Diary of an Adventuring Vampire

Chapter 28 — Aleph Null

I got sick and missed yesterday’s update, sorry :(

Also, updates might slow down. We’ll see.

Chapter 28 — Aleph Null



[Ei’s POV]


“Behold my true masterpiece, based upon the God of Insanity, Aleph Null!” (Francis)


Something falls from the sky…




It’s a black wolf with a mane of red octopus-like tentacles. On its back, there are two neon green wings. Finally, its tail is like a scorpion’s, but it ends in 16 stingers.


“Well, see if you can entertain him a bit. Not that you can do much, trapped in mithril boxes. I’ll enjoy watching you scream… and once you’re finally broke… I’ll kill you all.” (Francis)


“Hahahahahaha… you, you call that masterpiece? Haha more like… more like, ha, a cheap KNOCKOFF!” (Kurui)


I will say, it really does look like a mockery of Kurui’s true form. Is it really their true form? Do Entities have a true form?


“I guess we’ll start with you then.” (Francis)


“I will not allow it!” (Nadia)


“And what can you do, girl?” (Francis)


“You three, I trust you to keep this secret. If you tell anyone, I will have you killed.” (Nadia)


Oh? We get to find out Nadia’s secret? How interesting.




The metal around Nadia starts to warp. Her skin becomes a bit red and scales appear. Red wings burst forth from her back.




The cage explodes and reveals Nadia, arms and legs covered in red scales and twin red wings upon her back.


“A half dragon? Hmm… I suppose you can live as a test subject.” (Francis)


…Half dragon? Impressive.


“Even with draconic power, you could never fight against a false god.” (Francis)


“Oi! Don’t underestimate us, egotistical scientist!” (Kurui)


“*sigh* If we’re up against the Second Cardinal, I guess we have to go all out too. Nadia, we’ll give you the same deal. If you tell anyone our secrets, we’ll kill you. Luna, Kurui, let’s do this.” (Ei)


“Even with all your powers combined, only that dragon has any semblance of a chance.” (Francis)


“Nah, I wouldn’t be so sure of that. Your antimagic fields are nice but they won’t stop me.” (Kurui)


They teleport out of the cage.


“For a Great Spirit, thy field of magic annulment… 


Luna’s cage freezes over as Vadina appears, then shatters.


“…is but a parlor trick!” (Vadina)


“Eh? A Great Spirit?” (Nadia)


“What a wonderful test subject. Well, Elven girl, you’re still dead. I’ll use your death to break your spirit.” (Francis) 


“Why do you three get such cool entrances… I can’t do anything unique and fancy.” (Ei)


Well, nothing fancy so I just bend the bars and deactivate human transformation. Wait, human?? Eh, whatever.


“And a vampire lord? You three will make excellent test subjects.” (Francis)


Nadia seems less shocked about me than Vadina… Are vampires really not that special? Am I overthinking things?? 


“Alas, the trash leftover must be purged. Aleph Null, get them.” (Francis)




“Like hell I would allow that!” (Nadia)


Nadia flies straight into Aleph Null’s face and slams him into the ground. She pulls out her crossbow, and fires a volley of twelve arrows at it.






“Looks like your cheap knockoff isn’t as strong as ya thought!” (Kurui)


“You dare call my masterpiece a knockoff?!” (Francis)


“Yea. Watch this, bitch.”  (Kurui)


A black tornado of fog wraps itself around Kurui. A wall of the same black fog rushes in front of the tornado and it disappears. Two glowing red eyes appear within the swirling fog.


『Your ‘masterpiece’ is nothing…』(INSANITY)


The fog clears revealing Kurui, or rather INSANITY’s form.




“You foolish god. You’ve been sealed, yet you still make an appearance. I’ll turn you into a test subject as well. Insolent god, learn the power of mortals!” (Francis)


『Shut up. I will deal with you later.』(INSANITY)


Aleph Null stands up from the crater Nadia smashed it into.




It pounces at INSANITY, but they dodge and grab it with their tail, slamming it into the ground before using their tentacles to grab each of its limbs.


“Thy time is over in this world.” (Luna/Vadina)


The temperature drops and a blizzard forms. Several ice spikes the size of a house appear. Nadia flies into the sky holding several arrows and takes aim. I pull out my glaive and swords and prepare to charge.


In the same moment, the ice skewers Aleph Null into the ground, only to be met with searing lightning from the skies. Trying to dodge, it shatters the ice and starts to roll, only for me to slam it back into the lightning’s path with my glaive.




After receiving that attack, it’s still standing, somehow.


『Perhaps I was a bit too judgemental. That attack could have killed a dragon.』(INSANITY)


Rising from the dust, was Aleph Null, somehow still alive.




“Well, fools! What did you expect? Did you really think my masterpiece wouldn’t have regeneration on par with an Arch Vampire?” (Francis)


Well that’s a problem… My regeneration is insane and I’m only a Vampire Lord


“Alright, my turn to lead.” (Ei)


I break the sound barrier and slam into the rising chimera, sending it flying. Nadia comes up behind it and kicks it back towards me, only to be stabbed into the ceiling by a massive ice spike created by Luna.


INSANITY grapples the restrained chimera, tearing their claws into its wings. They open their mouth and…






A mist made of purple stars comes blasting out of INSANITY’s mouth. The ice shatters and the wall behind the chimera turns black and disappears.


A scorpion stinger dashes out of the still raging astral flames, slamming into INSANITY.






They are sent flying into the wall, causing the ground to shake beneath us.


Aleph Null lands on the ground, its wings regrowing in a matter of seconds.


“I’ve had it with you! Just die already! Aleph Null, KILL THEM ALL!!! NOW!!!!!” (Francis)


Reality begins to distort and we stand in the peach colored void.


『Be careful. Something has changed about Aleph Null’s atmosphere. I pulled us into the Primordial Plane in order to prevent further damages.』(INSANITY)


Aleph Null charges. It leaps at Luna, extending its tentacles as it goes.


“Luna! Look out!” (Ei)


“Understood.” (Luna/Vadina)


A wall of ice appears and Aleph Null slams past it into Luna.


“Get off Luna, you stupid amalgam!” (Ei)


I break the sound barrier again and dash straight at it. Unlike last time, it turns and slashes at me with one of its claws. 


“Gah!” (Ei)


I brought my glaive up to parry, but I’m still sent flying at Nadia who was about to throw another bolt of lightning.


I slam into her and we both crash into the wall.


Luna managed to escape its grasp in the time it took to attack us and began the assault again.


“Perish in a wasteland of ice!” (Luna/Vadina)


With the increased space of the Primordial Plane, Luna conjures up 20 ice spikes that easily eclipse the size of a house. They fly at Aleph Null who tries to dodge but is cornered by INSANITY.


They use their tentacles to wrap around it again, throwing it directly into the path of the ice.


Aleph Null seems unfazed and turns around with their wings to attempt to shield the attack. The ice slams through its wings, pinning it to the floor once again.


Nadia hurls a few bolts of lightning at it before running right in front of its face and slamming a few bolts point blank into its face.


“***GGGGOOOOOORRRRAAAAAAAA!!!!!***” (Aleph Null)


Aleph Null seizes this opportunity and decides to blast Nadia with its flaming breath.


Flames cascade out of its mouth, creating a plume larger than its body. Nadia is completely enveloped.


“Did you think that you could kill a Red Dragon with fire?” (Nadia)


Nadia flies through the fire, into its mouth, and sends it flying into the sky; right where I was waiting.


Since cumulative damage won’t work, I’ll just hit it with something it can’t recover from.


“Advanced Hemomancy: [Internal Bloodbend]!” (Ei)


Normally I don’t need to chant, but I really need this to work.




Aleph Null becomes bloated. The tumors on its skin grow larger and larger, then explode. Blood flies out of the wounds, only to be turned into hundreds of massive spikes to tear it to shreds. 


The spikes stab through it, sending it careening towards the ground. 


“Is it dead?” (Ei)


“It does not look like that is the case!” (Nadia)




“Nadia, Luna, Vadina, INSANITY, keep it distracted. I’m going to try something but if I get interrupted it won’t work!” (Ei)


If something can’t be killed by cumulative or extreme continuous damage, simply kill it in one hit.




[Luna’s POV]


Ei said to protect her, so she’s probably planned something crazy. Again!! This peach colored void is like the black one when INSANITY was first summoned…


Even though there were no clouds, black clouds suddenly appeared overhead.


『The Primordial Energy in this plane seems to be fueling her spell… When she casts it, be sure to get as far away as possible.』(INSANITY)


If Kurui thinks it's dangerous, then it must be really strong!!!


Meanwhile, Aleph Null looks agitated and stares at Ei. Then, it jumps.


Oh no you don’t!!!


“Thou shalt not interfere.” (Luna/Vadina)


I send ice cascading in the chimera’s direction, making it veer off course! Nadia and Kurui seem to share this sentiment and combo attack it back to the “floor”.


The entire realm turns dark as well…


“Be covered in the frozen wastes of eons past!” (Vadina/Luna)


Vadina takes the opportunity to start freezing Aleph Null over!


**cra-CRACK** **crack** **crack**


The sky and realm are no longer dark, being illuminated by the crackling Lightning pulsing above us.


“I’m almost ready! Hold on for another 30 seconds or so!” (Ei)




The ice enclosing Aleph Null shatters! Its eyes glow with madness. It lunges at Ei and Kurui attempts to block it. The chimera collides with the Entity but keeps flying! The two seem to be exchanging blows while flying at Ei! 


We’ve got to do something…


“Sorry, this mayeth hurt!” (Luna/Vadina)


We summoned an iceberg atop the two battling chimeras, finally managing to send them crashing to the floor! 


“Alright everyone, get out of there!” (Ei)


 Seems it’s time! I summon massive walls of ice around the stupid chimera and freeze it over. Hopefully that can buy the last bit of time we need!


『Everyone! Hold on!』(INSANITY)


Kurui teleports above us and grabs us all! Then in a flash we’re teleported away. The walls I made look like trees in the distance now!


A thunderous voice breaks out overhead…


“『Jupiter’s Thunderous Wrath』” (Ei)


The lightning crawling all over the clouds in the skies stops.


Then, it rushes inwards towards a single point: Ei.


Silence. The constant crackling sound disappears. Light fades from the skies.




A bolt of lightning dances between Ei and Aleph Null.




A blinding white light appears from the point where the chimera once stood.


A few seconds later, a monstrous shockwave crashes into us, sending us all flying.


The only thing left where the chimera once stood is a cloud of smoke, forming into the shape of a mushroom.




[Ei’s POV]


Uuuuuuuuuu… My head feels light… I used too much magic.


“I gotcha!” (Kurui)


Kurui teleports to me and catches me, teleports me back to the others, then places me down on the ground.


“What. The fuck. Was that?” (Nadia)


“Lightning magic?” (Ei)


“I have seen plenty of magic in my time, and nothing has been close to that except dragons.” (Nadia)


“Maybe it’s because I’m a Vampire Lord?” (Ei)


“I do not believe that is why…” (Nadia)


“Eh… don’t question it. She’s got the blessin of ENTITY on her. She isn’t that much more powerful than the weakest of the Arch Vampires.” (Kurui)


“““...”“” (Luna + Nadia + Vadina)


“*sigh* Oh well. Let’s go deal with that stupid scientist now that we’ve dealt with the chimera.” (Ei)


“Good idea. I’ll teleport everyone back.” (Kurui)


The void fades around us and we’re standing in the facility again.


I feel like Aleph Null was kinda a punching bag… hmmm dunno. Anyways, it’s not Halloween anymore so… back to the normal end dialogue. Hmm… maybe I’ll just change up a bit. (I can’t think of anything to change up help, except adding magic back)

Please leave feedback, any misspellings/typos, and impressions in the comments :)


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