Diary of an Adventuring Vampire

Chapter 31 — Letters, Meetings, and Deals

For now, we return to 1 update/3 days

Chapter 31 — Letters, Meetings, and Deals



[Ei’s POV]


King Fall gave us two letters on our way out and told us to give them to the Adventurers’ Guild. 


And thus, we went to the Adventurers’ Guild before the festival. The lines were surprisingly long considering there is a festival going on. Although, I do wonder what they are going to do with the massive crater.


“Hello, welcome back to the Adventurers’ Guild. I’m Jeff. How can I help you?” (Jeff)


“We were told to give this letter to a receptionist, and this other one to the Grand Guildmaster.” (Ei)


“I see. Well, give me a moment please.” (Jeff)


I wonder what’s written in the letter. He seems pretty confused.


“Well, it seems like this letter is real. I will take you to the Grand Guildmaster now.” (Jeff)


We followed Jeff to the Grand Guildmaster’s office. Although, I swear it’s in a different place than last time.


“Grand Guildmaster, some adventurers came here with a letter containing the 423rd code.” (Jeff)


423rd code? What is this weirdness?


“Oh? Interesting. Well, let them in.” (Sanya)


“...It’s you again. Why am I not surprised? Well, what did Fall have to tell me? Did he send a letter again?” (Sanya)


Hmmm these codes are interesting.


“We have a letter.” (Ei)


I handed over the letter and Sanya read over it.


“*sigh* Fall really does like to spoil his daughter. Well, since I’m going to assume he didn’t tell you what’s in the letter. He basically wants to back you. Since he’s the King, I’ll make the marking for it invisible unless you want it visible.” (Sanya)


“... That was not what I expected.” (Ei)


“Why must Father be like this?” (Nadia)


“Well, I think you have some good friends, princess. Treasure them. Anyways, I’ll process this myself. And there we go it’s done.” (Sanya)


“That was fast!” (Luna)


“I’m just good at my job. Also, Luna, this letter came for you. Apparently it’s from your sister.” (Sanya) 


“You have a sister?” (Ei)


“Yeah! I haven’t seen her in 20 years though…” (Luna)


“That’s a long time…” (Ei)


“Eh… not really.” (Luna)


I forgot Elves perceive time differently. Well, how would I know anyways? Vampires are supposed to have silver hair and yet I have blue hair.


Luna opens up the letter and reads it.


“What was the letter about?” (Ei)


“My family wants me to go visit them! I guess we have our next destination now!” (Luna)


“Yep.” (Ei)


“Indeed.” (Vadina)


Eh? Since when could Vadina talk mentally with everyone? (P/N When we got bored)


“Sounds good to me.” (Kurui)


“Let us be on our way after the festival then.” (Nadia)




Once on the road, I decided to ask about Vadina.


“Luna! Since when could Vadina talk telepathically with everyone here?” (Ei)


“Eh? You heard her too?” (Luna)


“It iseth a simple thing. I knoweth not how I learnt this ability, but I found mineself able to communicate once we slew the false god.” (Vadina)


… I swear, is there some sort of hidden XP system? Actually, since Vadina is a spirit, maybe it was being exposed to large amounts of primordial energy? I mean, we were in the primordial plane.


Well, we’ve made it to our first stop! The arena place, again.


“Why did we come here again?” (Ei)


“Ask Luna. I was following her.” (Kurui)

“EH?! I was just going in a random direction.” (Luna)




“Well, a show is about to start. Might as well watch it.” (Ei)




[Siren’s POV] (A/N: Who could this be?)


Hmm… These Elves are all huddled around that academy. There’s even an Arch Spirit apparently! But why hasn’t the Cult made a move on them yet? It seems like the perfect spot! 


Thus, I suggest it! Right now, all of the Cardinals are having a meeting! I’m Aphro, and not the hair cut. People call me Siren.


“Why don’t we take out the Elven Capital? It seems like a great place! Especially since the Spirit there doesn’t interfere with things most of the time!” (Siren)


“If you’re foolish enough to underestimate that Spirit, then I’m afraid you won’t come back alive. Assuming she doesn’t make a lesson out of you.” (Watari)


That’s Watari! I dunno her real name, but she’s the First Cardinal.


“Ooooo… Are you scared? Maybe you should consider retiring.” (The Scientist)


That’s the Scientist. I think? There’s too many of him! But he’s constantly going for Watari’s spot.


“Like hell I would. You can’t even hold a flame to my puppets.” (Watari)


“Really now? Fighting already? I thought this was supposed to be a productive meeting.” (The Bereaved)


That’s the Bereaved. Something happened with her children some very long time ago and she decided to join the cult. She’s stupidly powerful and cruel! But not as much as Mercy. Funny name, huh?


“I’d love to torture those two, but they’re too powerful… Awwww… I wanted to hear them scream! It would have been so beautiful! Ahhhhhhh… Just thinking of it is giving me so many ideas!” (Mercy)


Anyways, that’s Mercy… she’s… insane. 


“Well, back to the topic at hand. If you want to go off and get yourself killed, go ahead.” (Watari)


“I won’t get killed! I’m not like that stupid beetle! I’ll get some minions and have them do it. I’m not an idiot!!!” (Siren)


“You’re not that much better than one, damn slut.” (Foul One)


“Says the battle maniac!” (Siren)


That’s the ginger haired battle maniac. 


“Silence, all of you! Patriarch Nil approaches.” (Watari)


Landing in front of us was a-








(A/N: That’s not nice Nil)


“What’s w̷a̶t̸c̷h̶i̷n̷g̴ ̴u̸s̷?̸"̶ ̷(̷W̵a̸t̵a̵r̵i̵)̴


"̷̘̄I̵͚̚ ̷͕̏k̸̬͂ṋ̵̈́ö̸̩́ẁ̷̩ ̸̛̖ǹ̸̜ò̷̟t̴̤͑.̸̝̓ I̸̜̼͝ẗ̴̮́͑ ̸̨̒͛f̶̻̈́̃e̵͙͒͗ẽ̴̮̣l̷͇̝͒s̵̘̫̔͛ ̷͙̚l̸̜̲̈́̎i̴̞̽k̶̳̂ë̴̗́ ̶͍̞͊͘a̵͉͛͜n̸̹̎̿ͅ ̷̤̑E̸͎͠ň̸͈̾t̵̮̻̀̔ǐ̶͍̳t̸͖̻̽̀y̴͈̬͘,̴͖̗̉̈́ y̶͕̖̒e̶̖͊t̵̨̹̋͝ ̵̞͆a̵̼͚͘t̶̢̟͔͋́͠ ̸̙̳͑t̷͎̰̞͘h̶͚͈͂̓e̷͎̊ ̶̧̉̈́̔s̷̛͈̥̕a̵̰͒m̸̡̞̆ë̸͉͇́͠ ̷̨̊͊ẗ̴͉̮̣́̾i̴̮͚̍͐m̴̪͛̃e̴͖̜̻̾̔ ̴̱̻͛̈́̀ǐ̷̧̢̺̈́t̷̲̃ ̸̨̛̥͙̋̓i̶̛͕̱s̵̗͂̏͜ ̷̰̀͊n̷͕̦̈́͒͝ơ̵̪̬̔t̴̘̍.̸̜̀ͅ” (Nil)


Get out, invader.


Get out, invader.


Get out, invader.


Get out, invader.


Get out, invader.


(A/N: Always so persistent… *sigh*












(A/N: Hmmmm… I suppose I’ll humor you instead of hiding and continuing to watch. Oh well.)




(A/N: And back to your regularly scheduled program.)


After the hiccup in the meeting, Patriarch Nil did some weird stuff. I can’t even comprehend what he does sometimes… 


Well, at least they said I’d get to take out the Elven Capital of Anai~


Time to go meet with some guys to help me. I’ll just have to wrap them around my finger and the city will fall.


“Fufu~ Good evening Earl…” (Siren)


“What is it that you wished to discuss with me, Miss Siren?” (Earl) (A/N: RANK not NAME. Definitely not too lazy to make one…)


“Well… I want your help~” (Siren)


“I see. And why should I do that?” (Earl)


“Hehe~ Well… you and your Vampires looked so strong~ I’m sure you could help a little lady like me~” (Siren)


“I suppose we could. What is in it for us?” (Earl)


“Well~ I dunno… how about… me?~ Hehe~” (Siren)


Not like they’d ever get to that point anyways. They’ll all be dead by then~ Oops, my act slipped into my mind.


“You and 25,000 gold and you have a deal.” (Earl)


“C’mon~ Can’t you just make it 20,000? Please~~” (Siren)


“*sigh* Fine…” (Earl)


Hehe~ Target secured. I look forward to working with you… Not that you’ll live to tell the tale.




[Ei’s POV]


“So, how are we going to get to the Elven Forest of Polymatheia?” (Ei)


“Well, I know the way! But I don’t know how fast that would be…” (Luna)


“If there is nobody observing us, we could simply fly. However, Luna may have trouble with that.” (Nadia)


“If ya wanna fly, then I can be a dragon or somethin’. I like to take the form of a chimera, which has wings too, but I could be a dragon. Well, that might attract unwanted attention.” (Kurui)


“MIGHT?!” (Luna)


“I’m pretty sure that would attract a bit more than a little attention.” (Ei)


“Ah… no ideas then. I’d offer to teleport, but the place has probably changed too much in the last 15,000 years.” (Kurui)


Hmmm… I guess we’re walking then. Maybe we could fly a bit since I can launch people, but I dunno. It’s really far… almost 10,000 miles (16,093km). It’s going to take months to get there.


“Ah! I have an idea, if you all would be willing to hear me out.” (Nadia)


“Sure!” (Luna)


“Well, I could ask Father to pull some strings and arrange an airship to fly us there. It would only take 10.5 hours.” (Nadia)


“...And how expensive is this option exactly?” (Ei)


That’s as fast as the average commercial jet…


“Only 100 gold.” (Nadia)


“ONLY?!” (Luna)


“Nadia, you forgot you’re a princess I think.” (Ei)


“Hmmm… Perhaps, but Father would pay for it. It would not be a problem then, no?” (Nadia)


“I guess… Well then, let’s go meet the King! Again! In the same day!” (Ei)


We went back to the castle. We entered through the front gates this time though. For Nadia being a secret, a lot of people seem to know who she is. Maybe she has some sort of cover story?


“Oh? You want to fly to the Anai? Well, I can do that I suppose. I remember my first flight on an airship. It was like riding on a Doeing 747, but without the roof.” (Fall)


Haha… that sounds fun. Ah… I laughed at that when nobody should know what a Doeing is…


Hauyrk 747? What’s that?” (Luna)


“Hmmm… Ei, can I speak to you in private after this?” (Fall)


Gah! Of course he noticed…


“...Sure.” (Ei)


“I wonder what that is for…” (Nadia)




[Fall’s POV]


Ei reacted oddly to hearing me talking about a Doeing 747… wait isn’t it supposed to start with another letter??


Is it possible that she reincarnated too? Although, if it was the same person who reincarnated me, I really hope that that goddess gets a good slapping. Damn her. “Kill the Demon King”? She’s a nice person. Why the hell would we need to kill her? We’re literally in a time of peace! The most dangerous thing is this Cult of NULL which I wasn't told about!


Either way, I have people looking out for Otherworlders all throughout the kingdom, yet Ei never appeared. Well, I guess it’s mostly only the people who go yelling, “I’m the hero! Bow before me!” and insist that they’re special who get caught. Also, it’s always a truck… Why a truck…? Even I was hit by the fabled Truck-kun.


Everyone else left the throne room. Well, Summer might be here. I have no idea where she is half the time… She knows anyways.


“So, what did you want to talk to me about?” (Ei)


“I’ll get straight to the point — Are you from another world? Possibly reincarnated?” (Fall)


The look on her face after I asked answers my question.


“Yeah… are you too?” (Ei)


“I am. Also, did you get by some dumb blue haired goddess? If you did, please tell me you slapped her.” (Fall)


“Oh… you mean that one from that anime? Nope. I got reincarnated by ENTITY.” (Ei)


“Interesting… Can I look at your status real quick? I’ll show you mine as well. I would like to see the difference between an injected soul from beyond this world compared to one chosen by this world.” (Fall)


“We’re friends now, so sure?” (Ei)


Person: Ei (Vampire, 0y)

Condition: Good

Status Ailments: None

Noteworthy Abilities: Bloodsucking, Sunlight Immunity, Magical Prodigy, Glaive Master, Swords

Info: I see you found my favorite person to watch. That damn goddess causes too many errors in the system. Why must she force a new system onto this world EVERY TIME SHE REINCARNATES SOMEONE. Oh… My apologies. My emotions got the better of me. -ENTITY


Hmmm… There’s ENTITY again, talking through system boxes. I swear, were they locked out of my system?


“Huh… yours looks like… a typical isekai protagonist. Skills, levels, and numbers stats. Even if they aren’t accurate…” (Ei)


“I suppose it is…” (Fall)


I hadn’t noticed, but we started talking in English for some reason. 


“Well, that was all. Although, I may want to talk to you about Earth related things some time. Assuming you came from the same Earth as I.” (Fall)


“I think we are. Well then, I shouldn’t keep my friends waiting,” (Ei)


Hmmm let’s recap this chapter: I broke the fourth wall, added another reincarnator (you’ll find more eventually) and talked about a certain goddess from a certain anime. Well, fun chapter. Mostly filler, as this is the transitional chapter into arc 4… maybe 3 if you count arc 1 and 2 together… which they might as well be one.

Please leave feedback, any misspellings/typos, and impressions in the comments :)


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