Dog of War

Renewal pt 2

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site. Additionally, shoutout to TheMothCourt on AO3 for letting us bounce ideas off it, and EileenLilac, also on AO3, for additional Beta Reading.



Princess frowned a big frown, turning the problem before them over n’ over. This was really toughies, and they were runnin’ out of time! They looked over the drawing again, its crayon scribbles crossed out all over to the point they couldn't even read any of it.


This shouldn't be so hard!


“Maybe we could sit Levi in between Florence and Smoothie?” Jess tried to help.


“Nooo, Levi is all goopy and Smoothie doesn't like goop, it gets in her gills!” Princess whined.


Jess thought for a second. “What about if we swap Smoothie with Emily?”


“But then Smoothie would be by Muffins and kitties eat fishies!”


Daisy rolled her eyes, “Princess, it's just a tea party, and they aren't actually going to eat.”


“Seating at tea parties is important!” They pouted.


Uhm, we could swap Mittens with Smoothie and put Levi in the open seat?


No, that'd be super awful! Mittens would be by Stinky then and she'd prolly hate that, also she wouldn't be by Daisy! They wouldn't seat Mr Bear on the opposite side of the table from them!


“Hmmm, what if I told you Mittens doesn't eat fish?” Daisy smiled.


Oh! That would be weird for a kitty, but Mittens had been Daisy's for years and years and years; if she said so, it had to be true! “Yah, that should be good then.”


Daisy sighed, she looked looked really relie- rely- relaxed about somethin’ as she got up and swapped the two plushies. Princess found themselves jumping too, nearly tripping over as they tried to run to the door.


Mommy's back!


Princess was soon where they belonged, snuggling happily into Mommy as She petted them lots! The vet had said their pizza was finally all better two days ago. Princess didn't know what that meant really, they hadn't had any pizza in a while. Mommy said now they could cuddle a whole bunch though, and that was better than any pizza! She had taken care of them allll the time since then. Jess and Daisy were still playing with them lots, but Mommy played with them even more. Mommy said She wanted to ‘make up for lost time.’ That had made them giggle. Silly Mommy, you can't lose time! It's not a thing like that!


“Hello, my precious little flower~” Mommy's voice always made Princess feel tingly, ‘specially when it was extra sweet like that. “Cordelia and I finished getting everything ready for the party.”


Huh? Party?


We were... getting ready for something, weren't we? 


Mommy’s eyes sparkled in so many pretty colors, like glitter that was always falling. Purples an’ golds an’ pinks an’ Her smile was so pretty an’—a scritch behind their ear made them gasp. “The tea party, little ones?”


“Oh, yah! Thanks Mommy!” Princess smiled, being polite was important for a princess!


“Of course, there's nothing I wouldn’t do for my precious little princesses.” Mommy sat them at the low table, plushies arranged all around it with Daisy and her Owner on the other side. There was a buncha stuff on the table! Cakes and cookies and sammiches and things they didn't know but looked yummy and everyone had a tea cup and cute little plate! Princess squeezed Mr Bear closely, wiggling and rocking as they smiled really big.


Everything's so cute and perfect! And-and-and-!


Princess couldn't help but squeal and turn around to hug Mommy as best they could, wrapping their arms around a bundle of her vines. “Thank youuuu!” They were feeling all kinds of super funny—they were having lots of emotions for such little girls! They couldn't hold them all in, and they started to leak from their eyes as they nuzzled into Mommy.


Mommy pet them, cooing and awwing as she dried their tears. “I'm glad you like it so much, Princess. But you know, I think you'll like it better if you enjoy what we prepared just for you, okay?” Mommy sat them back in front of the table, placing Mr Bear in their arms, which made them both feel a little bad.


We were, uhm, we really wanted to hug Mommy, but we shouldn't have just dropped him! 


Princess gave him a kiss and a snuggle, just to make it up to him, before looking back at all the snacks. Gosh, there were so many they didn't even know where to start.


“Tea for the princess?” Jess held up a teapot with lots of pretty flowers on it.


That's probably the best place to start a tea party.


“Yes, please!”


Jess gave a little bow, lifting up the frills of her skirt as she did, and poured Princess a lovely smelling cup. It kinda smelled like Mommy! Or maybe that was just Mommy, She was still right behind them and petting them. Jess poured some for Mr Bear too, and did another bow, before moving on to serve Florence next to them.


Princess reached for the cup, only for Mommy to stop them. “Now, now, don't forget your manners, Princess. It would be rude to start without everyone else.”


Princess squeaked, all embarrassed and junk. A princess is supposed to be polite! They waited as Jess finished pouring for each plushie, which didn't take super long. They only needed a little cuz they were so small after all. Finally, Jess gave Daisy some, and they looked up at Mommy to make sure it would be okay now.


“Hmm, why don't you give a few words before we start?”


Like a speech? Princess was never really great at those, but it was something a princess prolly did. Mommy did say only a few words, so they both had to try! They stood up with Mr Bear, “Thanks for coming to our tea party, we hope the seating is okay.” Princess paused, but it wasn't like the plushies were gonna talk, and everyone else was just waiting. “Uhm, we have a lot of snacks and yummy stuff, and everyone is here, so be sure to eat lots and talk to each other!”


Daisy started clapping, then Jess did too, then Mommy and Miss Dawnbloom joined in and made it so it looked like the plushies were also clapping—for the ones that could anyways.  




It was too much! It was too much for little girls! Princess sat down back down, fully burying their face in Mr Bear’s fluff, blushing and wiggling and trying to calm down. In... Hold... Out... The breathing stuff definitely helped, ‘specially since each one filled their nose with his scent. He smelled just like Mommy; sweet and flowery and loving and safe.


“Such a good job, Princess.” Mommy's praise made them feel all niceys and wiggly again, but they were much better now. She offered them the teacup, and they took it from Her, taking a sip.


“Mm!” It was super good! It tasted like Mommy's berries, but only a little. There was a lot of other stuff they couldn't quite identify in it. The aftertaste was a kinda bittersweet, but that only made them wanna sip it again for the sweetness at the start.


There's still a buncha snacks to try too! That cake looks really good!


It was white, with what looked like chocolate on the outside of it, and some fruits Princess hadn't seen before on top. It looked like there was also chocolate underneath the fruit and in the cake itself! Princess went to grab a slice, and then everything felt wrong. They pulled back their hand as if they had touched something gross, and everything felt okay right away.


That was weird. Uhm, maybe a cookie instead?


Princess couldn't recognize what kind they were, but cookies were always yummy! They went to grab one for their little plate—the same yucky feeling poked them in the chest, making them whimper. How were they supposed to eat all the tasty snacks if they couldn't grab them? Daisy was enjoying a buncha stuff already!


“Something wrong, Princess?” Mommy sounded like something fun was happening.


Oh, duh! Princesses don't feed themselves! No wonder it felt weird.


“C-can you feed us, Mommy? Please?” Princess leaned allll the way back into the Affini, looking up at Her as they asked really niceys. “We can't do it by ourselves.”


Mommy smiled hungrily at Princess, making them feel fluttery; then She gave them some wonderful pats that made everything feel all sparkly. “Of course, petal, I would love to. Now, I believe you wanted to try this?” She had grabbed a slice of the cake and dug a fork into it.


“Yes please!” Mommy gave Princess more pets as She fed them the cake—it was just as yummy as they hoped, and chasing it down with the tea made it even betterer!


That was when the party really started; Mommy would feed them this and that, and Princess would sip their tea. Sometimes they'd even make it look like Mr Bear was drinking some, which made her giggle! They made sure not to actually spill any on him though, Mommy could certainly clean him up but that meant letting him go. Whenever they ran low, Jess would come by and give them more and a few pats!


Mommy and Miss Dawnbloom used their vines to wiggle the plushies and make it look like they were talking and drinking tea too. Jess put on some light music that was soft and cozy and didn't have any words. It made it feel even more like a tea party!  


“You know, I’m having more fun than I thought I would.” Daisy was playing with Mittens herself, while Miss Dawnbloom played with her hair. “Though I don't think I'm having as much fun as Princess is,” she teased, as Princess played with Mr Bear. “How about you, Jess?”


“It's a pleasure to serve such distinguished guests,” Jess smiled, glowing green. “Why, we have the Sir Slithers and Mr Bear in attendance!” She patted the snakey as one of the Affini had it tip its teacup. “Not to mention Princess, of course.” Jess messed their hair, making them giggle.


“Jeeessss!” Princess just kept laughing, making her whine lose its whininess.


The maid just smiled at them, kinda like the way Daisy did sometimes, as she fixed their hair. “Princess~”


Princess squeaked, and couldn't talk no more. They just did their best to stay still for Jess as they took a long sippy of tea. Mommy had been taking care of them so much lately they hadn't had as much alone time with her as before. That one morning Jess got them ready was the last time, really. Well, outside of nap time, but they didn't really get to talk then.


“There you go, all done.” Jess gave Princess a careful pat, to avoid messing their hair again, and refilled their cup.


“Th-thanks.” Princess' voice was all quiet and funny, but being polite was important.


Jess is really nice to us...


“Well, I know Camila and I are having fun watching you four precious cuties!” Miss Dawnbloom said. “We had lots of fun making all the snacks too, didn't we, love?”


“Yes, we did.” Mommy used that voice that made Princess feel tingly as she gave them one of the sammiches. It was some kinda egg but way creamier!


Talking went all sorts of places after that, mostly what sort of snacks were what, and how good each one was, but Daisy said she was working on a major overhaul of her garden! Princess wasn't sure why she'd move it, but she just laughed and called them cute when they asked. Jess was looking at making some new maid outfits for herself. She thought it was sweet when they told her she was cute in her current one, but she still wanted something for herself. It was hard to keep track of the things said and time passed when it all felt so good and niceys and there were so many snacks. Little princesses didn't need to worry about junk like that anyways.


Princess did know when it was over, when Claire played the bell thing. “Miss Kumara is here, I have already let her in as per your request Miss Verdun.”


Princess whined as the comfy-cozy mood went away, they didn't want it to end yet!


We were having so much fun, and everyone else was too! Everything was so niceys!


“Sorry Princess, but the vet is here for your checkup. We can do this again another time. Would you like some uppies?”


That got Princess to jump to their feet all smiley, “Yah! Uppies! Uppies!”


Uppies are also niceys!


Mommy cooed as She picked Princess up, petting them as She placed them on Her chest and they snuggled into Her flowers. “Thank you all for playing with her, but we do need the room.”


“Yeah, no worries Miss Verdun! C'mon Jess, let's go cuddle!”


“Huh? O-okay!”


“I'll put the leftovers in stasis, love. Let me know if you want support.”


“It’ll be fine, but I'll remember that, thank you.” Mommy continued to pet them, and Princess heard everyone leave.


“Alrighty! Let's get this started!” A voice Princess knew spoke, it was the vet! Miss Kumara was always really nice to them! “


She gives us lots of pets and sometimes candy!


Mommy set them back down in the pet bed, the low table nowhere in sight. “She's been recovering well, her inflammation is almost entirely gone, and integration is entirely within the expected parameters; she shows no signs of rejection.”


That sounds good, we think.


“Excellent, excellent! I'll be doing a full check up today just to make sure everything's going well, but I think it'll be safe to take her off the Js!” Miss Kumara turned to look Princess, her vines curling up and wiggling happily. Then she started scritching and petting them lots! “And how are my favorite little sprouts?”


“We're good Miss!” Princess pressed into the touch, she was almost as good as Mommy! “We just had a tea party!”


“Oh, that sounds fun!” Miss Kumara tapped Princess’ cheek, and put something long and thin on their tongue. It tasted kinda funny, but good girls get treats, so they just waited. “Uh-huh, uh-huh. Yep, that's looking good!” She took it out and gave them a pat. “Your temperature, blood pressure, cell count, and oxygen levels are perfect! Such good girls!”


We're good girls!


“Lolli?” Princess asked hopefully. They weren't Mommy's berries but they were super nummy!


Don't forget to pout! Miss Kumara loves it when we pout!


“Soon!” Miss Kumara laughed, giving Princess lots of stitches. <”Mulch, you're adorable. Maybe I should get a Terran.”> “Just a few more examinations, okay cutie?”


“Yes, Miss!”


The Vet had Mommy strip them naked, making Princess get all blushy. They had gotten kinda used to it from the last few times, but it still made their tummy a little fluttery. Miss Kumara looked them all over, lifting their arms or legs as needed and going over them with something fancy. It made a cute little beep each time! “Alrighty, everything's looking great, and you were so well behaved! Your Mommy must be very proud~”


“I am,” Mommy’s voice was extra sweet as she pet them in that special place, “they're such good girls.”


We're good girls ! Good girls, good girls, good girls !


Princess played with Mr Bear's paw, too wiggly for words. They made Mommy proud! They were good girls!


“Here you go, cutie!” Miss Kumara offered them a lolli with a grin.


Oh yeah, the lolli! 


Princess reached for it, only for the icky feeling to make them stop. But the treat! Trying again just made it worse, and they whimpered as they got all small. They looked to Mommy for help, doing their poutiest pout. Mommy touched the vet and there was some sort of creaking before she nodded.


“Sorry about that cutie, let's try that again.” Miss Kumara tapped Princess' cheek, then placed the lolli in their mouth with a stroke. They hummed with joy as they sucked on it; it was really sweet! It tasted kinda like the fruits on the cake they had earlier, what did Mommy say those were again? Cherries? Whatever it was, it was super—


—nummy? Princess blinked, everything around them had changed. That happened when Miss Kumara gave them treats sometimes, but it was fine, cuz Mommy was holding them! They were where they belonged, and in the bathroom now; they could smell the sweet soaps even through Mommy's scent, and hear the running water through her song. They were also still naked, but it seemed like they were about to get washed anyway. Bath time was always so fun!


“The vet says you're well enough to come off the Js on schedule, but that you need to get to bed a little early tonight.” Princess wasn't gonna ask, little princesses didn't worry about that kinda junk, but it was nice for Mommy to tell them! “So I prepared a special nutrient blend to drink for din-din. It'll help you grow up big and strong for me, so be sure to drink all of it, okay?” Mommy pulled back Her chest flowers, and there was a boobie under there! It was made of plants and junk but it was definitely a boobie, it even had a nipple!


Mommy lowered Princess to it until the nipple was in front of them, they couldn't help but blush and squeeze Mr Bear a little. It was biggerer up close, a bit more than the size of their thumb, an’ way thicker, an’ it was leaking with something that smelled good. It was a light pink with ribbons of purple, an’ it looked extra creamy.


Din-din? That's not food though.


A vine tapped Princess' cheek and Mommy gently helped them put their mouth onto the nipple. Their tummy went all funny, like a bajillion butterflies were fluttering when Mommy had them close their mouth around it. It was such a nice size in their mouth and the little bit of taste still on it made it really toughies not to suck right away. Luckily Mommy didn't make them wait too long, just enough to give them a pet and fill their head with so many sparks. It was like lots an’ lots of fireworks going off one after another.


Then Mommy stroked up an’ down twice, and they began to drink. Princess couldn't help but moan as the milk—they couldn't think of anything else to call it—filled their mouth. It was thick an’ warm an’ tasted like cream an’ strawberries an’ mommies berries an’ some other stuff they didn't know also! They tried to suck as hard as they could to get even more of the yummy milk.


“No, Princess.” Mommy's voice made Princess stop right away. They tried to pull back so they could look at Her and ask what they did wrong, but Her hand just pressed their head back and kept them there. “I'm not mad, you just need to go nice and slow, okay? This isn't like the bottle.” She used her other hand to start stroking up and down their back. Princess slowly began to suckle again, following Mommy's petting. Drawing out each drink as She went up or down, and stopping to match the pause between the next stroke. “There you go, just like that, such a good little girl.”


Knowing that they were being a good little girl made the milk ever sweeter. Princess had never drunk something so tasty or filling, and the petting was so nice and relaxing. Up, suckle; pause, stop; down, suckle. Up, pause, down, pause. Princess found themselves getting lost in it, all thoughts ceasing, just Mommy, the motions, and the milk. They felt so safe and cozy and wonderfully small like this. It was a perfect moment that lasted forever, and ever, and ever.


“Aww, there's my little princess, you did so well drinking all of that.” Mommy wiped Princess’ mouth clean, Her eyes sparkling like they held every star.


Wha? It's over? It was so good and niceys though!


“Awawa?” Princess felt extra soupy, nothing was working right, s’all stuck in the soup stuffs. It was a good thing Mommy was there to help!


“You'll get this back after your bath okay?” Huh? Oh, Mommy was dangling Mr Bear in front of them! She always kept him safe and dry for post bathtime cuddles, and it was hard to miss him when Mommy was playing with them anyhow.




Princess sighed as Mommy lowered them into the water; it was so warm and they were so full and so, so ‘eepy. They were starting to go to sleep right away, but a pinch of their boobie woke them up. “Nn?!”


“Sorry Princess, but it's not time for your nap yet.” Mommy's voice was the extra special kind, the one that made their knees all jelly and tummy all funny and head all dizzy. The one that sounded hungry. “Don't worry, I know it's hard for such little girls to stay awake past nap time.” She gave their thigh and their other boobie a squeeze, making them whimper. “So just let Mommy help you out, okay?”


Oh! Mommy's gonna play with us more!


“Shank yeww, Mawmee.” Princess giggled, the words sounded so silly! They knew Mommy understood them though, cuz She did that clicky-growly thing. The vines on their boobies left, which was weird, cuz that's usually how Mommy played with them. Large fingers wrapped around both of their boobs, squeezing each nipple at the same time. Princess moaned real loud, twitching in Her grasp.


Oo, She’s using her hands now!


The vines began to scrub Princess clean with scrubby sponge thingy, and others working water and soaps into their hair. Mommy's left hand stayed on their left boob, the other headed down, and both played with them lots. They made all kindsa sounds they knew Mommy loved as Her right hand traced along their tummy, giving their squish a lil squish, Her left tracing around their nipple. It seemed like She was having lots of fun cuz of all the clicking!


“Mm, Princess, it drives me wild that you don't even know how perfect you are~” Mommy gave their nipple a pinch, squeezing their boob so hard they saw stars. “Perfect.” All the stars burst into lots and lots of even littler ones as She roughly grabbed their tummy, “Perfect.” Her right hand went even lower, and they shuddered as one finger gently brushed up from under their clitty, drawing out a moan. “Perfect.” Her hand stayed there, making little circles up and down their tiny clitty with Her thumb while two fingers went underneath and played with a spot behind it, and the other two stroked the inside of their thigh. The shower of stars never stopped, each circle or pinch brought another downpour. “And it's all Mine.”


“Yeshh, Mommy...”


Mommy’s playing with us! Eeheeheehee yayy!


Princess' brain was all sparks and soup and ooey gooey goop and cotton candy fluff, set on fire by Mommy's giggle. “Silly girl, that wasn't a question.” The washing stopped, and the vines holding them got really tight—hold—and they couldn't breathe no more. Mommy lifted them up, thumb slipping into their open mouth. Funny spots were making funny shapes in their eyes, but Mommy's shining above, no, into them were clear as ever. They were mostlys purples and blacks, or maybe that was just them? They were as pretty as ever anyways. They definitely would have stopped breathing, if they hadn't done that already! Then Mommy spoke again, “You are mine.


The words shook through Princess—in—and the air really hurt as they finally found their breath again, but they didn't really care about that. They belonged to Mommy. They were Mommy's. Mommy's, Mommy's, Mommy's Mommy's—


Mommy's, Mommy's, Mommy's, Mommy's




Princess' little clitty spurt all over, as waves of something that felt good went through their whole everything. They heard some woman crying out; she sounded like she was having lots of fun! Not nearly as much as they were having though, she probably didn't even have a Mommy. It went on for hours and hours and hours as their body moved on its own. Mommy made sure to keep them nice and in their place, smiling so prettily, so hungrily at them the whooole time.




Princess was even ‘eepier than before by the time they were finally lowered back into the water a forever later. Mommy helped them keep from falling asleep in the bath with a scritch now and then. It was mostly overs already, or maybe stuff was slipping by them again, whatever. Mommy was taking care of everything. She was drying them off with fluffy soft towels, dressing them in a nightie that was kinda see-through. The panties were cute, but they were all lacey and trimmed with frills, no lil bears or pawprints or crowns to be had.


Mommy was the one that picked out their clothes though, and Princess didn't really know how to dress themselves anyways, so they didn't say nothin’. They were nice, an’ comfy, an’ cute in their own way. Soon, they were where they belonged, snuggling deeply into Mommy's vines as She returned Mr Bear.


Somethin’s not right...


There was a-a—Princess didn't know how to put it. An almost sour note to Mommy's song, even as She pet them.


“Whas wrong?”


Mommy's vines twitched under them. “It's nothing petal, I'm just—I'm just thinking about how cute you are.”


She's lyin’.


“Nooo, thas nawt it.” Princess yawned, they wanted to nap so badly, but owning them or not, Mommy needed someone to help her too! “Summins wrong.”


Mommy was silent as she kept pettin’ for a lil. “I guess I'm just going to miss this. You're growing up so fast, my darling little princess.”


Princess tried to laugh, “Silly Mommy, we're not goin’ nowhere anymore. We'll play lots t’morrow, ‘kay?”


That got Mommy to laugh, “Yes, I suppose I am being a little silly.” She brushed Her fingers through their hair a few times and hummed. “Princess, would it be alright if you slept in my vines tonight instead of with Daisy?”


It took Princess a while to get what Mommy was asking, both of them confused by having a choice all the sudden. Once they did though, the answer was a simple “yes, please!”


Mommy rumbled all happy, and kissed them sweetly on their forehead. “My precious little girls.”


“Yours,” Princess sighed.


Mommy carried them somewhere and stopped, her vines moving just a bit to be extra cozy. She began to slowly rock them, stroking their hair, and Princess felt themselves already drifting off. Hopefully Mommy would play with them while they were sleeping again.


Then She started to sing.


Princess couldn't understand it, it didn't sound like words. It was like wind passing between trees, across an open prairie, or a creek running through mossy stones. It was definitely a song, though, rising and falling gently. It matched Mommy's own in a lot of ways. Sweet and calming and pulling them down, down, down...






Princess came to, dazed and cradled in their Mistress' vines, the taste of Her lingering on their tongue. Their mind felt much clearer than it had in ages, albeit still weighed down by what was no doubt a slurry of xenodrugs.


What day is it? Where are we? What happened?


Princess tried to sit up as blurry memories pressed into their mind, only for Mistress to press them both back down. “Not so fast dear, you're still integrating from the extended egoplay session, and you'll be coming off Js for a little while. Slowly, now.”


Mistress' steady strokes slowed Princess' thoughts, and they drifted along half awake in Her vines. Their meandering trail up and down their back was so pleasant, yet also familiar. One memory in particular drifted upwards—they flushed as they realized their head was resting on that very breast. “D-did we really, uhm—?”


It tasted really good...


Her thumb stopped their floundering. “Yes, all those memories are real, yes, we did those things, and yes, you can still call me Mommy.”


“Aa-ahh-uh-” In, hold, out. “Th-thanks Mistress, but—” The Affini looked disappointed, causing them to scramble, “I—We mean we definitely liked it, but, uhm, all the time is just—”


Mistress gave them a smile and a thought scrambling scritch, “I understand perfectly, little one. Another time, then?”


Princess pressed into the touch, “Nn—Y-yeah.”


“Now, how does cuddling with Daisy and Jess while Cordelia and I make breakfast sound?”




“Yes, Mistress!”

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