Digimon: The Child of Miracles

-Chapter 35-


<Digital World / Continent Server> <Third Person - POV>

The Chosen Children's camp fell into its abrupt silence as each of them cast a distrustful glance at the big jet wolf.

Gabumon watched stunned as a dark version of himself looked at each of them as if they were no big deal, which, given the condition of the group, was true enough no matter how much Gabumon wanted to refute it.

“I'm not going to lie, they look pathetic” Snorted the wolf mockingly before yawning, revealing his sharp teeth in a lazy manner. If he noticed how the children looked at him after his words, he didn't show it. “I was expecting the legendary Chosen Children to demonstrate more of their legendary powers, prophetic, and I don't know what else nonsense. Instead, I just watched as you all almost died because of your own partner, if it wasn't for Angemon the legend would be over by now.”

Sora, Matt and Tai frowned at the wolf's words.

“Angemon?” Gomamon asked curiously, despite being in front of a Digimon that has all the cards to be evil, Gomamon was quite relaxed about it all. “I've never heard a Digimon like that before.”

“I'd be surprised if you had” The wolf muttered with irony in his voice before shaking his head. “Anyway, despite my words, I didn't come here to fight but to talk to you and about what to do about the bone monster, too powerful for any of us to deal with.”

Enough!” shouted Tai, drawing the attention of the whole group, the goggle boy stood in front of the wolf looking at him angrily. “Don't call Agumon a monster! It's not his fault that Etemon interfered with the Digievolution!”

At the same time Tai took a step forward to face the big wolf face to face, Izzy quickly analyzed the wolf with his Digivice causing a screen to appear right in front of his eyes.

A low chuckle escaped the wolf's mouth, one that quickly turned into a small laugh, much to Tai's annoyance and the group's bewilderment.

“Etemon interfering with the Digivolution? Ha! You sure say a lot of stupid things, though that's to be expected from the Child who bears the Emblem of Valor” Stifling his laughter, the wolf shot Tai an amused look before speaking in an increasingly low and creepy tone. “No, no, no, Etemon had nothing to do with SkullGreymon's birth...”

The wolf approached Tai's side while still looking the latter in the eyes with a condescending look. It was then that Tai realized that he was talking to a Digimon that could kill them in the blink of an eye.

Tai felt the hairs on his body stand on end as the wolf began to whisper right next to his ear in a husky voice.

“The fault for the birth of that thing was you, only you and no one else. It was your recklessness that caused that Digievolution, it was your blind trust and ego that allowed now an evil Digimon Perfect to be destroying the Continent as we speak right now!” An angry growl echoed throughout the camp, Tai swallowed saliva as he felt his hands shaking. “... You are supposed to be the saviors of our World, the prophesied saviors...but I have only watched as you attract more and more trouble to our World, and what have you done in return?”

Tai and the group as a whole fell silent as they looked down and clenched their fists tightly, unable to refute anything the wolf had said. Tai felt guilt and bitterness clench his chest painfully, he wanted to keep refuting the wolf by pointing out his victory against Devimon... but he wasn't confident he could speak without sounding like an idiot.

But despite how tense and heavy the atmosphere had become in less than a minute, there was one person who simply decided to ignore the wolf in order to analyze him further.

“BlackGarurumon... huh?!” Izzy's incredulous sound drew the attention of everyone in the camp, the shorter boy looked at the big wolf with hopeful bewilderment. “Y-You're Noah's mate?!”

All the kids quickly looked at Izzy with different reactions, those who didn't know Noah simply gave him a blank stare as if to ask, 'Who?' And those who did know Noah couldn't help but smile at their find.

It meant they had found one of the two Chosen Children Gennai had spoken of!

Matt didn't know whether to rejoice or be saddened that they had found the other child before his brother.

“How come-” BlackGarurumon blinked in confusion twice before a look of realization flashed through his eyes, realizing something. “Right, those blue things, I'd forgotten they could analyze me with that-”

“How is Noah?! Is he okay?!” Mimi interrupted him as she looked at the wolf with an intense gaze while placing her hands on her hips. “Answer me, silly wolf!”

BlackGarurumon simply looked at her with a blank stare before growling audibly at her. “... Silly? You little sh-”

“I see you're all a bit anxious, pi!” a playful voice suddenly made a loud presence, from the wolf's back emerged a small pink furball. Said furball quickly mounted on top of BlackGarurumon's head, allowing the children to see it in all its glory. “Hello Chosen Children! Pi! I'm Piximon! Pi!”

“... How long have you been back there?” asked BlackGarurumon in disbelief, eliciting a giggle from the fairy, the children meanwhile wondering if they should run or play along with both Digimons.

“Since you left home silly, pi!” replied Piximon as he gave him a playful punch on the nose, BlackGarurumon just let out a grunt before looking away, eliciting a mischievous giggle from the little pink fairy. “I told you are going to be my portable bed from now on, didn't I? Pi! I'm just keeping my word! Pi!”

With that said, Piximon quickly floated over the camp to look closely at each Chosen Child and accompanying Digimons. “So Chosen Children, how about we go somewhere else to talk, somewhere other than literally the middle of nowhere? Pi!”

“He's not going to apologize for what he said?” Matt asked with a frown as he pointed at BlackGarurumon with a thumbs up.

“Why should he apologize for telling the truth? For legends, you're all a little weak in general, you know? Pi! Besides, you guys screwed up pretty bad releasing that thing back there, pi!” Piximon let out a mocking laugh before turning around to look out at the endless desert that stretched for miles. “Then... let's go! Pi!”

With a flick of his spear, Piximon sliced through the air itself, creating what appeared to be a crack in the very air that quickly stretched out to create a portal of sorts that led to a beautiful Japanese house which was surrounded by a lake and a jungle.

With a mischievous grin on his face, Piximon along with the unusually quiet BlackGarurumon beckoned the children to follow them before crossing the portal.

However, the latter stood still for a few seconds with clear doubts in their minds... or so Sora thought.

“What should we do?” Sora let out a mumble as she stroked Piyomon's fur with a complicated grimace on her face. “I don't think we should- Mimi! Come back here!”

“I'm not freezing my butt off tonight, and I want to know where Noah is!” the tall girl replied disdainfully as she hurried through the doorway with Palmon following in her wake.

“Mimi wait!” Joe exclaimed with a repressive tone as he chased after Mimi in order to bring her back, but going through the portal in the process along with Gomamon, who let out an amused laugh.

“Joe! Wait- WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?!” Sora's shout was splendidly ignored by the other children in the group.

Izzy quickly entered the portal along with Tentomon while talking something about learning how to do something.

Tai followed the pair silently with a crestfallen look on his face as a depressed air followed him.

The only one who stopped before Sora's shout was Matt but....

“Mimi has a good point Sora, I don't think it's a good idea to stay in the middle of the desert in this cold with a crazy monkey following our trail” Matt replied without looking her in the eye before crossing Gabumon.

Sora felt the vein in her forehead bulge as her eye twitched with anger.

'Seriously, they're going to trust a couple of Digimons that we just met and one of them basically insulted us to our face?! They didn't think they might be Etemon's accomplices?!' Sora's thoughts quickly went off the rails as she felt her headache increase with every second.

“Why won't they listen to me?!” Sora gritted her teeth as she folded her arms and frowned, sometimes she wondered if she was the only one with common sense in the group.

“I do listen to you, Sora!” With a small jump, Piyomon crashed into Sora giving her a tight hug.

Sora let out a surprised snort before looking at Piyomon with a surprised expression before smiling at the bird.

“Thank you, Piyomon” Sora said with a slight smile before taking his Digimon's hand and looking at the portal with an unsure expression.

“Well... here goes nothing.”


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