Digimon: The Child of Miracles

-Chapter 34-


<Noah - POV>

Nanomon, Herissmon and I quickly moved through the huge pyramid, leaving my five-star cell/room behind.

It turned out that this place was as confusing as it looked from the outside. The structure, being an inverted pyramid, meant that the second floor was smaller than the upper floors.

There were a total of three floors.

The highest floor, the third, was largely Etemon's private room, where the monkey usually recorded his concerts for the Digital World. In addition, it was also where the main engine room was located, where Nanomon normally spent his time.

The second floor was a sort of giant dining room, along with the various rooms of the Gazimon and other Digimons. And it was also the floor where I was imprisoned... if imprisoning me in a five-star hotel room can be considered a prison.

The second floor was basically the main entrance to the pyramid. There wasn't much to note, as the structure left no room for more.

In Nanomon's words, the pyramid was built this way so that there is only one entrance and one exit. This place was originally a prison for Virus Digimons built by the extinct Sacred Digimons... but in the end, it could never be used properly.

It makes sense that this place was intended to be a prison, as it was ridiculously heavily guarded. Having only walked around for a few minutes, it was pretty obvious that even if we had tried, Herissmon and I were not going to escape from here.

Thick armored doors, cameras on every corner, and lots and lots of traps. And all that to count the constant Gazimon patrols that roamed every floor.

If we hadn't had Nanomon's guidance and help, I doubted we would have been able to get out of the apartment we were in.

'If Filmon didn't have that attack capable of erasing Data I highly doubt even he could escape from here' I shuddered at the thought, however, a doubt formulated in my mind. 'Why would the Holy Digimons need a prison? Couldn't he have simply killed the Virus Digimons and had them reborn?'


Finally, we reached a small platform that descended into the depths of the pyramid... only to run into a wall.

“So... you took us to a dead end?” I asked with clear sarcasm in my voice. “Nothing suspicious, of course. Do you happen to have any revelations about an evil plan you want to make Nanomon? It's your time.”

“Oh! It's like that story you told me about where the bad guy says, I am your father!” Herissmon spoke in a fake deep tone that, combined with his naturally energetic voice, resulted in a horrendous voice performance. “Something like that?”

“Huh... wrong time, but nice try” I held back a chuckle as I watched the hedgehog scratch one of his quills with a confused look. I definitely had to instill some culture of my World in him at some point.

To my zero surprise, Nanomon simply ignored our antics.

“As you may know, this entire World is made from delicate and complex lines of code. Every living entity in this World is nothing more than simple ones and zeros, constantly programming themselves to simulate life, thinking, and feelings” Nanomon began to chatter, making various strange gestures with his hands, causing various unfamiliar symbols to appear and glow with a bluish light before disappearing into thin air. “Everything is made from this principle, the trees, the oceans, the Digimons, and yes, even you are nothing more than an accumulation of Data.”

The wall vanished into thin air, revealing what appeared to be some sort of server room, the walls and ceiling were filled with wires, making the place look more like a jungle than a secret room.

“Woah...” I let out a low whistle as I looked around the new room. “So they have holograms too...”

Herissmon and I walked around the room, looking at what appeared to be several large computers, screens that seemed to be programming something automatically and two strange elongated chairs made of stone which had various symbols carved into them.

'Izzy would go crazy if he saw all this...' I thought with a smile at the thought of the little brown haired nerd. 'Although being such a dwarf I doubt he could see all this easily hehe!'

"Oi! Nanomon! What do these things mean?” Herissmon asked Nanomon as he ran one of his claws across the cold stone chair. “They look familiar.”

But, to no one's surprise, Nanomon chattered on without answering Herissmon's question.

“Unlike the other entities programmed by this World, you, the Chosen Children and your Digimons, give off a type of Data never seen before” Nanomon approached the center of the room where a huge screen was located, the robot started typing rapidly making the huge screen change constantly, finally it stopped on what appeared to be a drawing of an Ogremon made up of blue Data, next to it, there was a drawing of Herissmon equally made up of Data but of a bright golden color.

“It's unique and strange” Nanomon turned around, throwing me an empty and indifferent look. “They are still simple ones and zeros, but they behave so differently that it is strange that they are the same types of Data that make up everything in the World.”

My brain went blank as half of the information Nanomon spoke of went in one ear and out the other. “You know I didn't pay attention to what you said before, right? And what are you getting at with all this talk Mr.Mistery?”

“What I'm getting at is-”


The snap of Nanomon's metallic fingers echoed in the room, and before I could react, the wires on the walls caught me with ease lifting me into the air and prohibiting any movement I was going to make.


“-that you are a unique existence that needs to be analyzed in detail” Nanomon gestured with his hands causing the cables to leave us tightly bound against the stone chairs.

I looked around in search of something I could use to free myself... but-


The cables squeezed harder, making it difficult for me to breathe and leaving me completely at Nanomon's mercy. The wires ran through my forearms, legs, torso and neck, basically I couldn't move at all.

“Noah!” shouted Herissmon as he tried to cut the wires with his barbs, but it was completely useless. The hedgehog immediately realized that these wires were the same ones Etemon used to bind him during his presentation. “Aren't we supposed to be allies you stupid robot?! Why did you tie us up?!”

“I'm going to analyze every little bit of Data in your bodies to create a seal that will imprison Etemon for eternity” Explained the little robot calmly, as if it was the most obvious and rational thing in the world. “He may not be a Wizarmon but he should have no problem at all creating something as simple as a seal...”

“And what does that have to do with binding us?! Are you stupid?!” Anger took control of Herissmon as his barbs flashed with small electric shocks. “And didn't you promise you'd let us go?!”

I wanted to scream too, but I felt that if I spoke again the wires would simply clench even tighter. But that didn't save Nanomon from getting my intense stare, when I got out of here I would personally take care of this dirty little robot.

I was already annoyed by the mandatory confinement, and this little idiot was going to be my punching bag one way or another.

 “Who promised anything about letting them go? Who promised anything about keeping them safe?” replied Nanomon leaning forward, I could almost hear the small amusement in the robot's tone. “I promised to return the Digivice to them, in fact, here, I don't just need it anymore.”

Summoning more of those strange symbols and with a wave of his hand, a faint light glowed right in my hand before I felt a familiar weight on it. My eyes widened like saucers as several holographic screens opened at the same time blocking my vision completely.

The Digivice had just been placed in my hand.

“There, I kept my promise” Nanomon nodded to himself, as if the little liar had done us a great favor. “Now, to prevent possible escapes-”

Panicking, I quickly used one of the first leí functions in a notification.

With another snap of his fingers, the wires discharged a powerful electric shock on me. I couldn't even scream before I felt the lights in my brain suddenly go out.




[-Emergency Call: Activated-]



<Continent Server / Desert> <Third Person - POV>

Night had long since fallen over the desolate desert, amidst all this mass of sand and dust, it could be seen as a small orange light illuminating a small part of the vast desert.

The orange light flickered constantly, as if a strong breeze could blow it out.

And indeed, that was the case.

The small light turned out to be a tiny flame from a surprisingly well-made campfire. The group of Chosen Children could be seen sitting around the campfire in an attempt to keep out the frosty air that plagued the desert during the night.

Since Birdramon had descended in a safe enough area, the group quickly made preparations to spend the night. But unlike other times, this time it was quiet, as if there was a great tension in the atmosphere that could be cut with a knife.

And that was exactly what Matt did, albeit a little more forcefully than expected.

“Tai... what the hell was that back there?” Matt exclaimed, approaching the boy with the goggles. “Why did Greymon turn into that thing?!”


The other kids just let the scene happen, they knew it was wrong, and deep down they knew this wasn't the right way to get an answer, but because of Tai, they were only a few seconds away from losing their lives to SkullGreymon, Tai's own Digimon.

However, despite the glares that were consciously or unconsciously thrown at him by the group, Tai remained silent as he stared into the fire of the bonfire, not even deigning to look Matt in the eyes, simply ignoring the blond's presence to the latter's anger.

“Don't you fucking ignore me!” Matt exclaimed angrily as he grabbed Tai by the collar of his shirt and forced him to look him in the eye. “We almost died back there because of you!”

Tai looked away from Matt's eyes for a moment before frowning and looking at him with clear anger.

“I-” Tai's mouth fell open, only to be interrupted by a mysterious voice.

“I don't think this is a time to fight amongst yourselves, at least, not until you take care of the mess you made back there.”

As silent as the wind, as present as the moon, but as dark as night, a large and shadowy figure made an appearance in the middle of the camp, causing the entire group to panic.

The Digimons in the group quickly went on the defensive, while their companions quickly pulled out their Digivice to confront the figure...

...if they had had the energy for it.

'We haven't eaten anything for hours! Digimons don't have the strength to Digivolve!' Sora's thought as he cursed at the run of bad luck they were having.

Sora's eyes once again fixed on the shadowy, but now visible, figure that confronted them directly without a hint of fear.

Fur as black as night itself, reddish eyes as bright as stars, and large teeth promised pain to anyone who deigned to challenge it in combat.

Matt's eyes widened like saucers as he watched a dark mirage of his own fellow Digimon.

A large jet wolf looked at each of those present with a wolfish grin.

“It's good to see you at last, Chosen Children"


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