Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 41: The most wasteful spender


Not much relevance to this chapter yet I have a gripe I want to let go of; don’t worry it has nothing to do with any of my lovely readers. Instead it’s how much of a shit show yesterday was for me! It was my mother’s birthday so I was quite busy so I didn’t get any progress with my chapter during the day time. What pushed me over the edge was my laptop running like shit - decided to defrag it only to find out what was the problem…

Clearly my defragger hadn’t been doing it’s job since my fucking harddrive was 10% fragmented so I had to try to deal with that. Ended up taking over 3 hours while still not being completed but I was too busy to even try to finish at that point. As such I essentially accomplished nothing yesterday!

Rant over~♥

Please support my patreon where you can get a novel's pre-released chapters for only £2.50 where all three novels are 20+ chapters ahead - your support is needed!

Anyways, enjoy~♥

It didn’t take long for Violet to reach her destination.

Although she started at a meandering pace she quickly picked up the pace yet slowed down a few minutes later; not because she was tired but since she had already arrived at her destination. Well that was assuming Violet’s mommy was still in the forward camp like she had been over the last few months. In order to keep the mortals from running before they managed to cause the most damage the Oni had to hold back a lot of their power. This meant they unfortunately couldn’t let big figures like Wine & Ebony play as they’d like.

In truth maybe only a couple percent of the {Female Executives} the {Little Hannya Family} had were able to enter the battlefield.

Compared to the {Asura Elders} who often worked their way up through the business side of the yakuza the {Female Executives} were always female Oni loyal to their royals. As one can expect from the near immortal Oni they were only gaining more members not less - each one of these loyal Hannya elders had to have the power to eradicate any problem they faced. While they may not be able to deal with the {Four Immortal Cardinal Emperors} those old men were well aware of the power held by the oni hence why they showed no interest in this war.

Violet was curious about what those old ex-mortals were up to, however she didn’t care for them too much since she wasn’t a dem-evil or something. From her knowledge other than ruling their empires they mostly just focused on the same pursuits that she did while she was in the {Demon realm} - doting on their grand-grand-grand-grand-grand…grandchildren. With that in mind there would be no way those 4 old crones would get involved with committing suicide so the {Female Executives} may as well be untouchable.

That being the case under her mommy’s orders only the most patient (and herself) elders were sent to watch the kids gain some experience. On top of that Violet had them slowly reduce the number of elders as well as overall attack force gradually with every attack to ‘show the effect of war’ on the oni. In other words, for the most part, other than the typical ‘to send a message’ they were actually prolonging this war to give the young oni and inexperienced Shadow Guards as much experience as they could. It was a strong Oni belief that experiencing all of life is better than learning about it!

Still, because they wanted to get some action a lot of the {Female Executives} that were around ended up milling about the front lines ‘just in case’.

Though this led to the more business minded Alabaster to constantly complain about how lazy her fellows were. It wasn’t as if she was actively arguing with them but it was easy enough to hear her constant mumbling whenever she walked by or during her sleep… Well if she wasn’t having a wet dream about Ruby. They were very wet dreams.

When Violet with her two advisors plus shadow guard walked into the village they saw many different bamboo hats. All of them stood on various high places if they weren’t handling a task while looking out to the forest - sometimes with a drink or fresh meat in their hand - simply waiting for the mortals to finally counter attack. Honestly it was kind of depressing for the Violet with just how passive the mortals were.

“I feel bad for them… Waiting for an attack which will never happen.” <Slate>

“What attack and why wouldn’t it happen~?” <Ashue>

Slate just gave Ashue a long look as the pair each walked a step behind their little leader while the Greyhound-kin walked a few steps behind them with a curious gaze flickering between the two.

<Is this the legendary heated gaze between lovers? I know the two of them have a very loving relationship despite their bickering. It only makes sense that the two would have deeper thoughts about each other despite their words!>

Meanwhile in Slates head.

<How has someone so dumb managed to come so far in life without choking on their own tongue?>

“Idiot; they’re waiting for the orthodox alliance to fight. However, the fools still stubbornly believe they’ll win by letting us slowly weaken ourselves against their defense. Of course that is nothing but a load of bull plop but either way they won’t be attacking us till they’re absolutely sure we have no way to fight back. Oh how heroic of them, *tsk* cowards!” <Slate>

“Ah~!” <Ashue>

Blinking her large jade eyes Ashue softly nodded her head to show her understanding at what Slate was saying. Seeing that her dim witted companion had finally removed some development away from her chest to instead enhance her thinking capabilities. The usually strict Oni couldn’t help but smile softly at the tortoise receiving a smile back.

“So when are they attacking?” <Ashue>

“Of for fu-!” <Slate>

“Watch your language~.” <Ashue>

With that Slate kicked Ashue in the shin causing Slate to instead hurt her own toe while grinding her fangs together while angrily glaring at the confused fool. The most confused of all was of course Qin who was expecting a lovely moment between fellow advisors. Still she was smart enough to look to her leader instead of getting involved in that mess.

They arrived sharply at the table where Ebony was sitting; in the typical manner she had her legs crossed on the table and book over her face. It was possible to hear the soft breathing of the matriarch while the map depicting their battlefield was resting under a couple bottles of wine as well as her feet. What was also expected was the nude pink haired short-stack who was being used as a sleeping pillow though her huge snow bunnies had clear love bites while her thighs were covered in something too sticky to be water. A set of [Recording Jade] upon the table made it clear the two had made a show of their time together.

Seeing this Violet didn’t quite know what to do since she didn’t want to disrupt her mommy’s sleep or ruin this bonding moment of theirs when they haven’t yet tied the knot.

Before the girl could come up with an idea to solve this the familiar sight of a wine haired elder walked up to the table from behind Ebony. As should be expected the first thing she did was grab an unopened bottle of wine while she opened by placing the cork under her armpit and simply pulling. Taking a swig from a bottle - her leg abruptly shot out to break the leg of the chair under Ebony causing her and Jingye to come crashing down to the ground.

Although the two weren’t injured, the bulging veins on Ebony’s forehead made it seem like she was about to have an aneurysm as she rose from the floor to meet forehead to forehead with her nanny.

“Oi, you son of a-!” <Ebony>

“I’ve been a lady since I was born and raised; no son here you lazy wench!” <Wine>

“I will fucking end you, you ol’ hag!” <Ebony>

“I helped pull you out of one hole where the sun doesn't shine and I don’t mind shoving you back into another you brat! Watch your language before I fucking show you what this kaiju can do to a welp like you!!” <Wine>

“It’s Kijin you illiterate crone and you wouldn’t've broken through if it wasn’t for me!” <Ebony>

“And at least I didn’t break through due to almost having my favourite condom stolen by a useless mortal who couldn’t even see their worth~!” <Wine>

“Right, listen here you wrinkly, mouldy, old-” <Ebony>

Sparks were flying between the two as they constantly grinded their forehead together yet after a while of the two arguing a somewhat timid voice was raised to interrupt after she stood up herself.

“*Cough* I-I think Violet is waiting for you matriarch Ebony…” <Jingye Dai>

“*Snort* Ebony.” <Ebony>

“Wha-” <Jingye Dai>

“Call me Ebony with no title.” <Ebony>


“Ebony.” <Ebony>

“How-” <Jingye Dai>

“Ebony.” <Ebony>

“I-” <Jingye Dai>

“Ebony.” <Jingye Dai>

Jingye Dai couldn’t help but have dejavu upon this scene yet that didn’t help her come up with a way to respond. With that in mind she looked around to see a smug Wine, annoyed Slate, clueless Qin and wise (but really dopey) Ashue. It was safe to say none of them would be any help so she turned to Violet.

“Ebony.” <Violet>

<Ah… So it’s a mother daughter thing then?>

Remembering that the exact same thing happened when she was dragged off to cook for Violet she couldn’t help but let out a defeated sigh. If the daughter was already that stubborn there was no way she could get away from acting more intimate with the equally brutish mother. With that in mind she turned to look at Ebony with a faint blush.

“E-Ebony.” <Jingye Dai>

“*Snort* Exactly, that wasn’t so hard was it?” <Ebony>

With that the oni wrapped her arms around the waist of the girl to pull her closer while leaning over to her ear. Ebony’s warm breath brushed past the sensitive ear only for her voice to flow out once more.

“Maybe I should reward you later?” <Ebony>

After softly whispering that into the nomads ear she gently bit down causing the girl to shiver under her while those plump thighs rubbed against each other. It was clear that she was excited for her reward since her thighs were drenched. Still Ebony looked up from the girl she was bullying to talk with her daughter.

“At this point you are probably bored out your mind from crushing those cowards, right?” <Ebony>

“Nn.” <Violet>

Getting a nod and simple grunt in response Ebony continued on.

“Well since we’re ramping up activities after this year I thought it would be fine for you to go out to act as an envoy to one of the four empires. Can’t remember which one but they’re celebrating a princess’ birthday who is pretty close to the Immortal Emperor in terms of lineage which means it’s a pretty big thing! With you two being close in physical age and your second sister likely visiting since she likes showing off I thought it could be a good chance for you.” <Ebony>

“Eh? But I thought oni couldn’t leave the forest till they were of age.” <Ashue>

“A short trip outside like in this case shouldn’t be an issue plus I imagine such a rule is mostly to keep dumb brats safe.” <Slate>

Ebony nodded her head gently while her hands slipped downwards to begin feeling up those glorious asscheeks.

“Indeedy, no need for my perfect little daughter in such a boring place. Plus it’s not like it should be particularly dangerous since we’ve been dealing with the Immortal Emperor’s family since before they were even immortal! Though we don’t favour one empire over the other their rulers at least understand we are simply contracted whenever it seems we do - in other words they could do the same in the future - none wants to break that stalemate so it’s fine. Plus I’m pretty sure my beautiful girl has some tricks under her sleeve?” <Ebony>

Violet nodded at her mothers inquiry while the midget was currently helpless in the larger woman's grasp as the oni matriarch was seeing just how much she could pull & push that sweet malleable flesh. Of course Dai also wasn’t quiet so her voice echoed all across the camp yet the group discussion seemed quite used to this by now. Even if she didn’t realise it, everyone else has realised that Ebony simply couldn’t not play with the girl whenever she was in the same postcode.

“Still, how are we planning to get to the capital and how do we know which empire it is, matriarch?” <Slate>

“I think I can help with that-” <Mother>

“Your services won’t be needed, Scaless.” <Sohn-Tochter>

Right on call the familiar figure that hadn’t really popped up in 6 months walked from around a tent pole which definitely wasn’t large enough to hide her voluptuous figure. Hell, it wasn’t even thin enough to hide Violet’s hand let alone an entire person. Still before they could finish turning to {The True God} a sudden flash of indigo lightening marked the arrival of someone people honestly mostly feared more.

Although Mother was scary and all at least she didn’t actively fry people alive with storms powerful enough to erase one's soul!

The single bolt fried the soil of the ground into a cystline state where a single woman stood with an air of nobility that could only come from one woman alive. The princess of the most noble of the beast clans who ruled the fabled ‘fifth mortal empire’; {The Queen}. Her azura medium length hair flickered in the strong wind that came to herald her arrival as half of it was combed over to hide her right eye which she kept in order with her black gloved right hand. In her left she held a simple hanger which held a beautifully ornate dress made by utilising the rainbow tail feathers of an awakened member of the {Zhu Royal Family} of the Phoenix.

To put it in words more would understand she had presented a dress to the group made from the feathers of a true [Vermillion Bird] which should be impossible. Everyone knew how closely the Phoenix alone guarded their bodies yet this girl had presented them with a dress made from the evolved variants feathers? Yet based on identity those who understood her understood she had no reason to bring a fake. Despite the existence of the dress basically being sacreligious to her most noble {Imperial Phoenix Family} she showed no emotion on her face as she calmly walked up to the group.

With her were a dozen female knights, each easily as powerful as an {Asura Ancestor}, yet who also quickly bowed ahead of Sohn-Tochter to place a vermillion carpet in front of her before she had a chance to even step upon the floor. The knights weren’t part of any ordinary order as they each had a sword and sword breaker while their helms appeared to be more like skulls with azura cloaks that came from their pauldrons. Each plate of their black armour and thread of their ornaments was a priceless treasure for even the strongest mortal factions -  these were the fabled {Order of the God Slayers} which were loyal only to {The Queen}. A secret behind them being each one was usually a powerful Phoenix (other races sometimes were able to join the order through loyalty so quite a few [Three Legged Golden Crows] joined) who had attained at least Immortality.

Many had surpassed that to step fully past being demi-gods into full fledged gods.

This party in particular were the elites of the elites as signified by the gold outlining around each part of their outfit. Of course, this wasn’t just ‘gold’ but instead threads of [Celestial Bronze] (which by itself was already lethal to monsters or those with evil cultivation) treated with the highest quality ambrosia during the creation process. It was something even they or the phoenix couldn’t use willy nilly yet here it was being used as the outline for a cape!

As if not realising the cold judging gazes for her wastefulness she didn’t glance at anyone as she slowly walked towards the group. Her cold gaze did slowly turn to the god with the clear intent to warn her to learn her place.

Turning to the oni bunch she said with zero emotion behind her voice.

“It shall only be me who has the honour of bringing my little sister to this event.” <Sohn-Tochter>

As if to establish it’s master’s statement as fact the white clouds of the tribulation rumbled with such power that even the Kijin felt their muscles tense. It wasn’t that they actively prepared but it was more like an instinctive reaction caused by such a powerful aura. The god of course just had a soft smile on her face like always while those eyes remained closed.

“It seems you don’t have the fear of god in you, Smiles ohohoho~.” <Mother>

Despite the quite demeaning nickname Sohn-Tochter showed absolutely no care as she just continued walking past Mother making her chuckle once more.

At this point not even the entire camp but the entire forest and beyond turned to look towards Sohn-Tochter as she came to stand in front of Violet. Despite the white clouds being above it defied common logic as instead of casting shadows the divine clouds of {The Heavens} - the very woman in front of them - chased those away instead. That did nothing to chase away the tension that could be felt.

Even now Ashue & Slate readied themselves with the former getting ready to jump the unmeasurable being while the latter prepared to grab the little girl to run. They held no belief they could stop the one in front of them from killing each and everyone of them while also fighting against Mother. In terms of raw damage it was hard to beat {The Heavens} themself.

<Did ojou-sama annoy the currently favoured heir of the [Vermillion Birds] by pruning one of them before?>

Of course, the shadow guards were totally overthinking things as Violet was likely the one person Sohn-Tochter wouldn’t hurt.

“Here. Get dressed.” <Sohn-Tochter>

“Nn.” <Violet>

So the close sisters gave two curt responses as one held out the literally priceless dress - even entire realms could be given and it wouldn’t be enough - while the second took it with no grandeur. Violet just plodded off back to her tent with the dress in hand. She didn’t even seem very careful with the dress causing Slate to almost have a heart attack while chasing after her while the other two servants looked at each other before also following.

With Violet gone Sohn-Tochter just proceeded to stand there silently without saying anything to the point one may mistake her for a statue if not for her left hand coming up to brush some dust off her impressive indigo one piece dress. As impressive as it was it was nowhere near the dress she just handed over without batting an eye. Still that left a very awkward setting for the Yakuza which resulted in Ebony clearing her throat - all this time still molesting the midget girl.

“So are you a butt or boob kind’a girl?” <Ebony>

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