CyberPunk New Game Plus

Cyber 4

Cyberpunk New Game Plus

Chapter 4

By: BigToFu

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Topic: Sasquatch Zeroed- Analysis

In: Boards ► Places ► NUSA ► NIGHT_CITY ► Edgerunners

Logged in TheOneAndOnly

TheGuyInTheKn0w Apr 02, 2075

Got a tip from a netrunner friend of mine who was strolling the net and found this. At first, I thought nothing of it because it was just some weird Chrome, but boy was I wrong. Wasn't able to get video footage of the area he went into, but one thing was certain. The Animals club there was wiped out to a man.


Replied on Apr 02, 2075

Do you guys think this is a new edge runner?


Replied on Apr 02, 2075

Damn that's slick, does anyone knows what chrome he is packing?


Replied on Apr 02, 2075

That ain't chrome, looks like construction gear.


Replied on Apr 02, 2075

Nahh, check that logo and see that full body set up. Dudes got a modified full-body assistant from Mako from the disabled.


Replied on Apr 02, 2075

Shit, you bugging choom, no way that's babies first chrome.


Replied on Apr 02, 2075

Fake is fake, show specs or GTFO.


Replied on Apr 02, 2075

Fuck, who invited Void to the chat?


Replied on Apr 02, 2075

I agree with void, fake and very gay. Probably made by some porky netrunner with sweat stains in his body suit.


Replied on Apr 02, 2075

Yo what the fuck, that looks like Martinez, AngelLust you see this shit?


Replied on Apr 02, 2075

Fuck no way that urchin could pull that off.


Replied on Apr 02, 2075

That's the thing man, Martinez is smart, like scary fucking smart. Always passed every test and has been at the top of the class records for 3 years running. And the real kicker is everybody knew he couldn't fucking afford the chrome for school.


Replied on Apr 02, 2075

Yeah man, I heard Martinez's momma sucked the dean to get his broke ass into the school.


Replied on Apr 02, 2075

Broke, my ass look at that shit he's packing. The dudes got chrome


Replied on Apr 02, 2075

Stop being a gonk, that ain't chrome. Look at that still and zoom. That's an X37 walking frame for crippled broke gonks you fucking lug head.


Replied on Apr 02, 2075

No fucking way that's a fucking stiffy walker.


Replied on Apr 02, 2075

No fucking eddies to his name, and that gonk still got all the best scores. Hell, he probably got that shit out of the trash. No clue what he did to it afterward.

[ Arasaka ]

The sun rose over the city that never sleeps, the city of dreams, and shone down upon all those lucky enough to survive the night, for they would have to live another day under the steel boots of their corporate overlords. One of these massive corporations that run half of this little slice of the kingdom is known as Arasaka. And deep within Arasaka towers, an executive of R&D sat at his desk as he went over the multiple videos playing for his perusal. It was clear that there was something to this David Martinez, but the executive could not put his finger on what it was. Things were not at the level of sending Adam after the kid, but the executive would like answers.



The Executive's eyes flash as he answers the call, "Speak."

*Sir, we were able to recover the arm along with the exo-frame actuator and part of the gauntlet's databank."

"Give it to R&D labs Alpha 3, and what of locating the subject?"

*We were not able to locate Martinez, sir.*

"Why?" The Executive asked, his voice calm yet cold.

*From what we discovered, someone talented is covering his tracks.

The Executive went silent for a time, then as he felt his displeasure was shown enough he spoke, "Leave that alone and focus on what you were able to recover. I want prototypes finished by the end of the month.."

Then he ended the call since that was all the runner would need to know. His next task would be to locate a faction within the Tyger Claws to test out the new more recent acquisition. It would be poor of him to use Arasaka's own security to test such things. There was enough meat in this hell hole of a city to use, so why shouldn't he? It was only right for someone in his position to use the meat of the city to benefit his rise to ascension.

For now, he would need to find a fixer to acquire the rest of this technology along with its creator, alive if possible, but dead works just as fine.


[David Martinez]

Waking up with a start, and pushing aside the nightmare that was occurring behind my lids, I smacked my lips and frowned in disgust as I felt the dry, disgusting taste of morning breath. Sitting up, I wiped my eyes, scrubbing the gunk out of them before my mind noticed the waiting notification. Blinking away the sleepiness, I gave the mental confirmation and noticed how easy it was to use my neural interface. Excited at how clear everything was, I reached for the mirror that was sitting on the tools table and took a look.


Staring back at me were the Sharingan eyes modeled exactly from Madara Uchiha's own from the anime. A little ding alerted me to the fact that the IR sensors and projectors were working perfectly since it wanted to push a digital override of the visual optics. With a simple mental push, that was declined as I took in the rest of the world. Before, I could see some of the network connections with my old neural network, but the difference to now was like night and day. I wasn't just seeing connections, I could see the full ones and zeros as they passed through the air in solid lines of code.

My new eyes were working in conjunction with my new neural implant to process real-time threat detection and labeling. I knew this because everything was highlighted with a faint green with what they were listed above their heads. The things highlighted in red were labeled possible threats, but also gave a more detailed description of their uses. A prime example was the scalpel that was on Vik's tray a few feet away in sterilization fluid glowed a faint red, but it was the label that pulled my attention.


Knife optimally used for medical procedures. Could double as a knife in situations, but only good for light slashing and stabs, Unreliable.

Taking the time to get myself acquainted with my new neural interface, I then noticed the rest of my body. My left arm was gone but replacing it was something of my own creation. My paranoia had made sure I built myself a backup since this world wasn't too much into repairing human flesh. It wasn't as bad as the Repo-Man reality, but the metal was cheap and the flesh was far too replaceable here. Rotating my wrist, then my fingers, I couldn't hide the smile on my face as my left hand worked perfectly. It was even better than I thought when I put my hands together and I could feel actual touch.


The segments on my arm shifted before a flash of electricity told me that the taser was functioning at full capacity, I did the same for the two blades hidden inside of my forearm like X23. The blades slide out silently, then flash briefly when I ran the taser once more. Two blades would be perfect for my needs, I wouldn't need a third. With that out of the way, I felt the back of my neck and found the four plugs just like those the Major had in Ghost in the Shell.

So that was why my neural chip was working so flawlessly, Wolf had brought everything on my list and Vik had given me the full damn works. I was juiced for sure and will make certain that Vik got his premium tips because I had a lot more upgrades to make for my chrome and I only trusted him. I had no plans to go crazy with the chrome, but I had upgrades in mind for my arm and maybe a cyber-brain, but those could wait for later. Now though, it was time to get up and face the music.

Standing up and stretching, I looked around and found that no one was there, so with a grunt, I went looking for everyone. What I found though made me wish that I had just stayed asleep. Walking out of Vik's clinic, I smiled as I caught my reflection in one of the mirrors, the red star on my arm looked fantastic. I found my clothes in the little cubby and put those on, only doing a simple knot, and I walked up the little stairs outside of Vik's clinic.

Standing in the little alley between Vik's clinic and Misty's shop was a massive fucking goon and it was clear that he was on the special juice along with having premo chrome. My guard was up as my new eyes highlighted him in red, the shift of his body weight, the play of muscles underneath his clothes. It was all there for me to read even as I kept my back to the wall and watched as he reached for his inner breast pocket where a handgun was situated in its holster.

His eyes flashed as he made a call, but I ignored him and headed for Misty's shop. A big meaty paw reached out to stop me and that was foolish on his part. Before he could realize what was happening, I snatched his hand by the thumb and twisted it while kicking out both of his knees. The big man went down in a mighty thump.


Motion behind had me moving to relocate as I then wrapped the goon's arm around his own neck as I took in the two new goons. Then the back door to Misty's shop opened and prime Gilf walked out. I'll admit that for a second I did wonder what it would be like to have her choke on my dick, she was looking way better than in the game for sure. Though, I had to dismiss those thoughts. She was here and I hadn't seen Vik, Becca, or Wolf anywhere.


"Well, fuck," I stated with a grunt, then wrenched the arm a little to show my displeasure.

"Curse like him too." The Queen of Afterlife stated as she took me in with a raised brow. "Do you know who I am, kid?"

This time I snorted even as I ignored the multiple guns pointed at me, "Yeah, of course, I recognize you."

"So you know who's guys' you're putting the hurt on?" Rogue asked once more with a still cool look on her face.

I shrugged, "It was impeding my path, I objected."

This time Rogue did raise a brow, "You objected?"

"Yes, I objected very strenuously." I returned with an equally cool look on my features.

Rogue nodded her head at me, "Well, come along, we aren't going to have our discussion out here."

With a silent grin, I pressed my knee into the back of the goon and then shoved forward as I released him. With the shove in his back, the goon went down while I used the force to right myself and follow behind Rogue. Walking into the shop that Misty did her little card readings from, I followed Rogue up the stairs and into the little living room where I found everyone sitting and a little stressed.

I gave Vik a nod, then kissed Misty on the cheek before taking a seat on the couch, a hand wrapping around Becca with the other resting on Wolf's head. The best Doggo in the world popped a port and when I connected I discovered that he was holding onto the old neural port that Vik took out along with all the data. The upload speeds were far faster and pushed my old neural interface to its limits as I copied over my bio-mod information protocols along with my bank and various other bits of data that were critical to life in Night City.


[ The Queen Of AfterLife ]

Watching the little punk sitting down from across her and throwing his arms over the girl beside him, Rogue couldn't help but compare the kid to Johnny. Her eyes shifted to the short stack of the duo and raised a brow at what she saw. It was almost like looking in a mirror. The brat's eyes damn near had hearts in them when she looked at the punk, then a scowl on her face when she looked at Rogue. Talk about carrying a torch for someone. Then again, Rogue had no place to judge because she also carried that same flame for Johnny when she was far younger.

Even now, Rogue was getting a lot of Johnny vibes from the kid. Everything from the new silver arm, to the car he drives, to even the gun he carried around. Rogue looked, she really looked at the kid, the glint in his gaze, the way he had his hand on that robotic pet. Rogue could tell that David was completely at ease and she couldn't figure out why. It put her off a little, but she would never let that show on her face.

Crossing one leg over the other, Rogue leaned back into her chair, "You fucked up, you know that?"

"Didn't think you would come personally to zero me." The little punk replied.

Rogue shook her head, "I'm not here for that, but I want to know why you zeroed seventy percent of the Animals including Sasquatch."

Then the little shit went and snorted, "As if you didn't have one of your Netrunners look up everything on me, but okay, I'll bite. I zeroed nearly all of them because of what they did to me and mine. Nothing more, nothing less."

Now she glared at the cocky little shit, "That's all you have to say after you completely upended the gang scene in the city?"

The kid sat up straight and Rogue watched the shift of muscles across his skin, "Blood was owed, Rogue, and I collected. Yeah, I would have liked to stay under the radar a little longer, but now everyone will know what happens when they hurt me and mine."

Now, that pissed her off and reminded her alot of how Johnny used to be when he got a bone about something. She shifted to an upright posture and leaned forward to stare the punk right in the eye. Rogue wanted to see into his soul. "So that's it, just going to burn everything down around you?"

Then the kid's demeanor shifted as intensity bled out of his very existence.

"No, Rogue. See, even though I want to burn the world down to the fucking ground, I won't," David replied voice cold and hard as steel. "The people shouldn't suffer because I want to burn those that turned the world into a steaming pile of shit."

Rogue sighed and leaned back in her seat, "So that's your plan then huh, kill all the baddies and maybe things get better?"

"Something like that, but I would rather bring hope to the people instead of terror," David replied as he also relaxed in his seat.

The short one pasted to his side decided that this was a good time to speak up, "Damn D, didn't know you were a dreamer."

"Yeah, I knew a dreamer once," Rogue replied then fished a cigarette out of her breast pocket.

David shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know about being a dreamer, but I guess in this city, I'm something like that."

Rogue shifted in her seat as her gaze turned a little sharp, "So what are you, a rocker boy?"

"HA! No, not even close, but I can guess why you would ask me that." David replied with a hard bark of laughter.

That piqued her interest, Rogue was sure he would have agreed with that, but then again, he also didn't play any instruments.

"Alright, since you're not a rocker boy, let's talk about your gear then," Rogue succinctly cut across the bow, her curiosity about the kid sated for now.

David played off the movements, but the way the short one Becca shifted, Rogue knew that things were tense for them. "It's mine," David replied with narrowed eyes.

With an eyebrow raised, Rogue kept her tone light but firm, "Kid, you don't even have the registration for that car or cannon you're packing."

"Nuh-uh, finders keepers and it's David's and mines," The short one pouted with a huff.

Her eyes went flat, "You're not giving me anything to work with and I want that car."

The kid got a look in his eyes and tapped his chin for a few beats before speaking up, "In a city like this, trust is earned, but with a reputation like yours you are asking for the car instead of taking it along with the gun."

At this, her brow slightly twitched and the little shit smiled at her.

Then the kid kept on speaking, "So what that is telling me is that you have either morals or your own rules that you won't break no matter how important the items are to you."

"And what sort of point are you trying to make," Rogue asked, cutting the kid off with a hand motion to hurry up.

"A compromise, I work for you a bit to repay for the vehicles because I have my own reasons for not letting them go. And in return, I'll update your personal tech." David replied, his gaze hard.

She couldnt help herself and snorted at the sheer fucking balls that the kid had, "You want to work for me and bring your bullshit my way?"

The kid cut her off with a "My problems are mine and mine alone, I don't expect you to cover for me. What I expect is to work in good faith since you are already here without any acts of violence."

Leaning back in her seat with a speculative look, Rogue quirked a brow at the kid, "Okay, how about that thing keeping you guys from getting shot up?"

The kid blinked, then narrowed his eyes and spoke with a growl, "Who else knows about whatever it is you are talking about?"

Now Rogue felt a shiver go down her spine and did not miss the seams that appeared along the robot dog as it primed itself to shift into something more active. She wasn't one for being intimidated though, so with a snort, she leaned back in her seat and kicked a leg over the other. "Ohh, cat's out of the bag on that one kid. That ring you busted up was streaming that little fight for a lot of people to see."

"Well, fuck," David replied with a huff.

"If it was some sort of secret, maybe don't fight on a live net stream next time," Rogue replied with a raised brow aimed at the kid.

"Har-har," David replied with a roll of his eyes.

Leaning forward in her seat, Rogue made eye contact with David, "So what is it, and can you make more."

David shook his head at her, "Now that's where we have a problem, you see my tech is for me and mine. That's it, this way I know Arasaka isn't gonna get their grubby little mitts on it. I start giving out my tech and then I gotta really upgrade my arsenal to take them down."

"Wait D, you're telling me this isn't all you got?" Becca asked up from her location at David's side, her eyes wide with excitement.

David shook his head and that cold glint was in his eyes again, "Not even close Becs." Then he turned towards Rogue. "Don't bite my head off, I know your disposition towards Arasaka."

Her eyes narrowed. "You say you got bigger and badder?"

David shrugged, "Like I said, it's for me and mine, and for when I remove Arasaka from the board."

"And what do you know about the great game?" Rogue asked intrigued.

The smile that spread across the kids face was chilling, "When you play the Game of Thrones, you either win or you die, there is no middle ground."


[ David Martinez]

Standing in the little shop Misty owned, I watched as Rogue and her crew packed up and left. It was surreal to think that I had a deal with Rogue, the Queen of Afterlife, of all people; but damn. I had a minor deal in her favor, but would pay out massive dividends for me if I pulled it off correctly. She wasn't the true queen of this city but she had been playing the game for so long she was its shadow.

Even if I would be staying low in the following weeks, I still had a lot to accomplish. First though, I would need to go see Gloria since I was in her son's body and also give Viktor my thanks. It was only proper since he pulled my ass out of the fire once more. Then I would need to build up that new house as a base of operations along with building a crew. I had two people in mind since I already had the basic tech base to build them but there was one person from this life I wanted by my side.

Looking at my chrome, it got me thinking about that asshole Finger down on JigJig Street, along with Doc Borg over in Chicken Alley. Both were incomprehensible shit tier assholes that did things that made my skin crawl. Borg had a bite bar, but I knew Fingers was only one step above a scav. Had no clue if Borg done it but he looked the type. Granted you can't judge a book by its cover, yet I did know what he would do to David if I had not replaced him. So the man had to go on sheer principle alone. Sigh, maybe I could talk Viktor into mentoring two ripper docs to replace those two hacks.

If I wanted to bring hope to this city then I would need to start from the ground up. And If I wanted to do that, I might as well set up a network of ripper docs and move up from there. Gloria could run as the EMT pick-up between locations.

Yeah, sounds doable to me at least. I knew that Rogue was only humoring me, but I had a plan. Well, it was more like twelve percent of a plan, but it was a plan all the same. Looking at the contact to Regina Jones, I smirked at my in with the Night City police department. The big corpos might be able to pay insane amounts of eddies, but I could provide real food and top-of-the-line gear to keep you alive. Who is gonna want eddies when you can survive first contact with a cyber-psycho with my gear?

"D, what the fuck was that!" Becca squealed in excitement. "Since when were you rubbing shoulders with the queen of Afterlife?"

Looking at Becca with a smile on my lips, I just shrugged, turned, and went to the front of Misty's shop. There I found Gloria sitting along with Viktor and Misty. I paused as I noticed that Gloria was wearing a jacket offered by Viktor. Not saying anything, I just held the door and let them all back into the place. Returning the smile Gloria gave me, I followed behind as we got to the kitchen and sat down while she helped Misty prepare some tea.

Becca even came and joined us as we just drank tea in silence. I was on my second cup when the silence finally broke.

Placing his cup down, Viktor shifted into his stern mode and asked the question on everyone's mind. "So the Queen is making home visits now?"

I let out a sigh and placed my own cup down, "Something like that."

"And since we aren't dead, something good came out of it?" Viktor pressed a little.

"Again, something like that, but the good news is none of you are involved at all." I replied with a firm tone of voice, even though his shoulders didn't shift, I could feel the tension leave his body. Viktor was good people and I would do right by him as much as I could. "I'm gonna take the month to lay low and get some proper gear together."

Then with a thought, I paid the man, "Thanks again for patching me up Vik. You're a lifesaver."

Sigh, "No problem kid, you're already turning into a regular at this point."

With a chuckle, I turned to head out but stopped as I noticed the thinking look on Rebecca's face. "Bec's you good?"

She shook herself out of it, "Yeah, I'm good, just remembered that I need to check in on that gonk brother of mine."

Nodding, "Alright, well hit me up later, I can show you this insane compound I plan to take over."

Yeah, there was no way I would be giving up that place, Grayson being an Arasaka goon be damned. Once I was finished it would be a fortress to take and I wanted the walls covered with a dome over the entire top. I didn't want to see the lights of the city when I looked out my window or sat on the porch. I wanted a little slice of heaven and if I have to install a hologram system into a dome so I could get starry nights and clear blue skies then I would do it without hesitation. And with the entire system being closed, I can install air filters and a few other amenities that make life worth living.

Yeah, that's exactly what I'll do, so with that plan in mind. I held the car door open for Gloria and let her get in before I took the driver's seat and drove us to our apartment. When we got back I made sure Gloria took it easy, had her mess and then started to make a proper digistruct scanner and databank. The echo-net device that I had only had so much space along with limited battery life. What I would need is something a lot larger for the things I had planned. The apartment would stay and get paid off but it would be a teleportation point in the future along with the new house. I would also need a databank for cars, furniture, and food samples along with various other things.

I was staring at the crystal gel fluid being slowly built in real space from digitized space when I realized I had five more charges to burn. Thinking about future plans and what I already had underneath my belt. I decided to push the envelope by putting a charge into Yorha technologies. I didn't need the full technology from that world because the blueprint was the most important part, but she was clearly missing something so I put another charge into her and I finally got the hint as the weapon prints slotted into my mind along with a multitude of other things surrounding their technology and their metallurgy.

I might be able to build myself a 2B model but it would never be her because I didn't have her mental engram. With a roll of my eyes, I picked up the upgraded brain dance kit to scan my brain as I uploaded data. Once it was secure and I was seated, I pulled up artificial intelligence and pushed a charge into it. My world froze at the edges and the taste of green and then yellow played across my taste buds, knowledge unimagined filled my mind.

It was a lot more than I bargained for but I pushed forward with another charge and smiled as I was rewarded with my prize. Even if the prize wasn't what I was expecting. I got not only the knowledge on how to create a thinking program, but the memory engram for the Major and 2B memory backup.

Okay, the Major was a damn upgrade I didn't see coming because I didn't think the AI charge would synchronize with Ghost in the Shell and give me the big boss lady herself. That alone changed a lot of my plans because if 2B was dependable but to combine her with the Major, I was looking at a massive force multiplier within my grasp. Then I stopped as I realized I would need to understand a whole new complex set of elements along with fully understanding all of the cyberwear parts at my fingertips. I would need to build an android cradle from the ground up along with merging all the principles I now knew to really bring out both of their skills and powers.

With my last charge, I figured why the hell not, if I was going to go after robussy, I might as well go full brr. So I took the last charge and thought about terminator synth-flesh until it synchronized and pushed a charge directly into that abomination from such a hellscape reality. This was a synthetic flesh so unbelievably advanced you had nerve endings and synaptic feedback from the flesh to the brain. I needed this, everyone in cyberpunk with chrome needed this.

Stopping all work, I put my mind to constructing an application device and synthesizing enough of the synth skin for my arm. All of this technology was just beyond me at the moment and if the information from the other technology trees didn't carry over, I would have been floundering as I tried to figure everything out. Building my new android ladies aside, there were just so many things, but the way to accomplish it all would be to take the first step.

Taking a deep breath, I released it nice and slowly before sitting up in my chair as the blueprints for the synthetic skin tank danced before my eyes. Pushing that towards the digistruct converter and fabricators, I waited for the tank parts to translate into reality before I could put the parts together. While that was happening, I turned my mind towards the formulae to create the cluster of bio-grade synthetic cells. With that finished, I put it in the buffer and then went about making more doctor oct-styled arms with a back. The prehensile multi-dimensional rotatable telescoping arms were easy to make with the tech tree of Ghost in the Shell along with Metal Gear at my fingertips. The upside of this was that instead of three fingers on the ends of each limb, I had five. Then add in the fact you would need a control shard to make the limbs work, I was golden since I didn't need to install some AI that could possibly take over my mind later.

Sitting back in my chair and watching things play out, I checked the local time and found that it was just after four. Sitting up and looking around, I found a plate of food at my side with Gloria curled up on the bed with Wolf laying his head in her lap. Standing up, I stretched with a wide yawn, picked my food up, and sat down right on the right-hand side of Gloria. Wolf raised his head to look at me, but I just waved the pup off. Sure there were a lot of things that needed to get done, but I still had time, bonding with Gloria would be more beneficial than upping my tech. Especially since I planned to move us out of this apartment.

[ Days Later...]

Seven days had come and gone and during that time, I had not been anywhere near just relaxing at home. No, my life had been far too busy for that with all my tinkering and setting up our new place of living. Since Gloria couldn't go to work because of the condition that she was in, she had of course quit her job. Hell, after I heard that call where that shit boss of hers was willing to dock her pay, I said fuck that. I had more than enough medical technology at my fingertips to get her back up on her feet, but I was more than happy for her to just lay back and relax.

So here we were on day eight within the compound as I waited for Motoko aka the Major to wake up from her slumber. Sitting in my chair as I watched the loading bar on my computer monitor as the new beyond flesh and blood android had her mind uploaded into her body. One of the first things that I did after taking over this house was to set up a workstation in the basement and get to work. The first thing I set up was the data banks and the android cradle then went from there to process and generate atomically perfect nanotubes with crystalline titanium weaving. Everything that made the Yorha android models great, I took those blended with everything else that I knew and built myself one of the greatest cops in anime.

Then on top of that, I wrote up everything that I knew about the Cyberpunk scene along with my own outside perspective on things with where I wanted to take this city. Her loyalty was already guaranteed, but I at least wanted her to know I was upfront with her on a few things. It also helped that her cyber gear was beyond the top of the line and she would be able to process it all. If I knew my stuff then there was nothing out there that would be able to kill her. In the game, they were shooting at 2B with lasers and plasma rounds along with the specs of her android body being rated for extreme temperatures. Then again, she had the synth flesh so we would have to be careful like any other human out in the world.

That means it was a good thing I made reinforced gauntlets and clothing along with shields to absorb bullets. Well, since she was still cooking, I pushed three charges into Cortical Stacks from Altered Carbon. This… changed everything: the Cortical Stacks were made from non-terrestrial metal that was able to house your brain's neocortex which was what made you…. You. Lucky for me, the knowledge came with the full material breakdown which would allow me to remake it with my digistruct technology. Ohh, with this I would be able to build myself another body with all of my technology and then re-sleeve myself into new flesh.





Snapping out of my head, I pulled off my neural interface and took a look at the PC, and smiled at the one hundred percent completion. The android cradle popped open with a hiss and Motoko Kusanagi sat up in nothing but her birthday suit. Even though the room was warm, those nipples were so perky they could poke my eyes out. Giving the commands to the workstation, I relaxed in my chair as the Major went through the motions of testing herself. The arms along the ceiling extended over silent as a whisper and offered the Major her iconic leotard.

I watched as the Major got out of the android cradle, walked to the corner, and hit the activate button for the curtain and shower head. While she got cleaned up, I made sure her other gear was proper; handgun, combat pants, and her typical weird jacket thing with smart shades. When the Major got out of the shower and finally got dressed, she didn't say anything to me until she had laced up her combat boots and leaned against my workstation.


"So, Night City and not Niihama-shi. I would ask if this was all real if I didn't already know it was," the Major spoke as she checked out her hand with an open and closed motion.

"Yup," I answered while popping the P. "So, my question for you is will you assist me in what I need to get done? From what I know of Section 9, you don't mind being flexible with the laws, but this world isn't like that. I can't even compare it to the Wild West of old." I shook my head at that and stood up. "You have the files and I'm sure you already reviewed them. I plan to rip this city from the hands of corporations and turn it into a little slice of heaven. Will you help?"

The Major cocked a hand on a hip and raised an eyebrow at me, "Why ask when I'm already loyal to you and your goals."

Now it was my turn to scoff at her and roll my eyes, "Someone of your caliber could circumvent whatever loyalties are placed on you, especially with all the upgrades that went into your new android frame." I replied, then shook my head trying to push away the thoughts of this being an anime death world reality.

The Major held my gaze for a time and I could feel her judging me, it didn't help that she had an upgraded version of my eyes. "Alright, but we are going to need a lot more gear and squad mates to help."

Nodding, I sent her a packet over the neural network, "I have the gear and I'm always building more and the crew is a work in progress for now."

The Major followed me as we took the stairs back up, "I'll put together a plan once I have seen more of this world."

"That's fine," I replied before the connection was put on hold and pushed to the back of my mind. The basement door unlocked based on my proximity with a solid thunk of metal and I walked into the back room and out into the kitchen as a drone from Nier Automata, POD flew around.

Ignoring the little bot, I walked past him into the house, then started to show the Major around. Her bedroom would be next to my own along with 2B once she was made. All of the bedrooms were of decent sizes, but I did notice the shift in attitude when the Major saw the size of the closet and I just gotta say. Thank all that is holy I had fabricator technology on tap because I did not have the money to support women who liked to shop till they drop. Pretending that I didn't notice the glint in her eyes at the size of the closet. I made my way toward the parking garage and found that Gloria was still not ready. While the two ladies talked, I booted up into a sleek pair of rocket boots modeled after Star Lord's from Guardians of the Galaxy, then threw on my Samurai jacket.





There was a faint hum at the edge of my hearing range as the shields all synchronized, with a mental check along my neural network. I smiled at the all-green status before pushing the door open and into the two-car garage. The two didn't stop talking until I gave the truck a nudge activating the auto-start. The Major took the back seat and connected to the three hundred sixty-degree cameras on top while I took the driver's and Gloria took the passenger's. As I pulled us out of the garage, more little POD drones flew around as they built, repaired, removed, and installed everything to my specifications.

This was going to be my little slice of heaven and I would be damned if I didn't make it a fortress. With the way the land and walls were set, I couldn't make a dome, but I could put up cross networks of interjected wires that would act as the same thing. Carbon filters, hologram projectors, early warning, water irrigation and so much more were built into the walls of the compound.

With my fingers tapping on the steering wheel, I decided it was time to broach the topic, "So Gloria, do you still want to be an EMT or would you like to become a ripper doc?"

Gloria blinked and the hand that was on my forearm resting in the middle squeezed a little tighter, "Is that the deal you made with Rogue?"

Blinking, I shook my head, "No, not even close." I pursed my lips a bit then spoke, "I'm aware that you don't want to be around the house all the time. So I have a few options if you want to do either two. Ripper Doc is more stable plus you clearly have some type of surgery skills. I still remember what the neural connectors of the sandi look like. You clearly have some skill in removing them, so installing them shouldn't be too bad."

"Can I have some time to think about it?" Gloria asked and I now felt bad for pushing her.

Instead of grunting in reply, I spoke with a sigh, "Alright, I'll not push the matter."

*Why not keep her as a team medic?*

Looking into the rearview mirror, I noticed the Major looking at me through her peripheral vision.

*Because I want her out of the life and I plan to get into things pretty deep before I can liberate this city.*

*You might need to force her out.*

*No, that's her choice and her choice alone.*

*I'll see if she wants some combative training when we return.*

*Thank you.*

Gloria spoke up over the soft music playing and pulled me from the conversation with the Major.

Softly but firmly, Gloria squeezed my hand, then asked the question that had been eating at her for some days now, "So what did Rogue want from you?"

Stopping at the light, I had to think about it before I spoke, "She wants to be Queen of Night City, with my technology leading the way but she forgot something important."

Gloria's head snapped towards me, a little panic on her face. "And what did she forget?

Slowly, I turned to give Gloria my full attention, "For there to be a Queen of Night City, there needs to be a King."


Author's Notes - How I interpret Inspired Inventor works, everything is set around what he can build with his own two hands or set other things to build. Everything created will be automatically loyal, also even if it's not from the same reality he can build it, but it's a lesser version to start with. It's all a build-up that just keeps escalating. I have no plans to break the reality though even if its a game verse / anime.

1 Charge = Basic Highschool Levels of understanding along with basic follow-along blueprints.

2 Charges = Two years of College with Advanced levels of knowledge within the field along with experience.

3 Charges = Savant levels of interoperability with other areas.

4 Charges = Completed College with Advanced levels of knowledge within the field and far more advanced blueprints along with principles to follow.

5 Charges = Masters Level College Graduate, completed principles, blueprints, esoteric understandings.

6 Charges = Ph.D. Graduate along with all that it entails. Full esoteric understanding, advanced metaphysics understanding.

7 Charges = Genius understanding of the setting's technology.

8 Charges = Super Genius understanding of the setting's technology.

9 Charges = Beyond Super Genius' understanding of the setting's technology.

10+ Charges = Creations capable of restructuring reality, creating alternative reality paths.

So for those who haven't figured it out yet, Engineering covers both electrical and mechanical.

Now, a few things that people might have missed. When a setting is picked such as Ghost in the Shell Technology the keyword is ( Technology) This is a modifier that covers everything from medical technology to parking meter technology and so on and so forth. The limit is only what the anime or Manga has shown and even then it still leaves a lot open to interpretation of one's imagination.

The other thing that people might have missed is that all of the technology trees can be cross synergistic with each other. A prime example would be, Ghost, and Yoruha along with the current setting has some of the hardest cyber security around along with neural implant interface capabilities directly to the brain. The cyberpunk overheating issue is fixed by the Ghost in the Shell cyber-brain buffer. Then all of that is amped up with the advanced computing algorithm provided by Yoruha. The choices stack and round out the rough edges of the others.

Now, some of you are wondering why did I wait so long to put charges in biology and mathematics, well that's because David is a genius, and the other charges covered parts of those fields. For those who have watched the anime, you would know that David is a straight-A student in his sophomore or junior year of Arasaka Academy. This school is noted to be one of the top-rated academies and is also quite expensive. Then when you pair that with the fact David had the bare minimum amount of cyber implants due to his extreme lack of funds. The guy had some serious brain power wasted because anime protea powers go brrr punch the biggest guy in the face.

And yes, I do know how hypocritical that sounds with how the last few chapters have progressed, but I never said that this wouldn't be a fun ride. This SI damn sure won't even up like the anime counterpart.

Yes, that means with ten charges in engineering then David could build just about anything, the problem is that he needs time and resources. That's the bottleneck, along with the fact I don't plan to break the setting anytime soon but this is an anime / game world so physics is the fun sort.

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