Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Chapter 2: Escape the Hydra

The hydra's attack has stopped, giving a peek outside the little cave, I could see it staring at me but not attacking for some reason. So it looks like I'll be safe in here. However, the fact that I need to get past that thing does not change as I would eventually die from starvation and dehydration if I don't get out of here. And I doubt the hydra will be keeping its eyes off me anytime soon.

My only hope is this piece of advice the Evil God has provided me.

"Use your unique skill..."

Assuming that he's referring to Dark Domain, which he could only be, how can I use it to escape this place with the hydra guarding it?

Dark Domain...

Conjuring up the skill again, I begin to think on how I can use it to get past the hydra.

Let's see, the power to manipulate darkness in whatever ways I want... Huh?

As I was staring blankly at the domain, I noticed that the domain isn't covering the entire ground of this small cave like it was before. Or rather, it seems like part of it is now on the wall which my back is currently leaning against.

Hold on, let me check the skill again.

Dark Domain(Unique): Creates a domain of darkness with the user at its center, allowing the user to manipulate the darkness within the domain according to the user's will. The domain's maximum range is directly proportional to the user's level.

"With the user at its center..." So that's how it is! When I first used this skill, I was standing at the center of this cave, thus was able to cover the entire ground within the area. But now, my back is leaning against the wall, making the part of the domain stuck on the wall while covering some of the ground. In other words...

If I move to the center of the cave... As expected, the domain moved with me!

This is useful knowledge. Knowing that the domain moves along with me, maybe I can form a barrier of sort to block out the hydra's breath while I dash for the exit?

No... that won't do. There is no telling whether the barrier can withstand the attack or not. And it's too risky to test it out.

I need another way. One that does not involve defending against its attack, but outrunning it.

So I crouched down and stared at the domain again while racking my brain on how to utilise it for mobility. After a while, however, I could not think of anything and just thought "why not?" and proceed to dunk my entire right hand into the domain.

I went in. And somehow, it feels rather nice and soothing like being in an airconditioned room.

Ahh... now I want to put my entire body into this chilling dark— "Wha!?"

All of a sudden, I sank into the domain and immediately felt the change in temperature as the coolness soothed my entire body.

Ahhh~ What a bliss... Wait, no! Now is not the time for that!

I'm in the domain right now. And for some reason, I can see outside of the domain as if I'm looking through a periscope.

Wait wait wait... Hold on now... Can I perhaps move while in the domain? My legs can't feel anything at the bottom though... Then perhaps I can move in some other way? Like say... using my mind to move instead of my physical body?

Alright, let's try it and... forward! Wha—!

Immediately as I commanded, I, along with the domain, begin to move forward at a super fast speed in the small cave. Looping around and around and around in this tiny little cave.


This is like riding a roller coaster. Except now I'm getting dizzy so stop. Stop. STOOOOP!

The Dark Domain Fun Ride stopped as I commanded... on the ceiling. And it doesn't seemed like gravity is affecting me while I'm in it.

That's another useful information. And besides that, this is a super useful method of moving which I have found! With this type of mobility, won't I just be able to outrun the hydra's attack and reach the exit? Only one way to find out.

But first, I should name this mobile ability of Dark Domain. Since the skill moves according to my will, it should be much easier to use it again if I name the specific type of action I want it to do. Plus, it's cooler this way.

Henceforth, this mobility action will be known as... as..... ass....!!!


Crap, I can't think of a name...

Uhh.... Darkness... darkness... something related to darkness, umm..... Dark Dash? Shadow Movement? A-Void-ing?

No no no no... Umm, what was the name of that one move from the game I first played at the start of high school?

Uhhhh.... Oh yes! Shadow Sneak! That's the one! I will name this move... Dark Domain: Shadow Sneak!

Now I know that not what the actual move does... but who cares! It's a cool name!

Now with that being said, let's see if Shadow Sneak can outrun the hydra's breath. It's a do or die, and I don't plan on dying! So... let's-a-go!

With Dark Domain: Shadow Sneak, I dashed out of the cave aiming for the exit at the end of the hydra's area. The hydra, of course, noticed me in my skill and started attacking with its breath attack.

Evade, evade, evade!

Alright, I seemed to be faster than its breath. Shadow Sneak worked!

Now without worrying about the fiery dragon, I dashed my way to the exit, and I'm out of there! Woohoo~!

And it seems like the hydra isn't pursuing further. Not that it can, due to its massive size. Which means... this calls for a celebration dance!

I popped out of the Dark Domain and proceed to break it down with style. Not that I know how to dance...

After that though, I had to climb up some stairs. But I'm too lazy for that, so I used Shadow Sneak again and went up the stairs since I don't need to move my physical body while I'm in it.

Mission: Escape the Hydra... A resounding success!

...So it seems like she has escaped the hydra. Good.

However, from here on out, she will encounter many monsters which, although are weaker than the hydra, they are still stronger than her. For that, I should give her some advise on how to become stronger quickly and... perhaps... provide her with some new skills to increase her chances of survival.....

Next chapter. Hope y'all like it. Thanks for reading. 🍫


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