Digimon: The Child of Miracles

-Chapter 14-


<PoV - Herissmon>

The door shattered into a thousand pieces as three Goburimon forced their way into the room.

I growled lightly at them as I felt my spikes bristle to the max, I honestly didn't know how I was going to lead with so many Goburimon in such a small space.

Sad as it was, I couldn't just turn into a ball and charge towards them like I had done hundreds of times in the forest. 'There goes that option I guess...'

Suddenly I felt as if some sort of voice was speaking through my code as I stared at the incoming Goburimon.

'This feeling...!' I thought slightly surprised before smiling, he was my partner, the person I was destined to be with for the rest of my existence chosen by some distant miracle. 'Noah!'

I didn't think turning me into a ball would be a good idea... but Noah thought differently.

"Herissmon use Lightning Dive to push them back!"

With only a second's delay, I immediately dropped to the floor turning into a ball full of electric spikes before launching myself forward and slamming roughly into the first Goburimon that entered the room with all the force I had.

"What the he-" exclaimed the first Goburimon before screaming in pain from the sudden impact with my spikes and the force of the impact.

The other two had no better luck than the first and were quickly taken by surprise too as they were suddenly hit by the momentum of my blow.




"That was for the Tunomon!" I exclaim angrily as my spikes bristled once again and generating small golden lightning bolts that traveled from my back to my claws. "You're going to pay dearly for doing this to them did you hear ugly?!"


Exclaimed the three Goburimon as they stood up and glared at me angrily, I almost let out a laugh at the deja vu that went through my mind.

"Stand back and cast Electric Thread! Then finish them off with Lightning Fur!" Came Noah's voice from behind my back ordering me my next move.

Without thinking I jumped back as I threw an electric net towards the Goblin trio, I didn't know what strategy Noah was thinking but right now I didn't care.

I just wanted to have some fun and if I could make these Goblins suffer in the process all the better.

Unfortunately for me, the surprise factor was already gone.

"Don't even think about it you little shit! Goburi Stike!" exclaimed a Goburimon as it swung its mallet rapidly and destroyed the electrical grid, it snorted in annoyance before looking at me with a smirk. "You'll regret attacking us you little shit!"

"Tch" Noah clicked his tongue before speaking loudly in annoyance. "Don't let them get into the room! We have the advantage as long as they stay on the other side of the door frame!"

I turned my head slightly to see Noah's yellowish eyes look into mine deeply, a feeling of trust and understanding crept through my code making me smile slightly as Noah's plan took shape in my mind.

I nodded vigorously as I menacingly raised my reddish claws which flashed with electricity. "Understood!"

As if that had been a signal, the same taunting Goburimon rushed off in my direction as it raised its mallet in an abrupt attempt to force its way into the room.

I quickly took another step backwards as I threw several of my spikes in his direction, however Goburimon swung his mace horizontally repelling the rain of spikes before placing his mace on the floor causing a loud bang that shattered the floor of the house.

'Surely those things are weights huh?' I thought absentmindedly in slight amazement. 'Well that doesn't matter now, after all-'

"Now Herissmon!" Noah's voice reached my ears making me start up.

'-there's a plan to set in motion.'

I smiled for a split second before clawing at the air causing an electrical grid to shoot forward at high speed. Lifting his head at the sound of Noah's voice, the Goburimon watched the electric net shoot out of the door frame as his eyes widened like saucers.

"G-Goburi Bomb!" In panic the Goburimon raised its hand and quickly launched a fireball which impacted with the electrical grid.

The fire and electricity met for a moment before exploding ever so slightly and generating a small cloud of smoke that quickly dissipated.

"H-Hmph! That's nothing to me- GUAAAAH!" Goburimon exclaimed as he looked in my direction with false bravado before a cry of pain echoed down the hallway of the house.

What he didn't expect was for me to throw an electrified spike at him just as both attacks impacted which was hidden just behind the minuscule cloud of smoke.

I let out a chuckle as I watched the Goburimon writhe on the ground as the electricity did its work. "I think this is what humans mean when they say: dog that bites but doesn't tiller..."

"It's the other way around" Noah's voice murmured behind me, I could almost feel him roll his eyes before he hardened his tone again. "Just finish with- watch out!"

"Woah!" reacting quickly I managed to jump to the side narrowly dodging a fireball that crashed into the wall behind me.

"That was close..." I muttered as I turned my head and looked at the person responsible.

"You seem to forget about us!" Exclaimed the first Goburimon as he glared at me fiercely before giving his fallen companion a hard kick throwing him to the side.

"Don't think that because you were able to paralyze that idiot we'll be just as easy" Exclaimed the second Goburimon as he pointed at me in annoyance.

Ah, I had completely forgotten that there was more than one of them here.

More Data for me!



<PoV - Noah>

'Sometimes I wonder if Herissmon in a combat maniac...' That thought came into my head as I watched with a blank stare the last Goburimon turn into Data and get sucked into the cheerful silver hedgehog. 'Or is it just glad to become stronger...'

"...I'm not complaining about the results though."




Data: 99 / 150

Special Attack: Lightning Dive, Lightning Fur, Electric Thread



'Looks like the Tamagochi's information was correct, getting Data is getting harder and harder' I thought as I closed Herissmon's stat sheet and turned my gaze back to Herissmon.

"Fuaa! I feel like I'm going to burst!" Herissmon exclaimed rubbing his stomach with a grin before letting out a big burp. "Oops..."

"Gross..." I let out an amused snort before carefully walking over to the shattered door and peeking my head out cautiously.

There was one thing that had been bothering me during all of this, if there were supposed to be five Goburimon in the room, and we had faced three of them - not counting the one in the bathroom - then where were the other two?

"Hey Herissmon, can you hear any other Goburimon?" I called with confusion to the hedgehog who centered his attention on me giving me a curious look. "Aren't there supposed to be two of them left?"

"Um..." Blinking twice, it's ears quickly began to twitch before it's eyes widened like saucers and it shot out into the room. "Tunomon!"

"O-Oi! Herissmon!" I exclaimed as I quickly followed the hedgehog fearing the worst....

I entered the room looking around quickly in search of any Goburimon, to my relief there were none in sight. However, the disappearance of the Goburimon was not what caught my attention.


In a corner of the room a group of Tunomon could be seen gathered around a mass of blue Data which they were all absorbing at once, not far from me I could see Herissmon looking at the scene with great astonishment and a little fear.

You didn't have to be very smart to know that the Tunomon had banded together to wipe out the last Goburimon.

'Makes sense I guess, I mean, Gabumon comes from the same evolutionary line for a reason...' I thought with slight amusement ignoring the fact that a bunch of hairy horned slime beat a Goblin into Data.

... god when I say it like that I can't deny that I'm in a totally different world than my own... or maybe I was kidnapped and drugged by the camp teachers....




"And Herissmon!"

""Are they okay?!"" All the Tunomon exclaimed as they turned to us and jumped around us, it was comforting to see that despite everything they were still the same extremely friendly little slimes.

"Woah! Woah!" I shouted as I caught a couple of Tunomon in my arms before carefully lowering them to the ground, I looked at all the Tunomon with a smile as a feeling of accomplishment and joy appeared in my chest.

"Glad to see everyone is well!" Herissmon exclaimed with a huge smile as he petted a Tunomon.

"Not everyone..." Murmured a Tunomon as he lowered his head regretfully, the others were in a similar state of sadness that made that feeling of accomplishment disappear as quickly as it appeared. "Ogremon...the..."

"I see..." I muttered as I clenched my fists tightly as a bitter taste crept through every part of my body, I hadn't been able to save everyone.

I knew I wasn't likely to be able to save everyone from this... but that didn't make it any more comforting by any means.

Shaking my head I forced myself to move and act even if the heavy feeling was still on my shoulders. I had promised TK that I would save the Tunomon, then I would save as many as I could.

"You need to get out of to a safer place, get out the back window and head to the forest carefully! TK will be waiting for you with open arms!" I quickly explained as I pointed down the hallway.

Quickly the Tunomon quickly headed for the room fearing that Ogremon would come through the door and kill them all.

"And what will you do Noah?" asked the last remaining Tunomon looking at me with concern.

"I'm going to help Gabumon" I muttered under my breath as a cold anger crept into my voice momentarily surprising myself.

"But-" Tunomon exclaimed about to speak but I quickly interrupted him by shaking my head.

"I know it's crazy, but I must at least make the attempt" I admitted aloud as I took a deep breath before letting out a determined sigh. "Besides I'm no longer someone so weak compared to before! Now go quickly!"

The Tunomon gave me a hesitant look before nodding and heading into the room along with the other Tunomon.

In the room now only Herissmon and I were left, we both stared at each other for a moment before nodding to each other and heading out the front door.

Ogremon would pay for what he did.

He would pay dearly!


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