Digimon: The Child of Miracles

-Chapter 13-


<PoV - Noah>

"Hey Herissmon..." After the deal with TK, we quickly left the alley "You wouldn't happen to know where the Tunomon are would you?"

"..." Herissmon froze at my question as his ears flicked from place to place, I could tell he was trying to hear something, possibly some Tunomon but from his expression it seems he didn't get anywhere. "Nope, I can't manage to hear anything out of the ordinary either... although the fight between Ogremon and Gabumon doesn't allow me to hear clearly."

"...I may not have thought this through enough" I mutter to myself before peeking out and taking a closer look at the fight between Gabumon and Ogremon.

The only reason Gabumon wasn't six feet under was because Ogremon was just toying with him, which Gabumon knew perfectly well. Gabumon was a Tsundere through and through, but he wasn't a fool... or at least I didn't think he was a fool.

"Anyway, let's try to avoid the fight as stealthily as possible" I muttered as we carefully advanced around the Village houses avoiding Ogremon and Gabumon as much as possible.

The sounds of combat between the two Digimon seemed to intensify with every second, it was only a matter of time before Ogremon got tired of toying with Gabumon and fought for real.

'Still, it's baffling what an abysmal difference there is between a Digimon Child from a Digimon Adult' I thought to myself as we continued to move forward carefully. "The Tunomon can't be too far away, after all the Village isn't so big that they can easily hide them-"


"-maybe if we follow the Goburimon's trail we could find-"

"Noah!" Herissmon exclaimed as he tugged on my arm causing my attention to turn back to him. "I think I have an idea where they might be..."

The silver hedgehog pointed to one of the houses near the fight where a pair of Goburimon could be seen standing in front of a destroyed door. I squinted as I looked further behind the pair of Goburimon to see... a mound of Tunomon piled on top of each other.

"Oh" I blinked twice at how easy it was to find them before turning to look back at Herissmon who smirked at me. "Well that was quick...and don't give me that smile."

"What smile?" the hedgehog asked innocently as he folded his arms without removing the smile on his face for a single second.

"...I swear sometimes you're like a copy of Mimi, it terrifies me to think what would happen if you two got together" I let out a sigh before taking a deep breath and looking determinedly at our new target. "Anyway, let's just go and get this over with so we can finally rest."



<PoV - Gabumon>

'This isn't working'

That was the main thought I had been having for the past few minutes.

Try as I might to hit Ogremon my attacks weren't doing him any damage, I could barely tickle his tough skin with my claws and my fire was barely hot enough to leave a small burn!

Not to mention how the really dumbass had been bluffing throughout this whole "fight".

"What's wrong you little vermin?!" Ogremon spoke mockingly as he easily dodged one of my special attacks. "Don't tell me you're tired...I was just starting to have some real fun!"

I took a shaky breath as I looked at the bastard's hateful grin, I felt the tiredness disappear from my body just in order to shut that damn mouth.

"Shut the fuck up you ugly fucker!" I exclaimed as I lunged with terrible abandon in a direct attack. "Hidden Knock!"

"Attacks this weak won't work against me!" Ogremon exclaimed as he raised his hand faster than I could react and-.

"Faint Punch!"

A devastating blow landed directly on my stomach causing me to fall to my knees as pain instantly reached my brain.


Despite being a single punch it had shaken my entire code as if hundreds of Digimon were attacking me at the same time in the same spot. I could feel every line of code in my body destabilize and break only to be forcibly reattached in less than a second.

I blacked out....



...only to be forcibly awakened by another devastating blow that sent me flying away from Ogremon and crashing into a wall.

"You're not allowed to pass out without my permission! Did you hear you little shit?!" A furious Ogremon exclaimed as he folded his arms and shot me a murderous glare.

"...guaj..." I groaned loudly as I allowed the air to enter my body, I raised my head weakly towards Ogremon giving him a defiant look despite my lousy state.

"Good! You're awake! Now where were we?" exclaimed Ogremon with a sadistic smile, maybe it was my imagination but I could see how a red and black aura slowly began to envelop Ogremon giving him the impression of being in front of a real demon.

I froze as fear invaded my code, immobilizing me completely, memories of the old village flashed through my head as I watched the creator of such a massacre slowly approach me.

It was at this moment that I realized two things.

Because of my arrogance and my thirst for revenge I was in a critical situation.

And that I would need a real miracle if I wanted to survive this fateful encounter and live another day.



<PoV - Noah>

"Do you hear something Herissmon?" I muttered under my breath as I carefully walked to the door of the room.

Finding the window to enter the house while trying to be as inconspicuous as possible was harder than I expected to be honest, the sound of my heart pounding against my ears reminded me a bit of the adrenaline and tension I felt every time we fought other Digimons in the forest.

We were currently in one of the rooms of the house where the Tunomon were being held captive, the room had the window we had just entered through, a door that led into the main hallway and another door that possibly led to the bathroom.

"Yes! I can hear the Tunomon talking to each other, I also hear several Goburimon..." Herissmon nodded vigorously as he bristled his spines, even if he didn't show it he could sense that the hedgehog was quite angry about the whole situation. "What are we going to do Noah?"

I ran a hand over my head as I thought of several options, but they all came to the same conclusion.

This wasn't going to be easy by any means.

But I could at least try to make it as easy as possible.

"How many Goburimon are there?"

"I don't know... but I think there are three in total" Herissmon blinked twice before his ears began to twitch. "The Goburimon are shouting a lot and it's hard to hear everything in detail..."

I nodded as I sank back into my thoughts.

'That makes five counting the two at the door... and assuming there really are three in the room' I thought with a frown as I slightly opened the door to the room and took a small peek into the hallway. Unfortunately, I couldn't see much, but I could see that the two Goburimon were still staring at the fight outside. 'I'm already feeling the headache... well, what can we do...'

Assuming there was at least one Goburimon watching the Tunomon, that meant there were two other Goburimon left somewhere in the room.

If we could immobilize or eliminate any of the Goburimon with a surprise attack it would be quite advantageous for us.

'I think the best option is to trap the two Goburimon at the door with Electric Thread and then-'

The sound of a door opening caught my attention making me turn around as my eyes widened like saucers.

"Finally! I've been itching to go ever since we came here-" exclaimed a Goburimon as he let out a relaxed laugh before realizing he wasn't alone in the room. "Huh...?"


[-Information Unlocked: Digimon Biology Part I-]

"Herissmon!" I exclaimed as I pointed at the Goblin and took a step back.

"Got it! Electric Thread! Electric Fur!"

Without a second thought Herissmon moved his claws cutting the air up and down as if he was drawing an imaginary X. Just as he finished the movement the imaginary X took the shape of a large golden electric net that surrounded the Goburimon as if it was giving it a tight and uncomfortable hug and threw it to the ground.

Without wasting any time, Herissmon threw two electrified spikes at it, which stuck in its chest and head.

I gritted my teeth hard at the sight of the Goburimon's pitiful state but that quickly disappeared the next moment.

"I-Intruders!" Goburimon exclaimed loudly before disappearing in a cloud of blue Data, I could have sworn I saw him giving me a winning smile.

"Little..." I clicked my tongue as I quickly glued myself to the door only to recoil as I heard a dozen footsteps head towards my position, I quickly moved to the other side of the room as Herissmon quickly absorbed the slain Goburimon's Data.

"Looks like we have to settle this like old school" I spoke regretfully as I let out a sigh and pulled my blue Tamagochi from my pocket. "Are you ready Herissmon?!"

"I'm always ready!" Herissmon exclaimed as he ruffled his spikes with golden energy flowing through each of them.

As if those words were an indicator, the door shattered into a thousand pieces...


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