Deception, Domination, and Dragons (Skyrim Self-Insert)

Chapter 57: The World-Eater

Staring down at the trembling Dragon Girl in amusement, my surprise doesn’t last long. Really, I should have expected something like this. At her heart, Alduin was a coward. I hadn’t done anything to make this happen, besides skipping over the fight at the Throat of the World and sending Alduin running off to Sovngarde early so we could get down to brass tacks.
This right here, this complete and utter submission in the face of what she saw as her inevitable demise, that was all her choosing. Alduin was scared… so scared, that the Dragon Girl was quite literally prostrating herself before Svanna and I, in order to beg me and my Dragonborn for mercy. How… positively delicious.
I exchange a look with Svanna, both of us smirking, but when we turn back to regard Alduin, we’re caught off guard again. Lifting her head, Alduin reveals that she’s crying big honking tears, with snot literally dribbling down from her nose as she sobs pitifully.
“P-Please! Pleeeeeease let me live!”
… Alright, now this was getting sad.
A few minutes later, Svanna and I have done the unthinkable with Alduin… we’ve sat the Dragon Girl down, draped a blanket over her shoulders, and given her a mug of hot chocolate with mini marshmallows. Her tears have stopped flowing, and she’s sniffed up all the snot at least, but the Dragon Girl’s pale face is still quite blotchy and red at the moment from all of the crying, even as she sips from the hot cocoa greedily.
“T-Thank you…”
Sheesh, she was even more pitiful than Paarthurnax. I could tell that her whole attitude was actually effecting Svanna. The Dragonborn had become rather protective of Paarthurnax since we’d had our way with the Old One. She also hadn’t consumed a single Dragon Soul, since we’d turned them all into Dragon Girls. Not that she needed to, when the Skeleton Key unlocking her potential had granted her the equivalent of a thousand Dragon Souls, but still, it was something I’d noticed.
Regardless, as we sit there quietly, comforting the greatest enemy to the world ever known, I’m not entirely sure how to get things back on track. We need to get to fucking Alduin already, but she’s just so pitiable.
“I-I never wanted to be the World-Eater; y-you know.”
Oh no.
“Big Brother Akatosh made me how I am! And then I helped make all the rest of the Dragon Girls!”
Oh god, backstory exposition.
“We were fine! Everything was fine back in Atmora! The Atmorans worshipped us as was good and proper, and our Dragon Priests bridged the gap between us and the mortals well enough! Everything was FINE! The Sweet Rolls flowed generously! But then… then we came to this Big Brother forsaken place! Ugh, coming to Skyrim was the worst decision we ever made!”
She was really getting up in arms at this point. Part of me was tempted to stop her and just… shove my dick in her mouth or something. But Svanna actually looked somewhat interested in the history lesson, or at least like she wanted to hear Alduin out. Curse my Dragonborn for her bias towards dragons. Curse Dragon Girls for bringing out Svanna’s empathy so late in the game!
“The damn Nords have been nothing but a pain in my perfectly sculpted backside since we came to this land! All they had to do was pay tribute! Why would they be so mean?! Why would they withhold their Sweet Rolls from us, their superiors?!”
Cocking my head to the side, I consider what I know about the Dragon War. Alduin’s description of it is certainly very… simplistic. In truth, the Dragon War came about because the Dragon Priests who were lifted up and put in charge of Skyrim and the rest of the Atmoran holdings on Tamriel had become corrupt with power, and effectively enslaved the rest of their fellow men.
This had in turn led to rebellions, which had in turn drawn Alduin and the other Dragon Girls into the fighting. If not for Kyne’s divine intervention in turning Paarthurnax away from her sister, the dragons would have likely continued to subjugate mankind throughout the ages. But Paarthurnax betrayed Alduin and taught the power of the Voice to the world’s first Tongues, which ultimately led to Alduin’s banishment and mankind’s ascendance.
All of this was to say, Alduin was more at fault than the ancient Nords were. But of course, Alduin had a superiority complex a mile long. Her peers had told her she was the greatest thing since sliced bread, though not in so many words, and Alduin, in her arrogance, had forsaken her ‘proper role’ as World-Eater in favor of trying to conquer the world.
Now here we were on the other side of all of that, and she really was pathetic. As Alduin sniffles and drinks more of her hot chocolate, I hum consideringly.
“Well, there is one way we can settle all this without killing you, I suppose.”
Lifting her gaze, Alduin looks at me with wide red eyes. The eyes are red by her very nature, though also reddened from all the crying the pale Dragon Girl has been doing. Under the right circumstances, I was sure Alduin could be VERY scary and superior and intimidating to lesser beings, but right now, here where we were sat on some large boulder in Sovngarde? She was utterly pathetic.
Unfortunately for her, that kind of thing turned me on.
Grinning wickedly, I shrug my shoulders.
“Sure. You said you don’t want to be the World-Eater, right?”
Flushing, Alduin slowly nods, before retreating back to her hot cocoa. She slurps more of the sweet substance out of the mug, including several of the mini marshmallows. This leaves her with a little hot chocolate mustache across her pale upper lip that Svanna coos at and reaches over to swipe off with her thumb like a mother hen worrying over her chick. Alduin freezes up at the familiar way Svanna is interacting with her, shivering in fear. She’s well aware that Svanna could wipe the floor with her in an instant.
“Well then, it’s simple. Don’t be the World-Eater anymore.”
“B-But it’s not that simple! Big Brother Akatosh made me the World-Eater! He said it was my one JOB! And I’ve put it off for so long! Oh, I’m sure he’s really mad at me…”
“Akatosh isn’t here right now, is he? And frankly, if he truly wanted you to eat the world, don’t you think he would have gotten you out of that time rift you found yourself stuck in long before now? He IS the God of Time, after all. Instead, you came out at just the right time to face the unstoppable Last Dragonborn… and me.”
Alduin shivers as I assail her with cold, callous logic. She trembles and whimpers, eyes darting between the two of us before settling on me again.
“Y-You… w-what are you even? The Dovahkiin is here to stop me, I get that… but you’re all mysterious and scary!”
I smirk at that and lean forward to whisper in her ear.
“You call Akatosh Big Brother. You can call me Daddy.”
Alduin’s eyes bulge out of her skull at that, and she freezes in place at my words. The mug in her hands, which by this point was empty anyways, shatters in her grasp. I just chuckle throatily before reaching under the blanket and casually groping one of her massive pale tits. She’s very well endowed, the First of the Dragon Girls.
“So? What do you say? Wanna stop being the World-Eater and start being something more fun?”
Mewling as I grope her, Alduin looks at me with cloudy red eyes.
“U-Um… l-like what?”
I just shrug, still smiling.
“Hm, let’s think about it. A title change is a big deal. Need to think long and hard. You’re Alduin the World-Eater, and that designation is hard baked into the fabric of this world’s reality. Written into the story, as it were. But luckily for you, I can rewrite the story.”
Slowly, I slide my hand up from her breast to her face, caressing Alduin’s cheek as she stares at me, waiting with bated breath. I slide my thumb along her lips and push past them, into her mouth. Her tongue lolls out, wrapping around my digit and pulling it deeper in, where she begins to suck at it. Glancing past her, I see Svanna watching with interest. For all that the Dragon Girls seemed to tug at her heartstrings, it’s obvious that my initiation of sexy times has completely wiped away any reservations the Dragonborn might have had. She’s already touching herself, in fact.
Seeing Svanna playing with her pussy, and feeling Alduin’s mouth suckling at my thumb, I realize what Alduin’s new title should be, and speak it into existence with a wide grin.
“From now on… you will be known as Alduin the Pussy-Eater.”
Alduin’s eyes widen, though not as wide as previously. She blushes deeply though, even as I withdraw my finger from her mouth, anticipating her protests.
I cut her off with that same hand, raising it up to silence her. As her lips clamp shut, I’m still smiling even while I shake my head.
“You’ve done a lot of harm to a lot of people, my dear. Including your own sisters. The Dragon Girls you’ve been bullying for so long… they deserve an apology, don’t you think? Paarthurnax… Odahviing… and all the rest.”
Squirming under my gaze, Alduin whimpers, looking distraught.
“E-Even the traitor?!”
“Yes, even Paarthurnax. You’re going to apologize to each and every one of them with that tongue of yours. The mouth you used to bully and lord over so many for so long, is going to be put to better use. I can assure you, they’re all going to appreciate you more for it, when the job is done. So long as you give it your all.”
Alduin glances down at her hands, and then back to me, and then back down at her hands before a shuddering breath leaves her.
“… A-Alright.”
To be fair, her concession isn’t needed. By speaking it into existence, I’ve already made it so. Her destiny, to end the world, has been replaced by a new destiny. She is no longer the World-Eater, she is now, unequivocally, the Pussy-Eater. Her new destiny is to eat all of the Dragon Girl Pussy she can possibly get her hands on, to eat out every single one of her Dragon Girl sisters until they’re satisfied.
It’ll probably take the rest of time itself, it’s not the sort of thing that can ever truly be accomplished, but that’s fine. It’s a good way to keep Alduin busy. Meanwhile…
“If you’re waiting for my permission to begin, you have it.”
My mild tone catches Alduin off guard. Clearly, the First Dragon Girl had gotten lost in thought. She jolts and looks at me in confusion, blinking her big red eyes owlishly.
I just smirk and gesture past her.
“If you’re looking for a Dragon Girl’s pussy to eat… there’s one right there.”
Turning her head, Alduin blushes when she finds Svanna there, laying back on the surface of the massive boulder we’re all perched upon, her legs spread, and her pussy lips splayed open by her fingers in invitation.
“Oh! O-Oh…”
Shuffling over, drawn to Svanna’s pussy by her scent and the new designation of Pussy-Eater that now hangs over her head, Alduin’s tongue hesitatingly slips out of her mouth, and she leans over until she can touch the tip of it to Svanna’s slit. The red-head doesn’t wait for Alduin to get over herself. Just like Odahviing, she grabs hold of the black-scaled, pale-skinned Dragon Girl by her massive, curved draconic horns and yanks her down into her cunt.
Alduin’s subsequent squeaks and moans are swallowed up by Svanna’s quim as she’s forced to eat out the Dragonborn. Meanwhile, I grin and reach out, carefully drawing the blanket off of Alduin, pulling it away from her clenched fingers where she’s trying to hold onto it. As I expose her pale white body to the open air, she shivers and whimpers, trying in vein to cover herself up.
She ends up on her side, as I yank her hips and ass out from under her, ending her seated position. Laid out like this, her legs are crossed over one another, but her pussy lips and asshole are exposed to me, nestled as they are between her thicc pale thighs and her ass cheeks respectively. Alduin herself has one hand on Svanna’s thigh to anchor herself, and one arm trying to cover her tits as she goes down on the Dragonborn.
Smirking at this, I grab her by the hip and grab hold of my golden cock with my other hand before driving myself deep into the game’s biggest boss character. Not that Alduin is all that big of a deal, even in the game. Fuck, on half of my playthroughs of Skyrim, I never even bothered to interact with the Main Questline in any meaningful way.
For as much as Skyrim was one of the most lauded RPGs of all time, Alduin had arguably one of the weakest presences of an endgame boss at all time. She had almost to no impact on the game outside of the Main Quest and had literally no impact if you just ignored the Main Quest altogether.
Of course, Alduin the Dragon Girl was much more fun than Alduin the Dragon. As I begin to fuck into her while she lays on her side, her legs crossing even harder and her thighs clenching down as she squirms on my cock, I reach out and grabs hold of the arm she’s using to cover her breasts.
Yanking it away with one hand, I reach out with the other and go right back to molesting Alduin then and there. The First Dragon Girl whimpers and moans into Svanna’s slit, her noises muffled as I fuck her, but there’s no denying the pleasure I’m making her feel. Her pussy walls clench as I squeeze and knead her titflesh, and her nipples grow hard until I’m able to pinch and pull at them for added effect, making her squeal into Svanna’s cunt.
In turn, the Dragonborn groans and tosses her head back in pleasure as we double-team yet another woman between us. Alduin is the latest in a long line of girls we’ve fucked together, my Dragonborn and me. She won’t be the last, but she does represent an end, of sorts. As I fuck her and fondle her tits, as Svanna grinds her face into her cunt, I hum, considering what else there is to do, at this point.
… Not much, is my ultimate conclusion, even as I thrust into Alduin one final time and give the newly minted Pussy-Eater a nice thick load of my seed. To my mild surprise, however, Svanna doesn’t immediately cum all over Alduin’s face. Instead, the Dragonborn looks to be enjoying herself, dominating the First Dragon Girl in the name of all Nords. She is the High Queen now after all, I suppose.

After watching this for a moment, I shrug and pull out of Alduin’s cunt, transitioning over to her ass instead as I go right back to fucking the Dragon Girl on her side, this time anally. She squeals of course but muffled as her voice is by Svanna’s quim and trapped as she is between the two of us, there’s nowhere for Alduin the Pussy-Eater to go. She’s all ours.
Serana wakes up… slowly. How long has she been asleep? How long has she rested in her tomb, hidden away by her mother to keep her father from completing his plans? Shifting slightly, Serana expects to feel the Elder Scroll, ever-present on her back. Much to her surprise however… it’s not there.
Eyes shooting open, the Pure-Blood Vampire spins about, coming up out of her tomb with a speed that only one of her kind could exhibit. Only to freeze up at what she sees awaiting her on the outside. There, standing before her, are two individuals. One of them is a mortal woman, red of hair, dressed in armor… and wearing an incredibly ostentatious crown covered in two dozen fine red gemstones.
It’s no wonder that her eyes are drawn to the woman first, but it’s the sight of the man next to her that truly brings Serana up short. An Altmer judging by the golden skin, he’s standing there not looking at her… but instead at the unrolled Elder Scroll in his hands.
“Huh, interesting.”
H-He can read it without issue?! How?! Serana tries to move forward to take the Elder Scroll back, only to have the mortal woman move far faster than she’d expect and stop her with a hand on her chest. As Serana stares blankly down at that hand, the Mer stops as well and looks past the scroll at her.
“Hm? What are you doing? Stay still.”
All of the sudden, Serana finds herself locked up, unable to move, frozen in place. Rolling the Elder Scroll back up, the Mer looks at her more curiously.
“Oh? This is interesting. Is this working how I think it is? Tell me, do you know who I am? Answer truthfully.”
Gritting her teeth, Serana is forced to answer, biting out the response. Somehow, he has total control of her.
“Oho! Not even with Dream Geas? Must be to do with your nature as a Pure-blood Vampire. How… fascinating.”
She may not know who he or his incredibly fast companion were, but in that moment Serana feels something she hasn’t felt since… well, since she was forced into this long sleep, so comparatively, not that long ago. She feels fear.


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