Digimon: The Child of Miracles

-Chapter 12-


<PoV - Ogremon>

I stepped outside with a smile tugging at my lips as I looked around, what was previously the perfectly normal Village center now looked like some sort of war cambo.

There were several dirt bumps with large claw marks in them along with several wooden mallets littered and shattered across the ground, some appeared to have been cut perfectly in half while others seemed to have almost turned to ash.

Maybe that explains why the fuck there's a house on fire not too far away!

'A Digimon Adult?' I frowned as I gazed at the scene with strange amazement and glee. 'That shouldn't be possible since there are no Adult Digimons alive in the forest... or well, no Adult Digimon that would dare to challenge me.'

A look of confusion flashed across my eyes as I searched for the culprit of this massacre. As I looked at the center of it all a feeling of realization and disappointment washed over me.

"A Gabumon?" I asked to myself as I watched the small hooded reptile catch its breath, the realization hit me making me stupefy looking at the hooded reptile. "Are those worms really that weak...?"

"Haa... Haa... Ogremon!" Exclaimed the reptile between breaths as it shot me a look full of hatred and contempt.

"Yeah that's me you idiot" I rolled my eyes as I let out a sneer into the air, I couldn't even feel threatened by this little bastard. "It was you who damaged my new village?"

"Your village?! You're nothing but a cold-blooded murdering asshole! You disgust me!" The vermin exclaimed looking me in the eyes with blind rage as he bared his sharp fangs.

The little bastard had the nerve to get angry in my presence!

Before I even thought, I was already throwing a punch in the smug jerk's face...only to hit the ground creating a small crater in the shape of my fist.


Before I could process what happened I felt a strange itch hit the back of my head. Frowning in confusion I turned my head to find the cheeky Gabumon smiling victoriously at me.

"What happened ugly? The wolf got your tongue?" sneered the Gabumon as it pointed at me with its claws which seemed to have elongated a few inches.

"Kukuku... I've always wondered what grilled lizard tastes like!!!"



<PoV - TK>

"Gabumon! Stop! Let go Tokomon!" I exclaimed as I tried to move forward... only to be stopped by Tokomon who was biting my shirt and arresting me backwards.

"I don't understand... why did Gabumon start attacking those Digimon?" after a few minutes of struggling with Tokomon I finally sat down on the ground as I looked down at the fight with confusion. "I mean, I understand why he wants to fight Ogremon... but there was a better way than attacking those Goburimon mercilessly, right?"

"TK, if Gabumon hadn't-" Tokomon spoke, but was interrupted by the shout of a familiar voice.

"TK! Tokomon!"

""Noah!"" I exclaimed next to Tokomon as I stood up and gave him a quick hug.

I broke the hug before looking him in the eyes and pointing to the fight at the end of the alley. "Noah! You must stop Gabumon is he is-!"

"Yeah, I know" Noah muttered grimacing as he looked further down the alley. 

I turned my head to watch as the large green Digimon swiftly and powerfully punched his surroundings destroying the ground with ease with simply his fists. Gabumon on the other hand was dodging every attack from Ogremon and throwing some blue flames at it from time to time.

I watched in confusion as two holographic screens appeared near Noah, I understood what those screens were but I didn't understand why Noah's expression changed from a grimace to a look of resignation before he shook his head. 

"... Ogremon" Herissmon muttered as his pupils sharpened like grids and his quills bristled slightly.

I tilted my head in confusion at their reaction. "Noah? Herissmon?"

"...Come TK we should go somewhere safer" Noah spoke softly as he took one of my hands and started walking in the opposite direction of the fight. 

"Let's go to the house?"

For some reason Noah seemed to suddenly freeze.




<A few minutes earlier> <PoV - 3rd Person>


A distant voice echoed deep within the house causing two Goburimon to stop searching the kitchen and look in the direction of the sound. 

They had been searching house by house looking for more Tunomon to apprehend as per Ogremon's orders however, there was no problem if they accidentally took the Data that some Tunomon that had an unfortunate accident, right?

"What was that?"

"It came from that room..."

Both Goburimon looked each other in the eye before nodding to each other taking their mallets and sneaking closer to the room. Unfortunately for both Goblin their species was not known for stealth, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the house as they advanced.

When they reached the front of the door they looked at each other again before smiling as a crazy idea formed in both their minds.

""Goburi Strike!""

The door shattered like glass as the two Goburimon walked in with hungry smiles....

"Electric Thread!"

... only to be caught by a large golden-colored electric net.

Both Goburimon began to spasm all over their bodies as the electricity kept them painfully unable to speak or move.

"Wh-what the f-fuck!"

"I-I can't m- move!"

"Excellent Herissmon!" Noah's voice echoed throughout the room briefly attracting the Goburimon's attention, but being trapped in the net they couldn't see the human they were so desperately looking for. "Now use Lightning Fur!"

"Do you want me to knock them unconscious or...?" the hedgehog asked as it bristled its spikes causing small golden lightning bolts to shoot out from its back.

Noah shook his head as he looked at the two Goblin. "Finish them off, I can't risk them waking up later and causing trouble."

"Okey! Lightning Fur!"

The last thing the Goburimon saw before they fell unconscious was the smiling face of a Herissmon and two electrified spikes heading towards them.

What Noah didn't expect was that the electricity from the net and the spikes would leave scorch marks on the floor and an unpleasant smell in the air. Add to that the fact that his door was completely shattered....

Yup, he wasn't sleeping in this room for a while.



<Present> <PoV - Noah>

"I don't think it's a good idea to go at this precious moment hehe..." I let out an uncomfortable laugh before coughing into my fist and looking away, more specifically just to the opposite side of where the fierce battle between Ogremon and Gabumon was taking place. 

Remorse settled in my stomach as I watched the fight, to the untrained eye it would appear that Gabumon was easily dealing with Ogremon.

But the reality was very different.



Name: Ogremon

Level: Adult

Type: Virus

Data: 189 / 500


A Digimon that took the form of a 'demon' that appears in oriental legends. The attacks that come out of its muscular body have terribly destructive powers. The driving force behind these attacks is theoretically originating from its rage, due to its violent nature, which also fuels its destructive limits by raising it to new limits. Because he challenges very warlike opponents at random times in random places, he is known as the "Digimon Hunter", and will boldly challenge those with greater combat power than him to fight.

Special Attack: King Fist, Bone Mace, Bone Stike, Faint Punch, Life Shield.



Ogremon was barely making the slightest effort to engage Gabumon, he hadn't even used his bone mace let alone his special attacks.

A memory popped into my mind as I glanced sideways at the fight between Gabumon and Ogremon.

"A Digimon Child can't fight a Digimon Adult, they're on a completely different level!" Gabumon's voice exclaimed as he explained to me and Herissmon the different Evolutionary Stages of a Digimon. "It would take a considerably large group of Digimon Child to beat a Digimon Adult in combat."

'If you know you won't be able to beat it then why are you fighting?' shaking my head I turned my gaze to TK as I tugged on his hand. "Come on TK, we need to get out of town before Ogremon and the Goburimon find us-"

"No! What will happen to Gabumon and the other Tunomon?!" TK exclaimed as he let go of my hand abruptly me pointed the die at me and frowned sharply. "We can't abandon them!"

"I don't want to leave them to their fate either! But-!" I spoke quickly as I crouched down to his eye level and put my hands on his shoulders, I had just woken up not more than 2 hours ago and was already suffering from another headache. "Look, I made a promise to keep you safe and I plan to keep that promise, so I can't afford to put you in danger. How would your family feel if they found out you got hurt in a fight?"

"B-But they helped us and took care of us! Gabumon helped you get stronger and the Tunomon gave us a house!" TK shook his head as he continued the discussion, though I could easily see the cracks of doubt opening in his eyes.

"You think I don't know that?" I exclaimed loudly making TK shrink in on himself, I grimaced at that before letting out a sigh. "TK-"

"No! I refuse to leave them here!" TK spoke firmly as he stared me straight in the eyes.

I stared back at him sharply, we both stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity searching each other's eyes for some weakness.




"Fine you win..." I shrugged as I let out a defeated sigh, ironic that in a world full of monsters I would be defeated by a child younger than me. "I'll see what I can do for the Tunomon and Gabumon..."

"Nicee! Then let's-"

"However!" I held up a finger interrupting TK abruptly. "I'm going to need you to get out of the Village and hide in the forest, got it?"

"What?! No!" TK took a step back before pointing at the small pink Digimon. "I have Tokomon, I can fight!"

"This is my offer! Take it or leave it!" I exclaim as I stood up to my full height and folded my arms in an attempt to look firm with my decision.

"You can't-"

TK stared at me for a moment before shrugging his shoulders and looking down at the ground.

"...fineee!" TK replied quietly as he pouted, at least he knew how to admit when he had lost an argument. "You remind me of mom..."

I raised an eyebrow at the mutter. "What was that?"

"Nothing!" TK suddenly exclaimed before running off down the alley. "Let's go Tokomon!"

"Tokomon!" I stopped the little pink Digimon causing it to turn its gaze back to me. "Keep TK from doing something silly while I'm gone."

"Um!" Tokomon nodded before darting off after TK.

"Noah" Herissmon called making me turn my head to look at him. "Are we going to leave Gabumon to his fate?"

"Wh- No! When we finish freeing the Tunomon we'll help Gabumon escape, your Electric Thread should hold off Ogremon for a while..." I explained my plan while repeatedly shaking my head. "I just wanted a moment of rest..."

"Maybe this will be a sign for you to stop being so lazy and depressing" Herissmon spoke with a smirk as he nudged my waist.

I simply looked at him with my legendary blank eyes.

"Very funny Herissmon, very funny."


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