Deception, Domination, and Dragons (Skyrim Self-Insert)

Chapter 58: The Pure-Blood

Back before I’d become what I am now, it had always been my intention to use the one charge of Dream Geas on Serana. After all, while you met her while she was still asleep, I found it very unlikely that Dream Charm would actually work on her. And afterwards, once she was awake, I wasn’t sure when the next time she would sleep would be. It wasn’t like Vampires needed sleep, under normal circumstances.
As such, I’d made sure to remove my Geas from Mirabelle before Svanna and I departed from Winterhold, with every intention of utilizing it on Serana at the earliest possible convenience. It’d just never ended up happening. Around that time, Svanna and I were finally firmly settling into our relationship, and we didn’t NEED a third wheel like Serana or anyone else for that matter getting in the way.
So, we’d left her sleeping until now. But now, by this point, well… the Dream Geas was completely superfluous. If I wanted to, I could have made Serana into a happy go lucky bimbo vampire slut who begged for a taste of Svanna and my blood and tripped over her own feet like a klutz with every step she took.
I hadn’t gone that route, but I could have. Instead, I’d wanted to see what Geas would have done without any of my reality-bending power behind it. The results were actually somewhat surprising. While Serana stood before me, decidedly under my control thanks to the Geas, forced to obey my orders, she maintained control over her own mind.
She was obedient, but not willing, and the result was those golden eyes of hers glaring at me while she tried to hide her fear, as I held her Elder Scroll in one hand and Svanna held her back with that hand still on her chest.
“… Did my father send you? You’re clearly quite powerful, even if you’re not turned. How much has changed? How long was I asleep?”
Smiling, I hum consideringly. As I’d expected, the Elder Scroll had told me nothing that I didn’t already know. In the game, Elder Scrolls were artifacts, simultaneously archives of historic events in both the future and the past. Reading them without the proper preparations usually resulted in blindness and insanity.
But that was in their proper universe. This was not that. This was an artificial Dragon Break, as I’d previously established, under the control of me, myself, and I. Well, I couldn’t necessarily confirm that there was a third version of me on top of the me in the story and the me who was undoubtedly writing the story, but if I went off of the previous Self-Insert fiction I’d written, there was a good chance of it.
Regardless, the Elder Scrolls in THIS version of the universe were blank. Oh, I’m sure they would still show what they were technically supposed to show to any mortal in this world who tried to read them and would probably still convey blindness and insanity and the like. But to me, who had my hands in the very fabric of this reality at all times? They were empty. Mere pieces of parchment, with nothing to glean from them.
But then, of course. What could I glean from them, when I already knew everything there was to know? This reality was my playground, and its inhabitants were here for me and Svanna to enjoy to our heart’s content.
“Quite a while, I’m afraid. Though not as much has changed as you might think. Your mother’s plan has worked so far, your father hasn’t made any progress in all these years. Though no, he did not send us, nor does he even know we’re here.”
“… Then I must return to Castle Volkihar at once. If he doesn’t know… all is not lost. Please, release me and return the Elder Scroll. I cannot entrust it to another.”
I consider this for a moment. I consider playing along with it all, and toying with Serana for some time. Svanna and I could go to Castle Volkihar and play through the Main Questline of Dawnguard. Could even become powerful Vampire Lords, I suppose. Sounds like a downgrade though… and a monumental pain in the ass.
“Oh, this Elder Scroll?”
I hold it up for a moment, almost as if I’m holding it out to Serana. Of course, she still can’t move, though her frozen body gives the slightest twitch as she instinctively tries to reach for it. I smirk and before she can say another word, take the Elder Scroll and break it over my knee, ripping it in two right then and there.
Serana’s response is immediate, and I can tell from the fear in her voice that she’s expecting a truly cataclysmic explosion of energy. To be fair, one does come from the destroyed Elder Scroll, likely the first to be destroyed in the history of this world. I don’t let it touch us though, not Svanna nor I nor even Serana. As it washed through the chamber, the three of us are completely unscathed… though the chamber itself begins to crumble right there on the spot, the explosion destabilizing the entire place.
With but a thought, I teleport our little trio back to the College of Winterhold, specifically the Arch-Mage’s Quarters. We land right next to the bed, and I toss the remnants of the Elder Scroll to the side with a smile as Serana shudders in shock for a moment, clearly struggling to come to terms with what just happened. She ultimately fails, in fact, as something like mistaken understanding fills her eyes.
“… A fake. You think me so easily fooled? I am not-!”
I silence her with a single raised hand, her mouth clicking shut under the weight of my power. Her eyes widen in TRUE understanding now, as she experiences something I know she’s experienced before… the presence of someone much, MUCH greater than her.
“Serana. Once upon a time, your family made a deal with Molag Bal.”
The Daughter of Coldharbour tenses up at that, her jaw clenching.
“You and your mother were ritually sacrificed to him, and in the end you, your mother, and your father all came out of it as Pure-Blood Vampires. Really, doesn’t seem fair that your father didn’t have to suffer, but hey, what do I know?”
“You are…”
“A Daedric Prince? No. I’m something more.”
And then, because I can, I bend reality to my whim as easily as I broke the Elder Scroll over my knee. A portal straight to Molag Bal’s Oblivion Plane opens in the Arch-Mage’s Quarters, revealing the King of Rape upon his throne in all of his vile, horrifying glory. He’s just as surprised as Serana is of course… and even more surprised a moment later when I reach out and twist the concept of the Daedric Prince of Rape.

Really, it’s not hard. I don’t do much. I just tweak Molag Bal’s titles. The God of Schemes becomes the God of being Schemed Against. The Daedric Prince of Domination and Enslavement becomes the Daedric Prince of Getting Dominated and Being Enslaved. The King of Rape becomes the Queen of being Raped.
In an instant, Molag Ball is no more. In his place is Molag Bal… and SHE is a total hottie who exists for one purpose and one purpose alone… getting tricked into humiliating, degrading, brutal sexual encounters by her peers and even her so-called subordinates and subjects. Almost immediately, the scene through the Oblivion Gate turns from Molag Bal on a throne, to Molag Bal in her new voluptuous form on her hands and knees, getting spit-roasted between two high-ranking Daedra after losing to another one of their schemes.
I let Serana witness all of this for a moment, before snapping the Oblivion Portal shut and smiling at her disarmingly.
Do we understand each other better now, sweetheart?”
Part of Serana so desperately wants to bristle at my tone, but after what she just saw… the beautiful vampire is sufficiently cowed, to say the least. Averting her eyes, no longer daring to look me in the face, she trembles as she speaks.
“Yes, my Lord. What… what can I do for you?”
The defaulting to such a respectful form of address has me grinning, and I give Svanna a wink that sees the Dragonborn perking up and licking her lips in anticipation.
“As I said, I’m interested in making a deal with you… and if all goes well, your mother too. Your father can go sit on it and spin as far as I’m concerned, just to be clear. This offer is only open to you and your mother.”
“… Why?”
I grin and look to Svanna.
“Because I have power to spare, and you and your mother are sexy fucking vampires. What other reason do I need?”
Serana’s eyes widen slightly in understanding, before narrowing again.
“You wish to rape me and my mother, to slake your unnatural lusts upon our bodies, to d-degrade and humiliate us, as Molag Bal did.”
I cock my head to the side, about to say that it won’t really be rape because she’ll be consenting and taking the deal… but then I detect a hint of arousal in Serana’s voice. Oh my. I knew she didn’t like to talk about how she became a vampire back in the game, and I also knew she didn’t regret the ritual, that she was proud of the ‘gift’ she’d earned.
But was it possible? Was Serana a rape fetishist?
“… Sure. If that’s how you want it.”
Golden eyes blink at me in confusion and I just smirk and shrug.
“As far as I’m concerned, this is a transaction. Svanna and I fuck you, and in exchange give you the power to shoot your father the middle finger and save your mother from the Soul Cairn.”
Hah, when she’s frozen like this, all Serana really can do is express herself with her eyes, which widen at that.
“She made it then? She made it to the Soul Cairn? No… you said save… she’s TRAPPED there?”
I grin and nod.
“Yes, and yes. And we can get her out… if you give me and Svanna what we want. A simple transaction. You’ll be our whore. Sound like a plan?”
Serana’s eyes flicker between me and my Dragonborn for a moment, but we all already know what she’s going to say before she says it.
“… Yes.”
And like that, we’ve turned a Daughter of Coldharbour into our lovely little vampire whore for the evening. Snapping my fingers, I release my previous command on her without having to say a word. Serana finds herself able to move again, and fidgets warily as Svanna begins to strip naked, right then and there. For a moment, the Pure-Blood Vampire considers attacking, I can tell… but in the end, she reaches up and begins to remove her clothing bit by bit.
I hold up a hand and stop her though, before shaking my head.
“Now, now… you’re trying to impress us, sweetheart. Give us a show.”
Then, because this is my fucking reality and I can do what I want in it, I snap my fingers again and bouncing, popping strip club music fills the Arch-Mage’s Quarters. Serana furrows her brow at the music, before flushing as she realizes what I’m expecting her to do. It’s not hard for her to find a rhythm, and soon she’s bouncing her hips to the beat right in front of me and the Dragonborn, even as she goes back to stripping for us.
The ensuing strip dance is incredibly amateurish in nature, and it’s obvious this wasn’t the sort of degrading thing that Molag Bal visited upon her and her mother on the night of their… transformation. And yet, it’s also clear from her lip bite that this is decidedly… doing things for her. Serana is clearly embarrassed and humiliated, and also somewhat ashamed of how much she’s enjoying being embarrassed and humiliated.
I loved it. Though, it was far more likely that my other self had written this into Serana’s personality, rather than her just naturally being like this from the actual Elder Scrolls universe. All I knew was that I hadn’t made Serana like this, I hadn’t consciously done anything to her mind or psyche. It was kind of fun, just making a transaction with the vampire.
By the time she’s naked, I’m sat down on the edge of the bed with my golden cock out and rock hard, waiting for her arrival. Svanna is there too, also naked save for the crown that she wears everywhere. The High-Queen of Skyrim’s eyes twinkle with delight as Serana slowly saunters up to us both, her nude body fully on display and her pussy lips glistening with the faintest bits of arousal.
As soon as she’s in range, I grab her by her hips and yank her into my lap, causing her to gasp in surprise as I subsequently impale her upon my cock without so much as a by-your-leave. As I fill Serana with my dick, Svanna grabs the Pure-Blood Vampire by her hair and drags her in for a kiss. Serana’s cunt clenches down around my cock from the domineering action, and she moans throatily into the Dragonborn’s mouth.
With Svanna dominating Serana’s maw, I get straight to dominating Serana’s cunt. Filling her with my member, pumping up into her from below, I don’t let up for even a second as I bounce our darling little vampire whore up and down on my dick as fast and hard as I possibly can. In turn, Serana is soon reduced to squealing into Svanna’s lips, her pussy walls tightening up and then flexing as juices gush down her sex along my shaft.
She’s enjoying herself quite a lot, but then, so are Svanna and I. I grin, as I lower my mouth to Serana’s gorgeous tits and begin to suck on them judiciously, licking and slurping away at her breasts, groping them and holding them harshly by the base. As expected, Serana enjoys the rough treatment. She likes being manhandled and treated almost brutally, a holdover from her… one night stand with the Daedric Prince of Rape.
Well, she certainly wasn’t ever going to get a chance with Molag Bal again. Not after I’d transformed the Daedric Prince’s concepts and domains so thoroughly. Indeed, having a Daedric Prince’s whole shtick turned on its head like that would probably destabilize the planes of Oblivion something fierce. As a concept, it was hilarious. The Daedric Prince of Rape, suddenly being the Daedric Prince of BEING Raped? Hah, super fucking funny. But on paper… it wouldn’t be sustainable. Not one bit.
Did I care? Fuck no! Let Oblivion rot. Let it destabilize. This world was mine, and the Daedric Princes were as much pawns in it as the mortals were. Even the Divines were my playthings, as I’d proved in Riften with Mara.
In the end, for what Serana wanted deep down inside, she would only ever find it with Svanna and I. Endeavoring to show her that, I grab the Pure-Blood Vampire by the throat and toss her onto the bed, tearing her away from Svanna for the moment as I lean over her, sliding back into her cunt and fucking her in a mating press.
“Hungry, darling?”
Serana’s golden eyes widen slightly at the offer, and she nods her head frantically, unable to speak while moaning and mewling from my cock gouging out her tight, sopping wet insides. With a smirk, I cut open my wrist and offer it to her. Rather than normal blood flowing out, my essence glows golden as Serana latches onto the wound and drinks long and hard.
It’s not like she’s actually taking any of my power, of course. What I’m giving to her is being produced in that very moment. It wasn’t already flowing through me, or anything like that. Not with my discount Gamer’s Body being what it was.
Still, Serana doesn’t know that. She drinks and drinks until I finally pull my arm away from her. When the Pure-blood Vampire tries to lunge up to get more out of me, I backhand her across the face, laughing as I pimp slap her right then and there and send her rocketing right back into the bed.
Meanwhile, Svanna takes the opportunity to finally swing her leg over Serana’s head, straddling the Pure-blood Vampire’s face and promptly sitting down on it, as she’s wont to do. Planting her hands on Serana’s breasts and giving them a good mauling, Svanna leans forward and kisses me deeply, as she begins to ride Serana’s face to kingdom cum, grinding down nice and hard.
I, meanwhile, continue to fuck Serana hard and fast… but honestly, it’s missing something. The whole encounter is unbelievably hot, but it could use one more thing, I feel like. It could use… an audience!
When Svanna and I come up for air, something that Serana doesn’t actually have to do, a fact that Svanna has realized and is taking full advantage of, I give my Dragonborn a shit eating grin.
“Let’s go say hi to the Missus, shall we?”

Svanna’s eyes widen, and then she’s grinning as well, nodding to me in anticipation. It’s not difficult, teleporting the three of us right outside of Valerica’s Tomb in the Soul Cairn. Not even difficult to shut up the Ideal Masters who begin clamoring the moment we show up. Consigning them to similar fates as Molag Bal seems fair enough, given how many they’ve screwed over with their devilish dealings all this time. Time for them to experience their own screwing overs, heh.
That all takes the work of a second however and happens out of view of the Daughters of Coldharbour. But the one we brought with us… and the MILF who stares, gobsmacked, at the sight of a threesome suddenly happening outside of her prison and retreat. It takes Valerica several seconds, a long time for a vampire, to finally realize who’s on the bottom of our little menage de trios.
I share a wicked grin with Svanna. This was going to be fun.


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