Dog of War

An Estuary of Two Rivers pt 2

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site. Additionally, shoutout to TheMothCourt on AO3 for letting us bounce ideas off it, and EileenLilac, also on AO3, for additional Beta Reading.



(Search ‘The following xenodrugs’ to skip the CGL. It is sexual.)


Camila snuck into the girls' room, a much easier feat now she could force Princess' ignorance. Jess and Daisy were playing with them while she colored, the former’s hands on her breasts, while the latter helped her pick out colors. The frog was going to be dandelion, and his lilypad orchid. They were so precious as they scribbled with the crayons, Jess' efforts sending them far outside the lines.


Camila observed a little longer, savoring the precious moment for as long as she could. The last week had been a gift with few equals, only surpassed by Princess herself. The limit on their neural activity as the implant fully integrated had seen them slip further into sprout space than ever before. Her language was reduced to a few simple words, and her thoughts were sluggish. She had never been so innocent or vulnerable before.


Stars, she was hungry.


“Sorry cuties, I need to borrow Princess, it's time for her checkup and nap.” Camila swept her pet up, giving them a vine to chew and suckle on. Ahh, their little babbles as they instantly melted into her—she could not be more precious! Mulch, she wanted to violate her already, but wellness came before play.


“Awww, we were almost done with the page too.” Daisy huffed, falling backwards into a pile of plushies and blankets as Jess started to clean up. “When you're done, wanna fool around again? I'm feeling kinda pent up.”


“Fine, I wanted to test out a few of my new toys anyways. Wait for me in my dungeon?”


“Mm, I think I'll take fifteen to relax first. Playing with Princess is fun, but a lil exhausting.”


Camila gave them both a pat. “Enjoy yourselves, you two. I'll have her in my room if you need us.”


“Sure thing, Miss Verdun!”


“Yes, Mistress.”


The pull-out pet bed was already set up on Camila’s desk, ready to receive Princess, still suckling on the vine. A well placed scritch got them to let go of it with a gasp that bled into the most adorable yawn. “Nappies, Mommy?”


“Soon, dear.” Camila set up her pad, opening the monitoring software. The preliminary readings looked promising, but the test required stimulus. “Did my little princesses have fun with her pinnates?”


“Yah-huh! Wes did, uhm, colors! An’ played lots!”


“How exciting! Mommy has to make sure your spine friend is doing good, and then you two can take a nap, okay?”


“Mn, spine fren...” Princess smiled, hugging her teddy.


“That's right Princess, now let Mommy take care of ev-ery-thing~” Camila lifted the nightie off the girls, running her vines over her supple body. Roots, she was so pliable. She barely twitched as Camila tweaked a nipple in a circle. There were other, more tantalizing things to play with now.


Camila gently traced a finger along the implant scar itself, eliciting a cross between a gasp and a whimper. The thing that made Princess hers forever, and more importantly, what let her actually see both of her pets. No words to confuse or muddy things, no metaphors, just perception. Two entwined flames casting one light, inseparable but distinct. A ‘Sun’ that handled the physical, the immediate gut instinct, and a ‘Moon’ that caught what it missed, more detached from the heat of the moment but easily swept away. United in most things, but stepping out from each other on occasion.


They were the most precious things in the entire Compact.


The readout looked good too, no sign that the elevated activity was causing rejection. Princess was healing well, ahead of schedule even, if only slightly. Camila had accounted for it taking longer though, just to be safe. Moving her coronation was something she'd rather avoid. She enjoyed paperwork as much as the next Affini, but it could mess with the schedules of those attending. Speaking of—


A vine gently rubbed along the crown of Princess' skull, now ready for the event. The girls whimpered, already near orgasm, and Camila could feel their need through their growing connection. Those mirrors reflecting the same light, buckling under pleasure in tandem, dragging each other down. She should be careful to avoid it once they were sober enough to remember things, but keeping her from noticing it should be easy with the implant.


Everything was still golden on the pad, it was time Camila got her fill. Vines pressed Princess down, pulling their arms above their head. That docile, vacant look, those already wet panties. She could feel their curious confusion, mixed with excitement for how ‘Mommy’ was going to play with them. Her thoughts slowing to a crawl. It made the thing within her growl.


Camila pressed her lips to the girl's own, forcing her tongue deep, their joy at the violation only egged her on further. She dragged several injectors along her, up her leg, her arm, tracing circles on her neck, each leaking potent As onto her skin. She could inject her as much as she wanted now. The implant was still integrating, but it had already assumed control over her circulatory system. It should easily flush out the excess. It was so very tempting. The needles dug in.


No, no, Camila needed to control herself somewhat. As much they both wanted that, it would be irresponsible. Although... a little could make this much better. Swapping out the one against their neck for a Z-x0, she pulled her tongue out as she gave Princess the specialized xenodrug. It would keep her just aware enough of what was going on to enjoy it, and asleep enough to not do anything about it. Not that Princess was ever in a mood to resist, or that she wasn't already so sweet in her vines. There was just something about imposing herself on the dozing girl that made it so delectable.


It helped that Camila could now feel how Princess did, knowing the depths of her enjoyment. How vulnerable they were letting themselves be, given their history. Seeing herself through that dreamy state of impressions and color and pleasure. She ran a finger across her lips, playing with them, dragging the drool downwards.


Princess shifted beneath her, softly murmuring as she pulled against the vines holding her arms. “Nn, Mommyyyy...”


Camila gave their arms a gentle squeeze, caressing their face. “Mommy's here, Princess. She's just taking care of her little girls. Just let her make you two feel good while you take a nap, okay?”


Princess sighed happily, settling back down. By the Everbloom, that face. Camila would be thanking the stars for blooms that the Terran had insisted she retrieve her from that crime of a ship. And as if it wasn't good enough to eat on its own, the pigtails framing it made an amazing seasoning! It was impossible to imagine her looking even more delicious. Actually, there was something that could take it another step—she freed one of Princess’ hands, wrapping it around Mr Bear, and the girls cuddled it instinctively. Perfection.


It was time to dig in.


Camila let her vines wander, looking for the perfect place to start her meal. The lips? Supple, but she’d already had a taste of that. The breasts were a classic. That's where Camila’s addiction had begun, after all; those small gasps as she kneaded their budding breasts. They had only grown more sensitive, and she did love playing with them. No, Camila was feeling something else entirely. As her focus drifted across her crotch, she knew what she was looking for.


Camila had been saving it for when Princess was sober, but this blind preview should only make the reveal more grand. Her face when she connected the dots was bound to be precious. She traced a vine along their clit, rubbing it slowly. It was no longer capable of erection, as requested, but it was more sensitive in return. They shifted in her grasp, whining at the preshow, signaling the main event.


With a mental command to Princess' implant, the flesh beneath Camila's vines pulled inwards, reshaping in an instant. She could feel the girls’ half-aware curiosity, the two dim flames flickering as they tried to make sense of it. She traced a vine along their new labia, gently rubbing their pussy as her breathing grew heavier, her movement more frequent. The girls didn't understand, even as pleasure etched itself into their face. The hunger inside her only grew, even as it was fed.


Regular vines were a bit too impersonal for Princess' first time, Camila decided. Even the ones made for such a thing wouldn't give her—give them the proper satisfaction. This had to be by hand. They gasped so sweetly as she traced a finger along the entrance of their soaked pussy, coating it in the natural lubricant. She dipped inside, brushing against her clit. Princess seized up around the digit, moaning, her mind filled with sparks of ecstasy. ‘Mommy’ was touching her somewhere special, and best of all, it had only just begun.


Camila stuck to the one finger for now, teasing the entrance, prodding inside, rubbing her clit. As stretchy as the biomod was, she'd rather not push it just yet. Each whimper and twitch composed a feast without equal, the odd whispered croak of “Mommyyy” fanning the flames of her own desire to new heights. She found herself picking up speed, pushing deeper, vines creeping around her again. Ravaging her breasts, playing with her mouth, squeezing the ample flesh wherever it was found.


Princess was hers. Hers to manipulate, hers to molest, hers to break apart and rebuild in whatever way she saw fit. She was her pet, her plaything. The greatest gift Camila had ever received, her prized possession. It was almost a pity that she had made sure they enjoyed this already. Breaking her had been exquisite.


Stars, she loved her.


Camila would tear the stars down with her own vines if it would make Princess smile. That she got to do it like this was so filling. Being able to fully taste the bliss soaking their mind, to know that the love they felt was for her—she had to be the luckiest Affini alive.


Princess had been on the edge of orgasm for a while, denied only by the class N the implant was pumping in. A savory bit of denial that made this next part all the more delicious. Camila leaned in, whispering in Princess' ear as she abused her clit. “Be good little girls and cum for Mommy.”


Camila stuck her tongue back down Princess' throat as the counteragent poked a hole through the chemical denial. She arched her back, just a little, moaning as her legs trembled and fluids squirt all over the pet bed and her hand. Aftershocks rocked through Princess for several minutes, and for a moment, Camila was satisfied.


The following xenodrugs let the girls drift off to true sleep as the Affini cleaned her up, dressing her in new clothes and drying the bed. Camila laid her down as she double checked the readings—all green, as expected. A kiss on the forehead, and a blanket laid over her. The next ninety minutes would be hers to dream.


Closing out of the monitoring program, Camila gave her messages a quick check. Captain Flint had sent some wonderful videos of xer pet, adorably trying to catch a laser pointer. A few questions about the coronation, quickly answered. Oh! Viola had finally replied! Fae had been on a dig and was running to Terra to pick something up, but would be back for the coronation. Fae also expressed her condolences about the festival, and how glad fae was that it had worked out.


Camila snapped a picture of Princess dozing and sent it to Viola, along with a few dozen of her favorites from the weeks prior. It would take a few days to relay through the system, but she was sure it would be appreciated. There was one last message, this one from Lydia. It included a photo of elle sitting on her lap, bound as she drooled around a thick vine down her bulging throat. ‘Teaching has been going well.’ it said, ‘Is Princess available for a playdate soon?’


‘Ten days.’ Camila replied, before closing the chat in a hurry. Teaching. That word stirred a different need Camila had been fighting to ignore. An ache in her... special place that had been frighteningly recursive, made more potent by the accompanying image. It wasn't something Camila should fantasize about, being in the same situation as elle.


Cammy, on the other vine, could, right?


By the Everbloom, it had been two weeks and Camila still couldn't tear that night from her thoughts. Setting aside her responsibilities for a little while had been so relaxing. Shedding Affinihood like that had been like removing gravity. Not to mention the way it felt to submit, to be Cammy. It had taken residence in her mind. Fear of giving that part of herself more power was the main thing staying her from asking Cordelia for a second session. A thought that was enticing in itself.


Camila knew the signs of addiction, she had studied them extensively like any Affini. Which is why she knew that she needed to refrain from indulging further, and also that she would fail. She wanted it, Cordelia wanted it, and whatever part of her was tied up in ‘Cammy’ needed it. It wasn't a matter of if it came out again, but when. Ignoring it had only made it worse. Maybe if she chose ‘sooner,’ it wouldn't be so bad? Besides, depending on which graft she chose, she could use them with Princess! There was no harm in just looking, right?


Camila nervously opened up a search, making sure no one was around. There were a lot of options, going through them manually would take blooms. Almost half were fashioned after the genitalia of various Compact species, with a majority of the remaining amount playing off or combining them. The rest were wild fantasies dreamed up by their creators, hedonism given form. Most of these were the ones designed for Affini use with other Affini.


Camila pet her dozing floret as she thought it over, before filtering the last segment out. Something like that might be fun if Camila was having fun with Cordelia, but this was for Cammy. It wouldn't make sense for her to have something like that. The ones that were near copies also went, tying Cammy to any real species could only make the mind set stickier. What she was left with was an array of fantastical, but not overly wild choices.


Even still it stretched on, and Camila didn't feel like spending the rest of her bloom scrolling; a few more filters were needed. Hmm, Cammy definitely needed to be penetrated, and Camila would love something to put in Princess. They might be able to service whatever she chose, but they were presently a hard submissive bottom.


Most of what was left was similar to what the sleeping pet had, morphable between states. Serviceable, but nothing special. Then, one caught Camila’s eye—an engorged cock-like tapered stamen over a dripping yonic pistil. A play on Terran physiology without paying its reality any mind. The specifications were promising too. It could vary in size enough to not look out of place on either of them. Er, regardless of if Camila was playing Cammy.


“Oo, I really like that one.”


Camila nearly jumped out of her vines, flowers shedding petals as she whipped to face her lover. “C-Cordelia! It's not—I was just curious!”


Roots and vines, this would be less embarrassing if her laugh wasn't so cute. Camila knew Cordelia knew she had her right where she wanted her. “Curiosity is good, especially for students~” Cammy was powerless as her Teacher slipped the pad out of her vines. A few quick taps and She handed it back. “Tomorrow, two o’clock, with Dimitri Prunus, fourth bloom. You'll have plenty of time if you put Princess down for her nap early, maybe enough for a quick lesson~”


“R-right.” Cammy tucked the pad away, trying not to think about how much she enjoyed that, and failing utterly. Professor approved of her choice! She couldn't wait for Her to teach her all about her new graft.


Cordelia shifted, and the mood changed in an instant. “As for right now, why don't we get started on dinner? We can take the florets for a walk when Princess wakes up, and then eat when we get back.”


“That sounds lovely!” Camila entwined a few vines with her lovers’ as they made their way out together. “I was hoping to try out this thing called ‘carnitas’—”






(The following contains CGL and Sexual CGL intermixed, search ‘then suddenly’ to skip it.)



Time was broken, Princess was certain. Fragmented moments of bliss collided into each other with sparks of silver and gold. Daisy snuggling in closely, her arms wrapped around them. Jess kissing them, hands wandering. Mommy changing them into the adorablest skirtalls and dresses. Plushies, coloring books, chewy vines, playtime, naps. Each blurred into the other in the fleeting, dancing lights.


It's sooooooo nicies.


Worries of any kind were as distant as complex thought. Every need was taken care of, and Princess wanted for nothing. They had been reduced to the simplest building blocks that made them, them. Blocks were really fun! Mommy seemed to like playing with them too, as she slowly put them back together. As she crawled into them.


Then there were times where the fragments bundled up together, like ice in a river, creating an almost normal flow.


“Okay, and this one?” Daisy held up a plushie, and it took Princess a moment to recognize it.


“Ducky!” They exclaimed once the gears clicked.


“That's right, you got them all! Big sis is real proud of you!” Daisy messed Princess' hair as they giggled. “I told you she could—


“—fuck me, but I should punish you for using Princess for a bet.” Jess huffed.


“Aww, c'mon, it'll be fun! And you really shouldn't swear in front of Princess when she’s like this, y'know.”




“—my little girls comfy?” Mommy asked as She adjusted Princess in Her lap.


“Yah!” Princess barely noticed the vine pushing them back upright. The nuggies in front of them were cut into all sortsa fun shapes! They couldn't recognize any of ‘em, though.




“Here comes—”


—It was super nummy! The sauce did most of the flavorings, but the nuggie was really good at providing a base for it. They lasted just the right amount of chews too, and they were soon given the command to open wide for another.


Mommy's tongue was soooo tasty as it thrust in and out of their throat, playing with their own. She was touching them in so many places, and it felt so good. Princess was left panting on the pet bed on Mommy’s desk as She pulled back. They were really close to something, and it made them feel kinda sore not to have it. “All good, cuties. Just a few days and we'll bring you up, okay?”


“Yayyy.” Up? Was that the thing Princess was close to?


Goodness, it’d be great if She could give us uppies.


“—deserve a treat, but then it's nap time, okay?” Mommy's vines were so soft as Princess snuggled into them, all that hot in them slowly cooling. Her hands running through their hair, leaves brushing against their cheeks as She gazed down at them. She was soooo prettyyyyy. They could feel Her love, bigger than anything, warming them completely.


“Now, Cammy, if you keep making noise like that you'll wake my partner’s floret. You wouldn't want that, would you?” Miss Dawnbloom? Princess was too sleepy to sit up and see what was happening, but it sounded fun.


“N-no, Professor!”




Princess was tempted to push past it and lift their head to see what was happening, but, well. Golly, they were tired. They should just drift back off, Mommy said good little girls take their naps...


“Good girl~ If you can manage the next five minutes without screaming again, next time I'll bend you over her desk and we can go over today's lesson again~”


“Mm, now that ‘big sis’ is gone, we can really play.” Jess smirked as she pushed Princess over, climbing on her. Weren't they having playtime already? They had been, uhhh, it was something squishy? And colorful?


We were making a teddy.


Princess was on their back, looking up at Jess as a soft thingy worked its way inside their butt. It felt super good, and then it started to vibrate and move and it felt even gooder. Jess was so nice for always taking care of them, and it was great it made her happy too.


“I love you, you know,” Daisy whispered, as she nuzzled into Princess, planting a kiss on their cheek. “That doesn't change when I'm your sister or your girlfriend, you'll always be my dork.”


Then suddenly the fragments started to fit together—pieces of a great puzzle scattered to the wind, now suddenly falling into place in unlikely fortune. The picture started to come in, time returning to a properly liquid state. Mistress was petting them, Princess was on her desk, and they were naked outside of their harness.


What was... any of that?


“Nn, Mistress?” Trying to piece it together was like trying to grab a river itself. They could touch the flowing water, but never grasp the stream. Large parts of it were already slipping from their mind even as they laid there.


“Welcome back, Princess.” Stars, Her voice was as radiant and warm as the mid-day sun. They rose to meet it, finding Her somehow more resplendent than ever before. Perhaps the divine did exist after all. “How are you feeling?”


Princess answered reflexively, “Good. Really light, too. It's like we finally took off our pack after a long hike, and then someone completely repacked it but right.”


We can feel Her in our head.


And She loves and sees us both. 


Princess burst into tears, crying even as comfort came from Mistress inside and out. She saw them. She saw them, and She had once again given them something they didn't even know they had needed.


They wept for what felt like hours.


Mistress tirelessly dried Princess' tears, an inexorable force of compassion for them to throw their emotions into. Eventually, they were only left with love, and thanks. Mistress lifted their head, Her smile carrying all the serene grace of a summer breeze. “All better?”


“Yes, Mistress.” Princess knew She didn't need to ask anymore, that it was just for their benefit. She had everything that they were now, forever.


Hers, completely.


Mistress scritched under Princess' chin as She took a seat, their leg bouncing at the sensation. “You know, there's still one thing you and I need to do. At this point it's mostly symbolic, you were legally mine the day of the festival, but it is still something we need to do.”


“What's that?”


“A contract.” Mistress stated, much to their confusion. “Like I said, mostly ceremony, we both know you're mine.” Princess shivered, they could swear they felt the implant tighten around their spine. “But the offices want it on file, and we’ve already put it off for quite a while. Besides, I know you would enjoy making a legal declaration of being my pet~”


Princess flushed—


We would very much like that, yes.


“S-so, where do we sign?”


“Your eagerness is a-dor-a-ble,” Mistress squee’d, pinching their cheek, “but that won't be for a little while~ Do you remember what I told you before your surgery? About the thing I had been getting ready for you?”


Princess could feel the memory being dragged to the surface as Mistress rummaged through their head like a drawer. Holy frost that was hot. “Y-yes?”


What else can it do?


“I'll show you later~” Princess nearly melted as Mistress answered Moon verbally. They really shouldn't be were perfectly normal for getting turned on by this. “You see I was thinking, with you being a princess, and this contract being largely for show, why not make a proper ceremony out of it?”


“A ceremony?” Princess squeaked. They could feel where this was headed.


“Every princess needs a crown, and a crown means a coronation~” Mistress touched something on the top of their head, Princess’ knees buckled instantly. “Just about all of your little friends from the ship will be there. We'll be broadcasting it to that little spy network of yours, too, as well as every rebel ship we can. The propaganda department was very interested in cutting something from it for more long term use.”


In front of the entire crew? Broadcast to their personal associates and strangers? Princess had expected, well, something public, but not that public! Getting to show all those sophonts how much they loved Mistress was exciting! Goodness, they were so lucky to have an Owner that was so nice. “So, when is it?”


“A little over two weeks, to mark two months since you became mine. I wanted to make sure there would be time to deal with any complications, and hopefully a few extra training sessions. Now that you have your biomods, we can get into more intense stuff.” Mistress tightened a vine around Princess' arm so hard they thought the bone might snap.


It's not going numb either.


Oh, Mistress was going to tie them up in so many fun ways. She let Princess go, seemingly happy Her point was made. “There's one other thing I want to show you.” Vines repositioned them, spreading their legs and directing their attention downwards. There was a beat of nervousness as they recalled Her declaring she would choose for them, cut off by confusion as they found it exactly the same.


And then it shifted.


Princess' clit pulled up into them, their balls following. The flesh folded over their crotch, splitting into an opening that pulled deep inside. It was a weird thing to see, and a weirder thing to feel.


We have a pussy?!


It was, well, a lot of things. Princess had seen a similar thing with Rose when she shifted into her headmates, but it was different on themselves. They looked like a woman before, but losing that last remnant felt... good? It carried a certain giddiness to it, an authenticity that they didn't know they had lacked until now. Yet, there was also a feeling of something missing, like they had lost something. It's not like their clit—er, the clit they had before—was gone? They could sense it could change back just as easily. It was just weird to suddenly have it, even if there was an odd familiarity to it.


Princess cautiously reached for it in disbelief, adjusting the way they were sitting a little. They paused with their fingers just centimeters away, before touching it tentatively. A smile tugged at the corners of their mouth. It was sensitive, that was expected, but the way it stirred the heat in their nethers was different. If their clit-dick felt liquid heat pooling before spilling outwards, this was more like the source of a wellspring in their abdomen.


We've felt this before, haven't we?


Mistress had impressed Her will on them again, now changing their body to Her wants. No longer themselves, but Her vision of them. Princess' fingers were damp as they pulled away, and they blushed at how turned on all of this made them. They were soon replaced by Her own, teasing at the entrance. “I could give you another demonstration, if you wish.”


Mistress reached into their mind again, poking deep and dredging up a forgotten memory. Princess felt their mind pop at the realization. “Hewhazaehgeh?!”


“Awww, it's even cuter than I thought~” Mistress cooed, wrapping around them. “And that's definitely a yes.”

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