Danmachi – Infinite Mana System

Chapter 90 – War Game 05!!

[Chapter Size: 2900 Words.]
Third Person POV



After the Hestia Family was hit by combined magics from their new adversary, as the dust and smoke from the magical explosions begin to dissipate, the scene that reveals itself is one of devastation and chaos. Welf and Mikoto are on their knees, struggling to stay firm despite the powerful forces that hit them. Lili lies unconscious, her fragile form resting on the ground. Only Bell and Ryuu remain standing, their expressions remaining quite determined in the face of the shadows that leaped among the castle's details.

At this critical moment, the Heimdall Family emerges from the castle, advancing with an imposing and threatening presence. Led by Loras Forhe, the level 4 human captain, they move with confidence that can only come from the certainty of their own strength. Carina Lix, the level 4 feline warrior, is beside him, her claws ready and her eyes fixed on the enemies ahead. Hug, the robust level 3 dwarf, Carla, the elven mage, and the other family members follow, forming a combat force that seems unshakable.

Loras looks at Bell and Ryuu, sizing them up as the last obstacles in his path. "I never imagined that the war game would start as soon as the signal touched, but I must congratulate you, as you quickly defeated the Apollo Family, surprising us. Therefore, we resolved to act, but only two of you seem to be in a condition to fight after our initial attack..." he comments, his voice calm, but loaded with disdain. "Did you really think you could challenge the Heimdall Family and go unpunished?"

Beside him, Carina growls softly, the anticipation of a fight running through her veins. "Where is Lucius, Hestia Familia-Nyah? Why hasn't he appeared yet?" she demanded, barely able to wait to enter the battle against that cursed mage who humiliated her last time.

Bell, despite being hurt and concerned for his fallen friends, holds firm his dagger, preparing for whatever comes next. Beside him, Ryuu remains unperturbed, her staff in hand, ready to defend and attack with the same deadly efficiency she demonstrated before, but she could not show much of her power, as this would expose her identity as a criminal who has already annihilated many families for revenge.

Welf and Mikoto, despite being injured and shaken, begin to rise, refusing to give up. They know that the battle ahead will be the toughest they have ever faced, but they also know they have no choice but to fight.

As the members of the Heimdall Family prepare to advance, Bell and Ryuu exchange a quick look, a silent communication that speaks of strategy and mutual trust. Together, they prepare to face the wave of enemies approaching, ready to fight with all their strength and protect each other to the end.

A new confrontation is about to happen, a true battle of wills and power between the cunning and courage of the Hestia Family and the overwhelming strength of the Heimdall Family.

In the city of Orario, the narrator from the Ganesha Family watches the events unfolding on the screens closely, ready to capture every dramatic moment. His voice, a constant beacon of excitement and surprise, fills the air as he broadcasts the events of the battle.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what we just witnessed was a crushing surprise attack!" he begins, the urgency in his voice reflecting the intensity of what just happened. "The Hestia Family was hit by a storm of combined magics, a demonstration of power that left even the bravest among them shaken!"

As the viewers watch with bated breath, he continues: "But wait, what's this? The powerful Heimdall Family is emerging from the shadows of the castle! Led by the imposing Loras Forhe, who is considered the king in this game, instead of staying in the center of the castle being protected, they seem to be taking the initiative against the enemy!"

The narrator, his voice full of a mix of admiration and awe, describes the scene in vivid detail. "Look at how they march, each step a declaration of strength and dominance. Carina Lix, the fierce feline warrior, Hug, the unshakable dwarf, and Carla, the penetrating elf mage. They are all there, a formidable force ready to face Bell Cranel and Ryuu!"

He pauses for a moment, letting the tension build before continuing. "Welf and Mikoto are on their knees, Lili is unconscious, only Bell and Ryuu seem to be in condition to fight. But make no mistake, my friends, this battle is far from over. The determination and courage of the Hestia Family are now known to all in Orario. They will not give up without a fight!"

"Prepare for an epic clash, dear viewers! The Heimdall Family against the Hestia Family, a fight that will be told and retold for months. Who will prevail? Who will fall? Even with the overwhelming force of Heimdall Familia, Hestia Familia has surprised us before, will the same happen?"

With these words, the narrator leaves the audience in a frenzy of anticipation and nervousness. In every corner of Orario, people lean closer to the screens, their hearts beating in anticipation of what will happen.

On the battlefield, the members of the Heimdall Family look down with disdain at the fallen adventurers of the Apollo Family.

Loras Forhe, the level 4 human captain, looks at the chaos left behind with a critical gaze. "The Apollo Family fell before them," he says in a low and controlled voice, "but we will not make the same mistakes. They underestimated their opponents, a mistake we will not repeat."

Carina Lix growls in agreement. "Apollo was weak. They got what they deserved," she comments.

Hug, the robust level 3 dwarf, shakes his head in disapproval. "It was shameful to hear them being defeated by a family fighting with 5 members. The Apollo Familia let arrogance cloud their judgment." he declares, pounding his fist against his chest in a gesture of determination.

The other members of the Heimdall Family agree, all of them looking at Bell and the others ready to fight.

The captain finally gives the order, "We are the Heimdall Family. We will not fall like Apollo. Let's advance and show Orario the true strength of our family. For Heimdall!"

With a roar of approval, the Heimdall Family advances, ready to face Bell, Ryuu, and the others. As the Heimdall Family advances, the battlefield becomes a whirlwind of violence. Each member of the Hestia Family faces overwhelming pressure, with the numerical and level superiority of the Heimdall Family becoming evident, very different from what they faced with the Apollo family.

Ryuu, the mysterious and powerful fighter of the Hestia Family, advances trying to relieve the pressure between Bell and the others and finds herself pressed against Loras Forhe and Carina Lix, the two level 4s of the Heimdall Family. The difference in power is palpable. Loras, with his skill and experience, attacks with a series of strategic blows, forcing Ryuu to continually defend. Beside him, Carina, agile and fierce, uses her claws to create a storm of attacks. With each move, Ryuu is forced to retreat, she cannot show her maximum power and even if she could, it was not easy to deal with two level 4s in a direct confrontation at the same time.

Bell, now surrounded by several level 3 adventurers, moves with the speed and dexterity of a level 3. Despite his extraordinary skill, the numbers are against him. Each opponent he knocks down seems to be replaced by two more, an endless tide of enemies. He dodges, blocks, and counter-attacks, but the pressure is constant, a test of his endurance and will to fight. He tries to use his argonaut ability, but he seems to have difficulty charging with constant attacks from all sides.

Beside him, Welf and Mikoto face their own challenges against level 2 adventurers. Welf, with his great sword, cuts through the enemies, but each of his movements requires immense energy, and the opponents are numerous and relentless. Mikoto, using her magic and sword skills, fights bravely, but even she begins to show signs of fatigue in the face of the barrage of attacks and starts to receive them passing through her defense.

The battle is a brutal test for the Hestia Family, an unequal fight that pushes them to their limits. They are forced to retreat step by step, each movement an effort to survive and protect each other. The superiority of the Heimdall Family is clear, but the determination and courage of the Hestia Family shine even in the face of overwhelming adversity.

The city of Orario watches. The narrator, his voice a mix of admiration and concern, broadcasts every moment of the fight. "The Hestia Family is under great pressure! Will they be able to overcome this disadvantage and find a way to win? Or will the overwhelming force of the Heimdall Family prove to be too much for them? Where is Lucius, the mage of Hestia? Why haven't we seen him until now?"

"This was expected, the Hestia Family is being pressed too much!" a spectator commented.

"I had hopes they could win, but now..." another murmurs, disillusionment evident on their face.

"They fought so bravely. It's horrible to see them at such a disadvantage now," a woman comments.

Meanwhile, the members of the Loki Family watch with an experienced perspective. Aiz Wallenstein, known for her strength and few words, watches with a neutral expression, analyzing every movement of the battle. "They are in trouble," she finally says, her voice calm but laden with underlying concern.

"This is what happens when you face more numerous members and higher levels. They are strong, but I don't blame the Hestia Family, they didn't have time to create a strategy like they did against the Apollo force," comments Finn, his gaze shrewd and thoughtful.

"But we shouldn't underestimate the Hestia Family. They can still surprise us, Lucius hasn't appeared yet, I'm sure he will be the key to changing this tide," adds Riveria.

"Where is he, why hasn't he appeared until now..." Tiona says with a tone of concern.

"Could something have happened to him? I don't think he would let his family be pressed like this while he remains hidden," Gareth comments with a thoughtful look.

"He may be an arrogant and weak mage, but he's no coward..." Surprisingly, it was Bete who said this while keeping his arms crossed in a corner.

The Loki Family looked intently at the screen, waiting for something to surprise them with Lucius appearing at some point.

At the place where the gods gather, the deities discuss the ongoing battle fervently.

"Hestia, your family is in a difficult position. Do you think they can recover?" Someone asks, their voice gentle, but their eyes full of interest.

"They have courage. Don't count on their defeat so soon," Hermes intervenes, hoping something will happen too.

"Come on, come on... Lucius, we are in trouble, where are you?" Hestia prays quietly with a worried look.

Heimdall observes the scene with a smile of satisfaction. "See, Apollo. My family is dealing with it as expected. Victory will be ours," he declares, his confidence unshakable.

Apollo, despite still feeling the shame of his own defeat, cannot help but feel a certain relief and pleasure at seeing the Hestia Family under pressure. "Yes, it seems the tide has turned in our favor," he responds, still cautious, knowing that even as a winner, he will be ridiculed by his peers for losing to Hestia with just 5 members.

As the fight continues, it begins to turn to a side where the overwhelming majority of people already imagined as the result.

Sometime after the intense battle, the battlefield presents a desolate sight. The members of the Hestia Family are scattered on the ground, defeated and exhausted, their heroic struggle finally coming to a painful end. The only figure still standing, albeit barely, is Ryuu. Her breathing is heavy, and wounds mark her body, clear signs of her fierce resistance against the overwhelming power of the Heimdall Family still standing.

The members of the Heimdall Family walk among the fallen, an air of superiority and mockery on their faces. "Look at this, the much-talked-about Hestia Family, fallen at our feet," Loras Forhe comments with disdain, his gaze sweeping the scene with evident satisfaction. "We have already won this war game, but I still have one question," Carina Lix adds, her words full of arrogance.

"Where is Lucius, why hasn't he appeared until now? I thought it was a strategy, but so far he hasn't shown up, what's going on?" Carina may hate Lucius, but she knows he's no coward, he never was.

"Maybe he ran away like the coward he is." A member of the Heimdall Family commented, Lidy, he was humiliated like Carina the last time he saw Lucius, and he saw an opportunity to take revenge by calling him a coward.

The other members laugh and agree, firmly believing that victory is theirs and that Lucius was a coward. They begin to move towards Ryuu, the last resistance, ready to finalize the game.

"It seems you were waiting for me." A voice sounded on the battlefield at that moment.

At that exact moment, something extraordinary and unexpected happens. Mysterious blue orbs, adorned with strange and ancient symbols, begin to materialize around the fallen members of the Hestia Family. They circle slowly, emitting a soft and pulsating light. The symbols engraved on them seem to vibrate with a mysterious and powerful energy.

Ryuu, despite her wounds and exhaustion, watches with surprise and caution as the blue orbs surround her, wondering if she could react to this since her attention was turned to the Heimdall Family. The Heimdall Family, from their point of view, was equally surprised, uncertainty and confusion replacing mockery on their faces as they saw all the enemies surrounded by those strange orbs.

Then, without warning, the blue orbs emit an even more intense glow, enveloping all the fallen members of the Hestia Family and Ryuu herself in a shimmering light. In the blink of an eye, they disappear, leaving behind only the empty battlefield and the astonished surprise of the Heimdall Family.

Silence falls over the scene, each member of the Heimdall Family trying to process what just happened. "What was that? Where did they go?" Loras Forhe murmurs, his previous confidence shaken by this mysterious development.

On the streets of Orario, the audience watching the battle on screens is equally dumbfounded. Questions seeking some answer and theories begin to spread quickly among the crowd, all wondering about what those mysterious orbs were and the fate of the Hestia Family.

At the gods' location, the deities watch with renewed interest. "A final trick of the Hestia Family, or something more?" A deity murmurs.

Hermes, always curious, tilts his head, his mind already working on the possibilities.

While the Heimdall Family and the citizens of Orario are still trying to understand the sudden disappearance of the Hestia Family, a mysterious shadow begins to form in the sky over the battlefield, casting a shadow over the sun with a cloak fluttering in the sky breeze. All eyes turn upwards, confusion and surprise etched on their faces.

Suddenly, the figure of a man emerges, floating in the air, surrounded by the same blue orbs that just swallowed the members of the Hestia Family. He is at the center of the orbs with each member of the Hestia Family, while looking down with an indifferent face.

The members of the Heimdall Family stand still, looking at the figure in the sky with a stunned gaze, never imagining this man would make this kind of entrance at a moment when they were already counting on victory.

In the city, the crowd watching the magic screens erupts into a frenzy. "Who is he?" "Could he be a reinforcement for the Hestia Family?" "Does he control the blue orbs?" The questions fly, still not recognizing Lucius who is just a shadow obscured in front of the sun.

"Who is this, we cannot identify with the sun obscuring the vision, but he's clearly on Hestia's side with the members inside those strange orbs, I've never seen anything like this, does anyone know what that magic is?!" The narrator shouted excitedly with this new twist, as this war game was getting more and more thrilling.

"I AM GANESHA!" The god Ganesha shouted excitedly alongside.

As he hovers in the sky, the man looks down, his face calm and serene, but now with a confident smile, he looks at all the enemies and speaks calmly.

"It seems I've finally arrived. Sorry for the delay."

His statement is brief, but there's an air of authority and mystery around him, and his presence seems to change the atmosphere of the battlefield, bringing a new wave of uncertainties and expectations among enemies and spectators.

The deities look at the scene with renewed interest, Apollo and Heimdall, still celebrating what they believed to be their imminent victory, suddenly find themselves in front of a turnaround they could not have predicted.

The appearance of this mysterious man in the sky leaves everyone stunned by what's about to happen, as a new twist has enveloped this war game, making it even more exciting in front of all the spectators. His figure finally began to appear on Hermes' magic screens, leaving most of Orario stunned.


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