handle the isolation. Sensory deprivation was the leading cause of producing psychological breaks in patients.


Once they discovered that, millions were poured into recreating the sense of touch or enhancing it. The funny thing was that this wasn't pushed by the common people because they didn't see the need to give up their human bodies. No, this was pushed by the military-industrial complex and the wealthy. There was no hiding it because it was all in the data, just the basic price tags on these upgrades, and conversions alone were astronomical.


With just two charges I had the schematics, specs, and every bit of understanding I would need to create an artificial womb. I could clone body parts for installation with zero rejection. I even had a way to clone the human brain and do a re-upload if I ever went full borg and wanted a body back. There was nothing that wasn't invented or touched on by the technology in Ghost in the Shell.


Hell, even their version of the neural port beat the specs of a deep dive port by miles and that was with a meat brain or a cyber brain. Fuck, I even knew how to build a fully functional cyberwear brain that would leave basic human meat brains in the dust. And it was a full upload conversion too, not some copy of your mind. Ghost in the Shell was far more advanced than Metal Gear as they could capture and upload the true human consciousness. That alone had me wanting to use my last charges for Altered Carbon stack technology. Granted, I just might because of the big ole paranoid precaution alone.


I was so, so, tempted, and it was all just so much to take in that I would have kept sitting in my chair and dwelling on it if it wasn't for my alarm. Checking the time, I noticed that I still had two hours before the Animals gathered for their little cage fight. Giving myself some time with the snooze, I went about creating a new pair of cyber eyes with all the knowledge at my fingertips. What I was creating would give me not only combat assistance but also aim assistance and multiple levels of advanced predictions. Hell, I would also need to rewrite my ICE with the highest protocols from Ghost in the Shell because damn, the programs the Major was packing were no joke. It didn’t take me long to put together a pair of eyes that had more than a few K’s to the type of definition it would be feeding my optic nerves.


Full sight up to a mile at least, x-ray vision with a three hundred sixty degree range as a just-in-case measure. Micro thermal absorbers to power the eyes from my body heat along with a bevy of options that made me chuckle and style the pupils accordingly.





There was only one set of eyes I would accept as my own and that was styling them after Madara. That man made the entire Elemental Nation kneel before him. He won and that asshole Kishimoto did an author ass pull and gave the fucking medal to some bitch. I didn’t want Night City to kneel, but I would conquer it, and what better role model to look up to than Madara Uchiha? With a smile on my face, I even started to code a little trojan program that would work like genjutsu. With just a thought, the moment they made eye contact, they would fall prey to my programs.


The program didn’t take that long to create since the bio-mod was so easy to spoof. For now, I would keep things quick, simple, and stupid. Later I would go searching through XBDs and compress them for quick trojan uploads. While I wondered how many people would survive getting limiters removed and zeroed through optical illusions, I again noticed the time.


Getting up from my chair, I set the fabricators to create my new pair of eyes as backups along with a certain silver arm, a bright red star on its shoulder, legs, and organs. The free units were set to make my weapons along with an auto turret. I was going to hit the Animals hard and fast, but I would need to at least shore up my defenses. With my items set for creations, I decided that it was best to hit the showers. Walking past Gloria, I tried not to smirk at her on the couch with Wolf’s head resting in her lap. From the way the data flow was going back and forth, they were having a decent conversation and didn’t need me butting in.


Hopping into the shower, I washed up nice and good, even made sure to lift my leg and washed my balls along with my ass-crack. Once I was washed up, I threw on some green combat pants, and a regular t-shirt since I haven't had the time to get anything fancy and then got geared up. This afternoon, I would be rocking out in my full assault exo-frame.




Throwing Gloria’s EMT jacket over my exoframe, I checked the stealth systems while waiting for the shields to fire up. The shield I was rocking was one of Hyperion's legendaries that had a chance at absorbing bullets along with a healing effect. Still couldn’t wrap my head around the healing energy that they were able to create along with the stims, but I wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth and be upset with it.





There was a double beep and then a shoom sound as the shields powered up fully. My cyberwear notified me of the connection being made, then the blue bar of my shields settled into the lower left of my vision. Happy with that, I walked over to a section of the armory and picked up my SMG. Funny thing was that with all my time building, programming and uploading, I didn’t make any weapons. And it took me actually going into the lion's den to realize this fact. Lucky for me though, I had a lot of specs and blueprints in my mind so it was easy to just pick my favorite and then print it.





High fire rate, decent damage along with a blade and shot electrical rounds, the BITCH was a veritable hailstorm of death. My neural link pinged once more as the smart link synced up allowing me to see the fifty in the magazine along with the five-hundred rounds that I had stashed in my digi-storage. Walking out of the little makeshift fabricator room and armory, I walked through the little living room and to the kitchen area to grab a snack before I left. I got as far as the snack because Gloria was there waiting for me.


Gloria stood there with Wolf beside her on his haunches, “And where do you think you’re going?”


“Follow up on a lead, and then depending on how that turns out, smash a fighting ring afterward,” was my reply followed by a shrug as I munched on some synth noodles.


"Can I… Can I come?" Gloria asked, a little apprehension in her voice.


I honestly took a moment to look at her, then made a decision, "Yeah, I'll call a cab."


Relief washed across her features, and I knew that I was doing the right thing. So while she was getting dressed, I walked back into my little workshop and printed out a few toys. I might not have the space for a Catch-A-Ride, but I could at least build a portable hacking rig. While I was doing that, my new eyes were finished and I placed those in a saline solution to get scanned and have diagnostics run on them.


The internals to the Winter Soldier arm was completed and the machine was moving towards constructing its shell. It would take some time, but the shell was going to be flexible yet rigid with a metal coating to not give away its synthetic organic nature. This was some wicked crazy advanced tech and I would only trust myself or Viktor to install it, no one else. By the time Gloria came back with Wolf walking at her side, everything had been completed and placed in their storage containers. It might have been a little paranoid of me, but nothing was wrong with at least having backups prepared.


Getting up off my ass, I gave Gloria back her EMT jacket so she could benefit from the bulletproof jacket while I threw on the old jacket I had from going to Arasaka high school.


*Wolf, stealth mode.* I commanded from my neural connection, then I turned and offered Gloria my hand. She looked at it for a moment, then tentatively reached forward and took it.  Hand holding, how lewd. Grabbing a fabricated suitcase in one hand. I smiled at Gloria, our fingers entwined as I took her with me out of our small little apartment. Letting Wolf leave since I could see him outlined in red with my neural link, I closed the door behind us and made for the elevators.


As we got to the bottom, my neural pinged and I checked to find that the taxi had pulled up to the front of our mega building. Walking up to the cab, I popped the back door and held it while Gloria got in, then made my way around the back and banged on the trunk twice. It popped and I stood aside while putting the suitcase inside while also allowing Wolf to hop in. With the world's best doggo secured, I got in the back right beside Gloria and took her hand back into my own as the taxi took off.


The address I had given the driver was of the Grayson fellow. The address we were heading to was on the north side, a little past Kabuki. From my own checking of the area, it was a nice walled-off home with some decent sightlines.


Gloria gave my hand a squeeze, pulling my attention towards her, “So where are we going?”


Fishing the ID out of my inner pocket, I handed it to Gloria, “This is my lead on some important items that need to be recovered.”


“Hmm, and the other thing?” Gloria asked with a light squeeze of the hand.


A slight frown came over my face, “My issue with the Animals, is my issue.”


Gloria squeezed my hand once more, “David, I'm alive.”


“I know, and they need to be made unalive,” I replied with a serious look on my face, even as I gave her hand a little squeeze.


Gloria gave me a little smile, “Alright then.”


Silence fell between us even as the radio in the taxi played music as the driver drove. With a link open to Wolf, I had him keep track of our progress while I connected to the cellular network and checked the local area once more. While we drove, the Tyger Claws zipped by on their bikes and I could only grit my teeth at the sight. One of these days, there would be no more gangs, but that day was not going to be soon. With a sigh, I settled into the chair and enjoyed the cab ride.


Ten minutes after I had spotted the Tyger Claws gang members riding by on their bikes, we arrived at our destination. Well, it was a block out, but I would rather us walk up to the compound so we could case the area. Getting out, I held the door for Gloria as she got out, then walked around to the trunk and thumped it. It opened with a pop and I stood to the side as Wolf jumped out and I went to retrieve the suitcase.


I made sure to tip the cabby and waited for him to drive off then gave Wolf the signal to activate the jammer and scrub footage around the area. Setting the suitcase onto the ground, I opened it and activated the drone sitting inside the confinements of the case. Picking up the control shard, I slotted it in right behind my ears into the neural port, then commanded the drone awake. Wolf dropped his stealth as the drone shot upwards. We stayed a few feet back while the drone flew on with Wolf running below it.


The drone raised above the ten-foot walls and instantly red flags flared as multiple sets of cameras pinged off its surface. I had the drone hover and circle around to discover if the home was guarded with any weapons platforms. With nothing firing at the drone, I had Wolf jump the fence, then had him pop off a quick hack at all the cameras. While Wolf was going around and disabling the cameras, I pulled out the keys and let Gloria and myself into the compound.


Looking around, I noticed that the compound wasn’t that large, but it had clear sightlines from the house to the walls. Even the garage off to the side had clear lines to the gate leading out and I could only shake my head at this, the fool. It would have been best to break up the line of sight to the house while also using hidden cameras to keep sight of people. Hell, a fake bird, a fake rock, or even a fake garden fixture or two would be ignored by people as they tried to sneak into the place. Shaking my head at the lack of forethought, I walked around examining things before making my way toward the two-story home.


Walking over and checking the garage, I jacked into the door and popped the security, then pushed the door open. When the door opened we found a two-car garage with only one vehicle inside of it.




This man had a custom Thornton Colby parked up inside of his garage with not even a speck of dirt on the damn thing. Such a shame too, because I was going to dirty it up the first chance I got. I got a ping from Wolf that he found a container around the back of the house and I went to check while Gloria followed behind. Before I closed the garage door, I asked if she wanted to stay and look around, but the answer I got back from her was a no, she wanted to stay close. Shrugging that away, I went to the location Wolf called me to and smiled because this is exactly what I was looking for. It was a massive blue shipping container with a smart locking system on the front. Almost couldn’t get over how smart locks were used nearly for everything when all someone had to do was just jack in and break the code. Granted, most netrunners were not running such optimized code breakers as I was, but still. Easy ICE would always be easy Ice, and you couldn’t tell anyone otherwise.


As I stepped up to the container, I didn’t even have to crack the thing because with a swipe of his tail. Wolf sliced the locks apart and the doors creaked open for me with just the reactionary forces. It was clear to Gloria that my patience was wearing thin as she gave my arm a little squeeze before letting me go and allowing me to approach the container and open it fully. My smile was wide and my actions were as giddy as a schoolboy left inside a candy store with no restrictions on what he could eat.




Sitting before me was an old-school Porsche 11 turbo with all-new top-of-the-line alloy and specs. The Porsche was all sleek lines and power, walking over to the shelf, I started to check the folders and boxes, finding the key and the car's command shard. Handing the shard over to Wolf, I had him check it for any hidden programs then slotted it into my port once he gave me the all-clear. With the command shard, I gave the signal for the car to wake before checking its fuel levels and that everything else was green. A command to turn on had the engine spin up, after listening to the engine purr, I gave the command for the car to pull out of the cargo container.


Standing off to the side, I waited for the Porsche to pull up, then the doors opened and I got in on the driver's side, popping the passenger side door for Gloria. I shot her a smile as she got in, I then popped the trunk, hood, glove box, and then middle armrest open. It wasn’t in the armrest area, but what I was looking for was in the glove box, inside of a holster, and looking just as sexy as it was in the game. Johnny Silverhand’s Malorian handgun that shot explosive rounds.





Taking out the Malorian Arms 3516, I frowned a little since it only had two other ammo clips. This would have to change because you can’t do much with twenty shots inside of a place like NightCity.


Gloria gasped at my side and I noticed her eyes were wide as I checked over Johnny Silverhand’s favorite weapon, “Ohh my, David, do you know what that is?”


In return, I gave her a nod of the head, “Yeah, it's something that will up my chances this afternoon.


“David, I have contacts, we can sell this.” Gloria pushed, but I shook my head at her.


“It’s not about the eddies Gloria,” I replied, then took the holster and put it on. I rotated my arm and flexed one way, then the other. Never wore a shoulder holster before, but I would have to get used to this.


“David…” Gloria muttered, then released a sigh and shook her head at me.


Ignoring that, I checked over the weapon, making sure it was loaded, then put the safety on. With a whistle, I summoned Wolf and gave Gloria a look, “Want to explore the house?”


Gloria sighed, “No, it's alright.”


Returning a firm nod, I pushed up the driver side seat and had Wolf get into the back. Then I left the drone in scout mode. It would go around and check the area, full scan the house, and do a multitude of things to make sure that this location was secured. This was so we could move in if I didn’t find a better place for us to live.


Getting in the drive side, I popped the clutch, changed gears and we shot down the little driveway, only stopping long enough to open the gates. With the drone left over at the compound, it would record everything until I gave it the recall. We hit the open road and I noticed Gloria's hand gripping the handrest in the middle. Not saying anything about what might be PTSD, I turned on the radio and had some tunes playing while we drove.


We stopped at a light and I rested my hand on Gloria’s, words weren’t needed to be shared as her grip on the handrest loosened. Shooting her a smile, I shifted her hand to my forearm and reached for the stick as the lights changed from red to green. Soft music played as I drove and I was glad that Gloria didn't ask me where I learned how to drive. A car whizzed by, Gloria squeezed my forearm, and I could only sigh. Not saying anything and letting the music do its work, I took us on the scenic route back to the mega building.


We stopped at a few more stop lights, went across the dam, and enjoyed the sights before I turned us around and brought us home. When we got back to the mega-block, Wolf went back into stealth as I walked them both up to the apartment. Letting Wolf go first, I let Gloria go and then followed behind her. Letting her relax on the couch, I went and put some food on and then got the parts from the digistruct machine.  Bringing over the tools, I gave them to Gloria along with an upgraded holographic module that would work with Wolf's systems. He was a good boy and there was no reason for him to go around in stealth all the time. Good boys need good boy head pats.


Leaving Gloria to bond with Wolf, I went about preparing dinner for us. Giving the digistruct machine a look. Tilting my head to the side, the idea of using it to create food floated through my mind and I noticed from the knowledge banks that I was missing a few key components that would create the right protein cultures. Sitting on the couch and eating dinner with Gloria, I finished first and took care of the dishes after she cleaned her plate.


By this time Gloria was already showing that she was about ready to pass out, so being the nice guy that I was. I sat down beside her and rubbed her back until she dozed off with the tv playing in the background. The funny thing was she never finished installing the hologram module for Wolf. That was alright though since he had two spare robotic arms to do it himself. Picking up Gloria, I placed her on the bed and left Wolf on guard duty as I left the apartment. Checking the duffle of goodies one last time, I got into the car and sent Becca a call.


*What up Choomba* Becca answered.


I released a soft chuckle even as I pulled out onto the main streets, *Got plans to throw a bullet party, you want in.*


*Hell yeah, choom!  Who are we throwing this party for?* Becca asked black excitement clear in her voice.


*Got the deets for an Animal party that's going down. Want to bring them a nice gift is all.* I replied thinking about the special grenades that I had stashed in my jacket.


*Pick me up over at the AfterLife.* Becca replied with her manic energy before the call closed out. With a chuckle and a roll of my eyes, I closed my end of the call and pinged the GPS for the location. Then the music hit and I was jamming.

City of Dreams



The music was slamming and I jammed to it even if I didn’t know the words to the music. That would be fine because I would just recreate a playlist for myself and this would be added to that soon-to-be great list. Damn!  Now I was thinking about all the good music that I would never be able to listen to again. Wait, maybe I would be able to rig up a braindance and pull up the memories along with the music. Damn, that's one way to unlock all the good music from their confines trapped in my mind. Yet, that would have to wait because as of the moment at hand, I was pulling into the parking lot of AfterLife.




With a chuckle, I turned the Porsche towards the yelling and found Becca jumping up and down with her hand waving in the air. Pulling up, I popped the passenger side door open and flashed Becca a dashing smile as she got in the car with me. The guns she was carrying went onto the backseat and I was alright with that.


“This is so NOVA!” Becca yelled excitedly as she looked all over the car even as I pulled out and hit the blinkers to join back onto the road.


“Ohh, that's sort of a long story,” Was my reply with a warm chuckle.


“Well, don’t keep me waiting, choom.”




Emmerick knew that something was up when he took a picture of that car and sent it up the chain. What he didn’t expect was for that simple picture to cause such a fuss. It wasn't like there weren't better cars on the market. Hell, the car even had one of those super old decals on it ruining the look of such a sweet ride.


Next thing he knew, Emmerick was being called inside the bar as a section was being chained off before the night even started.



“What was the license plate and where are they heading?” Rogue was asking as Emmerick walked into the area and from the rising tension, this was very serious. Then her head whipped around and bore into him with her intense gaze. “Did you hear anything?”


Standing at attention with his back straight, “The small one said something about partying with the Animals.”


Rogue raised a perfectly maintained eyebrow at him, “With guns?”


“I doubt it, not with what I found on the kid,” Nix spoke up from his location next to a set of computer banks. “Also the kids were packing some serious heat.  I pulled this from the street lights at the corner.”


Rogue did a slow serious turn towards the netrunner even as he uploaded a file with her. Now Rogue was certain about the Porsche, it could only be his. From the angle of the camera, the weapon was captured but hazy through glare but Nix was able to clean up the image. In another one, the image was of the small woman holding a  Malorian Arms3516 and inspecting the weapon.


“Kids went to Arasaka junior suits school, straight A’s with no type of enhancements at all,” Nix stated for the room as documents shifted with time, dates, and locations showing. Along with the dates were sites hit by someone fast and deadly, “Things started with an accident a few days ago, then the kid vanished from school, then chop shops run by the Animals started getting hit. Something happened and from what I could see his mother hasn’t returned to work.”


“Alright, he has a grudge and we know his motivations,” Rogue stated, then followed up with a question. “So where is he heading?”


“Well, since we know he is after the Animals, and Emmerick reported something about a party, I would say that it's the fighting ring that's taking place over in Well Springs.” Nix replied with an address for Rogue to look at.


“Alright, tell the guys to gear up,” Rogue gave the command before she walked out. Everyone shared a look, but it was Nix that shook his head.


“You know what this is about?” Cruise asked with a confused look on her face. She wasn’t the only one because no one can say they remembered the last time that Rogue went on a mission.


Nix just sighed and shook his head, “Yeah, but it's not for me to say, just pack heavy and wear some armor. From what I could find on this kid, he hits hard, fast, and leaves carnage behind.





Pulling into the abandoned parking lot, I pulled us into a nice covered position and got out, Becca right on my heel.


Becca jumped and seated herself on the hood of the Porsche. “Alright, choomba, how are we gonna do this?”


Picking the duffle up, I placed it on the hood right beside her and pulled out my party favors. First, though, I set up a simple defense around my car because I didn’t want to come back and find it was stolen. That, or missing all the damn wheels along with smashed windows. Dropping a disk on the roof, trunk, and hood of the car, I smiled when I got the activation chirp in response. Good, that would give anyone that touched my baby a proper zap. And it wouldn’t be the fun kind of zap either, this was rated to blow someone's heart out. Becca was added to the system and I would need to add in Gloria later once she was close enough for it to ping from her neural port.


After those were installed, I took out the mini RCXD with the Tediore weapons pack. Everyone is gangsta until the guns start to run after you. Putting four of the little remote car gun platforms underneath my vehicle in case someone tried to block us trying to leave, I then gave Becca the Bitch Hyperion weapon that I was keeping in my digispace. Pulling out some specials, I went into a dialogue with Becca as I explained what they did and she almost creamed herself at the explanation of tesla grenades that didn’t work like EMP bursts.


We then went over the incendiary grenades and the weapons I gave her as I pointed out its active stabilization so even someone of her size could use them. She even got one of my energy shields, this one made by Pangolin. It was one of my better ones with a two-second delay to recharge once broken.


“That's nova, but hey, I’ll have you know, I'm fun-sized,” Becca replied with puffed cheeks.


Smiling at her, I just leaned over and gave her a peck on the lips. Checking my holster, I then popped my knuckles, and my neck and then fired up my last two charges. Since I already had Weapons Mastery, I pushed the last two charges I was holding into hand-to-hand combat. Lightning, fire, and ice raced up my spine, down my arms, and into the tips of my fingers. My stride smoothed out as my center of gravity shifted to something more stable. With a deep breath, I let it out as the rest of my motions and actions smoothed into something more efficient and economic for my body.


Medical understanding of the human body along with cybernetics blended with the countless martial arts within my mind. It wasn’t just one hundred and one ways to kill a man, no. With just two charges and the cascade effect as all of my knowledge synergized together, I was easily able to kill a man in a thousand different ways. Breathing out, I shot Becca a smile and then motioned for her to take a step to the side. Walking into the massive parking garage complex, I slipped the knife from its sheath and activated the sandi.


Picking Becca up as I flashed by her, I placed her on my back even as I blitzed into the parking garage. The camera never noticed me as I went by it and sliced out the spine of the ganger on the other side, then I got his friend and the one that was being a lookout. I could feel the micro-tears in the flesh as my blade sliced through the muscles, cartilage and even bone as my blade worked up the spine and into the base of his skull. The ganger released a gasp of surprise and shock; but there was nothing he could do as I had him pinned against the wall, my blade in his brain and turning it into soup from its oscillation.


The sandi timed out, and Becca jerked on my back from the sudden change of motion and area. From her perch on my back, she had a front-row seat to my actions.


“Damn choom, what was that?” My shoulder loli asked a little too excitedly.


“The chrome Maine wanted, it's a sandi and I was trying to keep this quiet for as long as I could,” I replied to Becca.


“And what kinda blade is that?” Becca asked even as she reached for it.


I had to move the blade away since the only part she could be able to touch was far too lethal, “It's a Vibro-blade, a Martinez special.”


Then I made a swipe toward the solid concrete wall beside us both. The blade sliced through the wall like it was butter.


Becca had stars in her eyes as she showed her excitement. “Damn D, you gotta make me one of those!”


“Later,” I replied with a chuckle. Then I turned around, brought up my Malorian Arms3516, and fired off a clean round. The gonk that was trying to sneak up on us never made it as I removed the upper half of his torso with a very explosive round. Now I only had nineteen shots left, fuck. Turning towards Becca, I rolled my eyes at her look at my hand cannon. “I guess they now know we are here.”


“This just makes it more fun!” Becca tittered and then started to dash forward toward where we knew the fighting pit was betting set up, I was right on her heels.



I was a machine of cold hard precision to Becca's insane chaos of cackling like a mad woman as she sprayed down everything. My motions and steps were those of the grim fucking reaper as I turned a corner, and blew off part of some ganger's chest. Aimed and then took off the head of another as his friends dove for cover, they got a plasma grenade for their troubles. Someone decided that it was in his best interest to rush me and all he got for his troubles was a hot lead meal from Becca. Becca ducked low around a corner and I snatched up an Animal ganger, my exo-frame grip crushing his hand as my leg came up to smash his nuts in while I sank my blade into his throat. With a twist, I yanked my blade out; his warm lifeblood spilled onto the floor.


Snatching an electro tesla grenade, I dropped it over the railing and then pulled Becca back as I noticed the spark flash of a rocket launcher. The sandi on my back activated once more as we vacated the area and relocated to the other side next to the stairwell. Checking my hand cannon, I found that I had six shots left. Putting it back in its holster, I checked my grappling hook before priming it for quick action.


“YOU COME HERE TO MY HOUSE!!!” Came the voice of a massive person amplified by the speaker system set up around the fighting ring.



Ohh, that sounded like a really big bitch. I took a peek around the corner and yeah, that was a very big bitch. Firming my resolve, I hit a combat stim and pushed out from behind the cover, fired off my grappling hook, caught a ganger in the shoulder, and used him to pull me forward. Touching down with my left leg, I dug in and then caught the ganger underneath both shoulders. Pushing upwards, I lifted him above my head, turned, and then threw him at another ganger. They collided in a tangle of limbs as I moved onwards. Aiming, I fired off my grappling hook once more.


Becca’s mad laughter rang upwards, “HAHAHAHAHA!!”


Checking on her, I found that she was just absorbing some rounds fired her way. Leaving her to it, I closed in on another ganger, ducked low underneath his over-extended swing, and came up with my hook. I then sunk in a liver blow, and blocked a return straight along with its one-two combo. The ganger came in for another hit and I punished him for this one by using a counter to tear off his fucking jaw. I then grabbed him by the shirt, turned, then threw him over my shoulder with a simple judo throw. He flew at the person that made a crunching noise trying to sneak up on me.


Dashing to the side, I leaned and jumped over the railing into the open air, my off-hand catching the rails and I used that to wall dash around the pit. As I surveyed the carnage, my heart lodged itself into my throat when I discovered that Becca was pinned down and that big bitch was about to slam into her location with that massive fuck all sledgehammer. The back of the damn thing was flaring and I only had a split second to realize that it was a rocket hammer.


Everything fired off at once when I activated the sandi.  As I kicked off from the wall, the force cratered the concrete behind me. Stims flooded my body as my grappling hook shot out.  It got to the ground and anchored itself a split second before I reached to grab Becca around her midsection and turned to get her out of position from the strike that was closing in.




Ohh fuck, the sandi timed out, then my world exploded into pain as I was hit with a massive fuck off rocket hammer. I felt my senses glitch as I noticed everything spinning around me, but the only thing I cared about was the little bundle of madness protectively wrapped in my arms. My back slammed into the far wall and everything burst into pain, the funny thing was. My mind was having none of that because it still was on the thing where Sasquatch had hit me. All I could think was huh, that's my arm. It was broken when I was hit with the hammer and then ripped right out of its socket by the grappling hook still in the concrete.


My entire world was in pain, so much pain, along with fading edges.


*You still owe me, get the fuck up*


The gravel shifted and we fell, my back hit the ground first of course and it was just more pain to go along with my shitty afternoon. Becca rolled off my chest still dazed from the impact.




Then Johnny was there in my face pulling me up by the hydraulics of my exo-frame. My eyes were wild and the RAGE in my veins boiled like hot fucking lava.


And it hit me, something I read as a little kid, from a book called DUNE, “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer.” I growled and took a step forward. “Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear.” I took another step and the gangers took a step back. “I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.” I breathed deeply and opened my eyes, a look of pure murder in them. “ONLY I WILL REMAIN!!”


The sandi sparked to life and I vanished from sight, two bodies dropped with my passing. Arms shredded, legs torn apart, spines sliced in two from my Vibro-blade. Going low to the side, I dodged the massive hammer then sprang forward in a spear tackle taking Sasquatch with me into the fighting pits down below. This time I didn’t have any shields to tank bullets as I had left it behind to double up on Becca.


“RRRAAAAGGGGHHHH!” Sasquatch snarled as we rolled over, picked me up, and threw my ass into the wall of the pit.


Scrabbling back to my feet, I dodged out of a strike even as I strafed to the side once more and checked over the stump of my arm. The bleeding wasn’t that bad, but I still slapped a quick seal medical kit onto the stump and hissed from the sting of antiseptic and other crap.


“I’M GONNA DRINK FROM YOUR SKULL!” Sasquatch roared and came dashing at me once more.


She went high, I went low, the knee came up fast and I took it on the chin even as I sunk my vibro-blade into her side. Sasquatch screamed as my blade sunk into the meaty flesh and sliced through it all like a hot knife through butter. I was knocked away once more and was quickly getting fed up with the fucking weight difference. With a twist of my hips, I threw myself into a roll, slid along the ground with my feet, then went on the attack.


This time I activated the blade in the exo-frame and went for an easy swipe which Sasquatch was able to pull her body out of the way from; but she left her arms in range. The left arm went flying from the forearm section as my blade passed right through the flesh, metal, and bones. Then I hit a commando roll out of her reach while also pulling my blade from where it was sticking out of her side. Then I had to throw myself to the side as Sasquatch came down with her hammer on the location I had commando roll towards.


Looking around, my eyes zeroed in on the stands, a plan formed and I moved, the sandi kicking up to high gear. Some jackass was using slo-mo, a drug that David had used only once and it had freaked him the fuck out. That was alright because the effects of it reminded me of another drug by the name of slo-mo. Gravity was just a thought as I ran up the wall and snatched the drug from the ganger, or was that a crowd member, I didn’t know. What I did know was that I was about to give Sasquatch a brain-melting experience.




The sandi timed out as I skidded to a stop, Sasquatch eyeing my hand, then snorted with derision once she realized what I was holding.


Sasquatch growled, then lunged forward, hammer raised above her head. “Puny man thing!”


Instead of falling back, I stepped forward with my arm outstretched. She reacted predictably with a raised hand to protect her face, but I wasn’t going for the eyes. I was going for her open mouth yelling at me. I took the hammer blow to the side, but rammed my fist through that bitch's mouth, the slo-mo bursting from the cruising force of my gauntlet. We both went down, sure, but I was the only one able to get back up.


Yeah, that one was a rib, but I didn’t care as I rolled over ignoring the silence of the place. The cheering, the yelling, the bets, it had all stopped when I put that big bitch on her back. Getting to my knees, and then to my feet, I walked over and picked up the massive fuck off sledgehammer.


Sasquatch was laid out on her back, breathing shallowly, eyes wide and dilated as she was blissed out underneath the effects of slo-mo. The hammer made screeching sounds as I drug it behind me as I walked over to her drugged out and damn near catatonic form. Dropping it and turning the massive sledgehammer with my one good arm, I then picked up the big bitch and placed her on the edge of the sledgehammer, mouth first. Her teeth chipped but I didn’t care since I had knocked out a few teeth earlier myself.


“YO, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!!!” One of the Animals gang members called out, I turned my head and grinned up at him. Reared back and then brought my steel-toe combat boots down with a metallic heel that connected to my exo-frame.






Then there was a wet sickening, crushing splat sound as Sasquatch's head popped like an overripe melon. I kept stomping my gaze locked with his.


“HELL, YEAH!!” Becca called out cheering, “That's my input right there.”


“You bitch!” The ganger snarled, and I moved. I would need medical attention and Becca at least needed a check-up while I got Vik to install a new arm. Becca was thrown over a shoulder and we made it to the front of the parking garage before the sandi timed out and my neural link marked a lot of incoming cars.


A quick command to the RCXD hiding underneath my Porsche had them activated and heading off to do their jobs. I held Becca with one arm behind the cover as explosions started to ring out.


“Warn a girl next time.” Becca chirped then smacked me on the shoulder, “Ohh shit, shit, shit.”


Guess, she finally noticed that I was missing an arm, I popped another stim and grunted. Another car exploded and I took that as a cue to bolt. Picking Becca up underarm, I dashed toward my car.


“Suck lead!” The little gremlin yelled as she fired at a flatbed that was driving into the parking lot. The Bitch SMG in her hands punched through the tires and some of the hood before peppering up through the glass.


A mental command turned on the Porsche turbo and the door popped open, Becca climbed in over the driver side seat and I followed right after, shit.


“Shit!” I yelled, my free hand slamming into the steering wheel.


Becca pulled herself back in from shooting out the window and looked at me while changing her magazine. “What?”


I gave her a flat look, “Can’t fucking drive with one hand.” Becca’s eyes went wide, but I was already coming up with an idea. “Get in my lap.”


“Ohh, hell yes!” Becca chirped as she scrambled into my lap, the spanks she was wearing already half pulled down with her free hand.


The spirit was willing and the flesh was weak because there was no stopping the raging boner that sprung forth. Idly, I wonder if I was going to die by snu-snu tonight. A blade appeared in Becca’s hand as she cut my belt and boxers to free my length. My heart thundered in my chest, nostrils flaring as Becca pressed her back into my chest and sat down on my dick spearing herself without a second thought.


“YES! YES!! YES!!!” Becca cackled like a manic demon as she pumped herself up and down my dick with both hands on the wheel. The ricochet that pinged off the window pulled me from the sensation of Becca wrapped around my dick like a vice. With a grunt, I popped the clutch and shifted gears putting the Porsche into a squeal as the tires burned out a little before the grip caught.


We hit the bump, Becca went up, I shifted gears, then Becca came down. Her cunny gushed, and I couldn’t keep myself from bucking upwards. More pings from ricochet rounds dinged over the Porsche and I had to swerve around a bus.


“Damnit,” Becca yelled, then leaned out the window and worked the tip of my dick while she fired back at the gangsters. With a growl, I shifted and sped up, a truck pulled up to our right side and two very large bodybuilders hung out of the truck with guns aimed at us. Juicing the sandi, I released the shifter, pulled out my Malorian Arms3516, and snap-fired off a round at the driver. I was now down to six rounds and was not a happy camper.


Holstering the hand cannon, I checked the sides and noted that Becca had taken out her own set of goons, the car they were in ripped to shreds from the hail of bullets. The world resumed and I pumped upwards to get her attention.


“Grab the wheel Becs’,” I growled in her ear. Ignoring her shiver of pleasure, I sent an updated map on the Porsche GPS. “The right,” I called as I downshifted so we could take the turn at a more manageable speed.


Becca bounced on my lap and an excited giggle bubbled up out of her mixed with a moan as she bit her bottom lip. Her tight little cunny gripped me fiercely as she went up and down in my lap as it seemed we couldn’t dodge around any of the bumps in the road.


Another car came out of nowhere and slammed into the side of the Porsche, a ganger hanging out the window and trying to climb in with us.


“Shit, shit, you’re ruining my D time,” Becca yelled as she used a free hand to smack the guy in the face. With a roll of my eyes and a grunt, I juiced the sandi once more, and pumped upwards pushing Becca up and making her airborne.


Taking my hand off the shifter, I put it in my jacket and found a free grenade, leaned over, and shoved it in the gangster's mouth. Then removed his fingers from the door as I used the chance to reposition the Porsche as the sandi timed out. It truly was a beautiful display of carnage as the gangers in the truck kept going as we changed lanes, then I hit the brakes.


Becca took us down a straight road and I took this chance to push my hand into her shirt and pinch a nipple. She was so primed, that was all it took for Becca to fire off, her legs coming up into a folded V as her cunny gushed more of her nectar into my lap. The fierce grip, the twist, and the pressure were all it took for my release to trigger as I wrapped an arm around her midsection and held her close as I pushed up into Becca.


“That was so fucking Nova, D.” Becca sighed as she rested her back against my chest.


Coming down off the orgasmic high, I could only nod my head and agree with her. “Yeah, yeah it was.”


“I’m so going to make a BD of that,” Becca replied with a sigh, with a smug smirk, I flexed my dick still hard inside of her, and nibbled at her ears.


“Becs, we need to get me to Viks, these stims won't hold me up much longer.” I stated, then ran my tongue along the edges of her ear, then nibbled on her neck.


“Shit, aaahhh, D, ohh,” Becca moaned as I slowly pumped into her, my heart giving all its might to keep me alive.


Shifting the car into first gear out of neutral, I put us in a slow and steady pace as I gave Becca her own slow and steady pace, “Come, let's get me patched up.”


Becca bit her bottom lip and said nothing even as her hands slid across the steering wheel. With a smirk, I gave her a stiff pump as I shifted gears. We kept going and I made sure that she got the ride of her life as we got closer and closer to Vik’s ripper clinic. Halfway there, I got a return message from Wolf that he had arrived with my new cyber gear. She was on the cusp of another orgasm as we pulled into the parking lot leading to Vik's clinic.


Putting the car in park, I turned it off and pulled the lever for the seat position. The seat slides back and is locked into place with a click, giving us even more room to work with. Putting a hand underneath a thigh, I twisted Becca around and threw that same leg over my shoulder. Stringing fast strokes along with a deep demanding kiss were all it took to push her over the edge again. Damn, I didn’t even get a chance to roll her nipples with my tongue. One of these days, I would get the little goblin into bed and wreck her.


My forehead pressed against hers, our kiss was deep and long as the endorphins slowly worked their way out of our systems.




“Damnit, what now?” Becca groans and turns to look who it was. My one working free hand stopped her from reaching for my shoulder holster with my hand cannon. Looking through the bogged mirror, I found Wolf sitting on his haunches, Vik right next to him with a very put-upon look on his features.


Rolling down the window, I leaned on the edge of the frame and took in the nice cool feeling on my skin, “Sup Doc?”


“Thought this was an emergency and all since you sent your little robot dog,” Vik grunted, then turned so Becca could get off me and fix herself. There was a wet squelch-sucking noise that I ignored and thank all above that Wolf brought a change of clothes for the both of us.


With a sigh and nod of the head, I could only agree with Vik, “Yeah, the stims are going to wear off soon and I’ll be dropping. Wolf got everything you will need though.”


Becca panicked and was moving in a hurry trying to get me out of the Porsche.


“Don’t worry, I got at least sixty….”



Authors Note's :

Man, that was a wild ride… Also the last fast and loose chapter for a bit.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.