Dog of War

Waypoint pt 1

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site. Additionally, shoutout to TheMothCourt on AO3 for letting us bounce ideas off it, and EileenLilac, also on AO3, for additional Beta Reading.

Daisy stirred in Princess' arms. “Mm, Princess?”


“Good morning, Daisy.” They adjusted their arms to embrace her better.


Holding her is kinda nice sometimes. Not as nice as being held, but nice.


“Wait, Princess?!” Daisy gasped, spinning around to put herself on top, and Princess in their place. Her eyes ran over them, drinking them in with her signature elated smile, before pressing her lips to their own. Her hands found their way to Princess' ass just as quickly, the sensation sending sparks of pleasure. Each magnified a thousand fold by the waning Js, and the searing need for touch it brought with it. They moaned helplessly, hungrily, into their girlfriend, and her tongue found its way inside, locking with their own. Daisy eagerly played with everything in her grasp, savoring every bite. After an all too brief eternity, their lips parted. “God, I missed that.”


“U-us too,” they both replied, Princess lazily trying to pick up the pieces of their scattered brain.


Stars, we love her.


“‘S not that you weren't cute and playing with you wasn't fun, but I can't kiss you for real when you're like that, I feel weird about it. I mean, I know Miss Verdun was more than willing to, but she's your owner, you know?” Daisy winced, “Not that I'm tryna say you shouldn't do that anymore, if that's what you're into I want you to be happy, you know. It’s just, I dunno, I just like the you that's you more!”


Princess blushed furiously and—noting that Mr Bear had been tossed out of arms reach—hid their face with their hands. “C-can we not talk about that?” They squeaked, Daisy's smirk hidden by their fingers. Memories of the last ten days were not easily stopped, continuing to make their cheeks burn.


It was really fun though.


Please not right now.


We both liked it, but fine.


“Yeah, alright. ‘Sides,” one of Daisy’s hands moved from Princess' rear, slipping up their nightie. She pressed her massive, hardening cock into their thigh, tracing their nipple with a thumb. “I'd much rather make up for lost time, I've missed making you squirm.”


“A-aa,” was all Princess could manage. Their heart skipped a single beat before everything started to bend and twist, a great stickiness coating their thoughts. Their hands lost the strength to hide their face any longer, slipping to the pet bed. “M-mistress says we can't do that stuff yet.” Daisy paused, but it took several sluggish turns off their mind before they slurred out the words, “uhm, too much excite makes flower thingy drug us. Gotta rest a bunch still.”


“Oh right, my bad!” Daisy pulled off Princess right away, looking a bit sheepish. “Let's just stick to kissing then.”


“...A little more might be okay, just, the teasing is, uhm—”  Princess couldn't stop themselves, as much as they wanted to. “Really, really hot. We love it when you make fun of us.”


Oh dirt, did we really just say that? Why did we say that?!


Daisy snorted, giving Princess a headpat—stars, how had they lived without headpats?—and ruffling their hair. “Thanks Princess, I'll keep that in mind. But if your Owner says you need rest, then you need to rest! You can make it up to me later~” She added with a wink.


The room got really twisty again, and Princess couldn't be happier that they were laying on the floor. Golly, Daisy was so pretty, and nice. They should tell her that more. “You're price.” They giggled at their flub. “Love you.”


“Oop, sorry, too much?” Daisy grimaced. It didn't stay long, her mood brightening in an excited gasp. “That reminds me!” She threw her arms around Princess, hugging them tightly. “Congrats!”


Princess returned the hug on reflex, Daisy was so soft and warm. “Huh?”


“Well, it's just that you were super high when Miss Verdun brought you home and even more out of it until, like, now, and I never got to congratulate you on becoming a floret!” Daisy gave them a squeeze, “So congrats!”


“Ohhh, thanksh yew.”


“Eee, we're gonna do so much pet stuff together!” Daisy bounced, bursting with energy and pumping her fists. “We're gonna take walkies together, and cuddle, and kiss, and have sex, and get tied up together, and all of that with our Affini watching, and also between them, and on the really good xenodrugs you haven't tried yet, and do roleplay but with hypnosis, and—”


Princess smiled as Daisy continued to list off all things she was looking forward to, with the occasional off-topic rant. They were so lucky to have such a lovely girlfriend. She had even helped them understand that they were girls and a pet in the first place! Which was a little weird to think about now, actually. The trans stuff already felt natural to the point they couldn't really recall what being a ‘man’ was like. Not that they ever really knew to begin with, it had always just been another expectation of the role they had played. Even from the day of their arrival everyone else seemed to pick up on their disconnect with masculinity. The other thing was far fresher.


Princess hadn't really had a lot of time to process the whole ‘pet’ thing. They had the realization, yes, but they had spent every moment since heavily drugged. They were property again, which was still kinda scary, but it was all so different? The sense of being owned was mostly comforting now, at least when they thought of Mistress being their owner, yet it still had a sting to it. Sure, they were far from being independent, and princesses relied on others, but, well. They didn't really know, honestly. It was simply just too deep a wound to go away so easily.


We made the right choice, we were only going to get ourselves hurt. We belong here!


Princess knew that much, and if they learned anything from their little vacation, it's how wonderful being Mistress' was. This was their home. Even so, there was still doubt stuck in their heart, like food between their teeth. Doubt that was flushed out as soon as they felt Her approach.


The Terrans sat up, looking in unison to the door as lights slowly brightened, and the most breathtaking sight entered the room. Mistress was every bit as stunning as ever, and with the light from the living room behind her, she seemed to glow. Miss Dawnbloom followed her in, straining their eyes for just a moment before the door shut, leaving her glimmering in the soft lighting.


All of Princess' focus fell naturally on their Owner—the way She flowed as She moved towards them, Her loving smile, Her twinkling eyes. It wasn't until Mistress' vines were on them, fixing their hair, that they remembered to breathe. “Breakfast is ready.” Her voice was as sonorous and resplendent as ever. They stared uselessly upwards while drool trickled from two places at the promise of food. “Come now dear, focus for me, I need you as present as possible until you're all dressed.”


“Yesh, Mistress.” Princess pushed past the drugs slowing their mind the best they could, as Mistress helped them to their feet. Daisy hopped up on her own next to them, seemingly unaff—


Wait, what?!


“You're taller than us?” She stood half a head above them now, even after they straightened out. Even standing on their toes didn't fully close the gap.


“Huh? Yeah.”


“When?!” Sure, Princess had only been a little taller than her at the festival, and had known this was coming, but the perceived sudden shift was shocking.


“I dunno, about a week ago?” Daisy shrugged. “Don't worry, I’ll tease you lots about being a shorty once you're better~”


Princess stumbled as the bloom in their chest made sure their heart rate stayed steady. If it weren't for Mistress supporting them they would have fallen for sure. Their hands went for Mr Bear, and with him still nearby on the ground, they found a vine, and the hem of their nightie instead. “Y-yesh, pease.” They wished more than ever they had him to bury their face into as they realized what they said. Daisy laughed, only making it worse.


Aaaaa! Why are we just sayin’ it?! Sure it's super hot that she's taller than us, and when she teases us, and—oh goodness we're prolly even smaller down there now, we hope she teases us about that too!


“Now now, Daisy, I know you love teasing them nearly as much as they love being teased,” Mistress, in Her infinite wisdom, picked Princess up and returned Mr Bear to them, now each where they belonged. They eagerly buried their face in Her vines as they soothed them, Mistress always gave the best pets. “But I do need to have a serious talk with my pet later, and I can't do that if her chronotropic cardiosuture keeps drugging her.”


“Sorry Miss, I didn't mean to, it's just really easy, and fun, and I missed it a lot,” Daisy acquiesced.


“Awwh, has my little petal been feeling extra needy without her pinnate to play with?” Miss Dawnbloom purred, and did something to Daisy to earn a whimper. Princess didn't feel like removing their face from their own Affini to see. “I’ll just have to take extra care of you later, hm?”


“Y-yush, Mistress!”


“There's my good girl~ Now, let's get you three fed.”


Princess wiggled excitedly as they were carried away, thoughts racing with what Mistress was planning on feeding them today.


Something new? Or maybe a variation on something old? Even the same thing again would be nice! Meal time is always the best, even when She doesn't play with us.


They soon had their answer as Mistress arranged Princess in Her lap at the table. In front of them was something they recognized, and made them look forward to breakfast even more.


“Belgian Waffles with blueberries, strawberries, and maple syrup,” Mistress stated as She cut into the stack. Princess wasn't sure what made these waffles Belgian, but they had sampled some, in their... previous life. They didn't like to dwell on it, so they didn't.


Princess couldn't help but smile and hug Mr Bear as Mistress collected some of the pooling syrup and fed them the first bite. It was a medley of several kinds of sweetness that all complemented each other. Not quite as sweet or fluffy as Mistress’ pancakes, but good in its own way. Its true contribution was the grid cut into it, making it ideal for holding toppings and syrup.


All of the commands for eating came on time, and no vines found themselves anywhere but Princess' hair, which was only slightly disappointing. It was to be expected, Mistress was making a point of keeping them mostly present this morning. She only did that once a day anyways, twice if they were lucky or had been extra good. It made the times She did play with them all the more special.


Wonder what She wants us lucid for? 


Well, Mistress said ‘until they were dressed for the day,’ which would be right after this anyways. Princess would rather focus on the lovely food, and their even lovelier Mistress. She seemed more than happy to wait until after the meal Herself, only cooing and awwing between bits of praise; giving them little scritches as She savored their whimpers and moans. She needed Her fill too, they supposed. The sips of milk in-between helped keep their throat from getting parched, and paired nicely.


Daisy made some small talk about her plans for her garden, she was almost done with her overhaul. Apparently those spots by the waterfall were still open for them. Mistress said Princess could pick out something for it in a day or so. She wanted to invite all her friends over once it was done for a big party. The thought of facing Ariande and all the parts of Rose again made them a little nervous, but Mistress was quick to reassure them. They were florets too, after all, and there would be far more than just them.


Besides, as Mistress reminded them, they loved being teased.


The meal was over all too soon. Mistress gently wiped the bits of drool from Princess' lips, and carried them off to the bathroom. Even though they had just gotten up, they were quickly nodding off in Her vines. It wasn't really their fault, they were just so comfortable and full. If they weren't supposed to, She'd surely stop them.


“Oh, good morning Miss Verdun! I'm just about finished cleaning, just needs a quick mop and- hsxxbzaf!”


“Thank you Jess, but could you please be a dear and give us the room? Princess and I need to have a personal chat.”


“Ye-ye-yes Mistress! Uhm, Miss Verdun!” The sounds of Jess’ pointed feet clacked out of the room, the door shutting behind her.


We'll have to tell her good morning later.


“What did you want to talk about, Mistress?” Princess asked as they were lowered to the ground. They noticed with a blush that there was a noticeable wet spot in their panties. Not big enough to have cum, but they had been leaking. Hopefully that was from the general teasing, and not just being fed.


“A few things,” Mistress took Mr Bear from Princess' arms, “regarding your future as my pet.”


“O-oh?” Princess’ cheeks tingled as their Affini removed their nightie, and helped them out of their panties. The tingling turned to a fire at the sight of their reflection being so readily stripped, and they quickly averted their eyes, waiting to be dressed. Replacement clothes did not come.


“Yes. I'm afraid this won't be an easy conversation, but it's one we need to have. First,” Mistress pinched Princess' cheeks between Her thumb and forefinger, forcing their gaze back to the mirror, “how do you feel about your body?”


“We're hot,” the words came out on their own, and things started to get spinny again. “Super cute too.”


Mistress’ flowers wiggled, and Princess could feel She was holding back a laugh. “I'm glad you agree Princess, but that's not what I meant.” She gave them something, and their vision began to come back into focus. “Your current class G regime is effectively over now, the remaining doses are more about permanency than further change. That was a fairly basic feminizing one however, and I was wondering if you had any changes you like. Taller, shorter, eye or hair color, breast size, genitals—whatever doesn't feel absolutely perfect.”


“Shorter sounds nice,” Princess replied automatically.


Having to really look up to Daisy would be hot.


“Of course, petal~ How's another ten centimeters sound?” Mistress held a vine at about Princess' eye level, demonstrating the height. “You'd be one fifty-six then. We could go the full half meter if you want.” She lowered it a bit more.


“One fifty-six sounds good.” Something about being so short sounded good. One fifty was a bit too much though.


“That should be easy enough, anything else?”


“Uhm—” Princess’ vision had finally focused enough to properly look at themselves. They had already looked near comically feminine before, but they seemed to have crossed that line sometime in the ten days since. They had large doe-like eyes, housing widened pupils that eclipsed their sclera, framed by long delicate lashes. Their lips were plump and red, and even without makeup they had a perfect complexion and natural blush.


Our breasts are really nice.


They were a good chunk larger now, and would easily overflow all but the largest hands. Princess' own hands were dainty. Even with the scars, they could hardly believe these were the same hands that had broken bones. Their hips had gotten larger too, giving them an almost pear shape despite the... subject they were still avoiding.


So we're fat now, whatever.


Yes, they had put on easily as much weight as they had up to the festival. Before Princess might have been ‘plush,’ but now they were downright chubby. It was even starting to show in their face. Ten days of Mistress' cooking and minimal movement had stuck to their waistline like permafrost. It was kinda nice, a departure from the decades prior, and definitely cute, but it was also unlikely to stop here. “Uhm, maybe not so fat?”


“And what is wrong with being fat?” Mistress huffed, her every leaf bristling. “You were starving yourself on those synthcubes—”Princess' stomach churned at the word,“—when you came into the Compact, and I’ve heard about the Accord’s diet culture. It's a whole segment of the Terrans are adorable! class. You know, you cuties had some extremely misinformed ideas for what's healthy for your species! Pretty much every floret puts on some weight, it's only natural. This,” vines gave their belly a gentle squeeze, making Princess squeak,  “is simply the sign of a well-kept pet!”


“Awbada,” Princess babbled, struggling to form words under the weight of their Mistress' will. It wasn't easy, but they eventually managed. “But the—uhm, engineering. Not supposed to have as much. It's not even been a month yet?”


A low rumbling filled the room, and Princess felt it in every part of themselves. “You... have a point, you have been gaining weight pretty fast. Fine, I'll talk to the Vet about getting you something to increase your metabolism to a standard level, and we'll fix that when she comes by tomorrow.”


“Can we exercise too? Sitting around all day is still making us antsy.”


Mistress rustled. “You aren't well enough for that yet, Princess, and I’m still worried about it triggering your past trauma.”


“We're not asking to go on training excursions Mistress, or to start now, even just a morning jog when we're well would be nice,” Princess protested.


“I suppose I have been neglecting your physical needs,” Mistress relented. A great sigh shifted the air in the room as she messed Princess’ hair. “Alright, as soon as you're well, we'll start going on morning runs. It sounds nice, and it'll let me show off just how cute my pet is. In the meantime, I don't want you putting any unnecessary stress on your heart, okay?”


“Yes, Mistress!” Princess chirped, the future looking somehow even brighter. A light quickly drawn in by the Affini as She wrapped possessively around them.


“In return, no more about your weight, okay? You are mine, and by extension, so is any choice about your health, happiness, and well-being. If we make all these changes and you don't lose a single kilo, I will not hear any complaints, understand?”


Princess looked downwards. “Y-yes, Mistress.”


It's unfair, She's too hot!


Mistress simply lifted their chin back up, forcing them to look at the helpless girl in Her Owner's grasp. “Good girls.” They were good girls!


We're good girls! We're making Mistress happy!


“Now what about the rest?” Mistress returned to Her cheery form as though nothing had happened. “Everything perfectly acceptable? Bigger breasts, perhaps? Any color changes? We could even do unnatural ones, perhaps a nice pink for your eyes?


“B-boobs’re good.” Princess mumbled. “Uhm—we like our hair and eye color too.” They both wracked their mind for anything else they could want. Outside of just being a bit shorter, they couldn't really come up with anything physical. It's not like they wanted to eschew humanity either, just being Mistress’ princess made them happy. Their reflection finally felt like them, and they saw no need to change it.


What about non-physical?


Non-physical? Like what? The noises they—oh! “Can you make us sound like a girl?”


All of Mistress stopped for a moment. “What do you mean?”


“Well, we still sound like a guy, don't we?” The pain was fresh in Princess' mind as they became self aware of it. “C-could you help us sound like a girl instead?”


“Do you not—actually, I just thought of a better way to resolve this. Claire? Could you play back what Princess just said?”


“Yes, Miss Verdun.” There was a ding, and then Princess heard themselves.


“Oh.” Those feminine moans they kept hearing and Mistress' confusion suddenly made a lot more sense.


How did we not notice that? When did that even happen?


“I take it that's satisfactory?”




“Wonderful. Now, what about your scars? We can remove them.” Princess blinked, caught off guard. Their scars? “We can even just remove,”  Mistress brushed a vine across the large, ugly star that covered most of their neck, “a select few.” Princess pulled away, covering it with their hand. Mistress let them, shrinking away herself. “I-I'm sorry, I overstepped there.”


“It's—it's just—” Princess shuddered, fighting back tears coming up from nowhere. “It's not fine, we didn't expect that at all and it brought up bad memories. C-can you pet us, please? We need some comfort.”


Not that one. Never that one.


Mistress wordlessly pulled Princess into an all encompassing embrace, tracing soothing strokes all along their spine, across their face. The flower in their chest was working to calm them too, which made them all the more glad they had it. The only light in the enclosed space was Mistress' core, bleeding in from the thinned vines surrounding it. Eventually, their mood leveled.  


“Feeling better?”




Mistress didn't stop petting them, now for Her own benefit. “I'm sorry, I should have known better than to do that. Would you like to keep your scars?”


Princess looked down at the canvas of patchwork and stretch marks that made them. They didn't recall every nick and scrape, but they knew most. Even the ones without stories they couldn't imagine getting rid of.


They're part of us, and what She saved us from.


“Yeah, we would.”


“Okay,” Mistress nodded, and slowly pulled Herself back together. A great number of vines lingered on them compared to before. “Now I still have just two more questions, and they're not going to get easier. I need you to answer them though, alright? If you do, we'll get ice cream on our walk after.”


Ooo, hope we go to Bell’s.


“Yes, Mistress!”


“First is this.” Mistress gave Princess' clitty a playful poke. “Would you two like bottom surgery?”


Princess furrowed their brow, another question they had never considered. It made them both a bit anxious for the last one, but they already had a puzzle on their hands. Did they want a vagina? They didn't even know they were a girl until... Uh, what day was it that Daisy played with their budding breasts and covered them in bitemarks?


Like, two weeks ago?


The point was that it was recent, and this seemed like a major step that needed lots of thought. “We're not sure. We kinda like having a cute little clitty, but maybe a pussy might be nice?” Princess flushed red at their utter lack of filter today, something that was unfortunately not over. “We don't really care about getting hard though, that feels kinda weird, and maybe it could be smaller?” I-it was already tiny though! Oh, goodness, it being minuscule and permanently soft—it twitched at the thought, leaking a watery fluid. “We really love it when Daisy bullies us, so if it was even smaller and always limp we'd like that a lot.” They wanted to curl up and vanish. They wanted to disappear on the spot. It was simply too much.


Gosh, that would be so hot though.


Mistress merely nodded, giving them a scritch. “That's easy enough, but you mostly want that because you haven't really thought about having a vagina, yes? Are you against trying one?”


“Well no, having a pussy to get f—uhm, for sex might be nice and we'd probably really like it but we're not sure about going through recovery and you can't really go back after. Having a useless clit makes us feel enough like a girl already.” Princess groaned, hiding their burning face in their hands. “W-why are we just saying things, Mistress?”


“Well that's simple, I decided some time ago that a Class D is a necessary part of your daily regime. We both agreed on no more secrets, and letting you two have that kind of privacy is a mistake I will not be repeating.” Oh. Well then. “As for ‘recovery’ and ‘going back,’ I think my precious girls are being silly again, and forgot they're in the Compact now. You don't even have to choose—in fact, you won't! I've just decided for you~”




“D-decided on what?”


“On a lovely little surprise for my lovely little pet~” Mistress’ smile was as hungry as it was unchallengeable. That She knew how much Princess loved it when She got assertive like that was just unfair! And that only made them squirm more! “Just one question left, Princess, and it's the most important of them all. This one absolutely requires your input.”


“Yeah?” Princess braced themselves.


“You and I signed a contract stipulating that you will not have to wear a collar, and I will not violate that. However,” Princess' nerves shot up, only for the flower to push them right back down, “I would like something to attach a leash to, and show that you're mine.” They could swear Her entire form writhed with the last few words. “I've prepared a few alternatives for your consideration.”


We trust Mistress, She would never make us do anything we didn't want to with this subject. She even apologized for touching the scar like that.


Yeah, this was just about attaching a leash, surely there were plenty of ways to do that without—with something else. “Like what?”


“Well, you've actually tried one already, that blouse that was part of your dress for the festival.”


“Oh, we liked that one.” Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.


“I noticed. Now it's not ideal, as it would obviously have to come off in the bath, and it limits your outfit options. I could have you wear gloves or a corset with rings to open things up, but I would like to have something that I could attach to right about here.” Mistress rested a finger on Princess' sternum. “Of course, I will have you wear those for other reasons, which will be made clear in time, but this is about a leash. For now, let's start with option two, which will be complemented with option one as needed.”


With that, Mistress tapped their elbows, and they lifted their arms. She lowered what at first looked like a tangled mess of black straps onto them, but Princess quickly recognized what was. “A harness?”


“Yes” Mistress continued adjusting the straps, pulling them tight. “This one is leather, but you'll be trying a different sort of harness in a bit.” She finished adjusting the straps, and pointed to the mirror. “What do you think?”


Princess looked at their reflection, then down at it, and back, idly tracing the ring that sat exactly where Mistress had pointed. It looped under their arms, and around their back, but didn't touch their neck at all. Its dark leather looked good too, and it was pretty snug, but it just felt off for some reason.


It doesn't really feel like ‘us?’ It's not very cute.


That was it! “It's not really cute...”


It was off them in an instant. “Well we can't have that now, can we?” Mistress tutted. “I could get you a much cuter one in pink if you want to go with this, but let's move on for now. I'd like you to have tried everything before deciding anyways. This next one I'm only going to put on you if you ask, and it will come off the moment you want it to. I want to make sure you know that.” The Affini paused, waiting for Princess to acknowledge. They gave a hesitant nod, sensing where this was headed, and silently reaffirmed their trust in their Owner. “Now, I did a lot of research regarding sophonts with collar-related trauma like yourself, and ones with sensory issues, and came up with this.”


Mistress lowered a glittering silver necklace in front of Princess. The band was fairly thin, but the actual piece was large enough to cover most of their chest and barely dip into their cleavage. Ornate vines curled, decorated with leaves, and at the top of the center, was a ring. Of course, it wasn't actually a necklace, Princess knew that much. If it was, She would have simply put it on them. It was a collar, designed with love and care, specifically for them. They reached for it, hesitating, “M-may we, uhm, examine it first?”


Mistress brushed a vine across their cheek, “I would love nothing more.”


Despite the reassurance, Princess' hands still shook as they took it from Her vines. It was hefty, but not heavy. At least, not as heavy. The band was indeed thin, and holding it closed—whatever the actual clasping mechanism was, they couldn't tell—it would not be tight around the neck. The wide front and Affini make were what kept the ring centered. It was in every way different. The sheer amount of thought that must have gone into it was staggering. If there was ever a collar they would willingly wear, this was it.


It's really cute, and pretty, and we do trust Mistress, but we're not sure. 


Princess swallowed, trying to focus on the comfort of their Mistress. “It comes off the second we say so?”


“I swear on it. If you react poorly, I'll take it off and never ask again.”


Princess fidgeted with it a few moments longer, playing the chain back and forth with a trembling thumb, and made up their mind. “We'd like to try it on.”


“It's alright dear, I'm here for you, okay?” Mistress ran Her fingers through Princess' hair, bringing their eyes to meet. “Are you sure you want to try it? I still have one more idea, and I just know you'll love it.”


“We want to try it.” The words felt raw, as though they were peeling the flesh off Princess' throat as they left.


Those perfect, wonderful lights brimmed with sadness as Mistress gently took the collar out of Princess' hands. “No, you don't. I want that, so you think you do, but it's clearly upsetting you. I'm sorry, this was a bad idea, I shouldn't have asked so soon, I—”


“We want to try it!” Mistress wasn't the only one shocked by the shouting. “Uhm, that's—we're really, really nervous, and we don't wanna wear a collar, but this doesn't really feel like one but we know it is but you put so much love into it and—”


Mistress swept them up, silencing them, and everything else faded away as She comforted them. Princess didn't realize how much they had been trembling until She held them still. “Shhh, it's okay, Princess, I have you. It's okay, you are safe, and you don't have to wear a collar, everything is okay.” They felt a sting in their thigh, and all soon became distant, mired in bliss. It was just them, and their Mistress. “That's it, just focus on me, good girls, such good girls for me. You were very brave wanting to do that for me, and it's sweet that you want to make me happy, but remember, it's my job to take care of you. I don't want you to distress yourself just to make me happy, okay?”


“‘Kay,” Princess mumbled.


Good girls. Just one more thing to try left, and then we'll go get ice cream. I think you'll really like it, too. Are you ready?”




“Okay, just remember, I'm here for you two.” Princess felt another poke, and reality crept back in. The gentle lights, the massive tub, the wall length mirror, Mistress smiling above them. “There's my princesses. Now,” She set them down as they blushed, helping them stand straight, “onto the final item.” Mistress procured a... vine? rope? It was braided and lashed like a rope, but they could see the threads of it moving against each other.


“What is it?”


Mistress began to unbundle it, grabbing an end and letting the rest fall to Princess' feet. “It's rope, silly.” She quickly found the center, and began to create a loop.


“It's moving.”


“It's special rope.” Mistress slipped the loops onto Princess’ arms, and pulled them tight. After an instant, it loosened just enough to be comfortably snug. “Cordelia made it, actually, you should be sure to thank her later. It took her nearly a full week.” She repeated the process, slipping on another loop.


“The other harness is being tied up?” Princess bit their lip, their breathing already growing heavy as Mistress continued Her work.


Okay, yeah, this is already immensely hot.


“Correct.” After the third loop, Mistress tied a knot in the back and brought each loop around the side, just underneath their breasts, until they were also three thick. Each time She pulled them as taut as they would go, only for the rope to find just enough slack. Princess thought they might cum from that alone. She then intertwined them a number of times before bringing them up to split just below their neck, and began doing something in the back again. “I figured with how you liked tight lacing that this was the perfect solution for the leash issue. Since it's your first time and you're still recovering, we'll be sticking with a basic harness today. I'm also going much slower than I will in the future. Once you're well enough, we'll move onto more fun ones~”  


“W-we see.” Princess was already leaking like a faucet from the ropes digging in as Mistress brought the rope in from the back to pull apart each intertwined section, creating a small diamond. If this was a basic one, how were they supposed to be functional with anything more?


We don't need to be, Mistress will take care of us. Stars, we wish She'd show us now.


“All done!” Mistress announced as She pulled a final knot tight. A vine hooked into the cross section of the two top most diamonds, giving a firm tug. They moaned as their knees gave out underneath them. Mistress pulled them to their feet by the back of it with a giggle, “Well, I was going to ask what you think, but I believe I have my answer~”


“Ish goooood,” Princess continued to moan. They were burning up, and the ropes on their body felt so much like Mistress' vines. The knotwork was nothing short of fascinating, the ropes were perfectly tight, and they swore they could feel them moving. They could see why Mistress saved it for last.


“And do you know what the best part is?” Princess shook their head, letting Mistress tell them. “It can tell when blood flow has become restricted for too long, and will automatically loosen just enough for it to resume before tightening again. I can also control it manually, if I wish. On top of that, all it needs is the heat from your body, and water, easily supplied by your daily bath.”


“Wuh?” What was Mistress getting at?


“It never has to come off.” Princess’ eyes went wide as the purpose of the ‘special’ rope was revealed.


Oh, dirt.


“Now, how about we get you dressed for the day, and go get that ice cream? I think my princesses deserve a treat, and it's about time I got to show off how cute my pet is.”


“Yes, Mistress!”

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