Dog of War

Absolutum Dominium pt 2

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site. Additionally, shoutout to TheMothCourt on AO3 for letting us bounce ideas off it, and EileenLilac, also on AO3, for additional Beta Reading.

Mistress wrapped herself around them, posing Princess in front of the mirror. Stars, they would never get tired of actually seeing themselves, not if they lived for a thousand years. They were still chubby, but seemingly no longer gaining weight. Their hanging belly and wide hips gave them a full figure, a far cry from their former, hardened form. Their hair cascaded around them like a waterfall of black clouds, ending just above their rear, tufts of fluff sticking out here and there. Their eyes were wide and bright, and dilated with a cocktail of xenodrugs. Their smile was genuine, if just a little placid.


We're so pretty.


Yes, they were truly adorable now; cute by any measure.


The only real throughline, besides the dark color of Princess' hair and eyes—even their tawny-brown skin seemed a warmer shade now—was the scars stripping their body. Unmistakably there, and unmistakably softer in their appearance. Neither erased nor lessened, just not as harsh as they used to be.


Mistress pulled the harness off, leaving Princess feeling truly naked. “Sorry to interrupt, but I want this to be something of a surprise. Jess? Could you get the mirror?”


“Yes, Mistress.”


It went dark as Mistress pulled a white glove up Princess' arm, running just past their elbow. It was laced on the outside with a pink silk ribbon, and tied in a bow. “Please turn it back on once you both finish with her. I want her to appreciate it before I give her her gift.”


“Of course, Mistress. I'll go fetch Milady’s supplies now.” Jess curtsied, and exited the room.


“A gift?” Princess asked as a glove was slipped and tied on their other arm. They were silky, inside and out, with a hint of sheen to them. Flexible, but unmistakably firm.


Like satin and leather at once.


“A little something I've been wanting to give you for some time now, and part of your outfit today. I think you'll love it.” The panties were predominantly white, threads of pink and orange trimming the lace vines, giving depth to the leaves and flowers. The waistband was also white, embroidered with simpler, dark-pink leafed vines. A garter belt with the same design was slipped on, its straps hanging loosely for now.


If it's from Mistress, we certainly will.


Princess lifted their arms at their Affini's direction, a bra matching the panties and garters lowered onto them. Part of their outfit, but something they would be keeping? Owning clothes was a strange concept, given princesses were dressed by others.


Maybe something else? Oh! What about boots?!






Whatever it was, it was probably best as a surprise. Mistress had Princess step into plain white stockings, attaching them to the garter belt, and holding up a piece of fabric. It was pink, silken like the gloves, and as She held it to their chest they could see the details on the front. Golden threads hung loosely from its sides, shimmering like silver as they caught the light. There were patterns created in the fabric, in shades of pink, highlighted by the threads, and the cut was low enough to show off their cleavage. But it was only the front of a blouse, how could they wear this?


And we still don't have our harness.


“I need you to stay still for this next part, Princess.” They froze in place. Whether it was the words themselves or the implant they couldn't tell.  Mistress held up pieces of fragmented fabric in the shape of a dress with even more vines. Immobilized, they couldn't assess what it would look like. She draped the vine-rope over them, and then everything was a hurricane of green.


Princess barely caught Mistress threading the rope through the fabric as they were tied on. A petticoat fluffed the long skirt, tickling their shins through the stockings. The harness held on the backless blouse, attaching it to the scant material there. The long silver-gold threads connected around, splayed across the ruffled, pink, off-the-shoulder sleeves. Motion was restored as She gave them a head pat. “Good girls.”


Princess fidgeted with the dress, wiggling and blushing as they cast their face downwards. They were good girls!


Good girls! Good girls! Gosh, her pets are the best...


“I'm going to get your gift now. Your pinnates are going to finish you up, okay?” The Affini returned Mr Bear to their arms.


“Yes, Mistress.” Princess took the opportunity to nuzzle into Her side, savoring Her touch.


“I'll be back soon, in the meantime, no peeking until they're done.”


Princess bit their lip, “Y-yes, Mistress.” Mistress gave them another pat, one Her perfect smiles, and left.


Miss Dawnbloom followed after, pausing to give them a wink. “I'll try to keep her occupied so you four can have a moment once you're done~” She spoke in a hushed tone, adding loudly, “Let me know if Daisy gets too much for you. She just loves these sorts of events~”


The aforementioned pinnate hit them like a freighter as soon as the door closed. Princess was nearly capsized, only barely managing to stay upright as they returned the hug. “Eeeeee, I'm so excited! I mean, you've been like a turbo pet forever and all—like you got cooked in a week, girl, it was really cute—and you've had your implant for, like, a month now, but contracts are so fun and you have this whole thing Miss Verdun planned and it's gonna be—” Daisy gasped like a man who had nearly drowned. “Ohmigod, that's right, you don't remember any of that stuff! It's going to be super super fun though, trust me!”


Stars, we love her...


Princess giggled, stealing a quick smooch. “We do. Mistress said you were going to help me get ready?”


Daisy's eyes lit up, “Yeah! Miss Verdun wanted me to do your makeup!”


“And I'll be doing your hair,” a synthetic voice added from behind them.


Princess turned to greet Jess. “Welcome ba—” The AI seized them by the jaw, pressing her lips against their own. Liquid heat bled from their heart, pooling in their stomach. As though her tongue was poking holes in it as it wrestled their own tongue into submission.


Goodness, the way she gets assertive with us.


Daisy snorted in laughter. “Pfft, you really need to work on your jealousy issues.”


Jess’ antennae flicked low. “I am not jealous. I simply wished to kiss them.”


“Yeah, cuz she kissed me first~” Daisy stuck out her tongue.


“Just because I will have to wait until after the coronation does not mean I won't give you a spanking today.”


Daisy pouted. “Promise?”


Yes.” Jess' voice took on a sort of low-end clipping, like a digital growl. “If you are going to act like a brat, I’m going to treat you like one.” Princess squirmed between them. Why did Daisy always antagonize her?


Oh gosh, what if she talked to us like that?


“Great! Would hate for all my hard brattin’ to not pay off! Didya bring the makeup kit, by the way?”


Jess relaxed, a slight smile on her face as she handed over a modest-sized bag. “Everything is as you requested it.”


Daisy took the bag, opening and rifling through it. “Niiice.” She got off them and began to unload it next to a large cushion. “C'mon, take a seat! Me n’ Jess aren't Affini, we're gonna need a while.”


Jess took their free hand, leading Princess over. Her thumb traced along their own. The way she shifted so seamlessly from harsh to loving, remaining dominant all the while... It was what had seen them truly fall for the AI, if they were honest.


Daisy had her antics and enthusiastically gave every centimeter of her affection, occasionally showing her vulnerable side. She knew how to make them squirm, and was always so kind. Sure, Daisy sometimes overstepped due to eagerness, and could be rough when they weren't in the mood, but that only made her more endearing.


Jess however, knew Princess craved being controlled. She was firm with them in ways even Mistress wasn't, willing to hurt them in the ways they loved. Yet, she never failed to soften when the mood called for it. Her hands carefully, tenderly working a brush through their hair, when just nights ago she had pulled them to their knees by it. She was always there when they needed a hand—to pick them up, or to put them in their place. Not to mention all her little tics. She was just as silly as Daisy, in a way.


She even helped us get over our fear of AI. We really ended up with the best girlfriends, and the most lovely Mistress. We'd go through it all again just to be half this happy.


Daisy grabbed Princess’ face, examining her canvas as she picked up a small tube. “Now, Miss Verdun asked me not to hide your scars, but outside that, she just showed me your outfits and said I can do whatever as long as it matches.” She began to dab the liquid in a few spots. “This probably goes without saying, but uhh, don't touch your face til I say so.”


Jess' hands were meticulously braiding their hair. Daisy’s face hovered just centimeters from their own, scrunched up as she concentrated on applying makeup. These two sophonts loved them, and Princess loved them both in their own ways. It was all so perfect.


“Whatcha so smiley ‘bout, Princess?”


“We were just thinking about how much we love you both.”


“Awwwwwwh! Well, I love you too!”


“I love you too, Princess,” Jess chimed in.


“We know.”


Daisy scoffed, opening a tube of lip gloss. “God, once this is all sealed, you're gonna get so kissed.”


Their pinnates kept at it for some time as Princess relaxed. The gentle tugging on their hair, the applications of various products—there was a certain rhythm to it. It wasn't like Mistress', it didn't lull them into a daze like She did, but it was nice. If Mistress was the ocean, Her waves sweeping them out to sea, Daisy and Jess were the breeze on the beach. It could carry them off if they let it, but mostly it met them where they were on the sand. Warm, yet cooling.


“Done!” Daisy exclaimed, sometime after spritzing Princess' face. Her lips kept their promise, pushing them back into Jess, making her pull their hair.




The maid pushed them forward, “I'm not done yet—she needs to hold still!”


“Sorry, sorry, I'll kiss softer~” Princess and Daisy nuzzled each other as Jess finished, in-between quick pecks. It was hardly like waiting, and Jess' mechanical hands worked quickly.


“There, all set~ Do you mind letting her up for a minute, Daisy? Mistress wants Princess to see herself before she gives her her present.”


“Yeah!” Daisy shifted off them, getting up and helping Princess to their feet. The mirror came on, but it was... was...


Jess leaned in, and purred in Mistress' voice. “You can peek now, cutie.”


Reality snapped into focus, as though a veil had been lifted. For the first time, Princess noticed Daisy's princely suit. Its sharp, pearlescent whites that were just barely iridescent. The ornate, golden embroidery, the cloak draped over a single shoulder, connected by golden chains. Her hair done up in an artfully messy bun, pinned in place with her Owner's flowers, loose bits framing her face. Her freckles, so much like stars. Knee-length mahogany boots completed the look. She was heart-stopping.


Jess hadn't changed as much, breathtaking as ever. Her maid outfit was fancier than normal, a great deal of lace and frills decorating it. The hemline was longer than usual, falling just above her knees. The skirt fluffed to a near forty-five degree angle by the petticoat beneath it. Even the apron was fancier, bearing all sorts of vines and flowers—predominately Mistress' own. The most notable thing was her hair. No longer the shaped metal, but synthetic fibers much like hair and yet still distinctly artificial.


And of course, themselves.


Princess had begun to grow used to the near overwhelming beauty of their reflection, but today the woman in the mirror had transformed into something ethereal. Her soft, round face looked so delicate. Even the wide scars there looked less like old wounds and more like artful etchings in pottery. Daisy's expertise saw their doe eyes pop, framed with wings and a light smattering of pink. The same pink on their lips, catching the light. Threads of gold and silver were woven into her hair, large braids sitting on either side of her face. A patch of flowers above her left ear, each showing off one of Mistress’ colors. A small swoop of hair across her brow on the same side. Princess turned to get a better look—a strand from each side met in the middle, joined by a brooch of Mistress' signature flower. A rivulet atop the waterfall of hair running down her back. Dozens of smaller flowers and threads worked into her hair. It was like something out of a fairy tale.


And Princess couldn't forget the most stunning piece of all—her dress.


It was pink, of course. In fact, it was seemingly every shade of pink, the shifts in tone working to pattern the dress in floral motifs. The sparkling threads gave them even more depth. The skirt ran elegantly to just above her ankles, giving a peek at the petticoat beneath as they turned. A bolt of darker pink folded cloth was draped around the waist. Those gold and silver chains in turn draped around it, and the off-the-shoulder sleeves. Glances of the harness keeping it together and the supple flesh beneath could just barely be seen through the many pieces. The diamond patterning upon her chest offered a better look at both. The ring embedded there carried the same tags, now in gold and silver.


Princess smiled, giving a twirl and delighting in the way the fabric rippled and danced. The way it waved as they wiggled happily. That was them! It was really them!


AAAAAAAAAAA, we look so good!!!


Love for Mistress, for Daisy, and for Jess, swelled to a point Princess could no longer stand. They leapt onto the nearest sophont, pulling the maid into an embrace. “Thank youuu!” Using their Mr Bear arm, they pulled their other pinnate into the embrace. “You too! We love it!”


They both returned the hug.


“Yeah! Gotta look your best for the big day, y'know?!”


“It was a pleasure, milady.”


The four of them nuzzled into each other, until they toppled over onto the bed in a fit of giggles. Jess chided them for reckless behavior, but a few kisses quickly melted her into the cuddle puddle. They stayed like that for some time, exchanging sweet nothings as freely as they did touch. The casual comfort of being among fellow florets, and the warmth of their pinnates.


Daisy’s hand worked the front of Princess’ dress. “Sooo, d’ya think my Mistress is gonna keep your Mistress busy much longer?”


“If you mess up her hair—”


“I wasn't planning on going that far. C'mon, I know you want to play with her too. We've been cuddling for like an hour.”


What are we, a toy?


Jess and Daisy did like to use them...


“Daisy, it hasn't even been twenty minutes. Also, Mistress would be cross if we rendered her any less presentable before the ceremony.”


“Awwwh, okay, let's just—”


Mistress burst through the door, looking quite frazzled as She put herself back together. Miss Dawnbloom looked perfectly fine though, glowing more than usual as she followed Her in. “S-sorry, Princess, we just, uhh—”


“We got tied up helping a student of mine through a quick lesson,” Miss Dawnbloom smirked.


Daisy tilted her head. “Since when do you have students, Mistress?”


“She's new~”


Anyway!” Mistress approached the cuddle puddle, procuring a wrapped box about the size of Princess' chest. They shifted to their knees, with the help of their pinnates. “This is for you.” Princess grasped it as Mistress continued, “It's been yours for a while, longer even than you've been mine. It helped bring us together, in a way, and I think it's about time I returned it to you.”


Mistress let Princess take the box. It was a bit hefty, matching its size, and its weight was spread evenly.


Wonder what it is?


It felt like it was on the top of their tongue, but they couldn't quite place it. There was an easier way to find out. Their fingers found where the paper was folded, lifting the tape and unfolding the wrapping.


“Oh my God, of course you open presents like that.”


“It's polite.” Princess removed the plain white box from inside, setting the gift wrap shell aside. They could count the gifts they received before that were actually wrapped on one hand, but there was no reason to needlessly make a mess. They adjusted to set the box in their lap and lifted the lid, removing the paper covering.


It was boots.


Not just any boots either. No, despite the new Mistress-pink stitching holding them together, despite the new shape they took, despite the scuffs having shifted in places, Princess recognized them in an instant. They were elegant to the point of being more art than footwear now. Their hands shook as they took one, careful not to smudge the immaculate shine. The toe came to a soft point, the insulated soles swapped for a modest block heel. The shaft was longer, too. Princess couldn't find the joins anywhere.


Their boots, changed as they were.


In. Princess took a much needed breath. When did they stop?


That doesn't matter right now.


They looked to Mistress, emotions already starting to press against their eyes. “C-can we—?” The words caught in their throat as they pulled on their heart. To speak them would rip it to shreds.


Mistress’ smile told them there was no need to. “Go ahead, put them on.”


Princess set the box aside and shifted to their rear, pressing their foot into the boot. The stockings were far from boot socks, but it still felt almost plush. Their heart quickened as they grabbed the other boot and slid it on. It felt almost wrong to do something so close to dressing themselves, but not half as much as this reunion felt right. The lacing was good, the top lace even pointed inwards on both sides. Pulling them taut took only a moment, and the subsequent feeling of tightness sent a shiver through them. Tying was a little difficult with the gloves on, but they had decades of experience. And so they stood up, testing their footing.


The boots were perfect.


They felt every bit as firm beneath Princess' feet as they ever had been, offering even more support than before. The insoles felt like clouds beneath their feet, as the lining tight against them was a velvet hug. Taking a few paces, it was like the boot was weightless, an extension of their foot. Each step had a certain springiness that made them feel like they were floating.


Nothing could hold back the tears any longer. Princess latched onto their Mistress, their Owner who had given them everything, weeping as they nuzzled into Her. “Thank youuu!”


We love you, we love you, we love you!


Mistress welcomed them in, wrapping around them in an embrace. It was like coming home. “I’m glad you like them, Princess. Your happiness is all the thanks I need. However, Miss Andris will be present at your coronation, she’s the one that actually reworked them. You could thank her during the party, along with the Affini who made your dress.”


“We will, Mistress! Absolutely!” Soft petals dried Princess' tears as the overwhelming love leaked out.


Mistress simply held them, drying their cheeks until they were done.




Princess fidgeted with Mr Bear's paw. The last half hour had been spent between relaxing and making sure everyone was properly put together. But it was finally time, and the nerves had begun to sprout again. The door opened, Miss Dawnbloom, Daisy, and Jess stepped through, sunlight spilling around them. Mistress gave them a pat. It would be alright.


We did betray   help  these sophonts get to the compact safely  last time we saw them.  They were probably upset about   thankful  for it. Mistress would never let anyone be mean to us anyway.


A tug had Princess follow Her out, Her song in their heart. Their eyes quickly adjusted to the sun, and they couldn't help but giggle. Daisy and Jess stood on either side of the open door of a wooden aircar, an actual red carpet rolled out from it all the way to the door.


Their pinnates spoke in unison, Jess curtsying while Daisy bowed. “Your carriage awaits, milady.”


Gosh, Daisy looks so good in that.


Mistress removed their lead, gesturing to them to get in. “I had considered a palanquin, but this seemed a bit more practical, what with your pinnates and all.”


Princess straightened up, taking the posture that was now second nature as they approached. They offered Daisy their hand, letting Jess take Mr Bear and their other hand. Their girlfriends helped them step up into the cab, and they fought off laughter to give their thanks. The seats in the back were Terran sized, and they took the one in the middle.


This is really silly.


It was, and it was the best.


“Course, Princess!” Daisy plopped next to them, giving a nudge and a wink. “Wouldn't be much of a prince if I didn't help the lady, eh?”


Jess took the other seat, returning Mr Bear to them. “It’s always a pleasure to serve you in all your needs, milady.” Mistress and Miss Dawnbloom took a seat in the front, and the carriage took off.


“Still, it means a lot that you'd go through all this effort for us. You didn't have to do any of this.”


Jess gently tilted Princess’ face towards her, her eyes narrowed into yellow points. “Perhaps milady needs a refresher on relying on others?”


Hewahugehehhholyyy, yes please.


Daisy clapped Princess on the shoulder, getting their attention. “Yeah, it's not like we aren't enjoying ourselves; Jess gets to do her maid thing and I feel like a stack of fresh-pressed paper in this suit. I kinda get why you do the whole ‘princess’ shtick now. Plus it's really cute how melty you get when I do the chivalry thing~”


“It's—we like being wooed, is that so wrong?” Princess pouted.


Daisy disarmed them with a kiss. “I said it's cute, dork.”


“One of your most charming traits.” Jess concurred, Princess' face burning hotter.


“That's—uhm—th-thanks?” They squeaked.


“Mulch, you four are just precious!” Miss Dawnbloom swooned, ravishing each of them with a flurry of vines. Oh—oh stars that felt good. Just a little lower—and the vines left. “Sorry, dears, can't have too much fun until after the ceremony~”


“Mistressssss!” Daisy whined, reaching for her owner.


Miss Dawnbloom pushed her back, giving her a scritch under the chin which she melted into. “Don't worry, we're already arriving. I'll make sure you'll have all the attention you need once we're done~ Now, focus for me, my little sunflower.”


Princess looked out the window to see that they were indeed landing already, the peaks of buildings creeping up past the windows.


Suppose it would be silly for the venue to be far away.


And the Affini vehicle was likely capable of impressive speed. There was suddenly the most curious sound, a little distant, but unmistakable.


Trumpets, playing a fanfare.


Oh. Mistress put more into this than we thought.


Princess could taste Her satisfaction as the carriage slowly lowered, the crowd coming into view. There were easily a hundred sophonts on both sides of the roped-off walkway. They didn't immediately recognize any of them, but it was hard to pick out faces. Most of them appeared to be curious locals.


Nerves pricked up as the size of this event set in. In front of the crew was one thing, but all these strangers looking at them?! how pretty they were? They were going to love their dress!


And all the hard work Jess and Daisy put in!


Yeah! Besides, they were a princess. They were the epitome of grace, beauty and elegance. It only made sense that people would want to see them. Princess still blushed; they hoped they’d live up to expectations.


The carriage landed, and Mistress turned around to brush Princess' cheek with Her thumb. “You'll do great, Princess. Failure is not an option I've allowed you today.”


Princess grasped Her arm, leaning into Her palm. There was comfort in knowing they lacked the agency to do anything other than make Her proud. Another gift so priceless that it could only be given out of the endless love and compassion an Affini held for their floret. “Thank you, Mistress.”


“You deserve nothing less, pet.” A few more strokes, sweeter than even Her berries, and Mistress stopped. “Now, it's not fitting for a princess to keep her people waiting.”


With that, Mistress took Mr Bear and exited the carriage, Miss Dawnbloom following Her. Daisy gave Princess' thigh a squeeze, and Jess grasped their hand. The door opened and the trumpets swelled as their pinnates exited, standing on either side. The music reached a crescendo as they followed them out. The crowd erupted in cheers, gasps could be heard through the clamor, sophonts craning their necks, getting picked up by their Affini to get a better look as Princess daintily took their pinnates’ hands, stepping down onto the carpet. Some were gagged so they didn't hurt their voice, but their wide eyes looked so scared excited!


Mistress stood in front of Princess, vines intertwined with Miss Dawnbloom. She smiled down at them, and wordlessly hooked a vine into the harness. She led them down the carpet, Daisy and Jess following behind. A princess deserves a procession, and they could hardly ask for a better one. Rose petals showered them. Princess waved at the crowds on each side in turn, a princess was always cordial, each returned wave warming their heart. A few were bound, struggling wiggling happily. If their boots weren't already putting a spring in their step, the sheer cuteness of it would.


The Affini pushed the massive wooden doors open, the trumpets giving way to a full orchestra. The spacious interior was filled with even more sophonts, and done up to look like a church from the middle ages with an Affini twist. The massive vaulted ceilings and columns made up of vines and greenery instead of hard stone. Gold and silver fabrics hung from the rafters, decorated at either end with flowers in Mistress’ colors. The walls were adorned with stained glass, three on each side, and one in the center, each depicting a familiar scene. The Valiant approaching the Vervarium, themselves meeting Daisy, clinging to Her in need, receiving Mr Bear, at the door to the underground, asking to be hers at the hospital, and the centerpiece—Princess kneeling, receiving their crown, its form obscured by light. Their story, in abstract.


And in front of the centerpiece, at the end of the carpet, at the top of three steps, lay a throne.


It was a rich mahogany, its deep color serving as a perfect canvas to make the inlaid silver and gold pop. Even at this distance Princess could make out the intricate leaves and flowers lovingly carved into it, the jewels inlaid, the plush velvet backing, embroidered with Mistress' signature flower. It was a throne any regent would envy, it was glowing with regal authority.


Princess didn't look around, there would be time for that after. Yet even facing forward they caught some recognizable faces, happily waving from their Affini's vines. A few bore furrowed brows and contorted faces overcome with joy. They couldn't help but tear up as their own elation spilled out from their heart.


It's actually nice to see them like this.


Each step was brimming with all the grace they could muster, and Princess had never felt more like their namesake. Everyone was here for them. The music, the dress, the decorations, the art, all for them. A mere token of Mistress' love.


They arrived at the bottom step, their small procession taking up position along it. Mistress and Princess on the sides of the carpet, facing each other. Jess and Daisy standing to their left with Miss Dawnbloom, the throne on their right.


Mistress tucked a strand of hair behind Princess' ear, the vine smoothly tilting their head upwards. They basked in the immaculate being who had broken them with Her love. Her unmatched beauty, the deep, swirling pinks of Her eyes pulling them in. The flashes of golden sparks scattering across them. The purples flickering here and there. She was nothing short of a Goddess. One they would gladly worship for all their days.


She turned to the crowd and spoke.


“I present you Princess Verdun, pluribus, first of her name and of my florets. Here today to receive her name and right, does the congregation recognize her?” The crowd exploded in affirmation and cheers. “Let it be known that the ladies have been recognized.” Mistress produced a scroll—a scroll?!—from within herself, unfurling it along a board. A vine proffered a quill and inkwell. “The ladies will now read their contract, declaring it to all present.” The music and crowd fell silent.


This is it. We get to show everyone we're Hers now.


The quill felt natural in Princess' hand, despite having never held one. Instinctual, somehow. Mistress lowered the scroll so the top was eye level, and they began. “Above all else, you, Princess, must obey your Guardian, Camila Verdun, First Bloom in all things. This is for your safety, wellbeing, and care.” They made sure to enunciate, to project their voice like Mistress trained them to, and initialed the box.


“Your Guardian, Camila Verdun, First Bloom, owns you. You are her property. You do not have political rights in the Affini Compact.” It felt so good to initial that one. They belonged to Her.


“You do have a guarantee of your wellbeing, as defined in Section 57 of the Human Domestication Treaty.” Mistress knew their needs better than they did.


“This guarantee of wellbeing does not preclude your Guardian from disciplining you, as outlined in Section 61 of the Human Domestication Treaty.”


She would never mistreat us.


“As the property of your Guardian, she may add, remove, or modify conditions of your wardship at any time for any reason within the limits established by the Human Domestication Treaty.” They trusted her completely.


“Your full name is Princess Verdun, first florets pluribus, from this moment forward.” That one made their heart sing in a way the others did not. It had been their name for weeks now, it was on their tags, but seeing it on a legal document made it feel more real than ever.


“Below this line are additional terms that your Guardian, Camila Verdun, First Bloom, has stipulated.” Princess cleared their throat before continuing. This was where the contract got personal, it wouldn't do to trip up here. “As negotiated in your Preliminary Domestication Contract Form, you will never be asked, coerced, or otherwise made to wear a collar.” There were some murmurs at that, mostly Affini. It didn't matter what they thought, this was their contract.


“A princess is prim, polite, and proper. A princess is cordial. A princess relies on others. A princess asks for help, and never apologizes for needing it. A princess is pampered. A princess listens to those in charge. A princess serves her people.” Princess recognized the rest, but that last one was new. A princess serves her people—it made sense! It was like a missing piece of the puzzle. Everyone helped them all the time, it only felt right to extend that same kindness back to them. Not as something transactional, more of a... symbiosis? A mutual exchange of love.


Wonder if we could make Jess a new headress? Daisy would probably love a plushie.


Princess would have to look into lacework when they got home; there were more pressing matters at hand. “A princess does not cum without permission.” Their face heated. Did that really need its own line?! It was a good thing Mistress trained them so thoroughly, or else they would have been squirming too much to initial it.


“By signing this contract you are legally recognized as a princess under section 114 of the Human Domestication Treaty. This grants you the right to the title, and nothing else.” They could do that? That was a thing? What did that even mean when they were legally property and devoid of rights?


Wouldn't that make our name ‘Princess Princess Verdun, first florets pluribus?’


More questions for later. That Mistress had them legally declared a princess was simply precious. “You will—” Princess’ blush went from campfire to inferno. They coughed politely; they should have seen this coming. Even if they had gotten over the embarrassment of it, it was another thing to announce it to their former crewmates. They wouldn't judge them, but still.


These sophonts used to look up to us, and they'd love to know how sweet we are so they could emulate us .


Yeah, a princess should lead by example! “You will regress as the mood befalls you, regardless of circumstance, and are not allowed to hide or be ashamed of this. In extreme cases, your Guardian may prevent you from doing so, which will last no longer than needed.” There were a few Terran murmurs at that, but Princess didn't care. They were little sometimes, and it made them happy. Other sophont’s hangups weren't their problem.


The next line was.


“Y-your Guardian may, uhm, may impose a period of enforced mental age regression,” Princess' breathing grew heavy and hot, burning their lips. “After certain strenuous activities or momentous events. Y-your Guardian may also impose it at her discretion. This is for your me-mental wellness.” They fidgeted with the quill. Admitting that they enjoyed it was one thing, but this?


We don't need it, do we?


Princess also couldn't help notice that this could count as both of the conditions, depending on the spin... A few days of being little actually sounded really niceys right now. And the way Mistress played with them when she was Mommy was sooo extra specials. Gosh, they wish Mommy would play with them already. Ah, they couldn't slip yet, they still had to be big girls! They left their mark and moved on, looking forward to the ensuing vacation.


Princess couldn't help but notice that this was the final stipulation, and prepared themselves for whatever it said. “You, Princess Verdun, first florets pluribus, are both strictly forbidden from causing your other half distress, or pushing them away.” It was, unexpectedly, not something laser-targeted to make them squirm. It was hardly even a request. The last split had been so painful.


We definitely never want to do that again, contract or no.


So why did Mistress put it in? What was left to even disagree so strongly over when the biggest choices they would be making were what to work on next, or picking yarn?


We've had some arguments there, but nothing major. 


Hmmm, what if... what if it wasn't for their benefit, but Mistress'?


We really did scare Her then.


And a lot of other sophonts too.


It would be nice to give them reassurance.


Princess initialed the final box, their eyes drifting over the signature line below. Butterflies in their chest had them fighting back a wide grin, there was still one line to read. In... hold... Out... “By signing this, we acknowledge our understanding and acceptance of these terms.”


The quill flowed across the page like water, soft loops and gentle curves forming their name. Mistress must have taken their memories of practicing, so that this would feel like Princess' first time. Truly, She spoiled them, like a princess deserved.


The sharp scrape of the quill leaving the scroll had all the finality and weight of a blade.


Hers, forever.

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