Digimon: The Child of Miracles

-Chapter 17-


<Continent Server / Vamdemon Castle> <3rd Person - POV>

On the top of a large mountain a large castle could be seen expanding all over the top of the mountain and a little more. The castle was of a strange black color that made it seem that the great construction was nothing more than an illusion if seen from afar.

Inside the imposing castle, dozens and dozens of Digimon Virus could be seen walking back and forth, giving a strange look of peace among the Digimon Virus, which was rare since it was common knowledge that most of the Digimon Virus were quite aggressive even among themselves.

However, inside the castle it was as if that knowledge vanished as dozens of Digimon Virus whispered quietly amongst themselves.

Of all these Digimon there were two of them that stood out above the rest.

The smallest of them was a small white cat with strange gloves which had sharp spikes that acted like claws for the innocent cat.

The small cat's eyes were large and of a beautiful light blue color reminiscent of the beauty of the sky, the tips of its large ears ended with a distinctive purple color in the shape of three small spikes. Its tail was quite long and at its tip it displayed a strange golden ring that exhibited a slight tinge of the sacred power it held within.

Said white cat led the way while his companion followed right behind with a lazy look.

Said companion was dressed in strange garb, he wore a large dark purple cloak that looked like it had seen better days if the scratches at the end of it were anything to go by, though it was barely visible due to the cloak the Digimon's skin was clearly a light blue color reminiscent of an undead. Matching the color of the cape, the Digimon wore a large sorcerer's hat of the same color as the cape in addition to having a small skull shaped stamp down the front and trying but failing miserably to hide his long light brown hair.

Underneath his enigmatic cloak could be seen a strange cream colored outfit with red patches, as if he had manually sewn his clothes himself, he was wearing two brown colored gloves that for some reason had several clasps on them and in his right hand he carried a curved wooden staff that ended with what appeared to be a badly made sun.

Both Digimon quickly walked through the creepy corridors of the castle moving away from the other Digimon with ease as they made their way to a specific door, said door were immensely large, almost reaching the ceiling of the place as an imposing aura was expelled from it.

Both Digimon looked at each other before nodding to each other.

Taking a deep breath, the small cat opened the huge door with surprising ease despite its diminutive size. When the door was opened it exposed a large throne room beautifully decorated in the ancient gothic style.

Walking slowly both Digimon arrived right in front of the great throne where an intimidating and imposing figure awaited them. Said figure was hidden by the darkness making it impossible to make out his form completely.

"Lord Vamdemon!" Both Digimon exclaimed as they knelt down on one leg quickly and looked down at the floor nervously.

As if that name had invoked the wrath of God, a huge flash of lightning boomed completely illuminating the throne room briefly causing the figure to be exposed to both Digimon.

"You better have something important to report Tailmon, Wizarmon" The shadowy figure spoke with an indifferent hum as he looked at both Digimon with deep coldness.

Both Digimon were completely silent as they watched the figure dumbfoundedly.

Vamdemon, Leader of the Nightmare Soldiers.

And also, their boss.

Vamdemon leaned back on his throne as he closed his eyes and rested his chin against his fist.

"I don't like wasting my time you know?"

Sensing the slight tinge of annoyance in Vamdemon's voice, Tailmon quickly began to brief his Lord on the latest information.

"We have confirmed that there is a Chosen Child on the Server Continent, it is unknown how he got here but it appears that he is not accompanied by any other Chosen Children. Unfortunately, we have not been able to identify his emblem as he does not yet possess it in his possession" Tailmon reported quickly but calmly despite feeling his Code screaming at him to immediately flee from the Digimon ahead of him. "Apparently it has become powerful enough to defeat the Lily Forest Ogremon. I suggest taking the area to train some of our weaker troops."

"Denied" Vamdemon replied instantly as he opened one of his eyes and rested his cold gaze towards Tailmon causing the Cat Digimon's fur to bristle slightly.

"Lily Forest is Lilimon and Lilamon's territory, if those two awaken from their slumber while we are in their forest they will not stand idly by" Vamdemon explained his reasoning in a nonchalant voice but Tailmon's sensitive ears clearly heard the small amused tone in his voice. "While they do not currently possess powerful troops in their possession they are still two Digimon Perfect that can easily wipe out much of our own troops with relative ease, not to mention that it is very likely they could ask Piximon for help if they discover that my troops have increased significantly in such a short period of time, and taking on three Digimon Perfect is a risk we cannot afford at this time."

"Anything else to report?" asked Vamdemon giving Tailmon a tentative smile, though to his surprise this time it was Wizarmon who was ready to speak.

"Etemon a is rapidly spreading his Dark Net across the continent, according to my Spells it should cover about 60% percent of the surface right now" Wizarmon spoke with a bored tone despite looking intently at Vamdemon and tightening his grip on his staff. "At this rate-"

"Don't worry about the circus monkey, he knows who he should and shouldn't mess with to preserve his pathetic life" Vamdemon interrupted as he raised his hand silencing Wizarmon. "Besides he is making this game easier for us by hiding the Emblems and Tags...I give you permission to act as long as Etemon has done something to delay my plans."

"Anything else to report?" Vamdemon tentatively asked both Digimon who simply shook their heads. "You may go."

And with one last glance at their boss both Digimon quickly left the throne room without noticing the angry grimace on their lord's face.

"So far we have only confirmed the existence of eight of the eleven Chosen Children. At this point it is quite likely that the other three have not been sent to this World and are still in the Human World..." Vamdemon muttered to himself before a grim smile formed on his face as he closed his eyes in delight. "In the end it doesn't matter how many Chosen Children or Digimon Perfect I have against me, after all I'm just the pawn that must flatten the path for the Great Lord... just the thought of having this great honor makes my Code go crazy! Kukuku!"

As an evil laugh echoed through the basement of the huge castle, another Digimon had decided it was finally time to get in the game.



<Continent Server / Inverted Pyramid> <3rd Persona - POV>

In the middle of the hot desert a single strange construction could be seen that defied the sense of logic and gravity in its entirety.

A huge but glorious inverted pyramid stood gracefully and mysteriously around it. And as if it were some strange joke towards human history, the interior of the pyramid looked like something straight out of a sci-fi movie with technologically advanced floors and walls that would make modern human technology seem archaic.

"I the Great Etemon will become the greatest star this World will ever see!" A playful and confident voice exclaimed, the source of said voice was none other than an orange stuffed monkey-like Digimon which for some reason had completely black sunglasses.

This eccentric Digimon was none other than Etemon! The rising star of the Digital World!

"Thank you for that glorious presentation!" Etemon exclaimed with a big smile as he did a little dance. "And when I defeat the Chosen Children I will become the sensation of the Digital World! No one will be able to challenge me!"

"Who are you talking to? Do you need schizophrenia pills?" asked a synthetic voice expressionlessly causing Etemon to stop dancing and look at his new slave- ahem, friend. "And how do you plan to defeat the Chosen Children's Digimons? According to my calculations and the information I collected there are a total of 11 Chosen Children, not counting any possible allies they make along the way."

The one responsible for interrupting our favorite star monkey was none other than Nanomon, a rather bizarre little Machine Digimon in his own right.

Said Digimon had large and long arms that were connected to equally large robotic hands, its body appeared to be a sort of metal cylinder where halfway through it displayed through a crystal its complicated thought system and it had small but powerful legs.

A/N: I'm sorry but it became impossible for me to describe this Digimon in simple words.

"Pff, good joke!" Etemon let out an amused snort before running a hand over Nanomon's shoulder as he put a winning smile on his face. "Don't worry my friend, the plan is already made and already set in motion!"

"I don't understand this 'plan' you're up to" Nanomon replied in a deadpan voice, though well, that was the tone of his voice no matter what he was feeling.

"It's simple! I just have to set up some minions to defend the Emblems, destroy their possible allies before they can smooth out, hide the Tags and ta'da!" Explained Etemon as he held up 4 fingers and wiggled them like imaginary bills before striking a victorious pose as he pulls a microphone from who knows where. "All your chances of taking me on are gone! How clever you are Etemon!"

"...We'll see about that" Murmured the robot as a plan began to brew in his mind.



<Kernel> <3rd Person - POV>

Inside an infinite void of pure white, an 11 year old boy could be seen staring at the figure of a strange girl who could not be recognized by the human eye.

The only way to describe her would be: black.

A dark figure of a girl completely jet black from head to toe, there were no eyes or mouth, just pure darkness.

Both children - if the girl could be considered human - had been talking for a good hour and were finally starting to get somewhere to said Girl's relief.

"I will send you to the Grid, or in layman's terms, the barrier that separates the Human World from the Digital World. Recently a breach has been discovered between the Digital World and Human World that has caused small Digimon Data to leak out into the Human World causing sudden changes in the weather." The girl spoke inexpressively in a strange language that should not be understandable to anyone but which equally resonated in the boy's ears like soft honey. "However, not only did parts of Digimon go out into your World to cause disasters, part of your World also came into ours in the form of Human Emotions."

"That's not good?" Asked the Boy tentatively as he scratched his head feeling his day getting weirder and weirder. "I mean, technically you guys are like Robots aren't you? I don't see anything wrong with having emotions."

"You're wrong to think we don't have emotions" Interrupted the Girl. "Digimon already feel simulated emotions through the Yggdrasil System so having Human Emotions is unnecessary for Digimons and just fills up space in the System's memory."

"Back to the topic, the Emotions that managed to cross the barrier between the Physical and Digital are mainly Negative Emotions which has caused an extreme growth of Virus Type Digimons and a noticeable decay in the population of Vaccine Type Digimon resulting in an era of darkness for the Digital World" Explained the Girl slowly so that the boy could process her words, even though the latter did not understand exactly what the Yggdrasil System was or how it was possible for an entire World to exist through the Internet.

"I see..." The boy muttered to himself before looking determinedly at the Girl. "So are you going to send me to deal with the Digimon Viruses?"

"No, we already have some people taking care of that" The Girl immediately replied causing the boy to raise a confused eyebrow. "I'll send you to the Grid to deal with the Digimon Viruses born from the Negative Emotions while I look for a way to close the breach."

"Oh man, I was hoping I could have an epic adventure... well, whatever" The boy spoke regretfully before sighing and giving the Girl a big smile. "I just have to beat up some Punks right? Easy! I already do that at home!"

"Don't underestimate Digimons born of Human Emotions" The Girl warned with her usual deadpan tone as she ran a hand over the boy's cheek. "Besides, the Grid is a space where the Laws governing both Worlds blend together creating a place full of chaos and contradictions."

"Don't worry! I swear I'll beat those Punks! And Ryo Akiyama doesn't go back on his promises" Smiled the Ryo with great confidence before transforming into hundreds of square particles and disappearing from sight.

The Girl just looked at the place where the boy disappeared with a blank stare before opening a large holographic window and began to register a new entity's name, as well as giving him a small gift.


[-New Entity Registered Successfully!-]

[-Entity Name: Ryo_Akiyama-]

[-System Key Name: Tamer-]

[-Destined Partner: Hop.mon-]


Thus begins the great adventure of Ryo Akiyama, the First Tamer and the Defender between the Physical and the Digital.


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