Digimon: The Child of Miracles

-Chapter 16-


<3rd Person - POV>

"Foxfire!" With a ferocious roar BlackGarurumon lunged at Ogremon as it fired a huge blast of blue fire melting everything that had the slightest contact with fire.

Ogremon's eyes widened in surprise as he quickly raised his forearm protectively at the huge blaze that was about to consume him.

"Life Shield!!" A transparent shield manifested right in front of Ogremon covering him from the brunt of the attack.

Ogremon smiled arrogantly as he watched the flames slowly die out.

'Even though he has Digievolved, he is still a pupp-'

"Freeze Fang!"

Before Ogremon could finish his thought a large shadow appeared right next to him causing the ogre to curse. "Shit-"

In the blink of an eye two huge fangs dug deep into Ogremon's outstretched arm.

"GAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Pain exploded throughout Ogremon's code making him let out a scream of pain as the sensation spread throughout his body like lightning.

Wasting no time, BlackGarurumon lifted Ogremon into the air before smashing him hard into the ground as his fangs clenched his arm with all their might, the ice gradually transferred towards Ogremon's arm gradually freezing it and rendering one of the big ogre's arms unusable.

"Get the fuck off me you shitty dog!" shouted Ogremon as he smashed his mallet hard against BlackGarurumon's big snout which let out a grunt of pain but didn't loosen its attack even a little bit despite Ogremon's overwhelming blows. "I SAID GET THE FUCK OFF ME!!"

With a mighty swing of his mallet, BlakGarurumon was forced to let go of Ogremon as the strength of his paws were overwhelmed by Ogremon's powerful attack causing the wolf's entire body to crash sharply to the ground creating a large crater around him and leaving him stunned in the process.

With a groan of pain Ogremon took his distance while assessing the damage to his arm.

The ogre grimaced at what he saw, his once green arm was now a sickening light bluish color with small marks of extreme frostbite, two large holes ran all the way through his arm, and just like blood, Red Data poured from his wounds.

Gritting his teeth in anger, Ogremon let out a ferocious roar that sent shivers of fear through all the nearby Digimon. To all onlookers it looked as if Ogremon had grown in muscle and his height increased by a couple of inches.

"You'll pay for this shit!" Ogremon exclaimed his eyes had taken on a glow of madness as a red aura seemed to briefly surround him before disappearing, with a war cry the ogre lunged at the fallen BlackGarurumon swinging his mallet from the bottom up.

Barely having recovered from the stun BlackGarurumon was unable to dodge the incoming blow which struck the underside of his muzzle sending the wolf's head flying upwards raising half of his massive body with the power of that single blow alone.

Growling with primal rage Ogremon connected another blow, this time to the wolf's side causing it to crash into a house and destroy it completely.

"What did you say before?! Something about destroying my data?!!!" Ogremon shouted with contempt as he slowly walked towards the rubble of the house. "You're just a dog that barks but doesn't bite!!!"

As BlackGarurumon staggered up for another round, both Noah and Herissmon had slunk around the corner of a house as they watched the brutal fight between the two Digimon Adult.

"What was that?!" Herissmon exclaimed in amazement as he watched the fight between the two Digimon closely, thanks to Noah's Tamagochi he had been able to recover enough from his injuries to be able to get up. "Ogremon suddenly got faster and stronger!"

"I don't know" Noah muttered in disbelief as he gritted his teeth nervously, suddenly a light bulb lit up above Noah causing him to pull out his Tamagochi and search for Ogremon's record. "I knew it..."


[-...the driving force behind these attacks is theoretically originating from its rage, due to its violent nature, which also fuels its destructive limits raising it to new limits...-]


"Um... what does that mean Noah?" asked Herissmon tilting his head.

"It means... the angrier this Ogremon gets the stronger it gets!" Explained Noah nervously as he swallowed audibly as his eyes returned to the fight where Ogremon was still mercilessly pummeling the wolf while the latter was trying to dodge as fast as he could and failing miserably due to his large size and a visible limp.

"At this rate-"

"-BlackGarurumon will lose..." Completed Herissmon with wide eyes before frowning and pointing to the fight between the two Digimons. "We have to help him!"

"But how? You can't Digievolve and it's suicide to take on Ogremon!" Noah replied back as he looked at Herissmon like he was crazy. "He almost murdered you with one hit a minute ago in case you don't remember!"

"I know but if BlackGarurumon loses then nothing will stop Ogremon from destroying the Village and us with it!!!" Countered Herissmon as he threw his hands in the air waving them around like crazy, and as appealing as Noah found the idea of just running away and forgetting about all this, he knew that wasn't a realistic option in this situation.

"Tch, I liked you better when you just went along with me..." Noah muttered pouting slightly before crossing his arms with a thoughtful expression on his face as he ignored the rolling eyes Herissmon was giving him. "Maybe if-"

"YOU SHOULD LEARN TO RESPECT THE GREAT OGREMON EVIL BEAST!" a thunderous roar echoed throughout the village causing both of them to wince, looking back towards the fight their eyes widened as they watched Ogremon give a brutal beating to BlackGarurumon who was lying on his side on the ground. "I CAN'T BE BEATEN BY A STRAY DOG DID YOU HEAR ME?!!!"

"Let him go!!!" Herissmon let out a scream of rage as he balled up and launched himself directly at the ogre's unprotected back ignoring that his scream had alerted Ogremon to his presence. "Lightning Dive!!!"

Noah exclaimed as he ran after the reckless hedgehog. "Herissmon!!!"

Having noticed and recognizing both voices, Ogremon looked back as a cruel smile settled on his face. Releasing his mass and stretching his arm back a large amount of purple energy surrounded his entire fist and part of his forearm.

Letting out a mad laugh Ogremon threw the mass of energy towards the impending ball of electricity.

"King Fist!"

A mass of purple energy that appeared to have Ogremon's face on it smashed head on into the ball of energy that was Herissmon.



Noah and BlackGarurumon exclaimed in fear as a huge purple explosion shook the strip itself raising a huge layer of smoke that stretched up to the sky.

Noah fell to his knees as he stared into the large cloud of smoke, he felt as if a part of him suddenly shut down as the memory of the collision between Ogremon's King Fist collided with Herissmon.

"Herrissmon..." Noah muttered as his vision slowly became blurry.

Both Noah and BlackGarurumon stared at the large smoke screen for a few moments before a loud laugh brought them out of their daze.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Ogremon's laughter echoed throughout the village as a feeling of derision and excitement rose in his chest. "That was the Chosen Child's Digimon?!! I was hoping for something more but it looks like he was just a wimp at the end of the day!"

Noah stared as the cloud of smoke slowly began to clear... and couldn't help but smile slowly but broadly. Letting out a small chuckle the chosen boy shakily stood back up as he wiped away a small tear that threatened to fall from his eyes.

"Fufu... I think it's you who lost Ogremon!" Noah replied with a confident smile as he raised his Tamagochi, said device glowed faintly emitting a holy aura around it.

Ogremon stopped laughing before scowling at the Human's device. "That's not a-"


The sound of something slicing through the air at high speed echoed in the ears of everyone present causing everyone to tense up.

Frowning Ogremon slowly turned his head to look at his arm...only to see that there was nothing there anymore. Suddenly as the realization dawned in Ogremon's mind, an overwhelming burst throughout his body.

"GAAAHHHHH!!!" With a huge howl of pain Ogremon fell to his knees as he held the spot of his missing arm in a fruitless attempt to keep his Data inside him. "Wh-Who dares!!!"

"It's no fun when you're the one in pain is it?" A hoarse voice spoke behind Ogremon causing the ogre for the first time in a long time to feel death hang its scythe around his neck.

Turning his head Ogremon at the bastard that had attacked him and couldn't help but squirm in anger at what he saw.

Looking at him with a carefree and confident expression was a bipedal Beast Digimon about his height, his sharp fur was a solid silver-white color that seemed to glow in the sunlight, his large sharp reddish claws almost seemed to glow as if they were made of metal, his forearms seemed to be completely covered with bandages.

A long golden colored mane fell down Digimon's back to his lower back where four large spikes protruded from him simulating to be his tail. His large eyes were bluish in color while his face seemed to resemble that of a wolf.

"Surprised by my change of look?"

[Herissmon Digievolved to... Filmon!]

"You too?! Good! No matter how many Digimon come! No matter how many Digivolve! I WILL ALWAYS BE THE STRONGEST!!!" Ogremon spat indignantly as he glared at Filmon with pure hatred.

"Um... I think a haircut would do you good" Squinting his eyes Filmon got into position as his claws glowed a menacing crimson color.

Noah looked at Herissmon's Digievolution with fascination before raising a fist into the air. "Finish it Filmon!!!"

Filmon grinned as he moved towards Ogremon with such speed that Ogremon's very eyes widened as he saw a silver blob appear in front of him.

"Crimson Slash!"


From one moment to the next hundreds of deep slashes appeared all over Ogremon's body as a kicking blob constantly attacked the Ogre without leaving him time to breathe.

When the overwhelming attack was over, Ogremon was no longer the same Digimon as before.

His mane had been precisely cut off leaving him bald, his horns were completely shredded, hundreds of cuts ran all over his body giving him a gruesome and disgusting sight.

"I get it... Your claws are capable of cutting Data aren't they?" Despite his fatal wounds Ogremon simply stared at Filmon with a dark smile. "That's why you were able to cut off my arm so easily... Tch! Of all the Digimon I have to meet one that can cut through Data like butter! Damn my luck!"

"Ogremon" A gruff, growling voice caught the Ogre's attention causing it to look at its former pet.

"But look who it is! My favorite little puppy! Upset because your friend had to save your butt from getting beaten by me?!"

BlackGarurumon just glared at the fallen Ogremon with contempt before opening her mouth as blue fire built up inside her.


A massive amount of flames erupted from BlackGarurumon's mouth completely consuming Ogremon. Noah had to move away a bit due to the sheer amount of heat from just being a bit close to the blue flames.

"Hahaha!"But even as his body turned to Data and his Code slowly disappeared, Ogremon didn't show a single trace of regret. Rather he felt emotion wash over him as he shouted his last words to the world. "This is not over chosen child!! No matter how many Digimon you have on your side!!!! You can't win!!! Isn't that so?! Vamdemon?! Hahaha!"

And with one last threat, the fearsome Ogre King disappeared from the Server Continent.


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