Digital Galaxies


Merry Christmas! Multiple Chapters incoming!


Golden sunlight illuminated everything as we stepped across the threshold of our house. The whole bottom floor of the house was one big open plan area, although different sections were raised or lowered to give the impression that it had separate rooms.

The entrance was all hardwood flooring, but some areas had lush new carpet, and still more had tiling. Unfortunately, there wasn't any furniture to show how it would look when it was all set up.

"It's empty," I commented, glancing around as though the furnishings were hiding behind a corner.

"No it isn't," Cerri laughed, pointing into one of the other circular areas.

What I had taken for a particularly odd wall resolved itself into a massive snow-drift-like pile of boxes. Some were almost twice Cerri's height where they almost scraped the ceiling.

"Oh no," I groaned, staring in horror. We'd only just finished getting the Turshen all set up, now we had to do the same with our house?! I gave her a pleading look. “Can we just set up the basics right now?”

Her hand came up to brush my cheek. “If you want, my tired little fox.”

My heart skipped a beat when she so casually claimed me as hers, and it took me a moment to steady myself. I don’t think she even realised she’d said it.

“I’ll follow your lead,” I mumbled shyly. “It was your hard work that purchased this house.”

“Only for now,” she said gently. “I’ll want your input later, but you’re right. I’m tired and it’s getting late. We’ll start with the bed and see how we feel after that.”

I pouted, but followed behind her as we made for the big pile of stuff. “I already know the answer to that. It’s tired, I’ll be tired after we’re done setting the bed up.”

“Sure, we’ll see,” she laughed, throwing me a cute grin over her shoulder.

Yeah, we’ll see. Freakin’ SAI and their underestimation of mundane shit. Cerri was about to get a rude introduction to the arcane art of ikea-ology.

We found the bed because it was labeled as such, instead of like, “ishifdkjkhfkhkhmfb” or something like that. Opening the box revealed my worst fears. Some assembly required. You’d think with my recent training as a mechanic that I wouldn’t have a fear of flat-packed furniture anymore. You’d be dead wrong. That shit didn’t follow the laws of physics.

There were three bedrooms in the house, all on the upper level. Each one was the same size and featured a small en-suite bathroom.

We chose the room closest to the stairs, without ever discussing the idea that we might have our own rooms. I guess we both knew that we'd be sleeping in the same bed most of the time anyway.

The bed itself was massive, and suddenly I was excited to put it together. I took charge of the construction when Cerri had stood over the disassembled pile with her eyes all glazed over.

It didn't actually take me all that long to piece it together, especially after I found the drill. It was, however, tiring work. My little muscles just weren't up to the task of lifting big heavy bits of wood. Cerri was useful there, with her demonic strength.

I didn't wait for her to put any sheets onto the bed before I dove on top and let out a weary but contented sigh.

That contentment was shattered when a sheet fell over me anyway, and with a yelp of surprise I scrambled out from under it.

Cerri stood over me, giggling like a crazy person. "We're going to at least put the fitted sheet on, Alia."

"Fine," I grumbled, stepping back out of the way.

Once the sheet was on, she threw a bunch of pillows onto it, then a doona, then herself. Like, actually dove onto the bed. What followed was a lot of wriggling, a few happy sounds, and a pause to look up at me.

"Are you coming? She asked shyly, arms wrapped around a pillow.

"O-oh, um… yeah," I nodded, feeling suddenly self conscious.

It was suddenly hitting me, we were properly alone together for the first time since she'd chased me out of VR. This felt different though. It felt… more. Just, more. 

Carefully, I tugged off my ever-present hoodie and climbed under the doona with her. God, this bed was so big, and we were just staring at each other from either side of it.

"It's kind of crazy that we're here," I whispered, choosing to look at my hands rather than her. 

Kind of crazy that we're here and I still don't know if you're actually into me or just… confusing. I mean, I wasn't stupid, so much of our friendship was far beyond the lesbian Rubicon. But she also hadn't claimed me. We weren't together, despite everything, and it confused the absolute hell out of me.

Cerri was quiet for several long seconds, before abruptly, she shuffled across the bed and pulled me into her arms. "I'm so glad I'm here with you, Alia."

"Huh, you are?" I asked, before my dumdum brain could approve the wording and uncertain tone I’d just used.

Her movements slowed and I watched a multitude of expressions flit across her beautiful face. I felt a hand slide to rest on the dip of my waist, where it stayed, just holding me. Goodness, I was so sensitive there. I could feel every single little shift and twitch of her fingers. The same long, sensuous fingers I’d admired earlier.

“Alia…”she whispered, her thumb gently tracing across my stomach. The texture of my T-shirt’s fabric made it feel sort of rough, but in a very pleasant way.

No. No, Alia. Don’t give in. Resist. If she wasn’t interested in you, then you needed to get over these feelings. Even with my extremely limited knowledge of relationship stuff, I knew that pining after your best friend was a really bad time. So… so yeah, maybe it was for the best that I clamped down on my feelings.

Unfortunately, my body didn’t get the memo, and I found myself cuddling in against her with a long, slow sigh of contentment. How did she make me feel so unhinged and yet so safe, all at the same time?

Cerri’s arms closed around me as I snuggled in, her hand finding its way into my hair. Her fingers tangled themselves all up in there, before they moved to scratching behind one of my ears. An involuntary moan escaped me, and I arched my back to get closer to the yummy feeling.

“So beautiful,” she murmured, voice full of wonder. “Alia, do you even realise how incredible you are?”

My eyes fluttered open at her words. Wait, when had they closed? I was a little dazed, the scritches had felt so good.

Cerri was smiling at me with eyes full of starlight that rippled and twinkled with each micro-movement they made. I drank in the sight, smiling back at her as I mentally dunked my reservations into the trash like a kid pretending to be a basketball player. Fuck it all, I really liked Cerri. I’d go with my earlier idea, the one about how this was more than enough for me.

Her fingers began their scratching again, and this time the noise I made was a small, warm gasp. God, that felt so good. She wasn’t shy about it either, really getting in there with her fingernails. It helped that she had magic claws, like a cat or something.

A few seconds of that, and then she stopped again, and once more my eyes flickered open to stare at her wondrous face.

It was kind of crazy, how much I felt for her. She was so… so tactile to my mind. Full and huge and glorious in my mind, a shining beacon of person, and I was nothing but a dinghy caught in a storm. I had no choice.

Sadly, it seemed that she still had control, because she backed off and carefully extricated herself and turned to lay on her back.

“Sorry,” she mumbled, turning her eyes away from mine. “I forget… what I can be like, when I let my guard down.”

Anger boiled up, hot and wild, riding my spine as it demolished my thoughts. Sitting up, I punched at the mattress with my tiny impotent fist. “God damn it, Cerri.”

“What?” she asked, eyes going wide and scared.

“Just stop,” I said, emotions flying in all directions. “Either stop playing with me, or fucking kiss me. You’re grinding my heart into a pulp and it’s fucking painful. Please, I’m begging you.” My voice shook and tears bubbled up in the corners of my eyes, catching on my lashes. I wiped them away and tried to get a look at her. “Please…”

I honestly figured that I was going to be spending the night in another room after that outburst. I know I collapsed in on myself like a dying star, guilt and heartache tearing me up inside. My eyes were still blurry with tears, so I just squeezed them shut in defeat and waited, ears wilted.

I felt Cerri's weight shift on the bed as she moved away from me, and my heart dropped into my stomach. Ugh. There it was. I'd really fucked everything up now.

The lights flicked off, turning my vision dark through my eyelids. The sun had dipped below the treeline, throwing the house into a premature twilight.

Movement on the bed right next to me startled my eyes right back open, and I was surprised to find Cerri sitting in front of me on the bed. She was staring at me with quiet, intense determination.

Everything about me, within me, it all froze solid. Wait… wait! Was she…?

Cerri leaned forward, one hand coming up to cup my cheek with the care you might show when picking up a baby bunny. "Alia… I love you."

I barely had time to register those three fateful words, when she closed the gap between our lips.

Time slowed, everything paused, the world tilted on its axis. Literally? Maybe. I couldn't tell. She'd completely taken me by surprise, and I was way too slow to kiss her back. She was so rigid, awkward even, like she wasn't sure she should be doing it. Then, shaking, she began to pull away, concern and terror clashing in her eyes.

The look in her eyes was what finally thawed me. Heat flooded my limbs like an aussie wildfire, and I lunged for her with a garbled cry. "Cerri!"

My lips only half landed, but I corrected quickly and pushed forward, toppling us both over so I was sprawled across her in a tangle of limbs, tails, and pointed ears. I didn't care about the mess I’d made, I just kissed her, shivering with the intensity of my emotions. She loved me! She actually loved me!

She let out a strangled cry, the wordless sound of heartfelt happiness bubbling up out of her in a rush. Like I’d just pulled the pins out on a trebuchet, she was devouring my mouth, hot and urgent. Everything between us was instinct and fire. Fumbling, needy, passionate fire. There was a hand on the back of my head, pulling me down almost roughly. One of mine had found her shoulder, where I gripped her hard in an attempt to stabilise myself. Our tails twisted together between our legs, two snakes thrashing and vying for dominance.

My tongue found the seam of her lips first, but the moment it did, hers flew out to flutter and dance at mine. It was like I had to grant her permission, and then she would jump on the newfound space I’d given her. White heat blazed through me as her tongue dipped and tangled with mine, mimicking our tails and their battle. I was left reeling. This was kissing? No wonder people loved it so much!

Her other hand found the hem of my T-shirt, fingertips just barely brushing bare skin. The contact brought her up short and she faltered.

Oh no you don't! If she wanted to touch my bare back, she could. She could have all of me. I broke the kiss for a moment and pulled my top up over my head, then threw it completely out of the still open door. If she wanted it back on me, she'd have to push me off her and go and get it.

I dove back down the second it left my fingertips, and captured her lips again with gentle purpose. Then, because I’d dreamed of doing it almost the moment I saw her, I bit down just slightly on her bottom lip. We were not going to go back to that awkward dance, each of us pushing forward and then running away.

My thoughts surfaced as a small whimper of affection and hope, and I lobbed the accompanying message at her like a cooked hand grenade. I've been wanting this for way too long. I'm not letting stupid, unfounded doubts take it away from us. I love you too, and if being with you means I get fucked against whatever surface is available when you feel horny, then lucky me.

That message seemed to flip a switch, and the next moment there were claws on my back, gently tracing lines across my skin. A warm, dark growl of desire burst out of her. I shuddered at the combination. The raw lust mixed with an undertone of deep affection robbed me of my balance and fell into her arms. Losing contact with her lips was a crushing disappointment, but I soon found her neck and I got to work kissing and nibbling at that.

Side note, I'd just discovered something about myself. The claws thing? It was fucking hot.

"Gorgeous girl," Cerri murmured tenderly, even as she used her claws to slice through my bra strap with a casual flick of a finger. "I love you. I love you so much, and I have for so long. You're right, holding myself back is agony… too much."

"So don't," I mumbled, lips still pressed to her neck. "I love you too, in case you didn’t see the message."

"Don’t worry, I can tell, your neural activity is very high," she said, still in that husky voice of hers.

I couldn't help but laugh and sit up again, the claw spell broken for the moment. My beautiful scientist. She was probably monitoring me over the link like some sort of anxious lover. Wait… that was exactly what she was. Gosh, she was just so incredible. I loved her so fucking much. The way she was always thinking about my safety, always making sure I was happy…

"Nerd talk later," I giggled softly, smiling even as I resumed our kiss with a teasing little lick.

She let out a low, feminine growl of hunger, but there wasn’t too much bite to it. I could feel her smile with my lips. “You’re getting what you asked for, and that’s the whole Cerri.”

Happiness hummed through me and into our kiss. Yeah, I loved the whole Cerri. The succubus scientist.

Her claws returned to my back, tracing soft patterns over my back, and I was once again turned into a limp, happy little fox. Each movement highlighted just how feminine my back actually was too. Did my spine really curve like that? Goodness.

I wanted to feel her too though, to put skin to skin. That, unfortunately, meant that I had to pause our kiss again to pull at her top. She gave me a knowing smile, and her eyes drifted over my naked chest with obvious appreciation as she lifted her own top, then bra over her head.

Wow. I stared at her chest in reverent awe, fingers fluttering over the curve of one breast, then the other. Her nipples weren't pink, as you might expect from her skin tone. Instead, they were a sort of purplish magenta colour. They were amazing, even better than I’d dreamed they would be.

Leaning down, I was about to pull one into my mouth when I hesitated for just a second. Fear flickered briefly through me, one last futile effort from the demons of self doubt. I brushed them aside, and my lips closed tenderly over her nipple, tongue diving forward to explore. No more hesitation. If I was asking her to unleash herself on me, then it would be unfair not to do the same. Whatever unleashing a short, shy fox girl actually meant.

Her breathing hitched when I sucked the bud entirely into my mouth for a moment. There was a blur of motion and in the blink of an eye, she'd thrown me onto my back. Sliding herself on top of me, I was surprised to find that her pants were gone. Jesus, she moved fast. My denim shorts quickly met the same grisly fate as my bra had, and my panties followed shortly after. Oh god, ohhh god. Hoooot! Really hot!

Our mouths found each other again and all coherent thought was ejected from my mind, to be replaced by a need, a want… and just raw love. I loved Cerri. I loved her so much. She was everything to me, my whole world in a way that Earth never had been.

Her tail snaked up between my thighs as we kissed, and the desperate desire that had been building within me surged to new heights. I could feel the blunted barb on the end tickling my inner thighs, first one side, then the other. She was teasing me.

I opened my legs with a wordless gasp of approval, but she slowed to a stop instead of giving me what I wanted. Why?! She'd been moving so fast, passionate and hot.

Now though, she was all gentle, eyes finding mine and engulfing them in an ocean of love. I lost myself in those eyes again for what felt like the thousandth time, but also the first time. They were so heart achingly pretty.

We held that sweet, loving eye contact as she slowly entered me. I gave a gasp and allowed myself to bask in the sensation of her pushing into me. Gosh, my heart melted. Here I had been warned about her being some uncontrollable sex goddess, and yet… gosh. The sheer, raw love that was in her eyes. It was everything.

My arms went around her neck, my legs following suit around her hips. I could feel the soft muscle beneath her shoulders flexing slightly as kept her full weight from bearing down on me. Splaying my fingers out slightly across her back, I reveled in the incredible softness of her skin. God, her body was amazing. I couldn’t keep my eyes off it, off her.

"Cerri," I breathed, eyes blowing wide as she retracted her tail again, only to plunge it deeper into my core with a slow, careful pressure. The sensation of having her inside me was… indescribable. My muscles gripped her, pressing in against her tail, enfolding her. I was… I was a girl, a girl being fucked passionately by another girl… and it was amazing.

"Are you okay?" She asked shyly, hot breath tickling my ear as she pressed a kiss just below it.

I tried to laugh, but it just came out as a moan when my stomach moved and caused her tail to hit new and delightfully interesting nerves. "Y-yes," I squeaked, one hand finding her cheek so I could guide her back to my lips. Keep kissing me, please. You can put your full weight on me too. I want it, even.

She thought about it for a moment, even as her tail continued to send incredible bursts of pleasure throughout my body. Deciding to fulfill my request, she let herself down properly on top of me. We both sucked in stuttering breaths as we felt skin on skin contact all down our bodies. It was so much. Almost as much as the sublime things she was doing to me with her tail.

With her hands free to roam, one came up to cradle the side of my face, the thumb caressing my lips before she kissed me again. The other hand made for a different target, gently skimming my side then dipping between my legs to join her tail.

Her elegant fingers found my center and danced over it, getting a feel for it. They were just as soft and dexterous as I’d fantasised. Even more so, even.

My heart skipped a beat when she teased a fingertip slowly, sensually through my wetness until it reached my opening. The next time her tail pushed into me, the finger joined it, slipping inside to push up against the inner wall. A choked gasp of pleasure and surprise tore free from my lips as wonder and arousal coiled around my spine. Sparks of pleasure spread lazily throughout my whole body until I was arching my back so hard I had lifted us both off the bed.

As if following some hidden cue, a heart stopping warmth spread up from my core in a flash, consuming my limbs, my mind, everything. It was a desperate, delightful, decadent thing. Riding that wave of delight as another feeling, just as powerful. Pure joy and affection for this incredible woman. Cerridwen. Finally. Finally. Finally… we were together. One.

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