Dog of War

Absolutum Dominium pt 1

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site. Additionally, shoutout to TheMothCourt on AO3 for letting us bounce ideas off it, and EileenLilac, also on AO3, for additional Beta Reading.



Camila Verdun, first bloom, was losing her mind. She paced in her room as she ran through the lists checking everything, only to find it all exactly in order before going through it again. Her vines twitched—she couldn't shake the feeling that an error was staring her in the face. Where was it? It had to be somewhere! She had put too much effort into this to miss something glaringly obvious again!


“Camila? Are you alright?” Cordelia rose from their alcove. Camila didn't look up from her pad as she scrolled through the messages again.


“Something's wrong.”


“Oh?” Cordelia wrapped around Camila from behind, looking over her shoulder. “What's the matter, love?”


“I don't know. The decorations are fine and in place, breakfast is ready, the food for the event is already there, the second violinist’s replacement even got in a rehearsal, and everything else has been ready for at least a week. I've even confirmed with them all yesterday, but something is off. I can sense it.”


“Hmm, yes, I can see the issue.”


“You can?! It's the decorations, isn't it?! What was I thinking by having the—”


Cordelia slipped the pad out of Camila’s vines. “You are obsessing over perfection again. What did Acaulescent tell you to remember when this happens?”


Camila's flowers blushed into bloom. “That I'm my greatest critic, and others won't see the flaws I imagine.”




“That Princess loves me, imperfections and all.” She would adore it. Even if it was just a tenth of what it was, even if a dozen things were out of place. Princess probably wouldn't notice, much less care. Just the show of effort would be enough to sweep her off her toes.


“Very good. If I give you your pad back, you aren't going to stress about the coronation anymore?”


“No.” Camila slumped into her lover with a sigh. Fighting back the anxiety wasn't easy with how it lit her instincts aflame, but it wasn't something she had to do alone either. “Thank you, Cordelia. I needed that.”


“It's my pleasure~” Camila’s pad was returned to her. She tucked it away, nestling into her partner. “Now, it's still about an hour before you want to start getting Princess up.” Cordelia's vines wove into Camila’s own, unwinding them with no resistance. “I think we should make sure you're nice and relaxed. Wouldn't want Princess to pick up any residual stress, would we?”


Camila savored the vines massaging her own, worries fading. “Mm, you'll stop when it's fifteen minutes out?”


“Of course.”






Princess stirred in that half-waking dream that had become so familiar, colored by every shade of ecstasy. Mistress' vines flowed over them, touching them, penetrating them, sweeping them away in a current of bliss. It was carrying them, slowly, surely, to awareness, and soaking each moment with euphoria.  


It wasn't overwhelming, only gently brushing the boundary that kept them from orgasm, but never further. It was simply divine. Enough to eliminate thought entirely. If they were any degree of cognizant, they might recognize the implant clamping their pleasure, or the ways their Owner was holding back. As it was, the only thoughts bouncing between the two of them were ‘more’ and ‘Mistress.’


The sting of temporary air deprivation was the waterfall at the end of the lazy river. Mistress’ tongue churned the waters to rapids. Soon, Princess was falling up, crashing upon the rocks of lucidity.






The kiss continued, nearly eclipsing the pleasures of Her molestation as the stars in Her eyes filled their vision and Daisy moved in her sleep. Every morning had started in such beatitude. Every morning it made their heart swell, mirrored by the love pooling out from the implant, each amplifying the other a thousand fold. Even now, with its novelty rubbed away by time, it was a gift to be treasured. Love, drenching them so thoroughly that it saturated them long after it ended.


“Ah, the sleeper has awakened. Good morning, my little princesses.” The purr of Her voice was electric, sparks of excitement cascading through the puddle they had become. “Are you excited for your big day?”


“Nn—yesss, Mistressss.”


Stars, if it's even half as nice as this—


“It'll be much better, cutie, trust me.” Mistress scritched that special place behind Princess’ ear, more jolts of pleasure arcing through them.


We can't wait! 


“Neither can I~” Mistress swept Princess up, carrying them away from their still-sleeping pinnate. Setting them down in the bathroom, She quickly stripped them, redressing them in a tracksuit emblazoned all over with Her signature flower, tying sneakers to their feet, and putting their hair in a bun. Being manipulated like this was natural now, freeing them to think about more important things, like how much they loved Her. How happy they were that She was their Owner.


Mistress hooked a vine into the harness’ ring, leading Princess out. “Now, we have a lot to do to get ready, so this is going to be a shorter run, okay? Only half an hour.”


“Yes, Mistress,” Princess smiled, doing a few calisthenic stretches to warm up.


Half an hour is enough to sweat a little.


“Good morning, Princess!” Jess called, pulling them into a brief hug, then stealing their breath away with a not-so-brief kiss. “Mm, I can't wait for the ceremony, I've been simming it all night~”


“Us neither.” Princess only knew a few details, and that some had been locked away behind class B’s, but they had been looking forward to it all the same. Today they would declare themselves Mistress' in front of everyone, and enshrine their love in contract.


Mistress gave Jess some affection, a vine working between her antennae, eliciting a static moan. “We'll be back soon. Why don't you take a break and cuddle with Daisy?”


“Ye-ye-ye-yes, Mistress!”


“Good girl.” Mistress spun Jess around, giving her a pat on her rear to send her off. Stars, it was hot when She did it to others. “Now, let's go.”


The morning air was crisp as they stepped outside, filling them to the brim with vigor they would soon excise. A few lunges and shoulder rotations later, they spoke, “Ready, Mistress.”


A smile, a pat, and a tug signaled the start. The pair took off towards the beach at speed. Few Affini and less pets were making their way in the early dawn light, leaving the wide streets open. Wind whipped through Princess' hair, cutting through the light jacket just enough to keep any heat at bay. Mistress kept pace at their side. Always a step ahead of them, inviting them to go faster, but also slowing the moment they did.


These runs were among the newest part of Princess' day, and something they greatly looked forward to. Their exercise was still intercut with yoga and rest days at Mistress’ will, which made them even more valuable. A time where they got to truly cut loose, to push themselves as much as they wanted.


Stars, we’ve missed this.


It had its own certain bliss, yes.


They shouldn't go too hard today though, they were going to need energy later. It was their coronation, after all. The faint sting of exertion as they started across the sand was sweet, satisfying a craving long unmet. The serenity of it all made it ever sweeter.


The salty ocean air, the water stretching out beside them, the green sky colored in purples and deep blues by the dawning sun, its light dancing on the waves. Sharing them quietly with Mistress. The beaches empty, the few sophonts out quickly passed by. Offering no interruptions, outside of a brief ‘Good morning.’ The pets and fawning of strangers were a delight, but they had walks with Daisy and Jess for that. This was for Princess, and their Owner.


It was like the air created a bubble as it flowed around them, excluding all else. Just the fall of their feet, the soft ksh as they landed, the spray of sand as their purchase gave way, all in rhythm. Mistress' larger steps the baseline to their song. Princess had to fight the beach for each step, but it felt more like a duet than a jog. The gentle greetings were just the backing to their performance. 


Mistress led them back to the streets—a sign they were around half-time. The solid path was much easier, the beat of their pace turning bouncy as they flew by numerous habs and shops. The journey back was no less peaceful, as they made their way down the sleepy avenues. There were so many parts of the Affini district that they hadn't seen yet, but their growing familiarity with it had made it feel so much more like home. The few recurring faces on these runs a community they were a part of.


Princess slowed to a more casual pace as they approached the Hab again. Long strides devolved into a few canter-like high steps, which in turn became cool-down stretches. “How'd we do?” they asked between lungfuls of air.


“Twenty kilometers in just over thirty minutes, cutie~”


“Mmm.” Not bad, but they were definitely still getting back in shape.


Though, between the height loss and weight gain, we can't really measure ourselves against our past.


Mistress wiped the sweat off Princess' brow, brushing Her hand through their hair. “And it's not like we're aiming for your prior fitness level anyways, cutie. You're already far ahead of where even the most athletic Terrans are without an implant helping them.”


Princess savored the touch as they continued to wind down. “You should let us use the implant to really cut loose sometime, Mistress. We wanna see what we can do.”


“Hmm, maybe someday.” Mistress scooped Princess up without warning, tickling them. They quickly broke down into fits of giggles. “Right now, it's time we got you washed and dressed for breakfast! No sweaty little girls allowed at the table, and I think I see two sweaty girls right here~”


(SEARCH ‘Princess stirred in the trance’ to skip the CG/L. It is non-sexual)


“Mistressssss!” Princess choked between their laughter. She was being sooo goofy!


Silly, we only have one body!


“And it is very sticky,” Mistress tutted, carrying them to the bathroom and promptly stripping them. “Luckily, Mommy knows how to fix that.” She plopped them into the tub, already full and soapy.


Princess gasped, letting out a moan as they sank into the bath. The water was hot, and steamy, and felt so so good on their body. And there was a duckies in it! Plus a buncha Affini ships and stuff too. Mommy was already letting down their hair and wetting it, freeing them to play with toys a lil. Could the Cymbidium survive the might of the ducky?!


Oh! It's the Juperita to the rescue!


But the duckies were many! Even two Affini ships were not eno—Hold. Princess paused as water and soap poured over them—enough to stop the mighty army—


Navy? Are duckies an air force? They do fly.


Uhm, Navy was probably right, right? They used to have those big ships with the planes. Mommy was all laffy ‘bout somethin’. Anywayz, the Mighty Ducky Navy was unstoppable! They had the power of Ducky (the plushie) on their side! Oh! But what's—Princess whined as Mommy scrubbed more stuff into their hair, starbursts of pleasure filling their vision as a buncha little vines scritchy-scratched their skull. The splotches of color blocked out all of their eyes when a few found that weird-but-super-good spot near their forehead!


Princess blinked, looking at the toys in front of them, slowly floating out of position.


What were we doing again? 


“You were about to grab the Annularia for reinforcements, Princess,” Mommy helpfully helped, floating it towards them gently.


Right! The battle!!


“Thank you, Mommy!”


“Of course, cutie~”


It was all evens now! The duckies were against three Affini ships! The two fleets stared each other down, it was a stalemate! Except not! The Affini always had a trick up their sleeve, and it was time to use the Juperita’s secret weapon! Princess squeezed the toy underwater, and again once they lifted it up, blasting the duckies with water. They threw their other hand up from  underneath the ducky armada, sploshing it everywhere. Giggling, they fell backwards into Mommy, and She wrapped Her vines around their arms.


Mommy used the opportunity to scrub under their arms. “Another win for the Affini?”


“Yeah-huh, it was really close this time.”


“It sure was. Those duckies get stronger every time, don't they?”


“It's her power! The big ducky!”




“She's super strong! Daisy told us.”


“Did she now? Stronger than Mr Bear?”


Princess stared down into the soap bubbles, consulting their wisdoms. “We don't know...”


“Stronger than Mommy?”


“No one's stronger than Mommy!”


“Well, I'm glad you think so~” Water flowed gently down Princess' hair, lots n’ lots of vines working through it. Mommy always did this at the end of the bath. It meant playtime was over, it was relaxy time now. Jus’ listenin’ to Her, humming along with Her rhythm, drifting off to it.


So nicies… wish we could stay here forever...


Princess stirred in the trance as Mistress lifted them out of the tub. They slowly came up as they were dried and dressed, Mr Bear returning to their arms sometime during. Morning bathtime was another benefit of run days. Baths with Daisy and Miss Dawnbloom were fun in their own way, but the private time with Mistress was special. A moment where they could just be pet and Owner.


Redressed in a lacy nightie and some soon-to-be-replaced matching panties, Mistress carried them back to their room.


“Miss Verdunnnn!” Daisy lazily waved from within Miss Dawnbloom. Princess could just make out Jess in the tangle of iridescent vines, her little beeps of joy far clearer than her form. “Hiiiii! Princess?”


“Daisy kept asking when you three would be done, so I thought I'd take her mind off of things, and I couldn't just leave Jess standing there.” Miss Dawnbloom did... something that made them both scream, Daisy's emerging arm twitching in the air. “I think these cuties were perfectly distracted~ Not a peep since~”


Mistress' laughter was the first warm rays of the sun. “Well, it's about time for breakfast, so I’d like my pet back for a little.”


“She's all yours~”


Jess was placed next to them, Mistress weaving vines into the joints in her hand as she recovered, others idly tracing through Princess' hair. “Did my favorite little maid enjoy herself?”


“Hfsschhsxb,” Jess answered. Gosh, she was so cute when her antennae twitched like that. Princess snuck a kiss, cuddling even closer.


“Does she want to join us at the table today?” Mistress teased.


Princess took Jess’ hand, giving their best pout. “Pleeease? We wanna cuddle!” Jess flushed pink and nodded, working her arm around them.




Mistress sat at the table, arranging the pets in Her lap as Miss Dawnbloom set Daisy and the table up. From stasis emerged a feast—huge stacks of thick, steaming waffles, sausages, bacon, hash browns, toast, fried eggs, several kinds of muffins, and a large pitcher of milk. Alongside it was every conceivable topping, various bowls of compote, raw fruit, syrup, whipped cream, powdered sugar, and more. If it had ever gone on or alongside a waffle, it was here. She had made large meals before, but this was an order of magnitude greater than anything prior.


“Holy shit, do you think ya made enough?” Daisy said.


Surely She doesn't expect us to finish all this? It's enough for an entire squad!


Mistress’ vines kneaded over each other. “I just wanted to give you some variety this morning, and I may have gotten a little carried away with the portions.”


“She would have cooked everything and the sink if I didn't stop her.” Miss Dawnbloom lifted Daisy up, placing her in her lap. “She was worrying herself wilted over today's breakfast for three whole days. You should count yourself lucky that I talked her down to just waffles as a main entree.”


Mistress' embarrassment was tangible through the implant as She continued to writhe. “It's—so there'll be leftovers! They can stay in stasis until we use them!”


Princess giggled at their Owner's antics. Some things never changed. She was every bit the hopeless romantic they fell in love with. “It's perfect, Mistress. We’d love to try everything.” Words perhaps bigger than their stomach, but not their heart.


She relaxed at that, giving both Princess and Jessa scritch. “Of course, Princess.”


Mistress assembled the first waffle, each of its four quadrants receiving a different combination of toppings. Sliced strawberries and whipped cream, powdered sugar and chocolate syrup, blueberry compote mixed with chocolate chips, and what was either raspberries or boysenberries with bananas and honey, the last of which was up first.


A tap, and the first tastes of pastry graced their tongue. It was sweet like the morning air with golden hints of the honey that had dribbled down the sides, like the sun cresting over the horizon. A stroke brought more of the honey, bursting into day as Mistress traced a circle under their jaw. The creaminess of the banana, the sharp, sweet bursts of what was definitely boysenberry, and the fullness of the honey all danced upon the stage of perfectly flakey, fluffy waffle. A celebration of the dawn itself, and the possibilities each morning brought.


Princess whined in delight, tears pricking their eyes, only remembering to chew through sheer muscle memory. Food was another thing that had only gotten better with time. Whether it was their palate improving or just Mistress' skills they didn't know.


As long as She keeps feeding us meals this good, it doesn't matter.


A curious vine made its way under Princess' dress, and their heart quickened with recognition, or more accurately, in trained response. It playfully snaked across their belly, gently brushing against a nipple, and finally giving the harness a tug. They couldn't cum without permission, but they felt their clit dampening their panties anyway. The command to swallow was almost a relief, the intense heady feeling dying down as they caught their breath.


And then came the second bite.


The strawberries and whipped cream were so similar, yet so different. If the last bite had been dawn turning to day, this was a midday trip to the park. The creamy clouds kept it cool, with a bit of tang from the frequent chewy bits of direct sunlight. The breeze carrying the sweetness of the flowers. A myriad of vines joined the first, wandering across Princess' body as they chewed. Teasing them, stroking them. Mistress was delighting in Her possession.


Stars, it's so hot. 


Stroke, swallow. A gentle knead of their breast. Tap. A sausage laid upon their tongue. Jess pressing in from the side, squirming, electric purrs in their ear. Correction—Mistress was delighting in both of Her possessions.


“I just had an idea,” said Mistress. Words that never failed to make Princess' heart quicken when they came from Her. “Why don't we try something a little different? Today is your big day, and I think you two deserve something... special.




Like what? 


Mistress faked wilting a little. It was always easy to tell because her vines still did their happy wiggles. “Well it's just—we have all this variety, but you’ve had everything here already. You already know what to expect as soon as I grab a forkful! Unless...” A vine slowly wrapped itself around Princess’ eyes, blinding them. The stroke and circle followed, the meaty flavor lighting the darkness.


Memories of reuniting with elle came to mind—


Mistress shuddered. “This would be just a one time thing, Princess, on occasion if you enjoy it. I have no intention of going that far.” She let them swallow, lifting her blinding vine, waiting for their answer.


Princess looked around, and waved back at Daisy, who was happily eating. Miss Dawnbloom cleaned some whipped cream off her cheek, doting on her pet. Jess was at their side, vines worming into the joints of her arms and legs, purples, pinks and flashes of red across her face. The faint whirr of her desperation in the air. There were a lot of toppings. It could be fun to not know which it was until they were eating it. More importantly, Mistress really wanted to try it, so they did, too. “Okay, Mistress.”


A salvo of raw approval burst in Princess, as the vine robbed them of sight again. They could hear the fork scrape against the plate. Anticipation skyrocketed. The tap came, vines winding around their breasts. It was a muffin, banana with large walnuts on top and smaller ones mixed in, their light bitterness and the sweet bread creating a unique delight. A stroke, up their thighs and down their throat.


The chocolate chip and blueberry slice was next, rich, and deep as the oceans. It was the currents underneath the waves, where the penetrating light traced patterns of the surface. The crunch, the rough churning against the seabed. As sweet as it was dark. More vines. Prodding their nipples like a blind animal trying to understand. Pushing them against their lack of permission, building that fire within. A clicking from Jess, mixing with Mistress' own.  


A glass was pressed to Princess' lips. The milk cooled them down somewhat, dragging traces of the meal out of hiding. “Seems like my little pets are enjoying themselves~” Princess whined in sync with Jess, a rough pinch on their nipples bursting in pinks and yellows in the darkness.


Tap. Mistress placed a bite of waffle on Princess’ tongue, the syrup pooling on their tongue. A vine wandered across their hole, circling it for a bit, fanning the flames of desire. There was a low rumble, and it retreated. Princess squirmed in her lap, desperate for the simulation.


Please let us eat or use us already!


Scritches were almost as good. Mistress was figuring it out, they just needed to be a little patient. They were being good girls! Princess wiggled happily at that, as one of the vines draped across their tummy snaked downward. Down, past their clit to the space between it and their hole, pressing and massaging.


Ohhh, stars!


Princess moaned, fighting every urge to clench their jaw, tensing their legs and holding onto Mr Bear. Princesses didn't eat on their own! It would be so unbecoming if they closed their mouth without permission!


Mistress made that rumbly clicking again that meant She was happy, giving them the stroke and circle Princess needed. It was three types of sweetness, perfectly complimenting each other. The sticky chocolate syrup and powdered sugar played well upon the light pastry. Their panties sticking to them with pre, lubricating the vine there as it slowly increased its tempo.


Stroke, tap, stroke. The compote and chocolate chips melted on their tongue, as Princess did into Jess and Mistress. The assault on their breasts continued, matching the pace of the one below. Circle, tug. The ropes wrung an orgasmic cry out of them like a rag. Jess shifted, grinding her slick pseudo-pussy against them. Stroke, pinch; another cry.


The vines giving pleasure stopped for one torturous moment, focusing instead on Princess’ stomach and thighs. Tap, stroke, circle. Strawberries and cream again. The peaceful, bright flavor was like eyeing a cool lake in the simmering desert heat. They needed to cool off, or cum, or something, but a princess does not talk with her mouth full.


At least Princess wasn't alone—Jess had stopped as well, whining as her long strokes against their thigh turned to frantic twitches. They couldn't see, but they knew Mistress was holding her in place.


Stroke, tap, stroke. The honey on their tongue was nearly as sweet as Mistress' vines beginning to move again. Teasing. Not letting the fire inside Princess be quelled, nor letting it erupt. This was agony. Circle. This was bliss. They could feel their tears, wet against their face, as the vine blinding them kept them there. Tap.


And then they felt their guts rearrange.


Princess' pussy was immediately besieged, the vine rubbing just below their clit slipping in, deep. Their eyes rolled back into their head, Mistress' iron grip the only thing keeping them steady. Stroke, circle. More vines joined at the entrance, any sense of true thought flying from them as the wonderful chocolatey sugar waltzed upon their tongue.


“Aww, is my little maid feeling a bit left out? Here.”




Princess felt a pang of guilt; they didn't want Jess to be sad! They could hear her metallic squealing as Mistress did something, hopefully fixing it. Tap, they opened for more food, only for Jess' lips to pressed against their own. Their eyes widened behind the improvised blindfold as she pressed a mouthful of waffle into their own—the honey, banana, and boysenberry somehow better for the experience.


Circle, and the food was mashed between as they kissed, Mistress’ vines moving to tie them together, connecting their nethers with a living rope. Each of their squirms transferring to the other. They barely recognized Daisy's coughing as they were lost in space.


Princess was made to swallow, and the rest of the meal was a blur of pleasure.


Sometimes food would be given directly, pausing before letting them close or chew. Sometimes passed on by Jess, in passionate, messy kisses. Delays between bites, between squeezes of Princess' needy flesh made it impossible to tell which was happening. Some kisses were devoid of food at all, some bites were fed completely straight.


Mistress prepared a second, third and fourth waffle as it continued. Each a unique combination of toppings, each its own wonder.  Other bits of food were snuck in just to throw them off, draughts of milk or Mistress' own juice to keep them refreshed. Vines entering and exiting the stage as the tempo built only to slow. Their mind clouded with smoke from burning desire.


More, more, more!!! Use us! Feed us! Yours!


That wonderful, amazing, perfectly hungry rumbling trembled through Princess, through the vines molesting them. “Mine.” Mistress growled, squeezing them possessively. They still couldn't cum. Everything went white, searing them to their soul. Stroke. They swallowed, trashing against Her, screaming.


Yours!!! Yours!!!


Mistress' pride was better than any orgasm. Jess' static moan sweeter than their own satisfaction. They were so full.


(SEARCH ‘Damn, Princess’ to skip the CG/L. It is non-sexual.)


Princess wasn't sure if the meal continued after that. They came to an unknown amount of time later, cradled in Mistress' arms. Their eyes fluttering as they adjusted to seeing again. “Mommy?” Oh, they weren't feeling all that big either, huh. They were super sleepy.


Where’d Jess go? Wanna cuddle more.


“I'm here, my little princesses. Jess is just getting changed and helping Cordelia clean up. They'll be here soon, Daisy too.”


Princess hummed, noting that they were dry now. And also naked! Mommy musta got them outta that. They still had Mr Bear though! He was almost as good at cuddles as Mommy, being a professional n’ all. Gosh, all that food was sooooo nummy, and it was really fun playing with Jess like that. Normally they only got to do that kinda play with Daisy! Sun and Moon snuggled up to each other in the place in their mind. For now, it was time for a bit of pampering, and maybe a nap.


So comfy... Just us, ‘n Mommy’s petting...


“Damn, Princess, that was a show and a half!” Mistress was right that it wouldn't be long—or maybe they just drifted off, Princess did feel rested. They peered over Mistress' vines to get a better look at their pinnates approaching, Miss Dawnbloom behind them. “I guess you got reasons to be so pent up, but still, it's kinda impressive what you're up for so early in the morning. Personally, I need my coffee before bondage time.”


“It's, uhm, we just like it when Mistress has her way with us whenever she wants.” Princess blushed with the humiliating admission.


“Ha, yeah! Jess n’ me too.” Daisy snorted. “Should be crowning you as the queen of the pillow princesses instead!”


Princess giggled. “Daisyyy.” Mistress set them down, catching them as they stumbled over to their girlfriend to give her a hug. “Good morning, by the way.”


Daisy cupped Princess’ face, leaning down to steal a long kiss. “Mornin’, hot stuff.” Their heart fluttered, knees trembling. The way her smile crinkled the belt of freckles across her face, her eyes sparkling with confidence. It was no wonder she had swept them off their feet in such short order.


“We love you.” The words were as natural as breathing.


“Love you, too, Princess.” A peck on the lips, and a mussing of hair. “Now c’mon, let's get ready.”


Jess rolled her eyes, “Neither of you are even dressing yourselves.”


“Still.” Daisy stuck out her tongue, only for her Mistress to drag her over by her collar.


“Now, this should only take a minute or two, dear~” Miss Dawnbloom sang as their girlfriend disappeared into a flurry of vines.

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