Diary of a Lost Soldier in Another World

Chapter 6: Dressed to Kill

Chapter 6: Dressed to Kill


When I enter the so-called training area, I see it is an open area with stands above. It was like a strange square colosseum and seated above I saw figures watching. No doubt the lords and ladies wish to see what the Heroes are made of. Fine if they want a show I’ll give it to them, nothing like a show of strength to get people to fear you. Fear I have found is more effective than respect for people you don’t have to associate with regularly.

I notice a man with grey hair standing in the centre of the training zone. He is wearing the armor of the guards I first saw when I arrived in this world. Beside him stood a line of individuals, some were men and women, some weren’t even human, I spotted an extremely short figure with striking pink hair and what looked to be animal ears poking up the sides of its head. If that person is human I’ll eat my boots. Unless there’s cosplay in this world… I don’t think they even have comics let alone anime so I doubt it.

As I got closer I noticed on the extreme left of the line where that strange short figure was, the people there were all wearing rags and they were all women. The rags were something like potato sacks with holes cut in to act as clothes. The sacks were also in one size so the taller ones had a lot of legs showing. I narrowed my eyes at the sight and the image of that attendant flashed in my mind. Were these girls slaves?

“Those girls…” Charlotte said from the side.

“Yeah, let’s see how this pans out before we do or say anything.” I reply softly.

“If they are what we think they are then…” Charlotte starts to say.

“Let’s collect information first, rash decisions get people hurt.” I replied, cutting her off.

“You sure? What if we can’t do anything?” Charlotte asked shakily.

“Then we collect information and wait for the opportunity.” I reply again as I look to the side and see Charlotte looking at me uneasily.

“It’ll be fine, they put these girls out for a reason.” I say trying to allay her concerns.

“You sound like you’ve done this before.” Charlotte replied as she turned back to look at the girls.

“Not this kind of situation specifically but handling most unknown situations operate on the same principles. Gather information, assess options, then execute a plan. If no feasible plan is available wait for the right opportunity. Be flexible in planning and execution. Patience, initiative and critical thinking are essential for operational success. When all else fails improvise, adapt, overcome.” I say as I shift my gaze.

“Are you speaking as Katsuro the soldier?” I hear Charlotte ask. I turn to see her staring intently at me, her sapphire blue eyes locked on my face.

“I am speaking as 1st Sergeant Onaga, bearer of the Order of the Golden Kite.” I reply.

“Order of the Golden Kite?” Charlotte asks, tilting her head slightly in confusion.

“A military citation for acts of valor and bravery under fire that are above and beyond the call of duty. It’s a military medal.” I say.

“Oh I see… I’m afraid I don’t know much about military affairs.” Charlotte replied.

“It’s good that you don’t, one who wishes for war has never fought in one. Also war is no place for a lady.” I reply as I look at Charlotte.

“Well I suppose it’s a tad late for that.” Charlotte replies with a weak smile.

“Yeah I suppose it is. Don’t worry I’ll look out for you.” I say kindly.

I have no idea what I am doing, I never make promises like that. You can’t promise shit in a war zone, when I was in my world I couldn’t even promise food and bullets for my men. Safety? Getting out alive? Going home? What’s that? Can you eat it?

“Thanks Katsuro.” Charlotte said with a warm smile.

With that I arrived in front of the table and the older soldier locked eyes with me. His eyes were cold and observing. I know this look, this guy is sizing me up. These kinds of stare downs happen more often than you think among soldiers. Anyone can shout in an argument but it takes nerves to sit in silence, after all the fire fights are chaos most just shoot widely at first, it’s the time right before the assault that most lose their nerve. If a soldier loses their nerve on the eve of a battle during the fight may have a mental break. Some scream and cry, others stand and wander around in some kind of a psychotic daze totally oblivious to their surroundings and situation. Those that end up in daze needless to say get put down rather quickly.

Well if this old soldier thinks I’m going to cave he’ll be waiting a long time. I watch as his eyes narrow as he sees my lack of reaction. His gaze shifts away to Charlotte I turn to see her stare nervously at him. In a few moments unable to bear the tension Charlotte looks away, I watch as he shifts his gaze to Ivan then to Jacob. They all cave in short order, not that surprising considering these three have lived in almost complete safety their entire lives.

I see the old man cast his gaze back to me and I raise an eyebrow in response. WIth that the man lowered his gaze and he lets out a light laugh.

“So the rumors are true, the Dark God sends us a soldier tempered by war.” the man states as he raises his gaze again and looks me in the eye. He places a fist over his heart as he stands ramrod straight.

“I am Sir Davis, Knight of the Regus Silver Lions, I greet you Dark Hero, one soldier to another. It is an honour.” Davis says.

Huh that’s surprising, respect? Is Filianoreh making her moves already? Or has the moves already been pre arranged, so confident is she of my acceptance of her “deal”. Well it would be unbecoming of me to spit in the face of a greeting from another soldier, I may be an unwilling soldier but I still have my pride. So I will carry myself as my pride dictates. I stand to attention and render a salute to Davis.

“1st Sergeant Onaga Katsuro, 2nd Division, 25th Infantry Regiment, 1st Company, 2nd Platoon. The honour is mine Sir Davis” I say crisply and clearly. I hear the mutterings on the stands above. No doubt some of the nobles have some opinions of our behaviour...

“Well met, Sergeant Onaga.” Davis says as he lowers his arm and I do the same.

“No doubt some of the lords and ladies are displeased with my show of respect.” Davis says.

“Will that be a problem?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

“No more than usual, Sergeant Onaga. Rumors have already begun to spread that Princess Filianoreh has already gained the support of one of the Heroes. Knowing our shrewd Princess she would no doubt try to go for the largest fish first. I’m assuming that’s you Sergeant Onaga.” Davis asks.

“And what made you come to that conclusion Sir Davis?” I ask impassively.

“Ha, you would do well as a Noble Sergeant Onaga.” Davis replies with a laugh.

“Aristocracy doesn’t suit people like us, don’t you agree Sir Davis?” I ask.

“Aye, couldn’t have said it better myself. There is supposed to be some young Noble that is supposed to walk you through this first session. However, Princess Filianoreh requested someone with actual combat experience be the one to guide you.” Davis said as he turned and walked in front of the table. I looked down at the table and saw numerous lumps of ores, rolls of fabric, weapons and armor.

“Then I must thank Princess Filianoreh for her consideration.” I say as I pick up a dagger made of a strange white metal. It’s length and blade resembled the combat knife I had strapped to my boot back in my world.

“I will be sure to pass on your thanks, that young noble’s father is rather displeased however. He had paid a generous bribe to ensure his son would be in close proximity to Lady Charlotte.” Davis said distastefully.

“Then that is another thing I need to thank her for.” I mutter in reply.

“She told me you might say that. As for the articles on this table, as you can see these are materials as well as war gear. All of the Heroes have a unique ability to absorb materials, wargear and even potions. The materials you absorb are stored in your Heroic Weapon, using an innate ability known as [Inventory]. When a completed gear is absorbed you also obtain the schematics for the design. Thus allowing you to replicate the design as your personal armor or weapons. Although I have never seen a weapon like yours before, I saw how you mortally wounded the Knight Commander. It must be a weapon of impressive power for a level 1 individual to wound a level 45 warrior.” Davis says as he glances at the revolver strapped to my thigh.

“It is a weapon from my world, or should I say our worlds.” I say as I glance at the other three who were following us.

“Your worlds have access to such weapons?” Davis asked.

“It’s called a gun, it has replaced the use of plate armor because plate is ineffective against it. Bows can’t match it’s range or fire rate and those wielding swords are just targets to be shot. The one I have is one of the smallest ones available, there are many more types that are far deadlier than the one I have.” I reply as I pull the revolver out of its holster.

“Then your world must have terrifying wars, rumors say even the knight commander was unnerved by what she saw in your mind.” Davis says as he peers down at the black barrel of the revolver.

“Believe me Sir Davis, it is a blessing that you will never know the kind of war that I have fought. It is not a kind one.” I say with a sigh.

“Are wars ever kind?” Davis replied.

“I suppose you are right about that.” I say as I turn to the other three who until now have been watching us silently.

“Did you hear what Sir Davis said about the materials and the [Inventory]?” I ask.

“Yes, so how do we absorb the materials.” Charlotte asked as she approached the table.

“Simply touch any of the materials available, Lady Charlotte. But first I suggest you confer with your companion, it will assist you with finding the most optimal choices.” Davis replied.


So our companions can help?


“Styx show yourself.” I command.


You called Dark Champion?


“Stop calling me that. Keep to the original name.” I say curtly. While telling him mentally that this is an order.


As you wish Dark Hero


I mentally tell Styx what I want for my armor. The design must have few criteria, it must be light and easy to maneuver in. However, I want armor on the feet and hands, with some guards for the shin and joints.


Shall I add a greatcoat to the design?

It will make it easier to conceal your weapon


“Yes, that would be good, it’ll keep me safe from the elements as well.” I reply in my head.


As for the helmet?


“Follow the design of my current one, add goggles if you can and a toxin filter mask if it’s possible.” This should keep me as protected as possible


Excellent choice Dark Hero

Any preferred colour scheme?


“Can you change the colour after the fact?” I ask.


Naturally, any colour or pattern you desire will be available


“Make it black for now. No shiny colours, matte the metals.” I say.


Trying to keep a low profile eh?

I doubt you will be inconspicuous with such an otherworldly design


“It doesn’t matter, I just don’t want to look like a traffic cone that you can spot from a hundred meters away” I reply curtly.


One un-traffic cone like, inconspicuous armor set coming right up


With that I saw the dark orb shoot out black tendrils latching onto random pieces of ore, fabric and equipment. The thing is it didn’t stop at what was on the table, it went into the ground, tore chunks out of the walls and even skewered a few passing birds.

Then before my eyes I see my clothes change, my sleeves and gloves turn to pitch black and judging by the gasps around me my armor doesn’t look that welcoming.


Would you like a mirror?


“Show me.” I reply.

The orb conjured a reflection of myself and what I see… well I look evil… I have a large overcoat that covers my whole body save for the front. The greatcoat had a high collar that had a blood red lining and on the shoulders were light pauldrons. The edges of the coat are tattered and seem to be giving off wispy black smoke. My chest is covered in a dull black metal of a similar design to a kevlar vest. My boots now are metal tipped with the same dull black metal, along with matching shin guards and knee pads. My helmet is done in a modern style with it’s smooth matte surface. On the front there was a large protrusion that looked to be numerous pieces of folding metal.

“What’s that thing on the front of my helmet?” I ask.


Press the button on the right side of your helmet to find out


I feel for the right side of my helmet and feel a small button and press it. Immediately I see metal pieces move down my vision and in a few seconds I see my vision now tinted in a grey shade. I look at my reflection and do a double take. My eyes are now covered in what looks to be an eye mask with glowing slit like red eyes. My mouth and nose are now covered with what looks to be black and red japanese samurai mask. It had the shape of an Oni’s mouth and through the gaps of the ebony black teeth glowed a sinister red glow. The mask… seemed to be smiling?

My mouths open slightly in shock and I see the mask move as well revealing more of the red glow and now it looks like it’s almost laughing. As I returned to my senses I noticed the people in the line were staring at me eyes wide and many had taken a step back away from me.

“What part of inconspicuous didn’t you understand? I look like…” I start angrily in my head. This stupid ball of shadows ended up making me look like some modern soldier and vampire hunter mash up. My god I’m like an edgy chunnibiyou’s wet dream…


Have a look around you Dark Hero

They fear you as they should

To them you look like an avatar of the Dark God

Which of course…

You are…

Dark Champion

Looking like this anyone will think twice about striking you

The face I gave you is based on the face of the Dark God

Every soul in this world knows the red eyes and maw of the laughing God

This will serve your purposes well

Few will refuse your demands

Fewer will dare to fight


Styx had a point, this get up looks so menacing I even shocked myself. The fear this would inspire… I could make good use of this…


Glad you agree Dark Champion

This will fit the designs of the Dark God quite nicely


“What exactly does he want me to do?” I ask mentally.


Where’s the fun in that?


That line again, this Dark God, toying with me like I’m some pawn. Well let’s see where this goes shall we?

"Katsuro?" I hear Charlotte’s voice from behind me. I turn my head and she lets out a gasp as she takes a stepback. I instinctively press the button on the side of my helmet and mask folds away.


Awww pity…


“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” I reply sheepishly.

“Oh it’s no trouble, just caught me off guard is all.” Charlotte said.

It was then I noticed her changed attire. She was wearing white and gold cloak with a hood hanging from her back, the cloak was open in the front and it went down her sides and back stopping at just above the knees. On her body is a dress now quite different in cutting from her old attire just on the fact that it is more revealing. Her previous skirt went to her knees but her current skirt came up to the middle of her thighs. Her dress is also now revealing with more skin, with now sleeveless arms and a criss cross straps going from her shoulders to her neck. However those straps were really thin, they were like… what was the name? Spaghetti straps? Now her chest was also more exposed as her collar bone and some of her cleavage is now exposed due to the lower cut of the collar. On her legs she wore white knee high boots and black stockings that went up slightly above her boots. On her hands she wore gloves that looked to be made of white leather. Overall it was a much more sensual attire.

“What do you think?” Charlotte asked shyly.

“It’s nice, give you a more fantasy-esque appearance.” I reply, trying to avoid the obvious elephant in the room of the increased skimpiness of her clothes.

“Do you feel it shows too much skin?” Charlotte asks timidly.

“It should be fine considering your cloak, I don’t think the cloth matters that much. I doubt a healer would have much defenses from direct attacks anyway.” I say as I assess her attire for tactical weaknesses, while trying to avoid that topic.

Her high boots protected her feet to a decent degree and low skirt is just more likely to get snagged on something. Yes that was true for her cloak as well but she needed something to protect her from the elements, so it couldn’t be helped. As long as the attire wasn't too revealing that it made her uncomfortable then it should be fine.

“It looks good aesthetically and I can’t think of any practical problems for your equipment besides the fact that your cloak might get snagged on something or grabbed by an enemy. But I suppose in that situation you can just take it off. After all you do need something to protect you from rain and snow.” I say calmly.

“Hope told me the clothes had a different function, she said it was to help vent [Arcane Heat]. She mentioned that when using spells for an extended period of time mages will start to overheat, this attire is supposed to help address that problem. But still it’s more… drafty than I’m used to…” Charlotte said blushing slightly.

“I hope I am not interrupting but perhaps I can add to that explanation.” I hear Davis say from behind me.

I turn to see Davis gesture one of the girls standing in the line. As she approaches I notice her attire seems quite similar in style to Charlotte’s. With her cloak covering her back and going down to her knees.

“Please shed your cloak and turn around, miss.” Davis said. The girl’s face went slightly pink as she shed her cloak and turned around. I did a double take from what I saw. Her back was almost completely exposed. The back of the shirt was open only being held up with thin straps. The hole extended from her neck to her lower waist. Not only that I realised the back of the skirt was shorter than the front, with the front of the skirt reaching down to the middle of the thighs, the rear of the skirt tapered off to only cover the girls butt revealing the thighs completely. I’m not going to lie, this seems very strange to me, in all honesty from the back it looks like some kind of swimsuit.

“When mages cast spells their body will start to heat up, most mages can only fight for as long as their body can bear the heat. If the mage overexerts they will eventually collapse from heat exhaustion. This attire has been designed over many centuries, each generation of mages improving upon its design. The goal of the design is simple, it is to facilitate easy dispersal of heat.” Davis explained as he gestured to the girls exposed back.

“It has been discovered that the most effective way to remove heat from one’s body is to simply expose as much skin as possible. However, too much exposed skin leaves the target vulnerable. Thus this design is formed from a compromise between the two. High boots to protect the legs to retain movement capabilities. A high sock to protect the feet and legs from abrasions, exposed thighs and a skirt to provide airflow and increase heat dispersal. The skirt is also longer on the front and shorter at the back as this design prioritises frontal protection so the rear is shorter to create more airflow.” Davis said as he gestured to the girls lower half.

“As for the torso it has been discovered the most heat is lost through the head, neck and the torso due to increased blood flow to those regions. Thus this design attempts to maximise the exposed skin with an almost completely exposed back.” Davis continues as he points to her back.

“Now please turn to the side and raise your arms.” Davis says as the girl turns to the side and raises her arms. Revealing that the sides of the shirt actually reveal her sides as well, the arms holes reach down to the bottom of her ribs. The area near her shoulders and armpits are greatly exposed and I can see the barest hint of the side of her breast from the edge of the cloth.

“As you can see the sides and shoulders are also exposed. As for the front the neck, collar and upper chest are exposed as well. The reason for this design is that it has been decided frontal protection is the most effective thus most of the cloth is concentrated on the front. The cloth is made of [Moonweave] it’s a type of rather durable but also sweat absorbent and breathable material. The cutting of the clothes are also designed to be as tight as possible as air gaps can interfere with heat dispersal thus these attire are made to be skin tight. [Moonweave]...” Davis began as he walked over to the table and picked up a shiny white fabric.

“Is rather rare and expensive, thus only mage attire is allowed to use [Moonweave] and only those with high level caps are permitted to receive mage training.” Davis said as he handed me the cloth. I ran the cloth over my thumb and it felt extremely soft and smooth, it would make for extremely comfortable clothing.

“As for Lady Charlotte's cloak it is called a Steam Cloak by the mages. It is a rare article of clothing granted to only the most promising of mages, it is a piece of enchanted equipment that absorbs heat from the inside of the cloak and expels it on the outside. This ensures that the air around the body of the mage is always kept cool thus making it easier for the mage to cool down. Even in the most boreal of environments mages in combat usually end up drenched in sweat thus keeping warm is never a concern for magical combat.” Davis explained as he pointed to Charlotte’s cloak.

“The mage’s defence consists of magic barriers, any direct strike without a barrier would incapacitate or kill most mages. Thus the design focuses on protection from flying small rocks and wood splinters caused by explosions. Since mages usually fight in the rear line the attacks usually come from the front thus the back is exposed, as defence there is not really needed. Attacks from the rear by flanking forces that manage to close the gap are usually deadly and no design thus far is able to account for those types of attacks. Thus the back has been designed to focus on heat dispersal and defenses of the back are ignored.” Davis said as he finished his explanation.

In all honesty after listening to the explanation, the design is quite pragmatic if you ignore the fact that from the back it basically looks like a swimsuit. When not in a fight the arms will hang down at the side thus covering the exposed sides, cloak covers the back thus the exposed back and short skirt are not visible. It protects the girls modesty while giving the maximum amount of combat effectiveness. Afterall a girl’s modesty means quite little when she’s dead.

“Then what about the male mages?” I ask Davis.

“There are no male mages, it has been observed that the female body is more suited to handling [Arcane Heat] due to their smaller frame and slender physique.” Davis replies.

Hmm that is true, guys are more susceptible to heat exhaustion at least that was what I observed in my old world. Shuji once told me it’s something to do with surface area to volume ratio, a guy's body is more broad thus the ratio of the surface area relative to volume is lesser. This means more heat is trapped in the core and there’s not enough exposed skin to radiate the heat away. I mean there’s a reason that fat guys sweat a lot, or maybe it’s because they're just unfit and basic things seem strenuous? Well whatever, I have no idea, Shuji’s the one that took Biology in school not me.

“So I’m guessing that all mages are expected to keep themselves slender?” I ask Davis.

“Yes they are, this generally makes the mages quite physically appealing thus why even those not granted a steam cloak where normal cloaks in public and the hoods are for hiding their face. The stares of other men can make them feel uncomfortable.” Davis replied.

“That reminds me why are they called Steam Cloaks?” I ask as I gaze at the cloak that the mage is putting back on.

“In combat the cloak will tend to steam due to all the heat it is trying to radiate away.” Davis replies.

“I see…” I reply as I turn to Charlotte who is standing there a little red faced. I don’t think she would want to wear the cloak everywhere and in the room I doubt she would like to walk around in such revealing clothing.

“Styx can we revert to our original clothing?” I ask mentally.


No, you can only have one set of Heroic armor. The armor can be removed like any clothing but additional clothes must be acquired through external means.


“Sir Davis, is it possible for us to acquire some other clothes for use in our rooms. The four of us share a living space and I don’t think Charlotte would like to walk around in her cloak all the time.” I say to him quietly.

“You are very chivalrous Sergeant Onaga.” Davis replied with a smile.

“I will have it sent to Heroes Spire before nightfall.” Davis replies with a nod.

“Thank you, I owe you one.” I say as I extend my hand.

“You owe me nothing Dark Hero.” Davis said as he took my hand and shook it firmly.

That settled. I walked over to Charlotte who was looking at me quizzically after that hushed exchange with Davis.

“I asked Davis to send us some other clothes for when we’re in the common room. I don’t think you want to wear the cloak everywhere.” I say.

Charlotte’s eyes widen for a moment as her face flushes pink and her sapphire blue eyes shimmered for a moment. Then a warm smile appeared on her face and she looked down. Her hands went up and began to gently play with her blonde hair.

“Thank you Katsuro, you are quite the white knight…” Charlotte said shyly.

“Shouldn’t I be a black knight?” I ask, raising an eyebrow with a smirk.

“Perhaps… but thank you…” Charlotte said warmly.

“I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, the design of the attire is pragmatic so it may be necessary but you should have something to wear.” I say as I gaze at her clothes.

“If you aren’t comfortable with it you can just change it.” I offer.

“No, I heard Sir Davis, it’s a pragmatic and wise design. I’m sure I’ll just get used to the… draft…” Charlotte said as her face got a little redder.

“Don’t worry if anyone gets any funny ideas my face is the last thing they will see.” I say reassuringly.

“Oh… well that mask does seem pretty scary.” Charlotte replied with a smile.

“Fear is as good a weapon as any.” I say.

“I think I’ll keep it as is for now, besides judging by what was said yesterday I don’t think showing more skin makes much of a difference anyway.” Charlotte said as she seemed to wilt in her cloak.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure nothing happens. If anyone tries anything I’ll break his legs.” I say as I approach and place my hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

“Thanks Katsuro. It’s nice to have someone like you watching out for me.” Charlotte said as she smiled warmly.

“Oh but don’t break their legs okay, just make them stop.” Charlotte said suddenly as she realised what I said after the fact.

“How else will I dissuade the rest to stop?” I ask jokingly, raising an eyebrow.

“You could just rough them up. A little… yes a little, make it hurt a little and then we can just send them on their way. The roughing up should get the message across.” Charlotte said as she cupped her chin as if she’s pondering a complex problem.

“I’ll break one leg.” I say pretending to bargain.

“No! No breaking limbs.” Charlotte insists as she glares up to me.

“I break one finger…” I say lowering the price, as I smirk and raise an eyebrow.

“Stop it. You're just teasing me now.” Charlotte said as she shoved me, her physical strength was so weak however, I barely felt it.

“That’s not very ladylike of you…” I say with a laugh.

“Stop!” Charlotte says as a small smile creeps on her lips.

“Alright, no broken bones.” I say with a laugh.

“Thank you.” Charlotte said as she let out a small giggle.

I look over to see Jacob admiring himself in his companion’s projection. He was wearing ornate silver armor with gold pauldrons that were molded to look like the head of a bald eagle. His armor was filled with etchings that gave off a regal heroic appearance. From his back flowed a regal white cape with a gold eagle taking wing embroidered on it. Not much for subtlety was he? As I look up at the stands as I expected I see a small group of noble ladies whispering as they looked down at Jacob.

I know it's only a matter of time before some girl somewhere corners him at the right time. Then after that it’s off to the bed chamber. After all judging by what I can see, Jacob would soon find women throwing themselves at him.

Ivan is wearing a rough looking armor that looks to be made of bronze. His right arm is much more heavily armoured than his left. Of note his armor seems lighter than Jacob’s well judging by his weapon, his class seems more offensive rather than defensive.


Now then, shall we move on to the next phase?


Hope you enjoyed the chapter, feel free to leave a fav or a comment if you want. See you guys in the next chapter!


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