Digimon: The Child of Miracles

-Chapter 29-



<Server Continent / Desert> <Third Person POV>

Walking through the scorching desert of the Server Continent, a large group of figures could be seen crawling steadily through the hot desert. Said figures had been walking for quite some time now and just kept moving in the hope that they could find somewhere to take shelter and spend the night.

"I said it before, and I say it now" Joe's plaintive voice echoed through the exhausted group of children. "I hate the desert."

"You and all of us" Matt pointed out sarcastically. "We barely managed to replenish our food supplies from Pagumon Village before we legged it out of there."

Matt shot a dirty look at each of the fellow Digimon causing them all to cringe slightly.

"Hehehehe... oops?" replied Gabumon smartly causing Matt to let out a sigh.

Not a single day had passed since the group of kids arrived on the Server Continent when they fortunately found a Village with some friendly Digimons, the Pagumon. Small gray furry Digimons with rabbit-like ears and big reddish eyes.

 The group decided to stay behind to replenish supplies and rest after a hectic and long journey across the Net Ocean, but at least now they were one step closer to returning home.

Everything was going swimmingly... until the Digimons in the human group wiped out all the Pagumon's food. Yes, you heard that right, they wiped out a whole village's worth of food in less than a day.

To no one's surprise, the Pagumon weren't too happy.

"Don't blame them Matt, after spending so much time at sea it's reasonable that they were so hungry, so let them be okay?" Izzy appeased Matt as he let out an uncomfortable chuckle. The blond simply let out a low growl but didn't pursue the subject. "Besides... it was my calculations about the food and distance were wrong, if it wasn't for Whamon it's possible we'd all..."

"Izzy-" Tentomon was quickly interrupted by an angry shout from Mimi.

"Bah!" Mimi glared at Izzy with intensity causing the little boy to let out a high pitched squeal as he cowered as much as possible. "Get that depressing look off your face Izzy! We're alive and that's all that matters! We all have mistakes for god's sake!"

Izzy blinked before giving the taller girl a surprised look, he was expecting the usual outburst of whining from Mimi but this wasn't too bad. Before Izzy could say anything, he felt the familiar touch of a hand on his shoulder.

"Mimi's right Izzy, you shouldn't blame yourself so much for that. We're alive and that's what matters now" Sora consoled as she gave the smaller boy a gentle smile, Sora then looked at Matt with a reprimanding look causing the boy to grimace and look away.

"If Noah saw you in this state he wouldn't stop teasing you for a while you know?" Mimi commented disdainfully before turning to talk to Palmon.

Izzy looked at both girls before a shy smile appeared on his face. "Thanks g-"

"I see something!!" Tai's excited voice exclaimed drawing the attention of the entire group.

Through his spyglass Tai squinted his eyes as he observed in the distance a large structure barely visible from the desert heat. Letting out a laugh of triumph he turned to Agumon with a smile.

"I told you my instinct never fails!" Exclaimed the cheerful boy with a huge grin on his face, beside him his fellow Digimon raised his arms in the air in excitement as he let out an audible laugh.

"What did you see Tai?" asked Joe uncertainly as he approached the stubborn boy.

Pocketing his spyglass in his pocket, Tai simply shrugged at Joe's question. "I'm not sure, it was like some kind of brown wall or something."

"That... doesn't sound promising" The worried boy muttered with a sigh earning a chuckle from his Digimon.

"Oi! Beats being in the middle of a desert doesn't it! Or do you want me to remind you what happened in the desert on File Island?" Tai exclaimed as he looked at him with an accusing look that made the older boy shake his head nervously.

"Tai is right, but remember that we are in uncharted territory and that Gennai warned us that there might be Digimons stronger than Devimon. We've been lucky not to face Adult Digimons... for now" Izzy reasoned thoughtfully making a reasoning gesture with his hands.

"Don't worry Izzy!" Tai exclaimed as he ran a hand across Izzy's shoulders and pulled out a small orange metallic tablet with a strange drawing of a sun in the center. "We have the Emblem of Courage in our hands! Agumon and I will take care of anything that dares to attack us!"

"How are you so sure Agumon will be able to Digievolve when you ask it to?" pointed out Matt earning a frown from Tai. "As far as we know, this 'New Stage' isn't as easy to reach as the Adult."

"I know Agumon can do it! Don't you buddy?!" Tai replied sharply as he looked at Agumon intently.

"I-I don't know Tai..." Agumon stammered as he gave his partner a doubtful look.

Tai scowled at him as he gave Agumon a small, but still painful, smack on the head. "What's wrong?! Where's that courage?! Your duty as the strongest of us is to protect them all! You can't be a coward at a time like this!"

Seeing this, Matt frowned angrily as he took two steps forward before he felt a hand firmly grab his shoulder stopping him from forming a scene in front of the entire group. Looking back Matt saw the worried expression on Sora's face, the girl already knew that morale wasn't particularly high, and that if Tai and Matt had another one of their fights it would simply bring everything to a screeching halt.

Matt and Sora stared at each other for a full second.

It was evident to all that Matt had been somewhat restless since the group's arrival on the Servitor Continent. Sora was aware that Matt was anxious to locate TK as soon as possible, and she was also concerned for TK's well-being. However, they were a team, and the last thing they needed was to be divided over a silly fight.

"You can yell at him all you want later, I'll scold him too, but right now, please don't make a scene..." Sora muttered in a firm tone causing the blond to close his eyes for a moment.

Matt took a deep breath before turning to the group.

"Let's get moving if we want to get there before it gets dark! I don't want to freeze to death!"



Taking Matt's shout as a signal, the group quickly set off towards the mysterious structure. All along the journey Tai forced Agumon to do different things with the excuse of preparing him for the "New Digievolution", from exercising to forcing him to eat more than necessary.

All this made Agumon feel weaker than before, but Tai didn't seem to listen to reason.

Sora could see Matt trembling with anger as Gabumon soothed his partner as best he could. Even Sora herself was about to intervene with Tai as it was getting ridiculous.

However, in the end no one said anything about Tai's particularly nasty behavior as long as they stayed focused on the target. After all they had about 4 hours before the cold night fell over the hot desert.

When they finally reached their destination, the group of humans and Digimons could not help but exclaim in amazement at what they saw.

In front of them loomed a huge, imposing stone wall that stretched for meters upward. These walls were decorated with strange figures of different Digimons but, due to the passage of time, these figures were eroded and now only vague figures of lions, dinosaurs, strange humanoid figures remained.

The entrance to the huge place was a large tunnel that had two imposing sculptures of large lions on either side, as if guarding the door from possible intruders.

The group entered the mysterious structure to find....

"This...It's a coliseum!" Izzy exclaimed in awe as he gazed at the large but abandoned stands of the massive coliseum. His gaze was fixed on the huge screen just above the bleachers.

Being overcome with curiosity, Joe, Matt, Izzy and their respective Digimons quickly parted ways as they investigated the surroundings of the venue.

Mimi grimaced as she thought about how dirty the whole place must be due to the age and sand strewn all over the place.

Sora along with Piyomon went to rest in a place where the sun wouldn't burn his skin.

And Tai...

"This is..."

Tao stared as on one part of the bleachers a huge platform opened up that held an imposing statue... or at least it should be so. Tai watched as the top half of the statue had been completely destroyed leaving only legs that appeared to be part of some kind of armor.

Agumon looked at what was left of the statue with a strange feeling of sadness and nostalgia. As if he knew who the Digimon in the statue was but couldn't quite identify it.

Agumon turned his head to see Tai clenching his Emblem tightly as he stared at the large statue. Suddenly, a light shot out from Tai's Digivice causing a screen to project in front of the boy.



-Bronze Achievement Obtained: The Legacy of Fire - Part 1-

-Reward: Special Attack: Burning Salamander-



Tai opened his eyes in surprise. "What- Woah!"

Suddenly a tremor ran through the entire coliseum, almost causing all the children to fall to the ground, before they knew it, all the doors of the coliseum had been closed.

"What's going on?!" Mimi exclaimed as Palmon stood guard around her.

As if waiting for that reaction, from the huge screen burst a loud country music while a big laugh echoed throughout the coliseum making the children's hair stand on end.

"Hahahahaha! It's time to rock Chosen Children!"


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