CyberPunk New Game Plus

Cyber 7

Cyberpunk New Game plus

Cyber 7

By: BigTofu

David Martinez

Power sliding down and around the off-ramp of the highway, I weaved my way through traffic until the radar pinged us being a thousand feet from GPS location. Shifting gears again, I slowed us down rapidly before taking us over the bump leading into the abandoned warehouse Maine selected for the meeting. Motoko located Maine’s vehicle long before I did and 2B was able to spot the rest of his Edge Runners crew.

Pulling us into a park spot next to Maine’s ride, I got out and held the door for 2B while Motoko surveyed the area.

Bright-eyed, bushy tailed and hyper-active as all hell, Becca made herself very much known. “Sup, Choom, who the sockets?”

With a snort, I motioned towards my team even as I popped the trunk and let Wolf out, “2B is the sword wielder, and Motoko is the one hard glaring at Lusy and Kiwi for trying to break into her systems.”

Becca cackled like a mad-woman as the duo glared at me for just outing them like that, but I didn’t really care. If they didn’t want to be caught, then they shouldn’t have tried to hack us. Ignoring them, I ran a hand over Wolf's head and tried to ignore Pilar as he made vulgar hand gestures and thrust with his hips.

Shaking my head at the scene, I called over Becca while reaching into my jacket. “Got something you might like.” I commented, then pulled out the Edge Runners holy weapon.

In a smooth yet swift motion, the Malorian Arms 3516 came out while I did a few neat gunslinger tricks, far too easy to keep track of the weapon with my custom-made Madara cyber-eyes. With the weapon cleared, safety on and magazine removed, I held it out for Becca to take.

Her reaction was a high-pitch-squealing giggle mess that nearly popped my eardrums. She took it with a swiftness and I left her to it along with ten rounds. It was only fair to give the girl something to play with. Motoko gave Becca a look that said far more than it should and I couldn’t help but chuckle at the exasperation on her face.

Leaving Motoko with Becca, I strolled towards the abandoned warehouse with 2B following behind, but she never stopped glaring at the two hacker chicks.

I sighed, “Leave it alone 2B, they will never get in our systems anyway.” I stated and this caused the two to shift their ire to me instead of 2B.

“Willing to put eddies on that?” Lucy questioned with a raised brow.

Snorting, I eyed her up and down, “I got the eddies if you willing to bet that booty?” I then shifted my attention to Kiwi also to see if she was willing to take the bet.

Kiwi looked me up and down, a hand on her hip, “ten thousand eddies.”

“Ohhh,” I answered in shock even as Kiwi raised a challenging eyebrow at me. “I’m game.”

Lucy snorted at me from where she was shitting on a pallet, “I doubt you have that kind of eddies.” She muttered.

Now it was my turn to stare her down with a smirk playing at the corners of my mouth, “Ohh, I have that and much more along with being more than willing to put my money where my mouth is, but it's fine if you’re scared. No one is forcing you after all.”

Dorio snorted at me, “Kid, you really got some screws loose.”

Chuckling in reply, my shoulders went up and down in a shrug, “What can I say, I’m of the age where booty is all that I can think about.” I then eyed her up and down appreciatively. Maine grunted at the side as he watched me, pausing in the motion of taking a swing from his synth beer.

I shrugged at him, then turned back towards Lucy, all the while she was watching me like a hawk. Snorting at her, I walked over to where Maine was chilling out with Dorio and Pilar. Grabbing one of the free seats, I plopped my ass in the chair before reaching out and taking 2B by the hand. Before she knew it, 2B was planted in my lap as I let out a contented sigh and looked at Maine.

Before he could speak though, Lucy spoke up, and it was clear she didn’t like being dismissed by me.

“Fine, I’ll take that bet,” Lucy replied with a growl as she jumped off the stack of pallets.

Kiwi snorted from where she was sitting, her off-hand holding a cig while her face piece released a puffing stream of smoke.

My eyes flickered as I made a small account and deposited twenty thousand eddies, then sent the codes to Dorio. “Money is already prepped, and I think Dorio would be a nice fair referee,” I replied with a head motion towards the big muscle lady.

Dorio snorted, “Alright, but I want at least 10%.”

I shrugged since that was alright with me, I had plenty of eddies to spare, and more was coming in daily anyway.

Kiwi shifted where she was sitting, one leg going over the other showing off those toned calves of hers. She shot me a smirk then very deliberately made her shirt open as she placed a hand across the back of her seat.

There was no stopping me from rolling my eyes as if I was that fucking easy.

“So, how are we doing this?” Lucy pushed forward.

Looking at her, I raised a single brow, “Pretty sure you guys already started or were those last three pings off my barriers someone else.” I questioned as I watched her scoff at me. “How about this, you two have until I’m finished here with Maine.”

Kiwi let out a chuckle and didn’t even care that she drew Lucy’s ire, “He got you there.”

Turning back around, I gave the big man a raised brow.

Maine finished his beer and took a look around at those who had finally fallen silent. With a sigh, Maine looked at the empty beer bottle in his hand before placing it down on the mini table between us.

He then sat back and threw his hand up around Dorio’s shoulder. Maine let the silence stretch on while he kicked a leg up on the table and peered at me from over his glasses. I on the other hand, well had a handful of ass. 2B was just so lovely after all and I would be a poor creator if I didn’t help my creations feel the love.

Getting that I was just going to enjoy the ass in my hands, Maine decided that he would be the one to break the silence, but he was far too late as Becca beat him to it.

BOOM! Muahahaha!!! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Muahahaha!!!

The smirk that spread across my face was one of utmost innocence because I totally didn’t give her the gun knowing that was exactly what she would do. Only surprised she took so long to get started, must have been bugging Mokoto.

Maine grunted at Becca and her craziness, then turned to me with a snort, “What the fuck kid, I get a call from Kiwi of all people about you Zeroing fingers.” Maine groaned with knuckles rubbing into his chromed forehead. “What were you thinking? Do you even know the position you put me in with Wakako and the Tyger Claws?”

I couldn’t help it and snorted at that, 2B shifted in my gasp, giving me a nice grasp of ass. I shook my head at Maine, “You’re not in any kind of position with Wakako unless you put yourself in one.”

“What?!” Maine questioned as he sat up straight, surprise clear on his face.

I shook my head with a chuckle, “I said, none... because it's not even known if we are in a crew together.” I state with a shrug, “I got asked to deal with Fingers, so I did.” I looked from Maine to Dorio and back, “So you got nothing to worry about.”

Dorio snorted, but Pilar beat both her and Maine to the punch, “And where would a snotnose punk like you even get a contract like that?”

Shrugged my shoulders, “I know some people who needed the board shuffled around.”

“BULLSHIT!” Pilar crowed with a mad laugh.

Dorio shifted where she was leaning up against Maine’s side, “So you know people now? Didn’t know Gloria’s kid had connections.”

“Bullshit!” Crowd Pilar as he made loud and long exaggerated movements of my lanky ass arms.

His answer was a shrug of my shoulders, “I’m hungry, and filled with piss, vinegar, and conquest on the brain.”

The big man Maine let out a full belly laugh at that, “Yeah, and why is that?”

The smile I sent their way was sharp and full of teeth, very sharp teeth that could tear out throats. It was time to shift gears and ask a question before I answer, “Well, what's your take on the NCPD?”

Maine gave me a look while Dora chuckled. “Depends on who, but I got no beef with them.”

“And what if I got a way for you to be in power the same way they are?” I asked, my hand paused in its ministration across 2B’s ass.

Dora busted a gut laughing while the others looked at me like I was crazy.

Maine, look over at 2B, “What you give the gonk to juice up on?”

“I haven’t given David anything suspicious.” 2B replied after a moment of thinking.

“Ohh, I like that look; that's a look that’ll make me all wet,” Becca answered very animatedly as she appeared over the back of my chair.

Turning, I smile at the little gremlin, acting like I didn’t see my weapon in her side holster.

Maine cringes a little while Pilar fake yacks. “I doubt you got a link like that, kid.”

Turning back to look at him, I shrugged again, “Don't need a link if I own half the city. I can just appoint whoever I want as the local constable.”

Maine busted out a gut laughing this time, “Ohh yeah, and how are you gonna own half the city with these corpo suits around?”

“I don’t need to care about them, “ I replied, “Plus, nobody wants Pacifica.”


Now it was Pilar and Maine who laughed. “Ain't nobody gonna take that place from the Voodoo Boys.”

My smile had Rebecca vibrating in her seat. "It's gonna take someone real ruthless to take it from them, them. Plus, the city owns the deed and has been looking for a poor sap to pawn it off on for some time now."

Maine stopped laughing, pulled his glasses down a little, and looked at me. Everyone in the place had stopped laughing instantly. The looks Pilar, Dorio, and Lucy were giving spoke volumes. Kiwi on the other hand just had an eyebrow raised, yet said nothing, but I could feel the gaze she was giving me from the side eye. It was very appraising and judgemental, which was fine with me.

Maine shifted to the edge of his couch, “Kid, stop joking.”

Spreading my hands, I leaned back against my own seat, “I'm not, I told you I got conquest in my blood, and what better conquest than the lawless lands of Pacifica? It’s going to be biblical, I win and get to rule my own slice of this city uncontested, I lose and go down as a Legend.”

“You got some chromed-out titanium balls, you know that.” Maine spoke with a shake of his head.

“I got my own goals, Maine,” I spoke, my voice dropping an octave, “I'm hungry Maine, and if I don't eat, all this anger I keep locked down inside is going to come pouring out.” I shook my head then, “I’ve only been on the scene a little, and I’ve already all but destroyed the Animals, and I people who think they can stick their hands in my pie. Now, I can cut those hands off, or not. When you showed up at my home, you stepped correct, and Gloria vouched for you. It’s the only reason this offer is even on the table.”

Maine shifted back in his seat, his gaze still firmly placed on me, “And if I say that I don’t want that kinda heat for me and mine?”

In reply, I shrugged at him, “When it happens it happens, and when it does, you can’t say I never made the offer.”

Maine snorted while Pilar cackled like a madman, Becca was staring at me with stars or were those hearts in her eyes, not sure. Kiwi was thinking, but I could see the brief flashes going on across her eyes and could tell that she was still trying to hack my system. Looking over towards Lucy, I chuckled as I found her also doing the same thing.

Shifting my focus, I pulled my hand from 2B's cheeks and gave them a clap, "Alright, chats over, and neither of you could break my ice. You know what that means."

"Booty, booty, booty rockin' everywhere!" Becca called out with a mad cackle. "Hey, choom, can a girl get her socket plugged to?"

I couldn’t help it as I chuckled at her antics, “Yea, sure Becca, I’ll plug your socket anytime you want.”

The others in the room groaned, and I noticed the appraising look 2B was giving Becca.

Lucy huffed and glared at me, “You cheated!”

There was a pair of pretty eyes rolled at that statement, “Where did you get that ICE?” Kiwi questioned even though she lazed like a cat in the noonday sun.

I chuckled at them both even as I replied in a smooth voice, “I built it myself, actually, from the ground up, a whole new programming language.”

From the side, 2B did a swipe from her wrist outwards. This opened a small link room which then received a copy of the programming basics that I had written.

Both of the ladies stopped their idle musings as they looked at me, Pilar even stopped his bullshit to actually pay attention. Maine had no care in the world as he put away another one of the synth-beers. The Kiwi had even stopped her lazy performance to take a closer look while Lucy was quickly swiping through the hologram.

There was nothing to say as I chilled and let the two hacker girls go at it. There was no shame in my game and I already knew that the girls weren’t going to be able to crack the code.  As I relaxed and just enjoyed the nice little atmosphere, my phone buzzed as a call came in. At first I was going to just ignore it, but when I checked the caller ID. I found that it was Viktor calling and I owed Viktor far too much to just ignore his call or send him to voicemail.

I answered the call at the same time as I pulled out my smartphone. Nothing was wrong with answering on my internal communications, but there was just something great about having a device in hand and less chrome inside of my head. Granted, I had some really snazzy upgrades, but old habits die hard.

Leaning back, I ran a hand over 2B’s thighs while answering the call. “Hey, Viktor, what's up?”

“Hey Kid, hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time,” Viktor started with a long-suffering sigh. From what I could hear, there were voices in the back, but their voices was overpowered by Viktors.

“Nahh, it's all cool Vik, I’m just hanging around with a few folks is all,” I replied in return.

“Huh, well alright, I’ll get to the point then,” Viktor grunted before clearing his throat. “Well, I got this kid here, got done up in a nasty way. Wanted you to come and talk to him, seeing as you both are in around the same age and all.”

I sat up at that, and 2B raised a brow as she looked at me,” Yeah, send me the deets, and give me the quick and dirty Vik.”

There was a sigh then a grunt from the other side of the call, “There ain’t much to it, just a kid I know down on his luck got the bike he used for little jobs taken. Got banged up pretty bad, you know the usual for this city.”

Yeah, that got a grunt out of me, “Yeah, sounds like something this city would do to a person. Well, since you called me Vik, I’ll be there soon.”

“Thanks kid,” Viktor grunted before hanging up the call with a click. With a sigh, I pocketed my phone and looked over to the short stack with my iron between her legs, “Hey Bex, down for some hero work?”

The room went quiet as they all turned their attention to me as I got up, 2B was right at my side and the moment I called for Becca, the sword on her back flashed with motes of light. The others looked at the weapon hovering behind 2B but I ignored them to stare down the little gremlin with my hand outwards.

Becca looked up at me with that smile of hers as if she didn't know what I was asking her. As if I wouldn’t notice my hand cannon sticking out of her belt. With a snort and shake of the head, I scooped her up and placed her over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. With a shake of my head, I gave her ass a nice rub, before popping her across the asscheeks.

Becca kicked her legs as I gave her ass another smack“Hey!”

Ignoring her, I turned to the others, “Alright, I got some things to deal with, gonna take the gremlin with.”

Dario just shook her head at me, but Maine leaned forward in his seat. “Keep some time open and wait for my call, when it goes down, it goes down and only those in the crew are gonna get a cut.”

“Sounds reasonable enough,” I replied as I ignored his raised brow as I gave Becca another smack on the ass. Turning towards Kiwi and Lucy, I sent them a cocky smirk. “Well, Ladies, you don't have to pay up now, but eventually I'll be coming for that booty.”

Before the two could answer, Becca cackled like the manic little chaos gremlin that she was, “You hear that pixie bob, the booty warrior is gonna be after that butt.”

Becca never got to say anything else, as I followed behind 2B as she exited the area with me in toe. Well, Becca never got to say anything to them, but that didn’t mean that I was able to stop her brands of chaos.

“OHHH NOOOO!! THE BIG MEAN BOOTY WARRIOR IS TAKING ME TO HIS LEAR FOR RAVISHING!!!!” Becca wailed from my shoulder with enough dramatics that I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “THE RAVISHING!!!”

2B turned and shot me a very questioning look, with a sigh, I just shook my head at her while giving Becca another smack on the ass. The girl was a fun time but also a troublemaker, along with being on a hair trigger. It was very hard to mistake that scent of arousal for anything other than what it was, the prospect of a good fight and some dick afterward already got her motor running.

Pushing all of that out of my head though, I put her down as we got to the parking garage and found my Silverhand Porsche 911 waiting with a purr. 2B got into the passenger seat while Becca decided to claim her lap. When I got in though, I had to put my hand cannon back into storage because Becca thought it was funny to slip the damn thing into my back waistband like I was some ganger.

The damn weapon used reactive explosive rounds, no way in hell was I going to trust that thing anywhere near my buttcheeks, safety on or not. Once I got it, I threw the car into gear and peeled out of there with the tires smoking. I would have to do something about that later.

When I pulled up to the shop and went in, I found the old man just chilling on one of his chairs while watching an old exo brawl. On the other side of the little medical clinic was a teenager about my age but with none of the chrome that I had. What he did have though was two arms that looked as if they had been mangled.

Viktor had done preem work like always and had replaced the destroyed chrome with something both workable and serviceable.

Good old Vik, forever the saint of street rats everywhere.

My optics gave me a scan of the kid, and he was in good shape compared to how he must have arrived. That was easy to figure out from both Vik’s words and my eyes being able to read the nature of the kid's recovery and recreate the damage he originally took.

Saying nothing as Becca went over to poke at the kid, ignoring the goings-on behind me. I took one of the open seats and waited for Viktor to finish his drink.

With the ending of the fight, Viktor let out a grunt before turning towards me and waving a hand towards the medical chair, “Mind helping the kid or what?”

Taking a moment to think it over, I shrugged with a ‘why not’ even as my hands reached for the digistruct belt. Viktor looked at my actions with a raised brow even as he scratched at his stubble. It took him a bit, but once Vik had made up his mind, he pushed off from a bar he had his legs up on. Then, I watched as Viktor rolled across the room and to the side of the medical bed.

Walking over, I had to smack away Becca’s hands as she was pulling on the kid's face and doing silly things with it. Rolling my eyes, I held out a hand to Viktor and accepted the rag. Then it was a simple thing to wipe the dick drawing off the kid's face along with the fake whiskers Becca had drawn all over the kid.

Becca flapped her arms like a uWu anime girl as I shifted her towards the side. “Aww, come on chomba, I was making art.”

I shook my head at her, “Let me fix the kid up and wake him before you decide to draw the guy into your brand of chaos.”

Becca stuck her tongue out at me, then took one of Viktor rolling chairs. With a ‘weeeeeee’, she rolled off to go bother 2B. Rolling my eyes, I turned back towards Viktor and accepted the gloves he was holding out. With thanks to Vik, I got gloved up before getting to work.

“Alright kid, I got the area cleaned up pretty nicely and all of the connections are clean.” Viktor stated from the side even as she scooted around with his little roller chair. I looked at him and noticed the data slate in one of his hands, in the other was the connector. Viktor would press it to a point, read out the data on the tablet, then move on.

Like keys on a piano, my fingers glide across the surface of my tools as I picked and discard each. My hands flew up and down the kid's previously mangled limbs as artificial muscles were installed, nervous sensors and hard light emitters.  The shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints each received custom ball joints for full rotation and articulation of the appendage. Flexible carbon bands connected to artificial cartilage and various parts of the arm as I worked my way from top to bottom.

Once I was finished with the right arm, I then scanned it and made a full copy for the left with slight changes to the model. It would suck if I woke the guy up and he had two right arms that were also unbalanced.

As I pushed back a little, a hand came with a cloth and wiped the sweat from my brow. I blinked and looked at 2B who gave me a smile while Viktor looked over my work.

“Not bad kid, looks all bespoke if you ask me,” Viktor grunted as he looked over the gear with laser focus. His off-hand was scratching at his chin nonchalantly. “We’re gonna have to spoof the call-back protocols on his other chrom, the moment they do a handshake with whatever power source you plan to plug into those monsters. They're going to call home and sing like canaries for Arasaka, and whoever else this kid plugged into himself.”

I wanted to cringe at that because as I looked over the guy's new arms, I realized that I might have gone a little overboard with his chrome. He had received a full rebuild of the best that I could do which meant that the arms had two modes. The first one was the civilian mode which showed an artificial skin that matched his own. The second mode was the combat mode, which shifted the emitters from face skins to combat arms.

The arms would passively pull in aim, compress it, and then allow the user to use the arms as impact rams. He was missing a few eezo bands to allow him to lift trucks, but I had already made him a solid powerhouse within the city if he played things smart. Then again, none of that would matter if the corpo’s got their hands on him after reviewing his user data.

After thinking things over, I gave Viktor a look, “How about I just remove all the control programs and give him a copy of my own unifier? Matter, of fact, why don't I give you a copy of my OS.”

“Kid, no Corp is just going to let that slide. It's why they infest their cyberwear with bugs.” Viktor replied even as he handed over a data cable.

A chuckle and a smile saw me connecting the data cable to a pad as I ran a full data backup then formatted to the kid's neural cyber interface. By the time I was finished, the only thing still on the cyberwear was the guy's night city credentials along with school, home, and basic information.

Happy with the all-clear I was getting from my own tablet, I installed the power cores and gave Viktor the okay to wake the guy up. Staying back aways, I snatched Becca up as she tried to sneak past to go and hover over Viktor's shoulders.

Yeah, not on my watch.

Viktor went through the usual wake-up protocols, and I smiled as I watched him work. Finger touches, nose touches and pick up the various items. When he was finished, Vik scooted his chair back and waved a hand at me. “Kid, meet David, a knuckle-headed edge runner. David, meet Richard, another knuckle-head but with not as good of luck.”

Richard rolled his eyes at Vik as he got out of the medical bay. “I told you I don't need the help old man, they just got the jump on me is all.”

“Doesn’t matter, I called in this favor, least you can do is give it a chance,” Vik grunted as she cleared up the medical section. “He even gave you some custom gear and didn’t even charge you an eddie.”

I threw my hands up, “Now, now, leave me outta this.”

That was the wrong thing to do because Becca got loose. The first thing she did was kick him in the shin, then grabbed him by the collar. “Richard my man, it's like your saying my cute and cuddly self isn’t allowed on this fun adventure.”

“Excuse me, who the hell are you?” Richard asked a little flummoxed.

Becca smiled at him as she stood on her tiptoes, handgun to Richard's head, “Ohh, names Becca, mistress of mayhem, madam of carnage, the sweet and sour short-stack that will give you a heart attack.” 

She went on and on, I honestly didn’t know if I should stop her or not. She shook Richard once twice then put her gun away before turning towards me with a creepy smile.

“David my man, he’s coolio, so let's go kick these sockets around.”

Note’s :::  Wworking on a Daniel Black and a Beyond Horizon right after that. Maybe a Turok also, trying to keep things loose and fun.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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