Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Chapter 1: Reincarnated… Status… What?

Ugh... Where the hell am I...?

The bus I was riding got into an accident; my vision went black after that; when I woke up, I found myself in a strange cave with a body that is definitely not human.

Don't tell me... I actually died and reincarnated... and that I am now in a different world...?


No way... But I guess sitting around won't answer my question. So I stood up and decided to leave this small space I am currently in.


Huh? What was that?

I turned around after hearing something behind me and found a bag sitting there.

That... wasn't there earlier, was it?

Cautiously and nervously, I approached the bag and opened it up to find some clothes inside, along with a note sitting on top of it. Curious as to what it says, I picked up the note and proceed to read it.

Oh wow... this is one long note.

Okay, let's see let's see... uh... "Here are some clothes for you to wear. You have died on Earth and reincarnated into another world known as Ibyss. Check your status for more details about your new self by chanting Status in your mind..."

Hold on, is someone watching me right now!?

Before reading the rest of the note, I quickly put on the clothes in the bag.

It surprisingly fits me well. Although, I'm not really a fan of the mini skirt. But, oh well... Not that I have a choice.

Alright, back to the note...

"...Currently, you are on the last floor a dungeon known as Loboros Labyrinth by the denizens of Ibyss. To escape, you'll need to climb 90 floors up before you can see daylight, so I would advise exercising extreme caution if you want to live till the end as the monsters here are far beyond your current level..."

Umm... w-what?

"...That is all I can write in this note for now. I wish you the best of luck. Signed... Evil God Dionix."




Don't... SCREW WITH ME!!!!!

90 floors!? Monsters beyond my level!? How the hell am I suppose to escape this shitty dungeon, when you tell me things like these and expect me to survive!?

Fuck you, Evil God! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!


No no no... Calm down me... Calm down...

...That's right! I should check my status first. Maybe I got some really good cheats from the Evil God that can help me escape this place.

Status! Whoa!

A window popped up in front of my face, presenting me with the details about myself.

Name: Sheila Frontier (Rei Hoshimiya)

Race: True Demon

Lvl: 1 (Next Lvl Req: 100)

Title(s): [Reincarnation from Another World], [Key of the World]

Physical Offense: 101

Physical Defense; 150

Magical Offense: 522

Magical Defense: 601

Speed: 185

Skill(s): [Dark Domain], [Appraisal LVL 1]
Current Point(s): 100

...I am level 1, have two skills, and is unsure if my stats are good or just average...

Also, my race is demon, eh? Well that explains the horns...

And what's with this point thing? I have 100, but what does it do?

Wait, no.... How the hell am I supposed to escape with only two skills!? Appraisal is one thing, but what does Dark Domain even do!?

As I was pondering on it, another window popped up, showing me the details of the skill.

Dark Domain(Unique): Creates a domain of darkness with the user at its center, allowing the user to manipulate the darkness within the domain according to the user's will. The domain's maximum range is directly proportional to the user's level.

That's... really good, ain't it? The ability to control darkness freely. That's really cool, right!? Like... edgelord level of cool! This means I can go Domain Expansion on my enemies and crush them with the power of darkness!

Oh my god, this is so cool. Alright, let's try it right now.

Dark Domain!

As I excitedly call upon the skill in my mind, a field of darkness begins to form under my feet and umm... it's small... Like, really small... At best, it only covers the entire floor of this small cave which is not much to begin with.

This... is really disappointing. huh...

No no no no no. I should be optimistic about this. It is a unique skill after all. Maybe it's actually really good despite its small range.

Alright, let's try it. Annnd... spike attack, let's go!

By my will, multiple spikes of darkness formed just as I intended and attacked a single point on the wall, causing part of it to crumble.

OMG, this is so cool!!!

Alright, next! Slashing attack, go!

Again, by my will, the darkness from the domain rose and sliced the same part of the wall like a whip, creating a long linear mark on it.

Okay, okay, I take back what I said about it being disappointing... This skill is awesome!

Oh wait, I should probably get out of here. I can't stay in this cave all day long.

Saving the fun for later, I dispelled the Dark Domain and proceed to walk out of the little cave to begin my escape from this dungeon.


However, immediately after walking out, I ran into an obstacle... A big one, in fact. Standing at about 500m tall, has several heads, a scaly body, wings, two tails, and a menacing aura that could only spell death.

That's a hydra, ain't it....

My body shivers on the spot... Maybe even wet myself a bit there as each of the hydra's head locked onto me with its terrifying eyes, while I try to use my Appraisal skill on it.


Yes, I can see that Appraisal-san...

As the hydra's heads all opened their mouth, I immediately understood that I should've taken the Evil God's warning of "exercising extreme caution" seriously.

Back to the cave, back to the cave, BACK TO THE CAVE!!!

Just before the hydra unleashed its breath on me, I jumped back into the little cave, cowering in fear as I could feel the heat of its breath nearby.

The exit is over there. I can see it from where I'm at. But how the hell am I supposed to get past that thing without being cooked alive!?

Just then, a note appeared in front of my face. Assuming it's the Evil God, I picked it up and read it.

"Use the unique skill I have provided you to get past the hydra. I'm sure you can figure out how. Good luck." ~Evil God Dionix

Alright, here's the next chappy. Thanks for reading. 🍫

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