Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Chapter 3: Tutorial Explanation

Finally, I have reached the top of this stupid stairway!

It has only been a few minutes since I left the floor with the hydra. And now, I should be on 89th floor, right? Let's see what kind of monsters there are here.

But first, I should reduce the domain size while in Shadow Sneak. Since it'll be harder for monsters to notice it when it is smaller.

That was what I should've done first before rushing for the exit on the 90th floor...

...Ahem! Anyways, reduce the domain size please!

Yes. Smaller, smaller, smaller... Aaaand yup, that's good enough! Alright then, time to move out!

And so, I begin exploring the new floor which is way bigger than previous one, with soooooo much more space and everything. And it's not that dark despite being in a cave, due to the glowing crystal rocks spread across the entire area.

Now then, where are the monsters— Eh?

What the heck are those...?

While exploring the areas in the new floor, I spotted a variety of monsters...

Wolves with terrifying steel fangs; giant bats with razor sharp claws; spiders way larger than the Australian kind; and... a group of monkeys parading around a big dead snake.

«Wolf», «Bat», «Spider», «Monkey»

Even the Appraisal skill can't pick up on their status. And even without that, I can still tell that they are terrifyingly strong.

Well, considering that I'm on the 89th floor, of course the monsters here would be strong.

*sigh...* Guess I'll have to avoid all of them then...

So while in Shadow Sneak, I begin searching the area for the next floor up while sneaking past the monsters here as I'm pretty sure I'll die if they notice me, so... gotta do whatever I can to avoid a fight!

Ugh, but still... I'm getting pretty hungry... and I doubt there is anything edible here in a cave where all I could see so far are just rocks of different variant. The only thing that seemed to be edible are the monsters, but I'm not sure whether if it is safe to eat them, even if I were to somehow kill them.

Dammit, I can't find the exit... Guess I'll rest in this corner, surrounded by large rocks, first.

I got out of Shadow Sneak and then use Dark Domain to hide my presence by covering the way in to this corner, as I sit back against the wall and rest for a moment while my stomach growls audibly.

Ahh... I'm hungry... I'm so hungry... I need food so badly right now...


Just as I moaning in hunger, a box appeared right in front of me.

It is from the Evil God!?

I opened up the box and found several notes written by the Evil God Dionix.

It is from him! What's more, among the items, there is food and water in the box! And it's some McD's! Woohoo~!!!

Thank you for the meal!

I happily munch on the meal provided to me, before doing anything else.

Ugh, there are pickles in this burger. Yuck.

After removing the things I hate, I continued relishing the burger and the sides that came with it. Then the water in the bottle, which I swear, tasted so damn good!

Ahh~ that was a feast...

Thank you, Evil God-san. I'm sorry for cursing at you before.

Now then, what are the other things has he sent me?

Uh... other than a bundle of notes, I got a few scrolls and umm... that's it? What do these scrolls do anyways?

I picked up of the scrolls and inspect it a little.

It looks like a normal scroll, feels like a normal scroll, and there's even the title written on it which says... [Vital Strike LV 1]...?

...Wait. Don't tell me... These scrolls contain skills!?

I quickly opened up the one in my hand. And just as I did that, the words written in the scroll begin to disappear as window notification popped up in my face.

«Skill Acquired: [Vital Strike LV 1]»

Holy... shit! This is amazing! Alright, time to open the other scrolls too!

«Skill Acquired: [Auto Healing LV 1]»

«Skill Acquired: [Survivor LV 1]»

«Skill Acquired: [Danger Sense LV 1]»

Yippee! I got some new skills just like that. Thank you again, Evil God-san!

Now then, let's see what he has wrote for me in his notes...

Ahem! Eh... "Here is something to eat as well as some new skills for you. But do know that this is probably the most I can help you in the current circumstances, so for acquiring your future meals and skills, you'll have to do it on your own..."

Right... I'm curious though... If you can help me by giving me such things, why can't you just teleport me out of this dungeon, Evil God-san?

Oh wait, there's more on the back.

"Unfortunately, I am unable to directly help you in your escape as that would bring unwanted attention which will not end well for the both of us. That is why it'd be better if you were to escape the dungeon on your own."

Unwanted attention? Will not end well for the both of us? What does he mean by that?

...Eh, it's not like he'll tell me anyways. Alright then, moving on to the next note.

"There are several ways to get stronger. But the one I recommend you to do now is to increase your skill proficiency, especially your Appraisal skill in order to grasp the information of your enemies. You can do that by using the skill repeatedly until the System notifies you about the proficiency increasing..."

I see... I see...

"The other ways of getting stronger is by leveling up which will increase your stats, or by acquiring new skills. Both of these methods, however, require points to be achieved, so I recommend you spend your points wisely, even though they can be acquired by killing any lifeforms..."

Points...? Is he referring to the Current Points section I have in my status!? Wait, if that's the case... Status!

Name: Sheila Frontier (Rei Hoshimiya)

Race: True Demon

Lvl: 1 (Next Lvl Req: 100)

Title(s): [Reincarnation from Another World], [Key of the World]

Physical Offense: 101

Physical Defense; 150

Magical Offense: 522

Magical Defense: 601

Speed: 185

Skill(s): [Dark Domain], [Appraisal LVL 1], [Vital Strike LV 1](NEW), [Auto Healing LV 1](NEW), [Survivor LV 1](NEW), [Danger Sense LV 1](NEW)
Current Point(s): 100

Checking my status again, I noticed the words next to my current level, which states, "Next Lvl Req: 100."

If I'm right about this, which I'm pretty sure that I am... Then that means I can just level up right now, can't I!? I have 100 points after all.

But first, I should read the rest of the note. Just in case...

"Finally, although I have stated that the monsters in this dungeon are far beyond your current level, it does not mean you are unable to kill them. With some preparation, your chance of killing a monster would be as close to 10%..."

Oh wow, that's reassuring...

"That is all from me. You will probably not hear from me for a long time, so do escape from this dungeon. And when you do, I shall answer any questions you have or will have, once we meet. Good luck. I'll be watching over you." ~Evil God Dionix.

And... thank you Tutorial Guide! Alright, now I know how this system works, let's start by leveling up!


[Spend Current Points to Level Up?]



Upon answering the system notice, a rejuvenating light envelopes my body as it gives off a cleansing feeling that soothed the soul. After that, the light dispersed and a window showing my new status popped up.

Name: Sheila Frontier (Rei Hoshimiya)

Race: True Demon

Lvl: 2 (Next Lvl Req: 500)

Title: [Reincarnation from Another World], [Key of the World]

Physical Offense: 201 (+ 100)

Physical Defense; 250 (+100)

Magical Offense: 622 (+100)

Magical Defense: 701 (+100)

Speed: 285 (+100)

Skill(s): [Dark Domain], [Appraisal LVL 1], [Vital Strike LV 1], [Auto Healing LV 1], [Survivor LV 1], [Danger Sense LV 1]
Current Point(s): 0

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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