Danmachi – Infinite Mana System

Chapter 89 – War Game 04!!

[Chapter Size: 2500 Words.]
Third Person POV



The eastern area of the castle, where the main members of the Apollo Family are concentrated, becomes an epicenter of confusion and disorder at this moment. Hyakinthos Clio, the level 3 commander and most powerful member of the family, is furious, his voice echoing through the castle stones as he reprimands his subordinates.

"What?! Who is issuing orders for everyone to leave? This is nonsense!" Hyakinthos shouts, his expression twisted with anger and confusion.

"But, Lord Hyakinthos. Luan said it was you who issued the orders!" an adventurer responds, equally confused and a little scared by his leader's reaction.

"Luan? Is he betraying us now?!" Hyakinthos's fury grows, his thoughts revolving around betrayal and deceit.

Daphne Lauros, with her quick mind and keen eyes, intervenes. "This seems suspicious, let me investigate, I'll see Luan immediately!" she responds, wanting to find out what's going on.

"Alright, Daphne. See why Luan is acting this way!" Hyakinthos concedes.

Cassandra Ilion, with her desperation for some visions she had, feels the weight of what will happen. "This is terrible... it's starting..." she murmurs, sensing the beginning of something bigger and darker.

"We must tell the Heimdall family to flee!" Cassandra immediately suggests raising her voice, but her concern is quickly dismissed by Hyakinthos, who pushes her aside. "Stop this nonsense, we cannot lose to a family with almost 200 members and several level 4 and 3s!" he shouts, refusing to admit any possibility of defeat.

As Daphne rushes in search of Luan, he or Lili transformed into him, already aware of the risks of being discovered as soon as their actions were passed on to Hyakinthos, quickly changes location to avoid any pursuit. Lili's cunning is one step ahead, keeping the plan they devised in motion.

Outside, Ryuu continues her relentless attack. Each of her movements is a deadly dance, each strike unleashing the power of magical swords. Explosions resonate one after another, creating a terrifying rhythm of destruction.


Adventurers from the Apollo Family fall one after another, their defenses ineffective against the fury of the swords Ryuu holds. Screams of pain and desperate pleas for help fill the air.

"AHHHH!!!" a soldier screams as he is hit.

"Someone stop her!" another begs, seeking shelter.

"She's too strong!" the realization comes with growing fear.

In the midst of the chaos, the Hestia Family arrives, taking advantage of the opening created by Ryuu. Bell, Welf, and Mikoto, with their eyes fixed on the goal, move quickly through the confusion, ready to face whatever comes next.

A new batch of soldiers comes out of the hole in the wall, and they immediately advance against Ryuu. The battlefield continues a scenario of chaos and destruction as Ryuu, with her magical swords now in pieces, does not hesitate and quickly switches to a sturdy wooden staff. An elf from the Apollo Family, shocked to recognize one of their own race using such infamous weapons, advances against her, shouting accusations. "You're an elf and use the Crozzo's swords, which once destroyed our country?!" His voice is laden with anger and betrayal.

However, Ryuu, with lethal calm, shows no hesitation. As he approaches, she moves with impressive agility, her speed so surprising that the elf, even with his own natural agility, cannot keep up, as Ryuu was a level 4 against a 2. In the blink of an eye, he's on the ground, knocked out by the precise blow of her staff.

Ryuu continues her offensive, advancing among the adventurers surrounding her. Her technique is relentless and efficient, each of her movements a devastating blow. The adventurers fall one after another, unable to react to her speed and strength of an almost first-line adventurer. Bell, Welf, and Mikoto arrive at the scene at that moment, witnessing the trail of destruction left by Ryuu. "You managed to handle them..." Bell comments, impressed with her efficiency. "Yes... let's invade," Ryuu responds, her voice calm, but firm. Bell nods, and together, they advance into the castle through the opening.

Upon entering the eastern area, the members of the Apollo Family quickly realize the invasion and prepare to face the intruders.

"They've invaded!!" the narrator of the city of Orario announces, his voice filled with shock and excitement. People all over the city watch with surprised but excited eyes, thrilled by the exciting start.

Inside the castle, arrows and spells are launched by the Apollo family members towards Bell and his group in a desperate attempt to stop them. But they, determined and skilled, continue to advance, dodging and neutralizing the attacks with incredible dexterity.

Mikoto, with serene concentration, channels her gravitational magic, creating a field that distorts space around her enemies. The adventurers of the Apollo Family feel their bodies weigh down, as if an invisible force is pulling them down, their attempts to advance dramatically slowed. With precise gestures, Mikoto manipulates gravity, turning it into a formidable weapon that confuses and immobilizes her opponents, allowing her companions to advance unobstructed.

Welf, wielding his great sword with a skill born from years of practice and dedication, is a force to be reckoned with and not just known as a blacksmith. Each of his blows is a cataclysmic event, knocking down level 1 adventurers who dare to face him.

Ryuu moves among the adventurers with lethal grace. Her speed is impressive, a green blur that defies comprehension. With each movement, she launches quick and devastating attacks, each accompanied by a burst of elemental force from her staff. The enemies barely have time to register her presence before being struck down one after another like pawns. Her extraordinary performance even makes the narrator question aloud if she might be of a higher level, leaving the audience in suspense and admiration.

However, it's Bell who captures the most attention. His speed and skill are already notable as he fights the enemies with his agility. Suddenly, an enemy dressed like an executive from the Apollo family appears at this moment trying to stop him, Daphne. Bell, with a determined look, advances against her and clashes his dagger against the enemy's sword.

"I won't let you pass!" She screams and tries to counter him, but Bell shows superior strength and deflects her sword with his brute force and kicks her against one of the walls, falling defeated.

"What?! Bell Cranel defeated an executive of the Apollo family so easily!? Wasn't he supposed to be level 2 as well?" the narrator shouts.

While Bell and the others were winning the fight at the beginning of the eastern area, the main force of Apollo received the call for help and went to that side to deal with the enemy immediately.




Arrows and fireballs flew against the Hestia family, but without success in defeating them so easily.

"Let's go, Apollo family! Attack!" Hyakinthos shouts, and everyone immediately positions themselves against the enemy.

"Ryuu, take care of the approaching enemies. Mikoto and Welf, take care of the mages and archers!" Bell gives the order, and they obey, nodding as they face another wave of enemies.

While Ryuu moved faster than anyone could react, Welf used his magic to make the mages explode their own magic, and Mikoto continued in a dance of gravity magic and swordsmanship.

Bell ran straight for the captain of the Apollo family, as he faces Hyakinthos, a new layer of his current power is revealed. The clash of his dagger against Hyakinthos's sword resonates like thunder, each blow a test of strength and will. Despite Hyakinthos's leadership position and experience, he begins to lose ground, surprised and disoriented by Bell's ferocity and skill. "What, how, how is this possible?! You weren't this strong a month ago?!" Hyakinthos shouts, his voice mixing surprise and frustration.

Bell, focused and undisturbed, doesn't respond. Instead, he continues to press, his attacks a blur of motion that pushes Hyakinthos back step by step.

In the city of Orario, the narrator follows the battle with feverish excitement. "Is this, this what I imagine and already suspect?! Bell Cranel is at level 3 surpassing even Hyakinthos?!" he shouts, his voice reflecting the disbelief and excitement of the crowd. The possibility of Bell reaching a new level so quickly sends shockwaves through the audience. "He broke the record again!" someone exclaims, the news spreading like fire among the viewers wondering how it's possible, since it takes years of constant danger to surpass one's level, yet Bell Cranel is managing to break the patterns from one month to the next.

The battle between Bell and Hyakinthos is not just a clash of strength but a symbol of Bell Cranel's meteoric rise, a testament to his limitless potential within him. And as the fight continues, one question remains hanging in the air: how far can Bell Cranel go?

People watch, fascinated and eager, the intense fight unfolding on the big screens. "Amazing, will Hestia win this game now?" a spectator murmurs, the admiration clear in their voice. The entire city is immersed in expectation, every move of Bell being analyzed and applauded.

Apollo, with his eyes glued to the screen, can't hide his consternation. Bell's performance is alarming, threatening the safety and victory of his family in the game. Hestia, on the other hand, watches silently, a mix of pride and worry in her look. She knows how much Bell has grown in recent weeks, the level change to level 3 was a well-kept secret until this critical moment, now Bell showed that he had surpassed his previous shell.

In another corner, a goddess disguised as a waitress smiles mischievously, delighted with the chaos and competition before her. "This is too good..." she whispers, anticipating the twists and turns to come for Bell.

Meanwhile, in the heat of the confrontation, Hyakinthos prepares to launch one of his most powerful spells. "Damn..." he murmurs, aware that he needs a moment of distraction to complete it. Cassandra, acting quickly, interposes herself between Bell and Hyakinthos, grabbing the young adventurer and giving the Apollo Family commander the necessary time.

"Please let me go!" Bell pleads, reluctant to hurt Cassandra but determined to continue the fight. It's at this critical moment that Hyakinthos completes his spell. "Alo Zephiros!" he shouts, and a circulating and bright line shoots toward Bell.

Bell, with quick reflexes, dodges the magic, but it begins to return. Without hesitation, Bell points his hand at it and shouts "Fireball!" The energy of his magic clashes with that of Hyakinthos, creating a dense smoke curtain. When the smoke begins to dissipate, Bell emerges through it, surprising Hyakinthos with a swift and decisive attack.

"This is amazing, with Bell Cranel, their chances of winning will increase!!" the narrator shouts, his voice capturing the emotion and surprise of the moment. Beside him, Ganesha, unable to contain his enthusiasm, exclaims "I AM GANESHA!" his joy and energy adding more fervor to the already electric atmosphere.

The commentator, trying to maintain order, murmurs "Don't interfere, Ganesha-Sama...", but even he can't deny the intensity and excitement that Bell has brought to the game.

Bell, with unwavering determination, continues his frenetic attack against Hyakinthos. Each move is calculated and precise, a whirlwind of blows that leaves his opponent struggling to keep up. Finally, Bell creates an opening, exploiting it with surprising speed. With a final powerful blow, he sends Hyakinthos against the wall, the sound of the impact echoing through the space. Hyakinthos falls to the ground, defeated, looking up with a mix of hatred and disbelief. Bell, almost untouched by the battle, stands still, looking down at his fallen adversary. "I won..." he says, his voice devoid of emotion, reflecting the intensity of the moment.

Meanwhile, Mikoto, Welf, and Ryuu, who unexpectedly joins the fight after dealing with the Apollo Family adventurers with impressive efficiency.

"Bell won! Lili always believed!" Lili now with her normal appearance, joined them excitedly.

With all members of the Hestia family gathered shown on the screen for all, the gods exclaimed in wonder at the place where most gathered to watch the fight. "It seems your family is not so strong after all, Apollo..." a god comments, watching the defeat of the Apollo Family on the screens, his voice laden with provocation.

Apollo, unable to accept the situation, quickly accuses Hestia of cheating. "How could this happen! Hestia, you cheated! You put a level 4 adventurer and did not inform that Bell Cranel reached level 3!" His voice is a mix of anger and despair.

Hestia, outraged by the accusation, responds forcefully. "What are you saying, Apollo!" she shouts, defending her honor and that of her family.

Hermes, always the observer, intervenes to clarify. "She didn't cheat, Apollo. She had no obligation to inform Bell's level before the game, and she called an adventurer according to your conditions..." His voice is calm but firm, making it clear that the rules were followed.

The other gods begin to mock Apollo, his defeat becoming a subject of ridicule and shame. "Apollo really is a joke," one comments. "He lost the entire family to Hestia... What a surprise," says another, adding insult to injury.

Heimdall, watching alongside Apollo, comments with a hint of disdain. "Why are you so worried..."

"Hm?" Apollo looks at him at that moment.

"My family hasn't even taken action yet, and even with a level 4 with Hestia, I have 2 and many level 3s. So just sit back and let my family take care of the rest." His voice is firm and full of authority, and his gaze is that of someone who already visualizes victory.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Lili, Bell, and the others regroup, aware that victory against the Apollo Family is just the first step. "We won against one family, now we need to take care of the second..." Lili comments, her voice serious and thoughtful. The group moves away slightly to discuss the next steps, aware that the fight is far from over.

It is at this moment of brief respite that a sudden explosion erupts from the other side of the field. Bell and his friends instinctively turn towards the sound, seeing several colorful and powerful magics rising into the sky. The spectacle is both impressive and threatening, a clear demonstration of the power of the Heimdall Family.

The rain of magic begins to fly towards them, the Hestia Family group immediately goes on high alert. They know that the next phase of the game will be even more challenging, facing a family with resources and abilities that rival or even surpass their own.

Before they can formulate a plan or even disperse, the area around them explodes in a series of magical detonations. The ground shakes, and waves of heat and force hit them. The world seems to spin around them, each explosion a blow against their hopes and safety.

In the midst of the chaos, the Heimdall Family finally participates in the war without waiting for the Hestia Family to invade the central area of the castle.


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