CyberPunk New Game Plus

Cyber 6

Cyberpunk New Game plus

Cyber 6

By: BigTofu

David Martinez

While I enjoyed my snack, I kept an eye out for the Major while she went on a deep dive through the server backups of the Scav's cyber-brains. At the side, 2B was standing guard with a stoic look on her face, and I could only shake my head at that. Holding out my hand, I shook my bag of M&M's at 2B and caught her attention. 2B looked at me then looked at the offered bag of candy.

"You might as well take some, we might be here for a bit," I stated while I waved a hand towards the warehouse that was also part slaughterhouse.

She looked at the treats in my hand, before slowly reaching out and accepting the candies. I said nothing as her eyes widened from the taste, a small smile on my features. I pulled out my echo device and went over the information we had pulled from the place. I haven't had the time to build any special programs, but my neural link and other cyber interfaces were fully able to make up the difference. Not like anything could stop me from ripping through technology if I put my mind towards such actions.

Humming a tune my mother used to hum as she rubbed my back, I noticed that one of the addresses was in the nicer parts of Night City and I made sure to mark it for investigations. Might as well check it out and get the lay of the lands before making any real moves. With a thought, I brought up the map and checked its location, finding that it wasn't that far from the compound. I went ahead and added it to my GPS so I could stop by there before going home. A message came in from Gloria stating that she was on the way home from the bar, Claire's daughter who went by the name Nico had picked them both up.


For some reason, that name seemed oddly familiar, but I couldn't really place it without an image to go with it. That was alright though since I could just meet them later, it would be rude of me not to take any interest in Gloria's friends. Sending my own reply back, I checked to see if she would need me to bring anything home.

In return, I got a negative which was alright with me, but once I ended the call. I placed the Wolves on active security mode, might as well use an ounce of caution. With a thought, I dismissed the chat feature of my neural interface and looked up to see Major approaching. Before she could say anything, I took out the bag of trail mix and offered it to her so she could at least have something to snack on.

"Thanks." The Major replied with a subtle nod of the head, she munched on the trail mix for a bit before a compiled report of what she found came over our private neural net. Looking over the data, I noted the documents to the Scavs safe houses in Pacifica. Sigh, so much to do and I would say not that much time, but I was pretty good on time. V wasn't due to the city for another two years and I had already located Jackie. I would need to pick up Jackie for my crew. There was always space for ride-or-die homies on the team.

There was no stopping the grimace from surfacing on my face as I looked over the number of people who needed to be put into the ground. Yet, that wasn't the issue, the main issue is with the market and the people who allowed them to do this in the first place. Everyone hated Scavs, but everyone also needed and wanted cheap cyber parts. Then there were also the companies that put out repo-man-type hits on people for their unique cyberware. I wanted to use the term Repo-man lightly but this was in the literal sense like the movies and it was some very nasty stuff.

With a grunt, I dismissed the file, and sent Rogue the info on the current location before turning toward the Major, "Ready to go?"

The Major looked at me and then back at the warehouse, "Are the authorities not going to arrive?"

With a sigh, I got off the hood of the vehicle I was relaxing against, "We are going to get a bounty paid out for these scams but it's best not to be here when GCPD arrives. Local cameras are black but that doesn't stop a cop from sharing what they know for a payout."

There was no missing the look of disgust on her face, "all of them can't be like that?"

My reply was to shrug, "Systems are too old and too corrupt for us to do anything without a bit of power."

"Is that why you have plans to conquer a part of the city?" 2B Ask in reference to my plans for Pacifica.

"That's only the tip of the iceberg," I replied while thoughts of zeds vending machines came to mind. I had borderlands tech, might as well use it to the fullest. It might even help me get the scavs out faster. "Now, come on, we don't want to be here when GCPD arrives."

I could tell that Motoko was in deep thought as the Porsche rolled over nice and slow, the engine doing a light purr for any close to hear.


Holding the door for 2B, I let her get into the back while I took the driver's seat and waited on Motoko to settle in before I hit the gas. The weight of the car settled down a little as Wolf got into the back and folded over like a pocket transformer. With the Porsche purring, I checked my corners and local traffic before taking off. Popping the clutch, I shifted to 2nd hard as we shot out of the parking lot and onto the main road.

The glass lit up as the HUD activated to show our GPS location and the destination we were heading towards which was the suburb side of Watson. The scav's knew what they were doing when they picked the location of this safe house. It was in a mega building with various ways out along with the main street leading onto the highway. Another thing I noticed was that it was really easy to jump from the building and onto the overpass. Being paranoid was the name of the game, but it just made things harder for me.

That was alright though since I had brought the goodest boy with me, I don't think he would mind watching the car while keeping scanners active. I nearly redlined in 3rd as we blazed down the road before getting on the main highway to the other side of Watson. I shifted to 4th as we settled into an even mellow drive.

"Do you plan to do anything about it?" Motoko finally spoke up as we hit the highway.

My hand paused in motion since I was about to change lanes, but I settled into traffic instead. With a thought, I brought up a few actions and suggestions on how to tackle the police situation. It wasn't just the police that needed a clean sweep, but the entire city. I had multiple multi-tiered plans and they all started with taking control of the lawless section of the city as I spread my influence outwards.

"The plan is to carve out a piece for ourselves, then slowly expand outwards as the rest of the city wants what we have," I replied while the Major looked over the data packet.

"This is a start," Motoko muttered.

From my seat, I snorted while a hand flicked the turn signal. "I'm not going to use you like some weapon, but you need to also understand that isn't Section 9." I took the exit and took two turns. "If you don't want to be involved with any of the dirty work, you might as well tell me now, not like S9 didn't have you guys bury bodies."

Motoko stiffened at that, but I didn't feel sorry at all for saying it. I had done my fair share of shadowy dealings before waking up as David for my own country. It only stands to reason that she did her own for that futuristic cyberpunk world she came from. Hell, at least I wasn't on a wet-work team. Silence settled over us again and I had to check the rearview mirror to see what 2B was doing.

A quick glance to the back found her with her eyes closed and hooked into the sensors of the Porsche which was alright for now. Eventually, I would need to expand upon her interactive policies since I had reset her human protocols to myself. That means no one else would be able to get full control of my fembot and take me out later. Then again, that wasn't my biggest worry when it came to 2B. My worry was how the companies would react because they had the lockdown on sex bots because of course they did. Things were even so bad, they had created what was known as DOLL implants.


The sex industry had gone so crazy that sex bots had made a full circle. The doll implants would trap or more technically lock a person inside of their body. Then the rich asshole who had the command key uploaded their ideal woman into the doll implant and had their way with the body. It also doesn't help that cleaners would come by and clean up the mess if one of the ladies or guys just happens to die because the play got too rough. With that thought in mind, I pulled us into the mega-building parking structure.

With a glance around, I took us to the top floor and parked at a medium distance from both the elevator and the exit. The locks on the door popped and we all got out, even Wolf stretched after leaving the trunk.

"Wolf, you have the Northside, 2B stealth please," I commanded while checking over my weapons. "Motoko, you're with me."

With a press of the keyfob, the car's defenses snapped into place which took the worry about our possible chase vehicle safety out of my mind. I noticed the glimmer of 2Bs cloak reminding me to activate my eyes into combat mode. On the shiny metal beside me, I could see the swirl of the pattern appear on my eyes, but from my point of view. Everything became so much more, colors and contrast sharp, dynamic field of few expands to full three hundred sixty degrees before narrowing back down to the full one-eighty before me. Motions carried tracking algorithms that plotted not only their course but also the next three possible steps in their motions. Then a layer onto that I was able to see code flow through the air. Some of it was in one's and zeros, others were in different wavelengths and some were even in inferred, nothing was kept from my gaze.

On another layer I had heat maps, motion sensors, and vibration pick-up, which I was seeing in all of the spectrums thanks to my one-of-a-kind Madara prosthetics. Another glance towards 2B had her revealed to my eyes even underneath her cloak. I would need to fix that, stealth is supposed to be stealth and shouldn't show up on anything. It was good for now though as I led the way down the hallway and took the right at the junction. My step near paused as I saw what was happening on the other side of the wall of the apartment we were heading towards.

With a snort, I raised my brow at the door as it opened from Motoko's minor probe with its programs. With a silencing field over the door, I pushed it open and walked right into the apartment. As I walked through the apartment to the living room, I had to step over a couple of bodies and even a severed leg and arm. Ignoring them, I made a turn and sat down on the chair to watch. Motoko stood at my left while 2B was on my right, sword at the ready for anything.

"I'm telling you, they're at the warehouse on 7th and Gallipoli." The Scav cried while a set of arms pulled him spread eagle. I raised a brow as the sound of tearing reached my ears before his right arm was pulled from its socket.

With the silencing field down, my snort drew the attention of the person juicing the Scav for information, "He's actually not wrong, but that's old information since I've already raided the place." I spoke, drawing the attention of the one who had the Scav up by his limbs.

It was very slight, but I did notice her flinch even as she turned to face me, cool as a cucumber. "Is that so, and you are?"


Looking her over, something about her tickled at the back of my mind and I was trying to not only place the face but also the French accent. I was more than certain that I knew who she was.

"Yes, it is," I replied before sending a data packet over the open airways to her own implant. The data packet never made it to her as it was intercepted by one of her arms. I didn't say anything as she shifted positions to put the scav between us and her location. As if I would be distracted by those nice hips of hers.

The little ball with arms attached to its surface moved around a little comically and climbed over the coffee table to settle on top of it. She glanced at what was clearly her drone companion. "And what is this?"

I shrugged, "Offer of a trade for the information you were able to gather here."

She looked at me, "It's incomplete."

The smirk on my lips spread into a smile, "Yes, I can't go around giving all that I have to every pretty lady who flutters her lashes at me."

"And what is it you want for the rest?" She asks.

"A name, and a copy of the information gathered here," I replied before spreading my arms out over the seat I was on.

"Mistral," She replied with a little flair as the little bots around the room did a little jig. She then crossed one shapely leg over the other and did a little motion with her foot.

Looking at her, I raised a brow because I wasn't that easy to distract. She smirked at me as we both fell into silence for a bit, the arm drones doing their weird little dance thing around us but they were ignored. Then there was a sudden flicking motion from one of the little drones as a data shard appeared in its hand.

Not saying anything, I made a minor hand motion and Motoko received the data shard and slotted it into the utility belt at her waist. That was followed by a beat of silence before Motoko turned towards me. "Shards clean, but it's clear that data is missing."

My face shifted into a smile, "Ohh come now, I thought that we were being civil?"

Mistral smiled at me, then stretched dramatically, her legs uncrossing and recrossing themselves as she spoke. "Ma chère, personne n'a suggéré une telle chose."

As my implants auto translate the French, everything happened in rapid motion. 2B appeared in front of my seated location, her sword in motion slicing apart the little hand bot that tried to imitate a face hugger. The Major's handgun was out barking fire as rounds ripped through the couch Mistral used to be seated on.

She wasn't anymore as Mistral had used her stretching motion to kick off, roll the couch over and then jump through the window because of course she did.

With a shake of my head and a sigh, I stood up and walked towards the window, then took half a step back as a sniper round blew through the opening where my head was about to be positioned, not bad at all.

[Target Eliminated]

With that, I took a glance out the opening to find Wolf treating the little hand drone with a sniper rifle installed into its body like a chew toy.

"Should I pursue?" 2B asks with a step forward, but I put up a hand to stop her.

"No, we have enough tech to maybe track her down," I replied with a motion toward the trashed drones. "Plus, not that many French nationals are inside this city." There was some motion and I turned toward the other person in the room. "Major?"

She grimaced a little, "That was on me, I backtraced the connections and tripped an alert." Major held a hand up the echo tech projecting a hologram for me to see what she was pointing out. "The bots might look dumb, but they have a pretty secure handshake protocol. I matched the triple redundancy authentication but not the peer-to-peer laser emissions."

"Alright, let's sweep the place and head out." I stated and moved but held out a hand to stop everyone as a call came in. Then I made a go-along motion when I noticed that it was Maine calling.

2B went to look over the bodies while Motoko went to look at the servers located deeper in the apartments. Walking back over to the couch, I sat down and threw a leg up onto the coffee table in the middle. "Yeah?"

"Hey kid," The gruff voice of Maine came through as a small window appeared with Maine talking. "I heard about some stuff we need to talk about."

"Alright, shoot," I replied easily, not seeing why we needed a chat. That gig he wanted my help for wasn't happening any time soon as far as I could tell.

There was a grunt from the other end of the line, "Nahh kid, not over the airwaves.

My reply was to snort at that, "My line is probably the most secure in the city."

"Yeah, it doesn't work like that kid, I'll send you the deets." Then the line went dead before I got a double beep as a text with a geo-tag came in.

Pulling out my echo, I looked at it and snorted as the map interface came up, the city rotated before landing on a place between the train yards and one of the numerous dumps. Huh, that was alright because there were a few things out in the dumps I might as well take a look at while I'm there. My attention shifted though as Motoko walked back into the room.


"Got what I could off the drives, a few more names we can proceed with," The Major spoke as she flicked her wrist and sent me some information.

With a nod I stood up, "I trust you," I told her then turned my head towards the back. "2B, bring the loot, let's roll."

Within moments, I received a ping, then found myself looking at an itemized list of everything she looted from the place. Mistral didn't even fleece their accounts, so we got a little over fifty thousand eddies added to the group's account. There were also a lot of weapons, but I should have figured such a thing with how many bodies there were about the place.

As we left the apartment, I sent a quick message to Rogue so she could get Regina to have someone from GCPD come out and take care of the apartment. I damn sure wasn't about to call the meat wagons.

When we got back into the parking garage, we found Wolf sitting by the Porsche like the good boy that he was. Instead of putting him on standby, I loaded the loot 2B got into the echo data banks, then let him get in the back along with 2B.

We all piled in, I hit the Saturday night special, popped the clutch, and took off into the air as we blasted out of the parking garage going well close to one hundred.

Note's ::: Ohh yeah, I do plan to hit a couple fun Cyberpunk type reality because we all know its gonna be fun to see them here. 


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