Diary of an Adventuring Vampire

Chapter 29 — The Scientist(s?)

Chapter 29 — The Scientist(s?)



[Ei’s POV]


As the peach void disappeared, we found ourselves standing in a very large and very empty room.


“You… YOU!! YOU KILLED MY MASTERPIECE!!! Just you wait… I’ll kill you. I’LL KILL YOU ALL!!” (Francis)


“Where are you anyways?” (Ei)


“None of your business!” (Francis)


Seems like he escaped. Well, time to chase him down.


“Everyone can move quickly right? The most likely route of escape is down the hall, so let’s go there!” (Ei)

I dash down the hall breaking the sound barrier again. Nadia catches up soon after and Kurui just teleports to the end. Luna created some ice behind her to push her to our location, arriving last.


“There’s another door… Kurui, can you handle it?” (Ei)


“Yep.” (Kurui)


They walk up to the door and press the enter button. The door opens, no password required.




“Did you really think that just because you had a password on the door I couldn’t open it?” (Kurui)


“Well then, your time is up. Surrender, now.” (Ei)


“Do not think we will forget your transgressions.” (Nadia)


“You… you!!!” (Francis)








“Well done, I must say.” (???)


A man with short blue hair wearing a mask with a respirator dressed in a plain white lab coat and a blue cape lined with silver leopard fur approaches us. He looks like Francis?


“Who are you?” (Nadia)


“I am Francis von Enocl, α.” (Francis α)


“Is Francis not already here?” (Nadia)


“Well, you see, that is Francis 16AK-SKF7-SMA8, or as he likes to say, XVI.” (Francis α)


“So, there’s two of you?” (Ei)


“Not quite right, but almost. Well, this unit has provided his service. Time to dispose of the leftovers of this experiment.” (Francis α)


“What?! You said all I had to do was make your pet god!” (Francis XVI)


“Did I, now? You are only one of my thousands of clones, and one created to be disposed of. You have no use beyond simple experiments. I could have done what you took a lifetime to achieve in hours.” (Francis α)


“What?! You- *gck*” (Francis XVI)


Francis α begins to choke Francis XVI.


“Die, fool.” (Francis α)


The other Francis turns to stone, then crumbles to dust.


“Well, now that that has been taken care of, I will take my leave. Keep growing, little ones. I look forward to experimenting on you.” (Francis α)


“Hey! Who said that we would let you go?” (Nadia)


“Oh? You really think that you could defeat me? The Cardinal that your friends struggled against was only fourth. Do you really think that you could possibly defeat me, who holds second place?” (Francis α)


“We have killed a false god. I would not think it a stretch.” (Nadia)


“Drop it, Nadia.” (Kurui)


“Oh? It seems that even the God of Reality seems to agree with me. I’d suggest you take their advice.” (Francis α)


“But we need to bring back someone-” (Nadia)


“Drop it. Nadia, this man alone is thousands of times more powerful than what we just fought. He could kill a dragon by glaring at it.” (Kurui)


…So how powerful exactly is this damn Cult??


“But-” (Nadia)


“No buts.” (Kurui)


“Well then, ta-ta~!” (Francis α)


And then he faded away… Yet, his voice still echoed.


“Grow into wonderful test subjects for me, will you?” (Francis α)




We began heading out of the lab, which was really destroyed now for some reason. Maybe Francis wanted to cover the evidence? 


“Nadia, how come you don’t hate me for being a Vampire?” (Ei)


“My Father always taught me to judge people not for what they are but who they are.” (Nadia)


Maybe ENTITY was wrong then? Hm… Maybe it’s just here though. I wonder though, how would people treat me had I openly presented as a Vampire?




Back at the Adventurers’ Guild…


“So, you’re telling me that you ran into the Second Cardinal of the Cult of NULL, fought off a false god, and also destroyed half of a hidden lab right underneath the capital?” (Sanya) 


“Yep,” (Ei)


“*sigh* That makes things a lot more complicated. Well, thank you for handling that. I guess that this request is an S rank request then? *sigh* This is going to be a pain.” (Sanya)


“Sorry.” (Ei)


“Don’t be. It’s good to have a lot of strong adventurers. Even if it’s a pain in the ass. Head back to the receptionists area. They’ll process the request. You’d normally have to take a test to become A rank, but I think this covers it…” (Sanya)


“You are not going to check that we have not lied?” (Nadia)


“Only an idiot would lie to the Grand Guildmaster of the Adventurers' Guild. And either way, my eyes can see through any lie. They know your every secret.” (Sanya)


Every secret? Hm… I’m not too worried about myself, but wouldn’t that be a problem for Kurui? Then again, maybe they can just disable it since they are an Entity… Maybe the eyes are blocked for me too since ENTITY seems to have done something to me.


We headed down to the receptionists’ area and got the request processed. To think we’d become A rank already… At least the card looks nice. It has a fiery red outline surrounding a purple center. 


Huh, I wonder how expensive the purple metal is. Don’t they have to like farm snails for it? 


“Congratulations on A rank… I think this is the fastest promotion in the history of the Guild. Well, I look forward to seeing you again.” (Kara)


After that we sat down on one of the couches next to the ten tailed foxes.


“Hm… Nadia, do you want to join our party?” (Ei)


“Eh? Ah… I would need to ask my Father first.” (Nadia)


“Alright. I was just thinking that since we all know each other's secrets it could make taking requests a lot faster.” (Ei)


“That is most likely true. I will go ask my Father then. Meet back here tomorrow at 10 o’clock. I shall take my leave now.” (Nadia)


Hmm… I hope Nadia gets to join our party. She speaks like Vadina, just without the Old English. Or Old Andromedian…


Well, let’s turn in for the night. I feel like sleeping, even though I can’t… Maybe Kurui can make me sleep? I’ll ask when we get back to the inn.


Back at the inn, Luna instantly flops down on the bed and starts to sleep… She really is sleeping a lot more than normal.


“Hey, Kurui, can you make it so that I can sleep too?” (Ei)


“Eh? Do ya want me to smack ya on the head real hard?” (Kurui)


“No!! I mean like normal biological sleep!” (Ei)


“Never tried. Go lie down on the bed, let’s find out.” (Kurui)


I lie down on the bed and snuggle into the covers. It’s nice and warm.


“Alright, close your eyes. 『Reality Alteration』” (Kurui)






[???’s POV] (A/N: Hopefully you know who ??? is… if not, you’ll find out next chapter.)


“Father, I have a request of you.” (???)


It is not night today. The sun is shining brightly.


“And what would that be? But, before I hear your request, what did you find about the worm’s creators?” (Father) 


Ah. That. I had forgotten.


“The creator was a clone of the Second Cardinal of the Cult of NULL. The clone is dead, but the original remains alive.” (???)


“Hmm… Perhaps the situation is more dire than I had assumed. Very well, what is your request?” (Father)


“I have met a group of adventurers I would wish to join. May I? They know about our draconic lineage as well.” (???)


“They know…? Well then… bring them to me. I will be the one to decide both their fates and yours.” (Father)


Father is a benevolent man… Still, I pray things do not end horribly.




[Luna’s POV]


I woke up to see Ei in bed. That’s unusual. Kurui is already up.


“Kurui! Why is Ei still in bed?! Did she get poisoned?!” (Luna)


“Nah.” (Kurui)


“She seems to be sleeping…” (Vadina)


“EH? Isn’t that impossible?!” (Luna)


“I believeth so.” (Vadina)


“When ya can bend reality to your will, anythin’ is possible. Well, it’s not really to my will since I’m still sealed, but ya get the point.” (Kurui)


“That’s an… interesting use for your abilities. Well, then… EI, WAKE UP IT’S MORNING!!!” (Luna)


“Nnn… shut up, you stupid alarm clock…” (Ei)


“...” (Luna)


“Hmm… Lemme try!” (Kurui)


Kurui walks over to Ei, picks her up, and dumps her on the floor. And then she disappears. 


“Eh?! What did you do to her?” (Luna)


“I just teleported her into the ocean.” (Kurui)


A very soaked Ei appears on the floor again a few seconds later…




“Ya could have won against both if ya tried.” (Kurui)




[Ei’s POV]


After Kurui DUMPED ME IN THE OCEAN we went out of the inn to head towards the Guild. However, our path was immediately blocked by a massive crowd. Everyone was crowded around the notice board again…


We managed to cut through the crowd with a bit of difficulty, but made it to the notice board. The previously posted “festival cancelled’ poster was nowhere to be seen, only stating that the festival would be continuing as the source of danger had been removed. It also had places listed where you could go to get relief if you needed it… That’s a nice touch.


I guess then after meeting up with Nadia we can go explore the festival more. If things get set up in time at least.


We finally made it to the Guild and it seems like Nadia was waiting for us. Is it just me, or did she look a bit paler than normal?


“Nadia! We’re here!” (Ei)


“Ah. Hello, everyone.” (Nadia)


“So, can you join the party or not?” (Luna)


“Father… said he wanted to meet you.” (Nadia)




“Alright… I’m fine with that. Everyone else?” (Ei)


“Sounds good to me!” (Luna)


“This’ll be fun.” (Kurui)


“Well then, let’s go. Lead the way, Nadia” (Ei)


“Y-yeah… Let us go.” (Nadia)


Well, unless you’re an idiot, you should know who Nadia is now. Or at least, partially. This one is a bit short though, but I can’t write the next part without having the chapter be way too long…

Please leave feedback, any misspellings/typos, and impressions in the comments :)


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