Diary of an Adventuring Vampire

Chapter 30 — Father

Late update :/ Definitely wasn’t procrastinating…

Chapter 30 — Father



[Ei’s POV]


We followed Nadia to a random part of the wall and stopped.


“A wall?” (Luna)


“Please wait a moment. [Unlock].” (Nadia)


The bricks that made up the wall slid back and to the sides. 


“Follow me.” (Nadia)


This is getting more and more shady. 


We kept following Nadia through a long series of twisting tunnels. If I didn’t have a mapping feature, I think I would end up lost. 


“How much further??” (Luna)


“We have almost arrived.” (Nadia)


The tunnel spits us out in front of a large hall. At the end of it were two giant wooden doors.


“This place is real fancy looking.” (Ei)


“You have already found out I am a noble. Why are you surprised?” (Nadia)


We continued to follow Nadia through the door. It’s a throne room. The room itself is huge, probably 300 feet (91.4 meters) long, with stone pillars every twenty or so feet. At the end of the hall there is a simple throne with a red carpet leading up to it. 


A man is standing in front of the throne, facing away from us. He has a golden crown on his head and a red cape draped across his back.


“So, you have arrived.” (???)


He speaks. Why does this guy have a crown? Is Nadia a princess now?


We approach the throne and he turns to face us.


Yep. It looks like the King, who beat up that worm.


“I have brought my friends as requested, Father.” (Nadia)




Unlike normal, a screen immediately pops up in my face.


Fall kara Astraeus wishes to appraise you. Block? (Y/N)


Hmmm… no thank you.


“Oh? This is unexpected. I was unable to appraise two of you.” (Fall)


Wait, aren’t we supposed to like, bow or something??


“Well, then, I suppose I should welcome you as friends of my daughter. However, that cannot be done.” (Fall)


… That sounds bad.


“It is a simple matter. You have found out our family’s secret. Although it seems you have some secrets yourselves. I will offer you a deal. Reveal your secrets to me or prove that I can trust you.” (Fall)


I glanced at Kurui. I’d say Luna and Vadina have already been found out… They nod. I guess we’re doing this.


“Well, I would prefer both, so let us start with introductions. I am Ei, Vampire Lord and leader of the A rank party Moon’s Shadow.” (Ei)


“I’m- I am Luna.” (Luna)


“Mine name is Vadina, friend and contracted spirit of Luna.”  (Vadina)


“And I’m Kurui…” (Kurui)


Black smoke begins to billow around Kurui.


『Also known as INSANITY, or as you mortals would call me, Fanaticus, God of Reality and Insanity.』(INSANITY)


Their words shake the entire room.


“I see. Ah… well, I guess I’ve got nothing to fear. You can speak informally too, I’ve always hated having to speak formally all the time… it’s a real pain…” (Fall)


“““Eh?””” (Luna + Vadina + Ei)


“Father! You will bring down our name!” (Nadia)


“Eeeehhhh? But this is a conversation between my daughter’s father and her friends right? No need for formalities.” (Fall)


“Fine…” (Nadia)


“Well then, since I think we need to do some bonding, why don’t we fight?” (Fall)


““””EEEEHHH???”””” “Hahahahhaha!” (Ei/Luna/Vadina/Nadia + Kurui)


“What? Nadia wants to travel with you. I’d better make sure you’re strong enough. So, which one of you wants to fight me?” (Fall)


“Fall… do you really have to play all these games? We all know you just wanted some decent opponents because that worm wasn’t enough for you~” (Summer)


“Summer? When did you get here?” (Fall)


“I’ve been here all along, dearie. Also, are you really going to challenge them to a duel before you introduce yourself properly? Or even gave Nadia a chance to? I guess I’ll start then. I am Summer kara Astreaus, Queen of the Astraeus Kingdom and 236th daughter of Dragon King Neltharion Nefarius. Pleased to meet my daughter’s friends~” (Summer)


… So that “King Neltharion” guy was the KING OF DRAGONS?! How powerful is he if he can edit statuses from… uhhh… where is the Dragon Kingdom?


“I am Fall kara Astraeus, Hero King of the Astraeus Kingdom. I hereby challenge you to a duel.” (Fall)


…He started speaking formally again. Also “Hero King”? Is this guy some isekai protagonist?! He even has a Dragon for a wife… At least, I’m pretty sure Queen Summer is a Dragon. They can shapeshift, right?


“Father!” (Nadia)


“Your head really is only filled with muscles, isn’t it? Go on, Nadia. Give your friends a proper introduction.” (Summer)


“Yes, Mother. I am Nadia kara Astreaus, first princess of the Astraeus Kingdom.” (Nadia)


“Wait, if Nadia is adventuring with us, then who’s going to be the successor? And can the first princess really just leave?!” (Luna)


“That’s what the prince is for. Also Nadia said she didn’t want the throne. She said something like, ‘I want to be strong like daddy!’ eight years ago and spent them training. Besides, the fact she exists isn’t very well known~ Only a few marquis and the dukes know outside the royal family.” (Summer)


“Can we duel now, please?” (Fall)


“““““No!””””” (Everyone - Fall & Ei)


“Sure. Sounds fun.” (Ei)


“EI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’re being a battle maniac again!!!” (Luna)


“Just let the two muscle brains fight.” (Kurui)


“Hey! I’m not a muscle brain! I only have a slight case of battle mania.” (Ei) 


“You’re on! Follow me!” (Fall)


Really… This King is a really weird guy.




We made it to some arena hidden in the courtyard of the castle. Which courtyard it is, I have no idea.


“I’ve made sure that nobody is watching, so you can go all out!” (Fall)


“Did you forget about the castle, dearie? I wouldn’t want you to destroy our home now~” (Summer)


“Yeah, yeah, cut the chit chat! Let’s fight!” (Fall)


We step into the arena and I let my human transformation go. Might as well fight seriously… although I’m pretty sure I’m going to lose. 


King Fall does the weird sword drawing ritual again, and a massive sword taller than he is materializes out of thin air.


I mean, I materialize my glaive too. It looks like blood flows out of my hand into its shape and solidifies. …I was going to name it and forgot, didn’t I? Well, time to rectify that… What eldritch deity am I naming it after? 


Never mind, no time to think! The King is charging already!




I get sent flying at the wall. Even if I blocked the hit, it still had way too much force behind it!


The thing is though, I have wings. I fly straight at the King, glaive and swords blazing. I aim for the neck, but I hit only air. 


The King jumped up and is now crashing down onto me.




I manage to dodge, but the shockwave is insane. I wouldn’t be surprised if the guards came running at this rate. I guess I’ll just have to try harder.


I run up to the King and attempt to slam a fireball point blank into his face which he responds to by cutting off my hand. Not like that would stop me!




“Nice trick. But it won’t be enough!” (Fall)


It was only a distraction anyways. The next second hundreds of red strings line the ground and sky, forming a massive web with King Fall at the center.


Having strung him up for a bit, I dash at him with all three of my weapons.


“These strands are actually quite tough. Not enough though.” (Fall)


King Fall rips one of his arms out of the web, summons his sword again, and spins. Light flashes and I lose a few limbs, but they regenerate in under a second. The web though, is gone.


I hadn’t anticipated that. Well then, let’s try chains.


“Try cutting through this!” (Ei)


This time, I summoned twenty massive chains. While having them circle, attack, and restrain the King, I move. Dashing into the center of the chaos I created, I swing my glaive directly at King Fall.




My glaive is met with his sword floating in the air in front of him. Damn, that sword is annoying.


“Oh? Your weapon didn’t shatter on mine. Impressive.” (Fall)


… I guess that’s what a holy sword does. It is a holy sword, right?


The chains began to crack.


“You can’t hold me forever.” (Fall)

Well, I guess I just have to end this before he can get out! I bring down my glaive, again, then my swords. Three attacks from three directions. You can’t block that, right?


*crack* *shing*


King Fall blasts out of the chains and slashes the rest, They shatter after a few hits, but he hits so fast it doesn’t matter.


“Well, this has been fun. If you can dodge this, I’ll let you win.” (Fall)


He’s going to do some super anime move isn’t he?


D E T E R M I N A T I O N! Sword Art: [Dragon Slayer]!” (Fall)


SLAYER? I thought he was married to one!


Either way, time to dodge.


First he comes flying at me, and I can barely react in time, leaving a sizable slash on my side. Following that he kicks off the wall and brings his sword down onto me with a back flip. I parry it, barely holding my ground in the air. 


Before I can see through the dust he made while landing, a sword comes flying at me, this time stabbing me straight through the stomach, pinning me to the wall.


That won’t stop me! I swap from glaive to sword, and slash off my legs and lower body. They regenerate as I fall.


Or they would, had I not been sliced to even more pieces while falling by King Fall.


“EI!!!” (Luna)


“She’ll be fine.” (KuruI)


I’ve regenerated by now, but that was my loss.


“You did better than I thought you would.” (Fall)


“Thanks?” (Ei)


“You just wanted to show your daughter how awesome you are. Admit it, dearie.” (Summer)


“...Fine. I did. And I wanted to fight too! I haven’t had a good fight in ages! That was only a 7/10, but still!” (Fall)


7/10. The most generic rating ever.


I hear footsteps in the distance, and guards come flooding out of a gate nearby.


“Your Majesty! Are you alright? We heard sounds of fighting!” (Guard Captain)


“I am fine. I was just sparring. I have told you to ignore sounds of fighting before, no? If something comes that I cannot defeat, we would have bigger problems to worry about. You are dismissed.” (Fall)


“Well, let’s return to the actual throne room~” (Summer)




We returned to the “actual throne room” which was much smaller. The thrones also looked comfortable this time. 


“Well, I’ve tested you enough. I’ll let Nadia adventure with you.” (Fall)


“I as well. Now go, run along now. Enjoy the festival~ There’s only a day left.” (Summer)




Meanwhile, over 3,500 miles (5,633km) away…


[Terra’s POV] (A/N: New character!)


“Mom… when’s Luna coming back?” (Terra)


“I don’t know.” (Mom)


“It’s been 20 years…” (Terra)


“Why don’t you send a letter through the Adventurers’ Guild?” (Mom)


“Wait, you can do that?!” (Terra)


Hmm… I wonder what I should write about.


Somehow I made the King into a massive battle maniac… His personality might cause trouble later down the road though… Hmmm… I guess Summer is the one who really runs the kingdom then?

This kingdom’s leadership is really odd… and very strong. Still, I think they’re among the weakest. The Elves, Demons, Dragons, and 3 other areas have nobility that are orders of magnitude stronger. 

Also, please send help. I can’t decide whether to use Yae Miko or Lisa as a reference for Summer’s speech patterns, thus resulting in some odd mix of both.

Also also, Terra is Luna’s sister. Earth and Moon, funny, huh?

Please leave feedback, any misspellings/typos, and impressions in the comments :)


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