Diary of a Lost Soldier in Another World

Chapter 5: The Tools of the Trade

Chapter 5: The Tools of the Trade


The next morning I woke up early, way earlier than everyone else. I honestly had a terrible night's sleep, first of all the bed is too comfortable. I spent months sleeping on the hard ground and to suddenly have a warm cushy bed makes me feel like the ground is going to give way. 

The second reason is simply the nightmares, back in Sapporo I had to sleep knowing I needed to wake up at the slightest sound, this made me end up taking five or six naps rather than a full night's sleep. This combined with physical exhaustion rarely made my mind drift into dreams. But now I am well rested and sleeping comfortably, this gave the ghosts of the past free entry into my mind as I slept.

As I walk over to the sink in my room, not the best place to put a sink but I really don’t want to walk up a floor just to brush my teeth and shave. I look myself in the mirror, I see my hollow black eyes and my matted black hair that looks like I patronised a barber that prefers the use of gardening implements rather than scissors. In truth back in Sapporo we used to cut each other’s hair, if we let it grow out too much we run the risk of getting lice or some other infestation. When an outbreak occurs the entire platoon ends up needing to shave our heads. The guys didn’t mind that much, the girls not so much. Having short hair was one thing but being bald is something different entirely.

After my morning routine I walk out of my room wearing only my standard issue tank top, cargo pants and boots. I’m still not sure what the arrangement is for armor but if I would get to choose I would like something close to the equipment I am used to. I exit my room to see the sky still dark, the hints of dawn creeping on the horizon. I look up at the clock on the wall and see it’s 5.30am. Looks like I slept in...

Naturally no one is awake yet, so I take a seat on the couch. I will my “Companion” to materialise and the black orb appears before my eyes.

Greetings Dark Champion

“Can you hear me?” I say in my head.

Yes I can, Dark Champion

“Reply me through my mind, do not speak out loud unless I give permission.” I reply again in my head.

As you wish Dark Champion

“Now then bring up my stat display, it’s time I have a look at what that god has done to me.” I command.

Before my eyes I see the display appear.



There’s a lot of information, a lot of which he didn’t understand. There’s stats like [Strength], [Dexterity] which seems to be something out of a fantasy RPG game. I notice I seem to have two weak points, I have low [Strength] and no [Faith] whatsoever. Well to be fair I was never really one for religion but I don’t think the stat indicates the degree to which I believe in a particular deity.

I look to the Skill Class and gaze at the [Dark Champion] class. Why am I a champion but the others are heroes? Judging by the significantly increased level cap I’m guessing champions are better. 

Would you like to see your detailed statistics?

I hear in my head. I mentally send my approval and as I focus on the [Dark Champion] I see a further drop down of additional information.



Dark Champion (Divine Skill Class):

+ 150 Level cap

+ 10% Global Exp Rate

+ 100% Exp gain from slain creatures

+ 200% Exp gain from sealing Rifts

+ 50% [Damage Dealt]

-  999 [Faith]



It seems this class is pretty good minus the complete negation of the [Faith] stat. I have no idea what it does but the rest seems to be pretty good. The Exp boosts seems quite powerful, I’m guessing with every Rift sealed I can expect a significant boost in power.I look at the rest of the Skill Classes and continue to read.



Gunner (Legendary Skill Class): 

+ 10 [Dexterity]

+ 20 [Perception]

+ 30% [Global Resistance Penetration]

+ 50% [Damage Dealt]

+ 30% [Damage Taken]

Combat Leader (Rare Skill Class):

+ 15 [Charisma]

+ 30% [Resistance to Mental Effects]

Allies in combat gain + 10% [Damage Dealt]

Allies in combat gain + 10% [Resistance to Mental Effects]

Forsaken (Rare Skill Class):

+ 50% [Resistance to Status Ailments]

- 30% [Received Heal and Buff effects]

+ 50% [Curse Effectiveness]

30% [Damage taken] to the body is converted to [Status Ailment: Blood Rot]

Survivor (Rare Skill Class):

+ 10 [Tenacity]

+ 50% [Resistance to Mental Effects]

+ 30% [Crowd Control Resistance]

- 10% [Damage Taken]

+ 10% [Resistance to Status Ailments]



I let out a whistle as I finished reading the screen. This god may be a sarcastic ass but he is quite generous with his blessings. The main stand out stats I see from all of this is the combined + 100% [Damage Dealt] and the combined 80% [Resistance to Mental Effects]. Although the + 30% [Damage Taken] is quite the drag but it’s offset by the damage conversion to [Status Ailment: Blood Rot] which I have 60% resistance to. Which reminds me what the hell is [Blood Rot]?

[Blood Rot] is a status ailment that causes toxin buildup in the target’s blood. Initial effects include, fatigue, nausea and dulling of the senses. Further build up can result in [Status Affliction: Blood Poisoning], this causes diarrhea, vomiting, fever and eventually cause organ failure.

So it’s just like toxin build up in my old world, instead of getting a slash I get a cut and I end up throwing up for the night. Nothing like a slow death am I right?

Regardless this set up synergises surprisingly well, I’m starting to wonder if this god builds optimised builds for RPG’s in his spare time.

Now then onto my Abilities, judging by the name I’m guessing it’s like spells or something. 



Rapid Fire I (Common Ability):

Fires 4 shots in quick succession, bullets are affected by [Homing I].

Evasion I (Common Ability):

Dodging attempts confers + 10% [Movement Speed]

In Cold Blood M1 (Divine Ability):

Attacks on unaware or unsuspecting targets deal + 50% [Damage Dealt]

Weapon shots on non-hostile targets deal + 100% [Damage Dealt]

Kills on non-hostile targets grants + 100% Exp



Non-hostile targets? What the hell does that mean?

It means individuals like innocent bystanders, prisoners, friends, allies, lovers…

Clues in the name Dark Champion


Well fuck that shit. I’m no murderer, but then again that prisoner part isn’t that bad. I executed my share of prisoners back in my world, we didn’t exactly have the luxury of keeping prisoners. Yes it’s technically a war crime and violates the Geneva Convention but I’ll obey that convention when the United Nations steps up and helps. A law that no one enforces is just a line of text on paper, I might as well write one now and it would be effectively the same thing.



Skittering Headsman I (Rare Ability) :

Throw a mine that burrows into the ground. When an enemy approaches the mine unburrows and attempts to latch onto the target’s face before detonating. 

Enemy observers are afflicted with [Mental Effect: Fear I]

Stunning Grenade I (Rare Ability):

Throw a grenade that explodes on impact, explosion releases a blinding light and concussive wave of force.

Enemy observers within 10 metres are afflicted with [Crowd Control: Blind II]

Enemies within 5 metres are afflicted with [Crowd Control: Stun II]

Enemies within 7 metres are afflicted with [Crowd Control: Stun I]

Enemies with 10 metres are afflicted with [Crowd Control: Concussed V]

Perfect Penetration (Legendary Ability):

*acquired via equipment [Danse Macabre]*

Attacks have + 40% [Physical Resistance Penetration]

Attacks deal + 10% [Damage Dealt]


Bloody hell that last one seems strong, it comes from my pistol? Now that leaves the question what is [Resistance Penetration]?

As I wonder this I hear the voice of that orb start to speak in my head.


[Physical Resistance Penetration] is the ability to ignore the defenses of physical matter like Armor, Flesh and Walls. When an attack strikes Armor, if the [Damage] is higher than [Physical Resistance] then the armor takes damage at the point of the strike. If the damage is too high the attack goes through and is then resisted by the target body’s [Physical Resistance]. If those resistances are overcome then the attack cut’s through. How tough your body is depends on your stats, with [Strength] and [Tenacity] being the main contributors to your body’s [Physical Resistance].

In not so simple terms, if a piece of Iron has 100 [Physical Resistance] per square centimeter and your bullet is about one centimetre in diameter and has 100 [Damage]. If you have no [Resistance Penetration] then your attack does nothing. If it does 120 [Damage] then your [Damage] is reduced to 20 because of the 100 [Physical Resistance]. This 20 [Damage] then reduces the [Physical Resistance] of the Iron by 20. This means there's a 0.2 centimetre deep hole in the Iron. So now that Iron has 80 [Physical Resistance] because some of the Iron has been destroyed. 

Your [Resistance Penetration] causes your attacks to ignore the [Physical Resistance]. So if your attack does 100 [Damage] and it strikes the 100 [Physical Resistance] Iron block but you have an effective [Physical Penetration] of 70% because of 30% [Global Penetration] and 40% [Physical Penetration]. This means your attack deals 70 [Damage] because it ignores 70% of the [Physical Penetration] thus it creates a 0.7 centimetre deep hole in the Iron. 

If your bullet goes through the armor then you deal damage to the body and your attack must then overcome the [Physical Resistance] of the target’s body. 


“So what if I manage to damage the body it lowers their HP or something?” I ask in my mind.


What do you think this is a fantasy RPG game?

If you get hit in the heart you die

If you lose your arm you will bleed and die when you lose too much blood

How much [Damage] the attack deals is based on the remaining [Damage] left in the attack and that is then put against the [Physical Resistance] of your body.

Flesh has low [Physical Resistance] and bone has more [Physical Resistance]

If the [Damage] is high enough then it goes right through.


If you still don’t understand then it doesn’t really matter. It’s not like knowing all of this and running the numbers is going to help you in a fight.

If you do damage keep going, if you hit something and your shot pings off, shoot somewhere else, if there’s nowhere else to shoot, then I suggest you run.



So basically it’s physics, just explained in game jargon with extra effects affecting the energy. 

It boils down to Newton’s first law which is stated as “An object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an external force.” So the [Damage] is the force propelling the attack and the [Resistance] is the force opposing it. So if your resistance is too low the attack or object keeps going. Basically an attacking force in motion stays in motion unless resisted by an equivalent or superior [Resistance]. 

This I can easily understand, I am after all very well acquainted with ballistics…

Then again…

“Hey what happens if I get more than 100% [Resistance Penetration]?” I ask the orb.


Are you stupid?

The [Resistance Penetration] is hard capped at 80%

Excess [Resistance Penetration] is converted to an increase in [Damage Dealt]

If you have 100% [Resistance Penetration] and you fire a bullet the bullet will just keep going on forever. It will go through every wall, every person and every mountain it hits.

An object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an external force

Sound familiar?

If there is no force that can affect it, then it will stay in motion forever


Well I have give him that, that would be extremely dangerous. It means I could fire a shot and it would travel on smashing through everything. 

So if wounds are based on body destruction then [Resistance Penetration] seems really powerful. I wonder if I can get some Hollow Point rounds? Those bullets expand or shatter when they enter the body, a bullet that stays in the body is much more dangerous than one that exits cleanly. A golf ball sized exit wound is definitely better than one that is the size of a coin. Not only that the metal fragments can end up in their blood stream causing internal bleeding all over the body, it can even puncture the heart or damage the brain...

As I ruminate on the potential applications of doing grievous harm to other living creatures I hear the door behind me open. I turn to see a sleepy eyed Charlotte exit her room. She is wearing the same beige blouse and black skirt that she wore yesterday. Her staff was held under her arm as her other hand rubbed her eyes.

“Oh… good morning Katsuro.” Charlotte said sleepily.

“Good morning, you’re up early.” I reply.

“Well I don’t like sleeping in, you could do many things if you’re awake. Not much if you’re asleep.” Charlotte replies as she stretches the sleep out of her body.

“How long have you been awake?” Charlotte asks as she takes a seat next to me.

“I woke up around 5.30am.” I look to the clock and see it’s now 7am.

“That’s really early, I thought I was an early riser.” Charlotte said, she turns to see the black orb smiling at her.

“Oh hello…” Charlotte greets.

“Reply her, politely...” I command the orb mentally.

Good morning Life Hero, I hope you had a good night's sleep

“Yes, the bed was very comfortable thank you for asking.” Charlotte replies with a cute smile.

I am pleased to hear it

The orb says as it’s smile widens even more than it already is.

“What's his name?” Charlotte asks me as she turns to me.

“How would I know?” I ask, surprised at the sudden question.

“They don’t have names, you know, I named my companion last night, I named her Hope.” Charlotte said.

What would you like to name me Dark Champion?

The orb asks, his smiling widening even further. 

“Why do you call Katsuro that anyway? Everyone else calls us Heroes.” Charlotte asks.

“LIE!” I command the orb.

It sounds more dramatic than Hero don’t you think?

“Ah so it’s a flight of fancy.” Charlotte replied with a giggle.

“Your companion is quite an interesting fellow isn’t he?” Charlotte said with a smile.

I aim to entertain, Life Hero

Shall I call you Life Champion?

“No that won’t be necessary, although you seem quite lively to be around.” Charlotte replied with another giggle.

“Styx, that will be your name.” I say as I smile at the orb, though my eyes are as cold as a winter’s night.

“Like the river Styx? Well I can see the inspiration, the black flowing shadows like the black waters of the river in the Greek underworld. You are a piece of the God of Death after all.” Charlotte said.

Good choice Dark Champion

I hope you will ferry many across those Dark Waters

I hear Styx goad in my head. 

“Not what I have chosen, but the symbolism seems appropriate.” Charlotte said.

 I like it as well

My last master called me Orb

It is nice to receive a more interesting name

I hear Styx say to Charlotte.

“Then I am glad you are happy with it.” Charlotte replies with another smile.

“So what have you been doing so early in the morning?” Charlotte asks. 

“Figuring out all the stats. I wasn't in much mood for it last night…” I say as I think back to my little temper tantrum last night after that woman blackmailed me.

“Yeah I saw you just storm into your room after she left. Later at night I heard noises from your room. I went to your door to check on you but then I heard some clinking sounds so I thought it was another of your traditions and I didn’t want to disturb you.” Charlotte said.

“Ah no, that was the big punching bag my room gave me to hit, it was suspended from the ceiling by chains. I… just needed to blow off some steam.” I reply.

“Oh… are you feeling better now? I’m surprised the room knew what you needed when you needed it.” Charlotte said sympathetically.

“Ah no it didn’t know it immediately. You see I…” I say as I look down at my hands. My knuckles were bruised to all hell.

“I went a few rounds with the wall and lost. I think the room got fed up with it so the wall knocked me on my back and saw the punching bag.” I say with a sigh.

“Oh Katsuro… here give me your hands.” Charlotte said as she held out her hands.

I place my hands in hers, I feel her soft smooth hands against my scarred and calloused skin.

“[Heal] she says and my hands are bathed in a green glow, the soreness in my knuckles fade mostly but not completely. I look down and all that is left is slight discolouration on the knuckles from minor bruises.

“It didn’t work completely? How hard did you hit the wall? Did you break your knuckles?” Charlotte asks her brows furrowing in worry.

“No I don’t think so, I think it’s one of my Skill Classes, it reduces the effectiveness of healing.” I reply remembering one of my stats.

“Oh, well that’s good to hear. If your knuckles were broken I would be worried that your bone didn’t set properly. The last thing we want is chronic pain.” Charlotte says as she raises my hand to inspect the bruises.

“You know I can heal it again if you…” Charlotte falters as her gaze shifts to my upper right back now exposed due to my raised arm and my tank top.

Charlotte silently reaches forward and pulls the right strap of my tank top back revealing a mangled scar.

“What happened…” Charlotte mutters as she gently touches the mangled flesh.

“A tank shell hit somewhere to my right, blew up the two guys next to me. I got away with this.” I say calmly. 

Usually I don’t let people touch my scars but for some reason I trust Charlotte to do so even though we just met less than a day ago. Maybe it’s just because she seems so innocent that I don't suspect anything malicious from her.

“Does it hurt?” she asks as she gently places her hand on the scar.

“It aches but I’m used to it, the doctors in my world came up with this serum. You inject it into a wound and heals back the wound much more quickly. Wounds that take years to heal, heal in weeks. But all that speed causes severe scarring and it aches like hell because the healing isn’t done properly. All in the name of getting us back into the fight sooner.” I reply with a grimace.

“I can try to…” Charlotte starts.

“No… thank you but no… these are old wounds, they ache but… they are reminders…” I reply as I look at her shimmering blue eyes.

“Reminders of?” Charlotte asks.

“Friends taken too soon, family lost and… why I’m here…” I reply as I feel a lump in my throat.

“Why you are here?” Charlotte asks as she catches herself and her hand withdraws removing the warmth that my flesh hasn’t felt in years.

“I’m sorry I don’t mean to pry… and I just sometimes… you don’t have to tell me if you don’t…” Charlotte stammers as she looks away.

“It’s ok, I was going to die when the Dark God took me. There was a grenade right in front of me. At that moment I didn’t mind dying, my whole platoon was ambushed. My brother was just killed, it seemed like as good a time as any. He told me if I became his champion I could go back.” I reply.

“Go back and do what?” Charlotte asks.

“Finish what I started, I go back, I fight and then I rest.” I reply as I look at her widening shimmering eyes. Eyes so full of hope and compassion, eyes I wore once... but never again.

“You can’t go back just to die!” Charlotte exclaimed her gaze locking on to mine.

“You can’t just give up, life is precious! You can’t just throw yours away.” Charlotte said as she grabbed my hand. 

“I don’t know what you went through in your world. I wish we could have met somewhere else but…” Charlotte said as she placed her hand over her heart.

Wish we could have met somewhere else?

Me too Charlotte…

“No matter what happens, you can’t give up on life. As long as you are alive there’s hope but when you’re dead that’s it. All roads end, every door closed, each path fades, there is always something to live for…” Charlotte says as she looks at me earnestly. 

I haven’t heard words like this in a long time… 

The last time was from…  her...

“You just need to find it… it may seem like it’s not there but you just need to have a look around and you’ll find it…” Charlotte pleaded as she clasped my right hand with both of her own. 

In my heart I feel something stirr, Charlotte is so much like her, a bright light in the darkest of nights

But as quickly as the feelings come I banish them from my mind. Charlotte deserves someone better, not a broken wreck of a person like me…

I withdrew my hand from her warm hands and I let out a small laugh. This dark god is cruel, offers me my vengeance but lets me meet someone like Charlotte. Letting me meet her though he knows I will never allow myself to even attempt to get close to her. 

Charlotte tells me to hope, she tells me that there is more to this life and I can’t even tell her the other half of my deal with the devil. How am I going to tell her that I plan to inflict the same suffering I endured onto others. How am I going to tell her that I plan to burn cities to the ground, shatter a nation and leave a trail of corpses in the wake of my bloody crusade?

No this is all I have left, this vengeance, this war…

It is all that is left for me…

This bloody torch is mine to hold up high, a torch I took from failing hands, the dead’s quarrel is now my own. The torch mine to hold from this day until my last day… and I will use it to burn the cities of Russia to the ground, the corpses of their people will stack to the heavens.

The king is right...

War is my sculptor

I am a prisoner to its design...

But I shall be not be wielded as a tool

Not by men, not by kings, not by gods

My foes will call me villain, call me monster…


Let me earn their hatred

I will drown their land in blood

I want nothing more than for them to lament my name

They will suffer as I have suffered

For I am damned...


This is my purpose...

Now and forever…


Author’s notes:

Hey guys thank you to those who replied to my question in the last chapter. So with the unanimous vote I will continue without restrictions. Although I will still try to control the pacing and try to keep it at an acceptable pace. If you feel the pacing is too slow feel free to let me know. This is my first time writing only in first person so there’s a lot more inner monologue than my other stories. If it’s too much just leave a comment and I’ll adjust accordingly.

Also if the [Resistance] system is hard to understand don’t worry about it. It’s specifics are grounded in physics and can be a bit confusing but in the actual execution in the story it’s quite straightforward and it won’t impact your ability to understand the story. All those stats is just my love letter to gamers who like to min max stats. The skills are quite straightforward when in use so don’t worry about it being too confusing. After all no matter how much you min max in the chaos of a fight you rarely feel the difference unless you break the game somehow with your build.

Anyway thanks again to those who cast their votes in the last chapter and I love hearing from you guys. Even if it’s just a cookie blob or fav, it makes my day. See you guys in the next chapter!

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