Digital Galaxies


A notification woke me and I tried to stretch out my legs, only to realise that they were all tangled with Cerri's. Happiness blossomed through my chest as memories of our night's activities surfaced.

Cerri was sleeping with a big smile on her face and a small puddle of drool had accumulated on the pillow. It was the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen. My Cerri.

Reaching behind myself, I scrabbled around until I found another pillow and pulled it around to dab gently at her cheek. She stirred as I did so, eyelids fluttering open to blink sleepily around.

"Morning," I whispered, tossing the pillow away. "How are you feeling?"

"My arms and tail ache," she said, voice all croaky from sleep. When I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively and grinned at her, she erupted into a burst of giggles and tried to bury her face in the pillow. Instead, she met the damp puddle of drool and recoiled with a squeak. "Ew! What's that?"

"You were drooling," I laughed and flipped the pillow over for her. "Seems like someone really zonked out."

"How are you so bright and chirpy?" She complained, burying her face in the clean side of the pillow. "You… gosh. I keep remembering more and more…"

She had a point, actually, and now that we had partially detangled our limbs, I allowed myself a long, luxurious stretch. It ended in a little yawn-squeak-moan sound, and I watched in real time as a sharp, hungry quality returned to Cerri's eyes. Uh oh.

Rather than jump me again though, she rolled onto her back and covered her face with an arm. "You need to put some clothes on or I'm going to end up pulling a muscle."

"But… you shredded all my clothes," I pointed out with a grin.

"Oh," she said, cheeks blushing pink. "Right… uh… well I ordered some more for you. There should be a box downstairs."

"Yes ma'am," I giggled, pushing the covers off myself and swinging my legs out of the bed. Where the hell did my hoodie go? My top was out in the hallway, but my hoodie… ah, it had landed half inside the box the bed had come in.

I wobbled to my feet and took a few steps, but my legs failed me and with a squeak, I toppled over into a giggling pile of nakedness. My legs were jelly. Happy, sated jelly.

Cerri had pushed herself up onto an elbow when I fell, and now her eyes were roaming all over my body with open appreciation. "You look like prey down there, all flopping about and giggling."

Biting my lip, I stared up at her, breath hitching with expectation. Oh goodness, what had I gotten myself into? “That’s okay. I did agree to be your… uh, girlfriend?”

I said the last as a question, because we’d only really exchanged ‘I love you’s before we got distracted by several hours of making love.

The hunger in her eyes vanished instantly, replaced by hopeful vulnerability. “That… yes… I want that.”

“Okay, phew,” I said, smiling up at her. “Well, I agreed to be your girlfriend, knowing the risks and all that. Well, you’d call them risks, I call them perks.”

She sighed a happy sigh and flopped back into the bed. “Thank you. That’s… a huge relief to hear.”

“I love you,” I blurted, heartfelt and shy. This was all so new to me. I’d never been in a relationship before, and it was all suddenly hitting me that I had no idea what I was doing.

Cerri seemed to sense that I was suddenly feeling off, because she pulled herself up off the bed with a groan and walked over to me. Snagging the hoodie, she pulled the arms out and then slipped it gently over my head.

Still naked, she sat down with me and pulled my face up to hers, whispering, “I love you too.”

The hoodie hadn’t gone on properly because of my ears, and when she said those words, they popped up and allowed the garment to fall properly into place.

Giving me a look of unmistakable affection, she reached out and tweaked one of the fluffy tips. “So cute. Thanks for uh… for finally pushing us both over the edge.”

“Thanks for loving me,” I whispered, my heart full to bursting. “You’re the best thing to happen to me in so long.”

“Same here,” she said, connecting our lips together in a sweet, gentle kiss.

Butterflies exploded into existence in my stomach and I pulled myself closer to her. I couldn't believe how lucky I was. I mean, gosh, I got to kiss her whenever I wanted now!

She was still completely naked too, and I had to marvel at her calm confidence. My hands slid around to caress her back, fingertips exploring acres of glorious, smooth skin. I could feel the subtle shift of muscle beneath too, as her arms came up to encircle me protectively.

The kiss stayed relatively chaste, just the hint of teeth and tongue from her as our lips moved in an unhurried dance.

It was nice, after last night. I had discovered the joys of making love, of multiple orgasms, and of being the cause of them in another. I'd also discovered Cerri, in a way. The final puzzle piece that gave me a clear picture of the girl I loved so fiercely.

My girl was a deeply sexual person, but in an unassuming, quiet way. You'd never know it by looking at her, or even talking to her. Now that we'd spent a night together like that, though… she was glowing and happy in a way I'd never seen before.

We parted when our smiles made it impossible to keep going, and instead just sat there on the floor, grinning into each other's eyes.

That gave me time to see the notification that had woken me up, and I flicked it open with a mental command.

Elissa: Hey Alia. Sorry but I can't make it today. Dealing with a minor emergency. Ish. Honestly I don't know what I'd call this but I'm being held up. Hope that's okay, hope you and Cerri had a good night. Ttyl.

"Huh…" I muttered, prompting an inquisitive look from Cerri. I forwarded the message to her.

She took a moment to read it, then shrugged and threw me a smile. "Looks like we have all day alone together."

"I'm actually glad," I said, returning her smile. "This is… it's still so new, things between us. I want to enjoy it and explore it in a vacuum before we talk to anyone else. If that's okay, I mean."

"Absolutely," she soothed, cupping my cheek with a loving hand. "This is going to be a new experience for both of us, I think."

"Really?" I asked, and after a moment's indecision I climbed into her lap.

She pulled me over to the bed so she could support her back against it, then dragged the doona down to cover us. Perfect. Warm and cozy with my new girlfriend. I let out a little squealing giggle of happiness and nuzzled my face into her neck.

With a laugh, she folded her arms about me and said, "My relationship with Gloria was only ever sexual, no matter how much I wanted more. With you, though… goodness, I can feel how much you care for me."

"You're my first everything," I mumbled into her neck. "I'm confused by my own emotions, let alone others… but I can feel how much you love me. Even before last night. It was very confusing."

"I know," she said soothingly. "I'm sorry it took me so long."

A smile of amusement pulled at my lips as I thought about just how long it had taken. "We cuddled and snuggled so much."

"It was nice, though," she said, squeezing me affectionately. "And at least on my end, it was kind of required."

"You needed to develop trust in me and my feelings for you, and especially that they wouldn't disappear," I said, nodding against her shoulder. "I understand, even if it sorta sucked."

"I'm sorry," she murmured, resting her cheek on the top of my head. We sat like that for a moment, but then she let out a big, explosive yawn and laughed. "Holy shit, I'm so tired."

“I feel great,” I giggled, kissing her neck.

“How?” she grumbled, arms going slack around me so she could rest. “Your back at least must be tired. You practically jacked off the bed every time… uh… you know. Then there was the part where I sat… oh, this is so hard to talk about.”

“My bashful succubus,” I said happily, fingertips stroking her stomach. “I don’t know why I’m not tired. Maybe my body was just made to withstand you and your appetite.”

“Maybe…” she murmured in that tone of voice that said her mind had snagged on a puzzle to solve. “Exodus City allows you to bring over all the interesting quirks of your body from Digital Galaxies.”

“Oh, well then that’s it,” I said, flicking an ear to illustrate the point. “I made myself durable and flexible in order to get into tight spaces and stuff. I figured being a mechanic on a ship, I’d be getting bashed around all that.”

“Which also translates to uh… being able to have really fun sex, apparently,” she said, blushing all the way down to her neck.

I let out yet another giggle and snuggled in close. “I’m custom made for you.”

Gosh I was happy. This was all I’d ever need in my now very long life. Just Cerri, cuddles, and maybe yummy milkshakes. That last one was optional though. Oh wait, I forgot the sex, that was very fun. I liked it. I mean, maybe bad sex existed, but since I only had last night as a sample size, I was calling it there. Ah, on second thought, part of Cerri was sex, so yeah, the list still made sense.

“That’s a nice way to think of it,” she said with quiet contentment. “Who would have thought that convincing my friends to play with the cute girl I saw outside the spawn building would lead to this?”

"You thought I was cute?" I asked, wiggling up until I could gaze into her eyes.

She gave me a look of consternation. "Alia, look where we are. We're together, I'm in love with you. Of course I did."

"Oh, duh," I said, kissing the tip of her nose. "We really are something, huh?"

"We really are," she said, a huge smile blooming across her lips. "You remembered!"

"Of course," I said, pressing a kiss to her lips this time. “It’s how I met you, after all.”

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