Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 40: Bored demoness is bored


Really need to do a lewd lesbian moment with Slate & Ashue… Ps. give me more money.

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This was boring.

They were boring her.

Originally it was amusing when they came charging towards her saying all sorts of cruel things in a mocking fashion. Well that didn’t last long as it turned into denial then fear when she quite literally crushes them with raw power. After a while though they began to grow more cautious when running into her team - that wasn’t too bad.

Even when they were only leaving some members behind to fight it was fine since she could still find amusement in that, there wasn’t one size fits all. Sometimes there would be a brave person who stays behind to fight  against them - that was rare though. More commonly the most best looking, strongest or fattest/wealthiest would run away while screaming for everyone else to stay back.

Violet liked them.

She just chuckled while throwing her kanabo to hit them on their way out.

Eventually not even the brave people stayed behind though since it had gotten to the point where she was apparently announced as ‘retreat on sight’. Since then it turned into a game of tag mixed with whac-a-mole which was fun for a while. However, that quickly got boring thus Violet was moping while tapping her kanabo on her shoulder. A large pout on her head as she walked back to camp while dragging the brutalized body of a full grown man behind her.

Why wasn’t she with her guards? They were dealing with the other people or bodies with great vigor - though some bodies were in more parts than others. With Violet getting more and more bored as time went on she began to get more creative with how she dealt with the mortal runners. If anything they made for great practice when it came to her own personal, still developing, material arts.

Fists, fingers, feet, shins, knees, elbows, kanabos, you name it and she has likely killed someone with it over the last 6 months.

Still she was no Cheshire so experimenting in the exact same manner over and over got quite boring so she just grumbled while her shadow guards, {Orchid}, slowly came from all around to meet back up with her. Some of them were dragging beaten bodies while others bloody sacks that shook around or those with broken limbs. Though some of her shadow guards returned with no bodies; or rather they returned with corpses in their spatial treasures. Not everyone who she caught up to could survive being treated so ‘roughly’. Rather it’s more shocking if some didn’t die from shock, blood loss or having their skull caved in.

Done with all that though, Violet just decided to throw the person she was dragging by the hair out in front before collapsing backwards on the ground with her body splayed out.

“Are you okay Ojou-sama?” <Slate>

“Gawr.” <Violet>

That was as much as she could be bothered replying as her body ached as it was still getting used to her overwhelming power. It wasn’t as if she was particularly suffering with actively moving all the time yet it wasn’t exactly pleasant. May seem strange to some that the god empress of all demons - the one of the 5 beings with dominion over the realms who was always associated with wrath - was getting bored of it. Yet it was what it was… She found these weak humans more annoying than anything at this point.

Not to mention she had to deal with aches and pains of growing while dealing with those annoying runts.

Ashue walked up towards her Ojou-sama with a big ol’ smile on her face - leaning over so that they could meet face to face. This made Violet tilt her head while wondering what kind of interesting news the tortoise could offer her. Of course, what came from Ahsue’s mouth only made Violet frown more.

“Well just think about it like this Violet Ojou-sama, you only need to continue pushing for another 6 months or so in the plan you decided on! Since you’ve already made it this far what’s another half a ye-” <Ashue>

“Ashue shut your mouth for a second.” <Slate>

“Rude…” <Ashue>

“Better than having Ojou-sama see how far she can kick you!” <Slate>

With that Ashue turned to look at Violet only to have her eyes widen upon seeing how grumpy the little matriarch was.

“What’s wrong Violet Ojou-sama, does your tummy hurt?” <Ashue>

“...” <Slate>

“...” <Orchid Guards>

“Grurawr…” <Violet>

With that Violet casually threw her left hand to a side coming in contract with the stupid advisor thus sending her soaring across the forest yet nobody really said much. The most Ashue got was a casual glance before they all turned towards their master for orders yet their orders never came in. Violet just closed her eyes while resting her aching body resulting in everyone just silently looking at the sleeping little girl who was fully splayed out.

Fortunately her mother hadn’t just given her Ashue but an actual competent advisor in the form of Slate.

“Those of you with even half-living women hand them in to the medical tent to be patched up so they don’t die; if any die during check up hand them over to the butchers. I also want any of you with unappealing men or corpses to hand them into the butchers. Though those with pretty boys should get them checked. If they’re too weak that they would die from a little play, chuck them, else have them and useful women sent to Elder Jingye. She’ll distribute them to their new lives and I also heard some elders wanted a bunch of chubby boys and girls to break in so if you're unsure if they could be of use check first. Now go and complete the hand in!” <Slate>

The members all turned towards Slate only to waste a little more time as they placed their hands in their palms then bowed. After showing their agreement they all leapt into the shadows to quickly vanish from sight - a simple technique to hide then move between shadows was all it was. May be simple but it took a lot to master the skill and was certainly useful in fulfilling their job!

Having given out the order Slate just looked to her resting Ojou-sama for a second but seeing that the girl had no intention of moving she just backed away to a tree. Leaning against the tree while sitting, Slate just silently waited for whenever her master wished to move… That could be a while though hence why she sat.

A few minutes passed before the hefty panting (as well as the sound of supple flesh slapping) signaled that the elder advisor had indeed arrived.

“*Phew* I’m back Violet Ojou-sama!” <Ashue>

Shouting at the sleeping Violet resulted in the obvious so Slate got the enjoyment of watching Ashue fly away, run back only to immediately be sent back. After a few hundred times without learning Slate had to admit she was always impressed with the sheer durability of that reptile woman. Then again she also found herself impressed with not only how thick her bones were but also her head.

“It’s somewhat beautiful how she never learns…” <Slate>

Slate couldn’t help but muse about the appeal of the idiotic half-turtle as she was punted away once more while a bell-like giggle showed that their currently lazy Ojou-sama was enjoying herself. At the very least that meant that Ashue was achieving her heartfelt desires since Slate knew how obsessed the reptile was with their Ojou-sama. Thinking about that a soft smile appeared on her lips as she oversaw the two.

<At least the idiot has her uses.>

Looking at those huge bouncing mellons heat ran up to Slate’s ears while she refused to look away from the precious eye candy.

<Other than that lavacious body of course… She has a lot of uses for that thing which I wouldn’t refute in private. Though we haven’t had as much time to do it lately with having to chase down these stupid humans.>

Letting out a sigh she closed her eyes and let the back of her head hit against the tree as if trying to bonk the horny out. Waiting to hear the sound of that dolt skydiving without a parachute again only to suddenly hear someone else. They were also panting but it was more a happy pant than a tired pant.

“Ojou-sama, the Matriarch said she wishes to discuss somethings happening in the outside world with you.” <Qin>

“But Oni can’t leave the village without passing their growth spurt and being considered an adult so what would the outside world matter?” <Slate>

To that question the dog could only tilt her head while scrunching up her face. Watching the girl think Slate was patient for the answer… Well as patient as an oni could be which meant she was tapping the ground in a displeased manner thus causing the girl’s thinking to grow more intense to formulate an answer. She did get an answer though as she dog-kin perked back up.

“No clue but the {Asura Ancestors} maybe are in position with the {Demon Gods}?” <Qin>

“Mmm… That does sound reasonable… What does that matter?” <Ashue>

“You really are hopeless Ashue… I suppose that could be true enough though. What do you want to do, Ojou-sama?” <Slate>

Upon being asked, Violet’s head darted up from the dirt as she swung herself onto her feet using her weight in a rather impressive manner. Other than the obligatory groan to get their attention she said nothing more - instead she moved towards their territory once again.

Well saying ‘their territory’ was a bit of a lie since they could likely easily reclaim the entire forest since the cultivators should be quite squishy at this point. After all they have to waste [Spirit Stones] as if they were using oxygen tanks just to remain in the forest let alone food & water which they had to get from outside. Hunting was something they should avoid due to taking up more of their limited [Spirit Stones].

Either way she headed towards her mommy!

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