Digimon: The Child of Miracles

-Chapter 28-


<Digital World / Inverted Pyramid> <Noah - POV>

"You know Herissmon."


"This World always manages to take me by surprise in some way or another, it's so different from my World that it's almost... well, another world" I spoke in puzzlement as I looked around my 'prison cell'. "But when I think of prisoner I didn't think of this..."

The prison room I was in resembled more like a room in a five star luxury hotel than a prison. There were five rooms, two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen and a living room. This whole 'prison' was beautifully decorated and perfectly furnished, it almost looked like I was a movie star or something.

'I think I felt more like a prisoner when Etemon was transporting me here than I do now...' Just remembering my time with Etemon gave me a shudder, even now I could feel the headache from listening to Etemon sing for days!

Shaking my head to dispel the memory, I finally laid down on a plush couch that was much, much more comfortable than BlackGarurumon's skin.

I made a complicated grimace at the thought of the big wolf, I could only hope that he had been able to keep TK and Patamon safe. While being a prisoner is much better than I thought that doesn't change that I am a prisoner.

Not to mention that Etemon took my Tamagochi.

He didn't take the strange golden badge though, it was like only me and Herissmon could see it.

'Another mystery for later I guess' I thought wryly to myself as I found a comfortable position on the couch.

Despite being a prisoner of a Digimon Perfect, I couldn't help but rejoice about one thing....

'I can finally sleep as much as I want!'



<Third Person - POV>

"Grr..." Etemon tapped his foot against the floor in annoyance as, through a monitor, he watches Noah and Herissmon relax in the luxurious room. Instead of looking like he had caught a big shot to exploit for his plans, it looked like he was the one being exploited by the human child!

Letting out a growl Etemon looked at the culprit of Noah's five star stay. "Nanomon, explain yourself, now!"

"About what?" the robot replied indifferently, his fingers typing rapidly on his keyboard while on his monitor large lines of code completed in seconds. To one side of Nanomon could be seen Noah's Tamagochi connected to the computer by several wires.

"WHY THE DAMN CHOSEN CHILD HAS A BETTER FUCKING ROOM THAN ME?!" shouted Etemon loudly causing the walls of the pyramid to wobble slightly. "He's a prisoner not the fucking Vamdemon!"

Etemon's sudden outburst made Nanomon pause for a second before continuing his work. "...I can see why the hassle, but it's necessary to have him in this 'paradise', it makes my job a lot easier, you know?"

The robot Digimon stopped typing on his keyboard and stared at Noah's Tamagochi in deep contemplation, as if he was having hundreds of thousands of thoughts in less than a millisecond. Etemon absentmindedly noticed that Nanomon's usual passive-aggressive temper was gone, the Digimon Robot was 100% intent on uncovering the mysteries of the enigmatic device.

"A Digivice... I never thought I'd see one, or that they existed in the first place. With this in his possession, it makes sense that the Chosen Children are so strong..." Nanomon finally muttered as he very carefully touched the Tamagochi before returning to what he was doing before. "This thing is possibly the most valuable item in the entire Digital World and, if my calculations are correct, they must be a fundamental part of the Chosen Children's power."

"Aren't Emblems supposed to be the main source of the Chosen Children's power?" asked Etemon with a raised eyebrow as he looked at the Digivice curiously. "Legend has it that, thanks to the power of the Emblems, the Chosen Children would be powerful enough to defeat any Digimon that threatens the World... Hmph! I don't know whether to feel flattered that the World considers me a threat or annoyed!"

Etemon's words caused Nanomon to pause again as he narrowed his eyes warily before returning to his usual nonchalant self. "...What do you know about the Emblems? I was unable to gather almost no information about them."

"I know that the Emblems were created from the Spirits of powerful Ancient Digimons, each one represented a specific element and quality of the Chosen Children or something like that" Etemon replied with mockery in his voice as he folded his arms.

"May I know the source of that information?"

"Tch" Etemon grimaced in disgust as he let out a low growl. "I got it from that arrogant bastard Vamdemon..."

Despite his enormous hatred for him, Etemon could not deny that Vamdemon possessed a deep knowledge of legends and prophecies. After all, Vamdemon was a rather ancient Digimon on the Server Continent.

Shaking his head, Etemon smirked as he pointed a thumb at himself. "That's why I hid them! So that none of them can obtain their power in full! Even though I only managed to find 7 of the 11 Emblems..."

Nanomon simply glanced sideways at him while emitting an affirmative noise, internally, Nanomon marked the possibility that the Vampire King was pulling the strings from the beginning without him noticing.

"It is possible that Vamdemon has the other fout Emblems in his possession" Nanomon pointed out as he turned away from the keyboard and stared at Etemon. "He really is arrogant to keep four of them, huh?"

"Tch... just wait and see who the King of the Digimon is! Vamdemon!" Etemon exclaimed as he pulled his microphone out of the walker and started waving it back and forth. "By the way, what was that you said earlier... Digimice? Digiprice?"

"Digivice" Nanomon corrected rolling his eyes. "And as I said before, it is highly likely to be one of the most fundamental parts of the Chosen Children's power."

"You're going to tell a story, aren't you?" muttered Etemon inexpressively, but Nanomon simply ignored him.

"The Digivice, powerful devices created in an Ancient Age of the world, an Age where the Sacred Digimon ruled the entire world with an iron fist without opposition. From the Archives and records of the past, it is not an exaggeration to say that this Sacred Era was the peak of growth of the Digital World" Nanomon spoke as if he was reading some sort of description or summary, which was possibly the case. "It was during this era that the entity known as the 'Right Hand of God' decided to experiment with our physical counterpart... Humans."

"This entity created these devices in order for them to serve as a connection between Human and Digimon, this in order to achieve new evolutionary forms from the strong emotions and experiences of Humans."

"And then it all went to shit, huh?" pointed out Etemon as he sat comfortably in a chair. "Vamdemon mentioned a great cataclysm during the World's distant past or something, I guess it was caused by Humans?"

"...I can neither deny nor confirm whether Humans were the cause of the cataclysm as I do not possess enough information to make a hypothesis" Nanomon replied monotonously. "Back to the topic, as you said, a great catastrophe occurred in the World that almost completely exterminated the Sacred Digimon and almost split the entire world in half...but despite the devastation the world suffered a legend began to emerge from the word of mouth of the Ancient Digimon."

"The Chosen Children, isn't it?" hummed Etemon. "So, the legend of the Chosen Children is also connected to these Digivice despite there being no mention of them anywhere in the original legend..."

"Correct," Nanomon nodded as he pulled a large cable from his computer. "Now, if you'll excuse me-"

Nanomon connected the cable to himself, causing a huge flow of information to pass from the Digivice to the computer, and from the computer to Nanomon in the blink of an eye.

The change was instantaneous, Nanomon felt for a moment as if he himself was part of the world. Everything around him had changed, there were no longer structures, but code and more code.

For a moment Nanomon saw the figure of a completely black human girl appear out of nowhere behind Etemon causing Nanomon's thoughts to focus entirely on the unexpected new guest.


[-Executing: Command_031... -]

[-Initiating: Retaliation-]

[-Effect Level: Entity: Nani.mon-]

At the exact moment Nanomon became aware of the girl's presence, an enormous amount of new information came into his systems.

It was as if hundreds of thousands of smaller but infinitely complex programs fiercely and forcibly entered his Code.

Lines of code were endlessly formed and erased, changes and rewrites to the Code came and went, thoughts he knew were not his came and went in and out of his internal systems.

Letting out a robotic screech, Nanomon quickly disconnected the cable from his body as he felt the information adsorbed from the Digivice begin to threaten his own internal systems, as if the information was some sort of Virus.

Lifting his gaze quickly Nanomon looked at the girl....

'Girl? What girl?' Nanomon thought with confusion before simply dismissing the thought. 'I should have gotten carried away with the Digivice's information... I guess it's too much information even for me...'

The Digimon Robot was stunned for a full minute as it tried to sort through the information in its head. Much of that information was now useless.

But that still left some new information very useful for his plans.

Nanomon looked Etemon in the eye.

"The Chosen Children are dangerous, perhaps not because of their strength, at least, not yet. But what makes them so dangerous and intimidating is that the World, Fate and Miracles are completely in their favor" As Nanomon spoke, the screens behind him began to change showing several strange images and videos of less than a second. "But, even if God himself is on their side, that doesn't mean they can't be defeated at this stage of the game."

Etemon's eyes widened like saucers as he watched the large screen behind Nanomon change its image again.

On the screen several figures accompanied by Digimons could be seen emerging from a cave as they escaped from a large herd of Gazimon. A boy with strange goggles on his head was guiding them as an Agumon fired rapid fireballs at the Gazimon.

Etemon smiled broadly as he adjusted his sunglasses and let out a big laugh.

"They're here... Chosen Children!"


A/N: Sorry for the delay, good news, after this week I finally finished everything related to the college semester so updates should be more frequent.

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