Desert’s Evening Star: The Rise of Lapis D. Hala

Playing With a Sand Hydra

As Hala moved deeper into the caverns, the glow from the crystals grew brighter, casting eerie reflections across the walls. She reached out her hand, brushing her fingers against a particularly large cluster of amethyst crystals. They vibrated faintly under her touch, resonating with the energy flowing through her.

“More resistant than I expected,” she whispered. "Thoth, use [Blackhole] on all future crystals that you sense that have powerful magical properties."

"Understood. Preparing to use skill [Blackhole] on all future crystals with powerful magical properties."

"Thoth, list my skills I have. If there are going to be a lot of monsters down here, I might as well see if I can acquire some interesting skills."

"Here are all the skills and abilities you have acquired, including the new skill from the [Scotching Scorpions":


  • Blackhole (Blackhole and Analyze): In a direct echo of Rimuru Tempest’s abilities, the ability to consume anything—physical objects, magic, or even skills and powers. Once something was absorbed, the system would break it down, analyze it, and allow her to either store, replicate, or evolve it into something new. This ability had no limits; if Hala faced a powerful enemy, she could consume them, gaining their strengths while stripping them of any threat.

  • Ultimate Skill Creation: Through the Great Cosmic Thoth, Hala could create new ultimate skills, powers that rivaled the gods themselves. By analyzing her needs and potential, the system could generate unique abilities that were tailor-made for her situation or goals. These ultimate skills were rare and extremely powerful, capable of altering the very fabric of reality.

  •  Cosmic Authority: Hala had full control over cosmic energy, a power far greater than any regular magic. She could manipulate the forces of creation and destruction—shaping stars, bending space, and controlling gravity. This ability was directly tied to Nut’s divine blessing, allowing her to wield the very fabric of the universe as her weapon.
  • Void Domain (Locked): Hala could create a pocket dimension—a personal domain connected to the cosmic void. In this space, she had absolute control over time, space, and matter. It served as both a sanctuary and a battlefield, where she could manipulate reality itself to trap or defeat enemies. Time in the Void Domain was malleable, meaning Hala could speed up her training, recover instantly, or set traps that functioned outside of normal time.

  • Eternal Rebirth: Due to the nature of her existence as a reincarnated soul under Nent’s protection, Hala possessed the ability to resurrect herself indefinitely. Even if her physical form was destroyed, her essence would be reborn, drawing on the stars themselves to regenerate her body. This made her practically immortal, her life force tied to the cosmos and the eternal cycles of creation.

  • Indigo Lightning: Cosmic touched lightning.
  • Scorched Earth: By channeling the volatile energy, she absorbed from the scorpions' venom and heat. This skill allows Hala to manipulate both sand and heat simultaneously, transforming the very ground beneath her enemies into a molten battlefield. By tapping into the raw, destructive power of her sand manipulation, combined with the scorched nature of the scorpions’ environment, Hala can incinerate anything that stands in her way.

"Hmm. Not bad." Looking back down on the amethyst crystal, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, reaching out with her mind to the surrounding crystals. The energy pulsed through her, a sharp, cold contrast to the warmth of the sand. Slowly, she began to mold it, bending the crystal’s will to her own.

It resisted, of course, but Hala was patient. She didn’t force it. Instead, she guided the energy, coaxing it to move, to reshape itself. It was like sculpting with glass—delicate, precise, and requiring absolute concentration.

Bit by bit, the crystal responded. It grew, shifting under her influence, forming jagged spires that rose from the ground like the teeth of some great beast. Sweat beaded on her forehead as she focused, her body trembling from the effort.

And then, just as she thought she had it, the energy snapped back, the crystals shattering into a thousand tiny fragments.

Hala cursed under her breath.

“It’s not enough,” she muttered. “I need more control.”

The Great Cosmic Thoth hummed in agreement, offering suggestions for improvement. But even as it guided her, Hala couldn’t shake the feeling that something was watching her. The oppressive presence she had sensed earlier was growing stronger, closer.

She straightened, her gaze scanning the cavern once more. The crystals around her glittered innocently, but she wasn’t fooled. Something was lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike.

And then, she saw it.

A massive shadow, slithering through the darkness, its body covered in scales that shimmered in the faint light. It was a sand hydra, its many heads snapping in the air as it moved with terrifying speed.

Hala barely had time to react before the creature lunged at her, its jaws wide open, ready to devour her whole.

The ground trembled beneath Hala’s feet as the massive sand hydra emerged from the shadows. Its multiple heads writhed and snapped at the air, its long serpentine bodies coiling around the glowing crystals like some ancient desert monster out for blood. Each head hissed, showing fangs sharper than the blades of a thousand warriors. Yet, instead of panic, Hala simply raised an eyebrow, the corner of her mouth quirking into a smirk.

“Well, well, well. What a big guy you are,” she said, crossing her arms lazily. “And here I was, hoping for a quick stroll through a quiet cave.”

The hydra's heads turned toward her, their golden eyes gleaming with primal hunger. Hala couldn’t help but feel a twinge of amusement. Monsters like these always seemed to think they were so terrifying, but to her, it was just another thing to deal with.

One of the hydra's heads lunged forward, fangs bared, aiming directly for her. Hala barely stepped out of the way, dodging with the grace of someone avoiding an inconvenient puddle.

“Whoa, easy there,” she said with a laugh. “You could have at least said hello first.”

The hydra hissed, clearly not in the mood for pleasantries. Hala sighed dramatically, her eyes scanning the cavern, already formulating a plan.

Thoth,” she said casually, her voice light, “what do we know about this guy?”

The Great Cosmic Thoth responded promptly, its deep voice ringing in her mind. "The sand hydra is a creature of elemental power—fire, wind, and venom. Each head wields a unique element, and cutting off one will only cause two more to grow in its place unless you strike the core."

Hala shrugged, barely phased. “Ah, classic hydra stuff. Got it.”

The hydra lunged at her again, this time with two heads attacking in tandem. One went high, the other low, as if expecting to overwhelm her with sheer force. Hala yawned, then threw herself into a quick cartwheel, easily evading both strikes.

She landed lightly on her feet, and with a flick of her wrist, she sent a stream of sand up from the ground, wrapping it around the nearest head. She gave the sand a little twist, grinning as the hydra’s head snapped back, temporarily immobilized.

“Hold still, big guy,” she said, flashing a grin. “I’m trying to figure out how I want to deal with you.”

The hydra snarled, shaking its head free of the sand and snapping at her again. Hala sighed, waving her hand to summon more sand, her attitude more annoyed than concerned.

“Geez, you’re really into this whole ‘angry monster’ thing, huh?” she said. “Okay, let’s make this quick then.”

She reached deeper into the earth, her carefree demeanor giving way to a moment of quiet focus. The sand beneath her began to shift, darkening as the temperature in the cavern spiked. Hala couldn’t help but smile at the familiar pull of her Scorched Earth skill. She loved this part.

With a lazy gesture, the ground beneath the hydra erupted into a molten field, the once-solid sand transforming into a burning sea of lava and glass. The hydra let out a guttural screech, recoiling as the molten terrain seared its underbelly. It thrashed violently, its heads flailing in every direction.

Hala watched with a faint look of amusement. “There you go. A little warmth never hurt anyone—well, except for you, I guess.”

One of the heads reared back, flames dancing in its maw. It launched a fireball at her, but Hala twirled around lazily, the flames missing her by inches.

“Fire, huh? You’re not the only one with that trick.” She let her sand flow upward, shimmering with heat, and blasted the hydra with a wave of molten glass. The shards struck hard, lodging themselves into the hydra’s scales, causing the beast to stumble.

The Great Cosmic Thoth hummed in her mind, offering more insights. "You’ll need to sever the core quickly, or the heads will regenerate."

Hala rolled her eyes playfully. “Yeah, yeah, I know. One thing at a time.”

As the hydra writhed in pain, Hala leaped into action, launching herself toward the creature with effortless grace. She summoned a crystal spear, spun it casually between her fingers, and hurled it toward the hydra’s chest. The spear flew straight and true, piercing the creature’s central core.

The hydra howled, its many heads snapping wildly before collapsing in a heap. The molten sand around it bubbled as the creature’s body melted into the ground, leaving only silence in its wake.

Hala dusted her hands off, grinning at the fallen beast. “Well, that was fun. Not bad for a warm-up.”

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