Dog of War

Blooming Beneath the Overgrowth pt 1

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site. Additionally, shoutout to TheMothCourt on AO3 for letting us bounce ideas off it, and EileenLilac, also on AO3, for additional Beta Reading.

“Don't mess with it, petal, I'm not done yet,” Camila scolded, gently slapping Princess' hand away from the ring anchored in a knot on her sternum.


“Sorry Mistress, we were just curious about what they say.” Princess resumed the position Camila had taught her, elbows out and hands at head level. She wrapped a few vines around their arms to make sure they stayed there as she continued today's tie.


Camila flicked a tag attached to the ring. “This one is just your name, and this one says you aren't supposed to be left alone as you need assistance with basic tasks, with my contact information on the back. Now stay still.” The girls tugged on the vines that made disobedience impossible, turning so red she almost matched the flower in their chest.


“Oh?” Camila brushed a vine under Princess’ chin, directing her gaze to her reflection, bound in vines, the tags glimmering against her skin. “Does my little flower love that everyone will know just how helpless she is? That she can't even feed herself?” Princess let out a moan even before Camila gave their breasts a playful squeeze. The class As that had replaced her Js saw Princess redouble her efforts at the touch, crying out. “That's she's so much more dependent than most florets?” The heat radiating off her was so savory, so filling, the fruitless struggling so sweet.


“Yessshhhhhh,” Princess happily slurred. Honestly, it was a miracle she lasted the handful of days she did, even with Camila’s misguided assistance. If it weren't for her trauma she would've been collared within a week. The girls were simply meant for pethood.


Camila continued to idly fondle the girls, enjoying the cute little sounds she made as she finished tying her harness for the day. It was her first full torso one, opening up into wide diamonds at the top, but with many smaller ones around the waist. Corsets were cute, but it would be nice if she didn't have to always plan around them. Of course, the chronotropic cardiosuture was a limitation in itself, but only a temporary one. She could hardly wait for all the possibilities she would have when Princess was biomodded, implanted, and fully recovered.  


The dress reached Princess’ knees, but the semi-sheer material eliminated any modesty the length would have provided. The outline of the vine harness beneath was visible through the flowing material, and the low cut left little to imagination. The bodice was crimson to match the flower, hopefully making it less eye-catching, bleeding into a soft pink in falling petals as it reached the hem, gaining transparency as it lightened. A green sash was tied around the midsection in a big bow, and Camila pulled the girls into her lap to attend to their hair.


“No bra?”


“They don't really work with today's harness.” Camila returned Mr Bear to Princess as she threaded vines through her hair, brushing it, and braiding flowers into the shape of a tiara. The girls had quite a mane to manage now, but she was all too happy to help. It was such a lovely little bit of intimacy.


Princess immediately started fidgeting with the teddy's paws—easily one of Camila's favorite stims. It was just so adorable! “I-isn't this dress a little see-through for that? Or to go outside?”


“Nonsense. Many sophont species don't even have clothes, you could go out in nothing but the rope.”


Princess squeaked in the most adorable manner, the red burning her cheeks spreading like wildfire across her face. “Th-th-that—b-but, uhm, our breasts—”


“Are very cute,” Camila cut Princess off, booping her nose, “as is the rest of you.” They were clearly harboring some degree of exhibitionism; it would make a wonderful addition to the coronation if she could develop it further. A pet as precious as Princess deserved to be shown off. “Anyways, the dress has built-in support, your boobs are on no more display than usual. Even if they were, you'd hardly be the first Terran to show a little skin. Any passing sophont should consider themselves lucky to catch a glimpse of what's underneath~”


“Awabawa?” Early tests seemed very promising.


Camila considered pushing it just a bit further, leaning in and asking Princess if she'd like that after all. She could already tell the girls' reaction would be so succulent, and the hunger in her core ached for it. They'd be a stammering mess, reduced to putty in her vines. All the justification she'd need to shred the dress off of her, and parade her about. Maybe even bind her arms and teddy behind her, so she couldn't hide behind them.


Not that she needed a reason beyond wanting to. Princess was Camila’s pet now, but it was part of their little game. She pressed them to where the wall of their self-denial met their desires, and then tore it all down. Repeat ad infinitum, until she could no more resist Camila’s wishes than she could feed herself.


But, Princess had obligations today—she had to be mentally present for therapy after all. And she was already going to drool out every last thought in her head this afternoon anyways.


Camila finished Princess’ hair, lifting her back to her feet to pull lacey white stockings with embroidered vines up their legs. Hooking garters to the harness created a few centimeters of gap between the stockings and the dress’ hem. Light brown leather boots followed, their collar sitting just below her knee. The brassy eyelets and floral stitching were accentuated by a modest heel, making for an adorable boot. It was something called an ‘equestrian’ style, which apparently involved harpooning aquatic megafauna for oil.


Princess seemed to agree, wiggling even as she tested the footing in them, mumbling something about grain. Her fondness for the footwear was contagious—Camila could hardly wait to see how they would smile when she gave them their reworked boots. Khali promised that she would make it her magnum opus, and said she needed at least a week. She had that and more. It was a gift too perfect to give any sooner than the day of her coronation.


Princess would need an equally special dress to match, of course. Something compiled simply wouldn't do for such a special day, regardless of how custom designed. No, the girls deserved something bespoke, something as special as she was. Something vine made. Camila was in talks with several Affini, each having become enamored with Princess' story. It had ended with a group chat that quickly became hard to follow as they bounced ideas off each other. A fair bit of it was them showing each other some of their favorite clips and pictures of Princess that Camila had sent them for reference, but the collaboration seemed to be going well.


There were other things, of course. In truth the plan was more shapeless than defined, but the basic outline had been hammered out with Cordelia over the last two nights. Camila may have fumbled the domestication, but she would not fail this time. She would craft a moment worthy of Princess with her own vines.


“Are we ready, Mistress?” Princess' upwards gaze and the slight pout she almost always wore as she pulled Camila’s vines made her core sing. She had her work cut out for her if she wanted to make the day even half as precious as they were.


Camila ran vines through Princess’ hair, scritching under her chin as she pressed into them. “Almost. We won't be back until after lunch, and then Vera is going to be doing her two week check up. It'll be a while before you see your pinnates again, so I want you to go give them a hug before we leave. Daisy and Jess are in your room, I'll be waiting by the door.”


“You're not coming?” Princess' wet eyes, widened by the cocktail of xenodrugs, and the way she clutched her teddy were simply too precious. Every vine screamed to scoop her up and carry her into the bedroom, coddling her until her brain leaked from her ears. It took rooting herself to the spot to keep from caving. Camila silently thanked the stars that Princess was well behaved, and blind to the power they held over her.


“Princess, it is crossing one room by yourself.” The girls' nerves barely faltered as Camila led them out of the bathroom, clinging to her vine. Honestly. “I need you to be a big girl, okay?” She slipped the vine out of her grasp and gave her tush a pat in the right direction.


That got Princess' attention, and she quickly hurried off. It was probably a bit unfair to use that trigger when they had only been slipping, but Camila would rather nip it in the bud. For not wanting to be full time, they fell into sprout space easily—it took the occasional nudge to keep them out of it. Even at her best she sat on its fringes; Camila only had herself to blame for that. She had her own difficulties refraining from the dynamic. Oh well, there would be the recovery after her quickly approaching implant, and some time after her coronation felt fitting. She may even have to increase the frequency of it in the contract. Perhaps a day or two every week? An afternoon here and there?


Regardless, it was adorable to watch Princess hug and kiss her pinnates through the camera feed, Daisy groping her ass and Jess yanking her by the harness. Each promised to play with her more when she got back, but thankfully didn't spoil the surprise Camila had in store. Princess returned soon after, hiding her blushing face in her bear. “Ready now.”


Good girls~” Camila paired the praise with scritching a few of Princess’ favorite spots, and she melted in an instant . A vine looped into the ring, catching her as her knees gave out beneath her. Oh, how she was looking forward to this afternoon. Giving them a moment to recover, she helped them to their feet, and led them outside.


It was a lovely day out, somewhat cloudy, giving the occasional reprieve from the otherwise dominant sun. A gentle sea breeze occasionally kicked up into a gust that attacked the little modesty Princess’ dress offered. It was cute to see her clutch at her skirt, only to notice that no one was staring at her. They were simply another floret, enjoying the day with their Affini.  


The walks had been doing Princess a lot of good. She was still adjusting to the harness and its ever changing configuration. Having to be led by it and deal with the rope-vines giving her a squeeze with each tug was doing wonders for getting her used to being tied up. Today she even took a few slow steps which Camila suspected were just to feel it tighten; Princess was too adept at matching the pace for it to be a mistake.


Camila made sure to offer plenty of distractions as well; a scritch here, a pat there, but best of all were the random Affini seeking a few headpats of their own. She had to get used to being treated like a pet socially too. Princess was starting to press into the odd vine—it was enough to make her flowers burst into bloom!


Some asked Camila a number of questions, and she was happy to answer them. Princess got fidgety as the conversations in Affini talked about her as if she wasn't there, describing in detail how she had been broken. How she hadn't needed more than a gentle vine to go from being fiercely independent, to crying when left in a room by herselves in a matter of days. After the first attempt Princess made to explain that she could understand them was met with coos and lavished petting for being so clever, she didn't make another. Policing the conversations had only been a courtesy extended to her as an independent ward, after all.


Once most of Princess' normal walk needs were met, Camila led her to the transit platform. Princess was curious as they boarded the train, but accepted ‘it's a surprise’ as the answer. Or at least, there were no further questions once she was pulled into Camila’s lap, losing herself in the petting.


There were a few sophonts trickling in or out each stop, which became a steady stream once the line was moving through the city proper. Camila had to stop herself from flicking her vines to and fro as the largely Owner-Pet pairs gave way to adorable independent Terrans. It was so exciting to see the little ones in their natural habitat! Some of them were even wearing business clothes!


Most paid Camila little mind, climbing onto the seats with the accessibility steps, albeit giving her space. A portion of them got flustered at the sight of Princess, now a quivering mess of quiet moans and whimpers as Camila took out her pent up excitement on the girls, quickly averting their eyes. She couldn't help but giggle and wave whenever she caught one stealing a glance. Hopefully the cuties could find an owner soon.


There were some, by far a minority, who shot them a dirty look. Thankfully for their own sake, they were smart enough to not make any comments, and Princess was too pet-drunk to notice. Camila still submitted a recommendation for investigation regarding feralist thought and wellness check for each one, but it was nice to keep Princess oblivious. Clearly they either weren't getting enough attention themselves, or were harboring a negative attitude towards florets, and neither was acceptable. Any foul mood they might have caused was washed away when one of the precious little ones asked for her help onto the seat. They even let her give them a headpat!


Exiting the city and entering a surrounding Affini district saw the balance shift back. Florets were undoubtedly cuter than any independent or feral, but there was a certain novelty they lacked. Their exit was fast approaching anyways, and no longer being excited by dozens of independents gave Princess time to recover from all the petting. She needed some assistance finding her feet once they deboarded, but soon they were walking again.


Princess drank in the new surroundings with wide-eyed wonder, despite its similarity to their own district. It was much closer to the city, Camila supposed, and had different art decorating it. “So, uhm, what is this surprise?”


“There's someone I want you to meet.” It was probably fine to let her know, but Camila didn't want Princess to get upset if Ezra didn't come to the door. Knowing her, she'd find some way to control the facts until the blame fell squarely on her shoulders. She didn't live far from their stop, they'd be there soon. “Don't fidget with your leash, Princess, it's unbecoming.”


“Sorry, Mistress. We're just a little nervous about meeting other sophonts.”


No one is going to slight you in my presence,” Camila huffed, her vines coiling at the thought. No, posturing wasn't what calmed Princess, she couldn't keep her completely in the dark. “She's an Affini, she's not going to think you're anything but adorable. She doesn't have a floret either, so it'll be just her and us. She also doesn't know we're stopping by.”


“We're just showing up? Isn't that rude?”


Awwh, how precious! Princess was actually concerned about her manners! Still, it wasn't her place to, this was her Owner's decision. Camila gently messed her hair, holding herself back. “That is not something you need to worry about, pet. You don't exactly have the agency needed to be rude.”


That kept Princess quiet for a few blocks, focusing on her bear as she sat on the reminder of her place. Eventually, her curiosity did win out. “Do we know her?”


“Yes and no. You only met once, briefly.” Camilla was worried that that might've given it away, but the confusion didn't budge from Princess' rhythm. It didn't really matter anymore, they were here. Any closer would be picked up by the Hab’s AI. She turned to her floret, taking a moment dote on her, fixing her hair. “Now you might have to do some talking, but mostly you are just here to visit. If you feel like you need to leave, just let me know and we'll go, okay?”


“Mhm,” Princess nodded, clinging to Camila in uncertainty. By the Everbloom, please don't let this be a mistake. Class B could stop her tears from falling, but not from cleaving ruinous scars into her core, like eons of rain carving canyons.


Camila prepared herself and gave Princess a small tug, approaching the door. Not wanting to leave things to chance, she gave it a knock. “Ezra? It's Camila.”


She paused, giving them time to respond.


“I know you're in there, the logs say you haven't left in two weeks.”




“I have the paperwork ready to make this a wellness check, please don't make me file it. I don't want to tear your door off.”




“I brought Princess.”


The door finally opened, revealing the most disheveled Affini Camila had ever seen in her life. Ezra was matted with dead material, a trail of it visible behind her as leaves flaked off her. Her vines were wilted, some were even rotting, and it had clearly been days since she last drank anything. Her mask was slightly misplaced, and in equally poor condition. All the color had faded from her. She was a shell of herself, even compared to the Ezra that fell apart on the day of the festival. Hardest of all to ignore was the raw peal of anguish and remorse that was her biorhythm.


Camila wasn't the only one to notice Ezra’s condition. She felt Princess stiffen next to her as one of the Affini's misaligned eyes rolled downwards, settling on the flower in her chest. She rippled like a placid lake at a falling stone, shedding even more biomass before turning to retreat. Camilla reached to stop her—


“Wait!” Princess caught them both off guard, and they froze mid-chase. They played with the teddy's paws as all eyes fell on them. “Uhm, s-sorry, it's rude to shout like that, but, uhm—” Princess took a deep breath, releasing it a few seconds later with a smile. “Princess Verdun, first florets pluribus, she/they. We're not sure why Mistress didn't tell us who we were visiting, but it's nice to actually meet you! Thanks for helping us at the festival and getting us to Mistress, we were, uhm, we really needed it.”


“You almost died!” Ezra broke her silence, like the first thunderclap of an oncoming storm. “I could have killed you! I nearly did kill you!” Camila looked around nervously, thankful no one was around to hear that.


“Pfft, nah.” Princess puffed her chest out in an increasingly rare display of pride. “We didn't get all these scars by being easy to kill~”


“A scrape is not the same as heart failure!” Ezra’s voice boomed.


“Okay! Why don't we continue this conversation inside?!” Camila hurried them both into the hab. The street wasn't going to stay clear forever, and this wasn't a conversation to have in public. Her nerves didn't start to settle until the door was secure behind her.


The hab was almost as much of a mess as Ezra herself, littered with discarded vines, flowers, leaves, and clumps of moss from unknown sources. The stench of decay colored the air; it doubtlessly would have been overpowering if it weren't for the Hab’s air filtration. Ezra awkwardly fixed her mask, brushing aside some of the mess to clear a path to the couch. Camila took the invitation, sitting on one end of it and placing Princess beside her.


Ezra took the other side, putting Princess between the two Affini. “Heart failure is not the same as a plasma burn or gunshot, the danger to your life was very real!” Her tone wasn't as thunderous, but still rumbled with frustration.


Princess just laughed. “Mistress said something like that too. What is with Affini and getting hung up on what-ifs anyways? Maybe we could have died, but we didn't! It's not your fault that we were too distraught to tell you we can't have normal xenos; we did that to ourselves by trying to run away in the first place.”


“It is not your fault, Princess!” Camila snapped, and like a candle in a gale, the girls’ confidence was snuffed out. “You were already mine by then, in the ways that mattered. It was my responsibility to keep you safe, and it is my fault alone that you got hurt!”


“B-but, you couldn't have known what we were planning, we made sure! And we're really—we were really good at that kind of thing.” Princess protested, conviction shaking in her voice. More hope than belief.


“That is not true Princess.” Camila tilted her head so that their eyes met, erasing any room for doubt. “There were signs, and I ignored them. There were methods to pry out your every secret without you knowing, and I didn't use them. There were even opportunities to break you sooner, and I took none of them. It is not your fault. You,” Camila looked up at Ezra, sitting in stunned silence. She had already let this much out, she may as well come clean. “Both of you went through that entirely because I wanted to make that day something special. I even gave you class B two nights before, when you were breaking. All you needed was a little push, but I denied it just because I wanted that big romantic moment. I let myself be blinded by my selfish desires, and hurt you. I only hope you can forgive me.”


It stung to air her failures like that, but Camila knew it would. Princess stared blankly upwards, as lost in her Owner's eyes as she was for words. They would surely resent her, if they still had the capability for it. Her unwavering admiration hurt just as bad.


A vine poked Camila in the chest. “And I gave xenodrugs to a sophont in need without even taking a second to try to comfort them.” Ezra thrummed with something other than pain and sorrow, something that caught Camila as off guard as the jab—anger. “If I had even picked her up first, the emergency could have been avoided.”


Camila's fury flared, she would not let another sophont suffer for her mistakes. “There’s hardly an Affini alive that wouldn't give a crying floret an E or Z on sight, and we both know such severe reactions are extremely rare!”


Ezra’s bristled, her vines coiling tightly around Camila's own as her voice thundered again, shaking the air. “That's hardly an excuse! You can erase your pet's agency, but I will not have you diminish mine!”


“Please stop!” Princess shouted, clutching Mr Bear like a lifeline, and the storm around her ceased. “We-we know you could have stopped us, that we never really had any say in the matter, and we even knew we wanted to stay, but we still made our choice. It's... That was the last real decision we ever got to make. It was a mistake, but it's important to us, so please don't take it away like this. In our eyes both of you did what you wanted to anyways! We woke up to Mistress being there, and—” Princess sniffed back tears, and Camila felt her core freeze over. “An’ it was very romantic to us.”


No no no no! Camila sprang into action, wrapping Princess up near her core, gently rocking her as she lavished her with soothing strokes. “Shh, shh, it's alright, we're not going to argue anymore, you didn't do anything wrong. We didn't mean to treat your feelings as if they didn't matter.”


It took Princess an age to drag the words out as she slipped under. “Nahhht gunna blame yerrrselves?”


Camila shared a look with Ezra, who seemed closer to falling apart than ever. They gave an unsure nod, the best she could hope for. “No, we're not.”


“Mm, gud.” Princess' soft smile brought untold relief. “Fightin’s bad.”


“Oh, is it now?” Camila mocked, tickling at the girls' nose before elevating it to a multi-front assault. “Little miss ‘not so easy to kill’ thinks fighting is bad?”


“Mi-hiss-histresshh, stah-hahhp!” Princess managed between giggles, breaking into full on laughter as the merciless tickling continued, helpless against the myriad of vines.


Ezra chuckled at the sight, relaxing for the first time in a long while. They moved a bit closer before pausing, chemically asking permission to pet. Camila granted it, shifting the girls to be more accessible as they caught their breath. Ezra gave them a few experimental scritches, delighting in Princess' small gasps, a few of her leaves regaining some color.


Brilliance struck like a bolt from the blue—Camila shifted Princess over to Ezra, much to both of their surprise, and stood up. “Why don't you two have fun while I pick up a bit and get us both some mineral water?”






“I wouldn't feel right leaving you to clean this up by yourself, and Princess needs to get used to other Affini handling her. It shouldn't take long, and I'll be right close by in case she needs me.”


Ezra tensed up, dried vines cracking. “Are you sure?”


“Absolutely, this shouldn't take long.” Camila scooped up several bundles of the dead plant matter. “Now which room is your compiler in?” Ezra pointed to a door. “Wonderful! I'll be done and back with the water in just a few minutes.” She gave Princess one last pat and set off.


The kitchen looked like it rarely saw use, bringing back fond memories of when Camila had first met the Terran that captured her core. She reminisced about those first few days as she fed each vineful into the compiler. It was so odd to think she used to find the little darlings off-putting, and uncute! More interesting was what the future held—so many happy days filled with all the sophonts she loved.


Princess and Ezra seemed to be getting along better each time Camila re-entered the living room to pick some of the litter up. The latter pet the former while she listed off the names of all her plushies, or talked about her pinnates, before resigning herself to enjoying the cuddles. Ezra even started talking about herself, and Princess was asking questions about her woodworking hobby. They had just a bit more vigor in their vines each time she came back in.


Depositing the last of the refuse, Camila compiled two large glasses—one of the registered mineral water, and one of personal preference. She quietly returned to the living room with them in tow, listening in to the conversation.


“—Nn, no it's more, uhm, lower? And to the right?”




“Ahn~! A-almost!”


“Hmmm, what about here? Is that anything?”


“Ohh-hohhhh, goodness!”


Camila knew that sound well—Princess always had the same lilt to their moans when she got scritches behind the ear. But it wasn't the spot behind her ears, that was throatier.


“If you want to know her favorite places, I'd be willing to share.” Camila moved to the front of the couch to offer Ezra more than just the water.  


Princess perked up, “Mistress!”


“Hi cutie~” Camila gave the girls a scritch under the chin, smiling as her eyes flooded with pleasure. If this was how Princess was on a modest dose of A, she could hardly wait for tonight. She adjusted Ezra’s vine, guiding it back behind her ear. “It’s right here, by the way.” The next note was pitch perfect as Princess arched backwards, eyes fluttering.


“Awwh, that's adorable!”


“It's a little different on her other ear though, a bit higher.” Camila was all too happy to demonstrate, and Princess whimpered at the touch. “Most of her head is good, and it's hard to go wrong with an old fashioned headpat, but she is really fond of a few spots. This one near the base of her skull is her absolute favorite, so I try to save it for when she's done something good. It's very useful for training. This spot just below it though—” Camila provided another example, earning just the cutest little noise as her arms trembled around her bear. “Is their second favorite, discounting erogenous zones. There's also this one all along the underside of their jaw,” panting gasps as tears filled her eyes, “and her lower back as well.” More adorable little spasms, accompanied with a low moan.


Ezra looked more alive than dead for the first time since Camila arrived, vines curling and lashing about, shaking loose a slew of matter. She tested a few spots, cautiously at first, but with fast-growing confidence as she got similar reactions. Camila wasn't just going to sit out of such a cute display, covering the places Ezra didn't. Being doted on by two or more Affini was definitely something Princess had to get used to after all.


The girls turned into little more than a puddle of mewls and moans under the dual assault. A quick dosage of N was the only thing that kept Princess from cumming too soon. It would be cute to see her get embarrassed about cumming in the lap of an Affini she just met, just from being pet no less, but alas, there were other plans.


Meanwhile, the Affini simply partook in the joys of having a cute floret to play with. Taking their time as they slowly drank their water, pausing in turns to let the other’s gushing praise be heard. If the petting hadn't already done it, Princess' brain would have surely been reduced to a useless lump of fat by the sheer number of ‘good girls’ alone. It was a good thing her appointment with Acaluscent was so far away, she'd need the time to recover.


Eventually though, the water was finished, and the time to go grew near. Camila signaled ‘stop’ and Princess' limp body was soon cradled in her vines, giving her some well-earned rest. “Feeling better?”


Ezra flexed her vines, once again a verdant green and decorated with new blooms. “Yeah. Sorry for ignoring your messages, and thanks for the help. I just felt so bad about the whole thing that all I wanted was to simply dry up and disappear. I mean, I hurt someone's floret when I tried to help! I'm sure you know how that would feel.”


“It's no problem. If it wasn't for Cordelia—she's my lover—being there to snap me out of it and being by my side, I would have been a mess too.” Camila intertwined a vine in Ezra's own as a friendly gesture, “you know, I'd be glad to have you over sometime. Princess would love to see you again, and she has two pinnates that you haven't even met yet.”


Ezra’s sadness wafted through Camilla again. “Thanks, but I'm not sure I'll be staying.”


After all that? Stars, it was good that Princess was too out of it to hear that. “Why not?”


“I was never going to stay on Cassius long, and I can't help but feel this is a sign to call it early.”


“You know that Princess doesn’t hold anything against you?”


“I do.”


“Will you come back to visit, at least?”


Ezra paused, their gentle rustling filling the silence. “Maybe, in a decade or so. I just need time to flush this whole thing out, and I don't think I could do that here.”


Camila’s mood flattened. There was little to do without offending Ezra, and she had promised Princess no more fighting. They had the right, and she could hardly force her to stay. “Can I ask you for one favor before you leave?”


“Of course.”

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