Digimon: The Child of Miracles

-Chapter 11-


<Digital World / Continent Server> <PoV - Noah>

I hummed a soft tune as I read the new notifications from the Blue Tamagochi that I had been receiving and ignoring recently out of sheer laziness, if a strange red light had anything to do with said laziness that's just your imagination.


[Mutation: When a Digimon Digievolves into a higher Stage there is the possibility that said Digimon can Mutate to become a different version of itself. This 'Mutation' can be caused by the environment the Digimon lives in, the type of Data it consumes or its level of combat prowess. These factors mean that two Digimon that start out as the same species can evolve in completely different directions from each other depending on the lifetimes they each live.]


"Interesting... so Digimon can Digievolve into different subspecies depending on the condition they live in. Although isn't this basically the Evolution that animals have?" I muttered to myself as I stroked Herissmon's quills gently, the not so little hedgehog had become a bit dependent on these strokes for some reason unknown to me but which I wasn't going to complain about.

'I wonder what you'll evolve into...' I thought to myself as I pictured a sort of Herissmon but as several colored emeralds around him as he turned into Super Saiyan.

I kept checking the different notifications but there was nothing really relevant, just information about the plants that the Tunomon grow and their... fruits?. 

'Come to think of it, if meat comes out of plants then meat is a vegetable?' I frowned in confusion before simply shrugging, Digital World don't look to logic.

Strangely it seemed that I hadn't gained any other Achievements during this time, which was a little disappointing but not unexpected. They were Achievements, if they were easy to get they wouldn't be called that... although the way the first three were I thought they were going to be easier to get.

'Well who cares-'


I took my gaze off the holographic screen to look towards the door for a moment before shaking my head.

"Looks like TK is back let's go see them Herissmon" I snorted with a smile tugging at my lips as I tried to get up from the bed, only to be stopped by one of Herissmon's hands. "What's wrong-"

"Noah" Herissmon grabbed my arm tightly stopping me in my tracks as his barbs bristled, I noticed his ears flicking back and forth as he listened to something I couldn't hear. "Those aren't TK or Tokomon..."

I tilted my head in confusion at Herissmon's words, but before I could question him some loud voices came from the hallway of the house.

"I smell something around here..."

"Just hurry up! You don't want to unleash the wrath of Lord Ogremon do you?"

"Of course not! Although it's a nuisance that he forbade us to burn down the Village..."

"You're right! But at least we can keep the Tunomon Data..."

My eyes widened like saucers as I froze completely, I quickly turned my gaze back to Herissmon but the hedgehog simply shook his head several times as he put a finger to his mouth indicating me to keep quiet to which I nodded slightly turning my gaze back to the door.

'Ogremon?' I raised an eyebrow at the unfamiliar name, I didn't know who it was but from Herissmon's expression and the strangers words it was bad news.

I rose silently from my bed before peering out the window, what I saw made my blood run cold with fright and I instinctively brought a hand to my mouth to silence my own curse as I lowered my head back under the window frame in panic.

Through the window I managed to see a group of Goburimon walking through the streets of the small Village searching several houses, although I didn't have a good view from my window I could at least count five of them not counting the possible two or three that are in my house right now.

'TK!' That was the first thought that assaulted my mind as my breathing quickened. 'I need to find him and get out of here!'

"Noah what happened?!" I was quickly tackled by Herissmon, possibly seeing me suddenly panic. "Noah!"

I took a deep breath before letting out a shaky sigh. "I-I'm fine... listen carefully Herissmon, there are many Goburimon outside are searching the houses but they're not destroying them for some reason..."

"That... that's horrible!" Herissmon exclaimed before closing his muzzle tightly while glancing nervously at the door.

"What was that?"

"It came from that room..."

I gritted my teeth as I tried to think of a plan to get out of this situation, the window was an option but there was a good chance that some Goburimon would notice making the whole group come after me, I could also try to hide under the bed... but I don't think that would be a good idea considering Herissmon wouldn't get in there easily.

'I don't have much choice... now I understand why Gabumon considered the Goburimon to be such a nuisance' I rubbed my face as I heard the footsteps slowly approaching towards my door.


 "Herissmon!" I spoke quickly as I grabbed the hedgehog by the shoulders shaking it slightly. "Do you think your spikes can get through the door?"

"I don't know... I've never sharpened my quills so they're not that hard."

"Sharpen?" I blinked twice as I looked at Herissmon with confusion.

"Yes! We, the Herissmon's can get stronger to pin our barbs! I could even cut through rocks with no problem!"

I gave him a completely blank look before scowling at him in annoyance. "And you're going to tell me you can do this now?!"

"You never asked..." I muttered the hedgehog as he looked away with flushed cheeks.

Shaking my head I turned my gaze back to the door, the only thing I could think of was a surprise attack on the Goburimon. The big problem was that we surely couldn't take them out in one hit.

In the worst case scenario the spikes would dig into the door alerting the Goburimon who in turn would alert the other Goburimon outside.

In the best case scenario, the spikes will seriously damage the Goburimon and stun them with electricity.


My eyes widened like saucers as the realization entered my head.

"Here's what we're going to do..."



<PoV - Ogremon>

"My Lord! We have many of the Tunomon captured!"

"Looks like if they can do things right you damn worms!" I exclaimed mockingly as I folded my arms. "Well? What are you waiting for? Lead the way!"

'God these morons are so incompetent...' I thought to myself as I watched a pair of Goburimon argue amongst themselves to see who would enter the next house, sometimes I wondered if we came from the same evolutionary line. 'Bleh! Anyway I'm just looking for those humans, those kids sure must have a lot of Data in their bodies!'

That was another thing, a couple of days ago a strange red light lit up the sky filling it with strange Red Data. I didn't know what the fuck that Data was or where it had come from but if it gave me the ability to become stronger I wasn't going to say no to it.

In the end, it turned out that it didn't enhance my code or make me stronger but it did fill my code with knowledge of ancient times, past legends and ancestral names.

I smiled darkly as I entered one of the crude wooden huts, accidentally destroying the frame of the small door a bit, the sound drew the attention of everyone in the room making all eyes on me.

There were a couple of Goburimon standing guard inside the house watching for the Tunomon not to escape while there were several more outside searching the houses for the Human.

"Well! Well! But what do we have here?!" I laughed with delight as I watched the large herd of Tunomon shudder in fear at my presence. "I'll be quick with you little dumplings, I want you to answer my questions or your Data will become all mine!"

I grinned viciously as I stood in front of the crowd of Tunomon which collided with the wall in a miserable attempt to get away from me. I basked in their pathetic frightened looks as I intentionally rustled my fingers.

"Well?!" I raised my voice making all the Tunomon shudder.


"Have there been any humans in the village?"


"W-W-What's a Human?"

I narrowed my eyes as the Tunomon looked at each other with nervous, frightened looks. Before anyone in the room noticed, I reached down my hand grabbing a Tunomon and lifting it up for all to see.

"N-No wait!-"



"I don't think you're getting the picture little vermin!" I shouted angrily freezing everyone in the room as I adsorbed the insignificant Data from that Tunomon. "Here the one who decides who lives and who dies is me! The Great Ogremon!"

The Tunomon shuddered as they huddled with each other trembling and crying as they called the name of someone I couldn't make out.

I was about to question that name when screams from outside reached my ears, I quickly turned my head to see a Goburimon enter the house with several slash wounds all over its body.

"L-Lord Ogremon!-"


"I didn't give you permission to interrupt me worm" I growled as I absorbed the intruder's Data before looking away.

I frowned in annoyance before running my tongue across my lips. If there was a Digimon that can fight most of the Goburimon that were stationed outside the house then it meant it was strong, and if it's strong that means it will give me a good amount of Data.

I smiled at the thought as I headed for the door with great joy.

This party had just begun!


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