Desert’s Evening Star: The Rise of Lapis D. Hala

Meeting a Phoenix

Hala whistled a tuneless song as she strolled deeper into the cavern, the defeated hydra already fading from her thoughts. The crystals around her glowed brighter, their rhythmic pulses casting strange shadows on the walls. But rather than feeling nervous or uneasy, Hala felt a calm, carefree energy flowing through her. It was like walking into a concert, not a cursed ancient lair.

When she entered the final chamber, her eyes widened at the sight before her. In the center of the cavern, encircled by towering crystal spires, lay a massive, radiant figure—a phoenix, its vibrant feathers shimmering in shades of gold and red, glowing with an inner fire. The creature was wounded, its flames flickering weakly, a dark crystal shard embedded deep in its side.

Hala let out a low whistle, tilting her head as she took in the sight. “Now that is one fancy bird. But... looks like someone’s having a rough day.”

The phoenix’s eyes fluttered open, and it fixed its fiery gaze on Hala. Its voice, when it spoke, rumbled like distant thunder. “You... are not of this place. Who are you, mortal, and why have you come?”

Hala blinked, then smiled. “Oh, me? I’m just passing through. You know, taking a stroll, fighting some monsters. The usual.” She gestured casually to the shard embedded in the phoenix’s side. “Looks like you’ve got a bit of a problem there, though. Want some help?”

The phoenix let out a low, rumbling laugh, though it quickly turned into a pained groan. “Few offer help so... casually, mortal. Do you know what you stand before?”

Hala shrugged, her hands resting on her hips. “A big, glowy bird with a serious crystal problem? Yeah, I think I’ve got the gist.”

The phoenix eyed her warily, then let out another sigh, its massive head lowering. “I am the Phoenix Queen, bound by this cursed shard for centuries. My power has been drained, my flames extinguished by this wretched curse. Only by removing the shard can I be free... but it is not a task easily done.”

Hala squatted down, resting her chin in her hands as she studied the shard in the phoenix’s side. “Cursed shard, huh? Sounds annoying. But hey, I’ve handled worse.” She stood up, stretching her arms over her head. “Alright, bird lady, let’s get this thing outta you.”

The Phoenix Queen stared at Hala for a long moment, as if unsure whether to be grateful or insulted by her flippant attitude. “You are... an odd one, mortal.”

Hala grinned. “I get that a lot. Now hold still.”

With a casual flick of her wrist, Hala summoned her sand, letting it snake through the air toward the shard. The sand coiled around the cursed crystal, gently tugging at it. As she worked, the Phoenix Queen winced, her feathers trembling.

“Easy, easy,” Hala murmured, her tone light but focused. “We’ll get this thing out. No need for theatrics.”

The Great Cosmic Thoth chimed in, its voice calm and instructive. "The shard is deeply embedded. It will require precision, and... patience."

Hala chuckled. “Patience isn’t really my thing, Thoth, but fine.”

She worked quickly but carefully, using the sand to slowly pry the crystal loose. The dark energy surrounding the shard pulsed violently, trying to resist her efforts, but Hala kept her movements smooth and steady.

Finally, with one last tug, the shard came free, and Hala held it up, inspecting it casually. “There we go. One cursed crystal, fresh out of the oven.”

The Phoenix Queen let out a relieved sigh, her body already beginning to glow brighter as her flames reignited. “You... you did it,” she said, her voice filled with awe and gratitude. “I am... free.”

Hala shrugged, tossing the crystal shard aside. “Yeah, no biggie. Glad to help.”

The Phoenix Queen rose to her full height, flames swirling around her in a brilliant display of power. “You are an unusual mortal. I owe you my life. Should you ever need my aid, call upon me, and I will answer.”

Hala grinned, giving the Phoenix Queen a casual salute. “Good to know, bird lady. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got more caverns to explore. Take care!”

Without another word, Hala turned and strolled out of the chamber, hands in her pockets, whistling her tuneless song once again.

She spent hours killing monsters and training her sand and crystal manipulation.

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