Dog of War

Waypoint pt 2

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site. Additionally, shoutout to TheMothCourt on AO3 for letting us bounce ideas off it, and EileenLilac, also on AO3, for additional Beta Reading.

Daisy stabbed the shovel into the diminishing mound of dirt and wiped her brow. The Great Cassius Rework was nearing completion! Or would it be Cassian rework? She always mixed up the whatever-you-call-it, but ‘Cassian’ was mostly for referring to the people. If she was overhauling her garden because Mistress and her were moving to Cassius to stay, it probably worked like that.


Either way, Daisy had finished expanding the pool and remodeling it into a more tidal area, added a small beachfront, and only had this current patch and the craggy coastal area to finish. Mistress had helped with the salination and pH level stuff like normal. Once the water was running again, the river would be freshwater and the pool would stay at steady ocean levels.


Daisy enjoyed one of Mistress’ cookies as she appreciated her handiwork. It was to be a mini version of the planet's main biomes, at least the ones where native plants grew. She could hardly wait to see it finally come together soon! There were all sortsa marine plant life she could show off, and a decent selection of coastal ones. Maybe she would see about getting some fish too, there were some really cool ones that could help keep some of the more hard-to-wrangle plants in line! As much as she loved having some daily chores, fighting back kudzu’s more aggressive aquatic cousin by herself was a bit too much. It would add a certain something to the garden too, though she didn't really know much about creating aquatic vervariums. Mistress would help though! She was always—


“Good morning, Daisy.”


Daisy turned just in time to see Jess curtsy. “Mornin’ Jess! What brings you here? Princess still busy?” She was always hanging out with Princess. Well, that or cleaning. Or watching Miss Verdun take care of Princess. Or talking about Princess. She had a massive crush on Princess, which was kinda cute! Like someone made a schoolgirl out of a supercomputer.


“Ah, Miss Verdun is having an extended talk with them, and then taking them out for a walk.” Jess' antennae drooped, her eyes glowing blue. “She made it clear it was to be a private walk.”


Daisy hugged Jess as tightly as she could. She hated seeing a sophont unhappy, and sad was even worse! Especially when she really liked Jess! “Aww, I'm sorry. I haven't been getting a whole lot of time with Princess lately either.”


Jess hugged back. “I know it's just because Princess needs a lot of care and attention right now, but I’d wish she'd let me do some of it!” Jess broke off the hug, still looking upset. “I got to take care of them one morning and have hardly had a crumb of time with them since! When Miss Verdun does leave them with me, they're asleep! And to make it worse, I already cleaned the Hab, and I don't feel like watching more florn!”


“Oo, what kinda florn ya watchin’? Wait, no, that's not what's important here. Did you want me to track mud through the Hab or something? I'm not supposed to, buuut it has been a while since my last punishment.” Daisy shuddered as she remembered it, like lil ghosts of the night were crawling up her spine. Stars she could practically feel Mistress' thorns dragging across her skin, the air burning in her lungs.


“Thank you, but I think that would get me in trouble as well.”


“Ha! Yeah, probably.” Daisy would have to break the rules some other time or way, but right now she had a beeper to cheer up! “Uhm, you know, you don't gotta clean all the time, even if you are into the maid thing.”


“I know, but it's just, ugh! I've been wanting to do more with Princess and I only really get to cuddle her when she's asleep. I know it's only because she's injured, and she's just become a floret, but absolute time is so slow! Cleaning is the only thing that really takes my mind off it, and there's never enough to do it for more than a few hours.” Aaaaa, Jess was looking even sadder than before! Daisy needed to come up with something, pronto! Oh! Talking things over always helps!


“Welllll, why don't we hang out? We can talk about your massive crush on Princess, and those things ya been wanting to do~” Daisy winked, giving Jess a grin.


Jess' eyes focused on Daisy. “That... sounds nice, actually.”


Daisy grabbed Jess’ hand and dragged her off to the cuddle zone. “C’mon!”




Daisy did have to go around lots of potted plants and bags of fertilizer and other junk to get up the hill, but once she did it was a clear shot! The cuddle zone was one of the few areas not to be redone. Partly because it was already perfect, but mostly cuz of the history. It was the oldest, most consistent part of the garden! It was also what finally broke her. Having a signature feature in the garden also really helped make it feel like it was hers too. At least as much as anything could be, given she technically couldn’t own stuff anymore.


Kicking off her boots and pressing in through the large leaves, she let go of Jess, flopping into a pile of pillows and plushies with a sigh. God, this place was always so nice and cozy.


“Please be more careful if you're going to drag me along like that!” Jess huffed, dusting off her maid outfit.


Ack, Daisy had been careless again! Jess probably hated her now wasn't really upset, but Daisy should still apologize. “S-sorry! Just got excited is all, I'll try to be more careful next time. Are you alright?”


“I'm perfectly fine, it's you I'm worried about. This chassis weighs two hundred and fifty kilos, if I didn't follow you in time you could have seriously hurt yourself!”


Daisy winced, but it was nice to know Jess wasn't mad at her. A familiar surge jolted up her spine, and Mistress' love chased the icky feelings away. “But ya did~ Thanks for that, but I think we both know I would've been stopped if you didn't follow. Now c’monnn,” Daisy patted next to her, smiling, “let's talk!”


Jess kneeled on the spot, sitting on her ass. It was pretty neat to see how well her legs folded! If Daisy sat like that she'd be crazy uncomfortable in like, minutes. “I'm afraid a lot of my issues aren’t entirely relatable, are you sure wanna listen?” She said, antennae swiveling down.


Daisy scooted over, leaning on Jess. Everyone loves cuddles, even beepers! “Well I definitely know relationship stuff if you wanna talk about Princess first, buuut it sounds like you got some other junk too.”


“Yes, I do have some other ‘junk.’” Jess paused, her fans whirring. It made her slightly vibrate against Daisy, which felt super nice. “Honestly, I'm not sure where to start.”


Daisy hummed— hee hee now they were both vibrating! Damn that felt good. She did it again just to savor the feeling, and then a few more times while she tried to remember what she was just doing. She was talking with Jess about some issues she was having right? Oh dirt, did she tell her something that she zoned out on? That was fine since no one expects pets to be attentive but it was a little rude. Something about Princess right? Or no, it was not about Princess? Uhm—


A soft but firm hand brushed through her hair, ooo, that felt amazing. “Daisy?”


“Huh? Sorry, what were we talking about again?”


“I was trying to figure out which of my issues to discuss first.”


“Oh, right!” So they hadn't started then, that was good. “Well, why don't we just start by listing them all?”


“Compiling a list would be efficient...” Jess paused, basically freezing in place as her yellows went red for a beat. It was kinda funny when digital sophonts did that, it always made Daisy a little curious about what that was like. A moment later, Jess started moving again. “In non-weighted order; I have been experiencing negative effects of a previously discussed lack of personal time with Princess. I have also been having trouble with new desires towards her I've been trying to understand and come to terms with. I have been both vastly over and under stimulated since moving out of the hab I used to inhabit. Related, I'm trying to sort out how I feel about that hab no longer existing, and having to live with Claire.”


Daisy cocked her head to look up at Jess, “What's wrong with Claire?”


Jess' eyes focused into points. “Nothing is wrong with her.”


“Oh?” Daisy thought she knew why, “Iiis it because you're both Hab AIs?”


“Yes, partially,” Jess relaxed, glowing blue. “Do you know how rarely Hab AIs develop to the level of sophont?”


“Nope! Just that Mistress said it basically never happens but I can name Habs and talk to them like sophonts if I wanna cuz it's cute.”


Jess nodded, “That's about right, it's a fraction of a percentile. The exact number is hard to pin down, as it varies and Compact space is so big. Areas with native sophont species that have strong social instincts, such as you Terrans, trend on the higher side, but it is always excessively rare.”


Daisy gave her a big hug, “Well I'm glad you’re here!”


Jess laughed a little—the cheering up was working!—and laid an arm over her. “Thanks Daisy, I'm happy to have gotten to know you like this too.” Aaand the joy was gone, phooey. “It's just strange to be so directly confronted with what I used to be, especially when I bump into her digitally. Like, was I really that flat? Would I still be that if Princess didn't push me across the final threshold?”


Daisy giggled, resting her head on Jess’ boobs. “Well you're not flat any more~” She stuck her tongue out to play it up. Getting all tangled and caught up in fretting over the different ways your identity could have not formed was just silly.


Jess laughed for real now, her eyes and cheeks glowing green. “No, I suppose not. It's not like I miss being a Hab AI either, it's just there was always so much I was doing all the time then! Monitoring every cubic centimeter, tracking and caring for inhabitants, safety checks, managing the internal climate—and those are just the absolute basics! I also handled any requests simultaneously, without missing a beat. I had thousands of sensors more accurate than any eye, and everything was simple input/output. Then Princess happened, and now I have feelings I struggle to understand, and even simple things I could've done before without even warming my CPU make me nearly crash.” By the end of it, she had shifted back to yellow.


Hmm, that was a lot. Daisy didn't fully understand it— Jess was both from the compact and an AI— but she got the gist. She was struggling to adjust to life in the Compact as one of the sophonts living in it, and also her gigantic crush on Princess. She'd have to get Mistress or Miss Verdun to talk to her at some point, but there was still stuff Daisy could still help with. “Let's talk about those feelings then, and maybe we can work ‘em out together and they'll stop making you crash!”


“That... hm. Syr’s report did say that my stabilization errors would go away as I got more used to emotions.”


“Yeah, it'll definitely help!” Daisy had no idea who Jess was talking about, but he was probably an Affini if she was calling him sir.


“Okay.” Jess' eyes shuttered close, “I think I'm in love with Princess, and I really want to take advantage of them.” Daisy nearly fell over as she snorted with laughter, holy shit she did not expect Jess to come out of the gate swinging like that! “I-I-I don't see what's so funny!”


“It's not— It's not that.” Daisy wheezed, struggling to calm down. “It's just—whew—Sorry, I thought we would work up to that, but ya just said it.”


Jess was a really nice pink as Daisy cleared the tears from her eyes. “Yes, well, I'm not entirely sure if I do anyways. I mean, most digital sophonts are based on organic ones, being ramets or converted—they've got pre-existing emotional frameworks supporting them! I just have caches of data tied to sophonts, organized by a priority routine that places her above everyone else registered. I don't know if that counts.”


“Of course it does!” Daisy puffed up, taking Jess' hands into her own. She may not have been done, but Daisy wasn't just gonna let her friend doubt herself! “Even if it isn't love—and it deffo sounds like love to me—you’re doing the emotions you do have dirty by saying junk like that!”


Jess' fans started making some real noise, and Daisy could even feel her hands get a little warmer. “But-but-but-but-but what if she doesn't like me? Or I come on too strong? She still has a lot of trauma around mechanized and digital sophonts! I could trigger her! What if—”


“Jess.” Daisy gave her hands a squeeze, and the AI stopped, falling silent outside her whirring. “Princess spent more time cuddling you than with her Owner or myself the last ten days, I bet she's already got a big lesbian crush on you. That girl is hopelessly gay. Even if you end up as friends that's better than tearing out—well I guess you don't really got hair-hair? Nuts then? Nah, that sounds wrong. Bolts? Do you even have bolts? I don't think I've ever seen any properly Affini stuff with bolts.” Jess just looked at Daisy confused. Ah, dirt, she got off track again. “Anyways, the point is you just need to talk to her cuz what you're doing right now is only gonna make you crazy. I love her, but Princess is kind of an idiot. I mean, I was sucking her tits and she still wasn't sure I liked her. Hell, we even made out to that one sappy romance movie before that. You need to be very blunt with her, I'm, like, seventy percent sure she's autistic.”


Jess sat there, humming—not vocally, but physically. “You have a point. I guess I'm just worried about scaring her off, or saying it too soon.”


“Well I know a thing or two about getting in your head over rejection, and y'know, even if it comes to that—and I don't think it will—I'm here for ya, and so are Mistress and Miss Verdun!” Daisy gave Jess the best hug she could.


“Thanks, Daisy, this has helped a lot,” Jess smiled, a nice steady green on her face.


“I'm glad!” Daisy's lips curled upwards into a smug grin as she broke the hug off. “Sooo, ya wanna ‘take advantage’ of her?”


“Agkkcuyccx?!” Oo, pink and purple! Red too! “Well-well-well yes, that is, I still want her to boss me around and treat me roughly, but I've been thinking more and more about doing things to her.”


“What kinda things?”


Jess cycled through the same three colors again, went fully red, and then she was out, as if her strings had been cut. The very next second she was up again. “Just, uhm, some-some-some stuff I've seen in florn.”


“Well damn, can I at least buy a vowel?” Jess tilted her head. “Right, you wouldn't get that reference. Anyways, give me something to work with! I like to think I know Princess' deal pretty well.”


Jess’ antennae twitched for a few moments, and she looked away before she spoke. “I really wanna shove her to floor and make her eat me out, and maybe smack her if she's not doing it right.” Holy shit?! Daisy had to physically stop herself from interrupting. “After that I could attach something to fuck her with until she's spent. I think it'd be really fun to pull her into my lap and spank her until she cries or cums, probably both? And step on her too, stars she'd be cute squirming underneath me like that. I think she'd be pretty into boot blacking too, and it’d be really fun to make her lick her own boots clean. Also, I want to—” Jess stopped, “Uhm, you get the idea.”


“Goddamn! I knew Princess was really good at bringing out your dom side, but just, damn.” Daisy shuddered as her imagination filled with fantasies, and her cock with blood. “That's really hot, but I see why you're afraid of scaring her off now. Hmm, she was really into the biting, so she’d probably be willing to try some pain play, but I'd start a bit lighter than that. And definitely talk with Miss Verdun.”


“Of course, I wasn't just going to lead with a crop! It's just, I can barely talk about that stuff, let alone do it with her! And I feel awful about it too. I really like Princess, so why do I want to hurt her?” Jess was kinda cute when she pouted, especially the way her antennae wiggled a bit in their low position. How sensitive were those anyways? Daisy would love to find out. No, wait, she had other stuff at hand. Jess needed cheering up, and Daisy had needs of her own.


If she played this right, they'd both be happy.


“Wellll,” Daisy laid a leg over Jess’s own, “seems to me like you just need to do it until you're comfortable with it, and get some reassurance~”




“Just saying a bit of practice might calm your nerves.” Daisy pulled herself fully into Jess' lap, wrapping an arm around her and leaning back to look up at the maid pleadingly. “We can switch roles after if you want.”


“Oh! Are you sure? I mean, I'm going to hit you.”


“Yeah! Mistress has done way more than a bit of slapping and I haven't been dommed by a non-Affini for over a month. Just uh,” Daisy bit her lip, already getting worked up, “green means I'm good, yellow means hold up a sec, red means stop, and let's start easy, okay?”


“Got it.” Jess nodded. Then something about her shifted, like a switch had been flipped. Her expression and gaze hardened in an instant as she shifted Daisy off her lap, standing over her. “Strip.” Her voice alone sent shivers of pleasure down her spine.


“Yes, Ma’am!” Daisy beamed. Damn, she really had Jess pegged all wrong, she was good at this. Did she download like a domme routine or something? She definitely had to get her to show her that florn she was watching. Daisy started to get up to remove her overalls, but a firm hand on her shoulder kept on down.


“I don't see why you have to get off your knees to strip.”


Oh, this was going to be extremely fun.






Camila basked in the light of the local star, every flower blooming to drink it in as she led Princess through the streets. The girls clutched their teddy as Camila corrected their often stumbling steps with a few vines. Their chronotropic cardiosuture pushing down their anxieties about being out had some rather adorable side effects. That so many passing eyes were free to look at them with the lazy traffic of the street was likely a compounding factor. The envious glares of her fellow Affini were the most treasured ones of all.


Camila could hardly be happier about finally getting to show off her pet.


Of course, it wasn't the most ideal showing—Princess' arms were unbound, her legs allowed their full range, and her clothes covered most of her body, but extenuating circumstances disallowed such things, and it was her first time getting tied. She’d work her way there eventually. Camila was already planning her future rope harnesses, a metal ring to attach a name tag to would go a long way. Perhaps a second tag explaining she wasn't supposed to be alone, with her contact information on it. Just in case.


Stars, Camila couldn’t get enough of seeing Cordelia’s work through Princess’ low-cut top. The way it dug into their supple flesh, the way it declared to all who saw it that they were hers—and the little ones loved it. She knew they would, of course, but oh how their joy sang to her! Princess had once again not just met but exceeded her expectations. It was nice to see her happy too, even after Camila had crossed the line. She had no idea why she thought offering a collar was a good idea. Some part of her was hopeful they'd be able to accept it now that they were hers. How foolish.


Still, Camila wasn't going to get so hung up over one mistake, and the tying had been so much more intimate. The rest of the talk had gone climbingly! Princess being so happy with her body was almost as adorable as her asking to be shorter. She still had to figure out some non-strenuous exercise—yoga seemed promising—but checking in on everything had been much needed. Camila could finally get her boots altered and resized now that she knew exactly where the girls were going to end up. She'd be contacting Khali about it when she got back, along with Vera about their metabolism. Right now she had a pet to enjoy, and from the looks of it, she wasn't the only one who wanted to enjoy Princess.


The approaching Affini was odd, not for their appearance, but for the nine identical girls following after her. Each one had long straight white hair, and bright green eyes. Camila briefly considered signaling that Princess wasn't available, but her curiosity won out. <“Hello! That's quite the adorable floret you have there, is it alright if I pet her?”>


<”Of course! I'd love to pet yours as well. Do you mind if we do introductions first? There's something I've been wondering about.”> Princess looked up at her with that adorable lost expression.


“Maeve Tremula, 6th iteration, she/they.” The Affini brushed a vine across a few of her pets’ cheeks, “Girls?”


“Yes ma'am!” The majority chirped in perfect unison, the ones being pet content to remain silent. “We're Lily Tremula, first florets! She/her for all of us.”


“Pluribus?” Camila asked as Maeve set the ones she held down.


“Twins!” They all responded, joining their hands together before breaking into fits of giggles. “Mistress just thought we were so cute that” one of them spoke, another continued, “Mistress couldn't have just one of us and”—“We really like having more of us too!”—“Mistress says nine is enough for now and”—“we agree,”— “plus it's a good number!”—“A very good number.” Several replied, nodding.


Camila squealed, helping herself to a few of the Lilies, unable to hold back after such a cute display. “Aren't you just precious?!” She straightened up one long, indulgent moment later. “Camila Verdun, first bloom, she/her.”


Princess blushed under the weight of so many eyes, fidgeting with her teddy. “Uh-uhm, P-Princess... Verdun?” They looked to Camila, so she gave them a nod that they were on track, and to continue. “First floret—no, first florets, uh, pluribus?” Camila smiled and motioned for more. “Oh! Uhm, she/her? They/them is fine too, ‘cause there's two of us.”


“We'll have to work on that, but you got it right!” Camila gave Princess a scritch in her favorite spot, letting Maeve know she could join in. “Good girls~”


Much to Camila’s delight, Maeve wasn't the only one to take her offer. About half of the Lilies did as well, making comments about just how cute Princess was while others cooed, prompting Camila to warn them to be careful. Princess quickly melted under the avalanche of praise and petting. She even let go of Mr Bear, who was quickly collected before he could hit the ground. It was so nice to see them enjoying even a stranger's touch! It only lasted a few minutes, they were both heading elsewhere after all.


Maeve corralled her Lilies away. Princess, however, was in no condition to walk. Between the Js still working out of her system and the drugs keeping her heart rate low, the attention left her completely out of it. Glassy unfocused eyes, a drooling grin, swaying even as she sat in the ground, legs splayed before her. She certainly wasn't going to be in better shape after the ice cream. Not with what Camila was planning. Oh well, there would be other walks. Camila picked her girls up and tucked them away, wrapping her arms around her bear. She couldn't help but steal a moment to fix their hair before heading off.


“Shanks, M’stress...” Princess mumbled, giving a smile so precious Camila swore she could live off it alone.


“Of course, Princess, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you.” Camila savored its sweetness for as long as she could. “Now, let's go get you two that ice cream.”


She took her time on the way to the shop, giving Princess time to recover. The girls were already starting to doze off, and she saw no reason to keep them up. Poor thing got tuckered out so easily, another adorable side effect of her post-surgery care. She'd have to make sure they took a proper nap once they got home. Fifteen minutes should be enough to get her through a snack.


Princess stirred at the jingly sound as Camila pressed into Ice and Soft, the store owner calling out from the back. “Be there in a minute!”


“Of course dear, take your time.” Camila gave Princess a scritch under her chin to wake her up properly. They made the cutest little twitches, their foot thumping against her. “Wakey wakey, Princess, it's time for your treat.” She set them down, helping the girls stand up as they mumbled a ‘yes, Mistress.’


The door to the back opened, and David walked in backwards, carrying a large tub of ice cream to the counter. “Alright, what can I—Oh, hey! Been a while, you two! How’ve ya been? Looks like you've been having some fun~ Is that uh,” he motioned to the general area of Princess' suture on himself, “some sort of new implant?”


“We were gonna run away,” Princess dopily explained. “But we couldn't! And then we got some bad xenodrugs and our heart ‘sploded, but we got a new one now.”


Camila tried to ignore the bitter reminder of her failure. “Yes, Princess had a bit of an unfortunate incident, and it's helping her recover. She'll be getting her implant as soon as she's well enough.”


David winced, “Oof. Well, I'm glad she's alright. So does that mean you two finally, uh, y'know.”


Now there was a palate cleanser. “Princess sweetie, why don't you introduce yourself to the nice man?”


“Huh? Oh! Uhm—Princess Verdun, first florets pluribus, she/they.” Princess fidgeted with Mr Bear, likely recalling when they last met. “It's nice to re-meet you.”


“Hey don't sweat it, seen a lot of ‘wards’ since I set up shop, comes with working in the Affini district.” David gave Princess a wink, before tapping a pen to a pad of paper, and looking to Camila. “So, what can I do for ya? Another Supernova Blast?”


“Actually, I was hoping you could make this.” Camila showed him her pad, “and I do want to keep it a surprise.”


“Ooo, yeah I can do that! Just give me like, ten minutes and I'll bring it to your table.”


“Thank you, cutie.” Camila gave the adorable independent a pat before collecting Princess and heading to her seat. A nice, large booth, right in the window of the shop, perfect for watching sophonts go by. Or for showing off her floret's best aspect.


Camila passed the time by petting Princess, who spent it enjoying said petting. David came out from behind the counter, carrying the expertly made dish and stool. He used one to place the other on the table. “Here you go, one banana split with the works!”


Princess shifted immediately, sitting up wide-eyed and excited for her treat. Three lumps of different ice creams, each with whipped cream and cherry on top, drizzled with chocolate, covered with crushed nuts, and in-between one split banana. Camila let Princess admire it just a bit longer. “Thanks again, and don't worry,” she slipped a vine up the girls’ blouse, making Princess whimper as she grabbed the spoon. “I'll clean up the mess.”


“Oh! Well, in that case I guess I'm just gonna be uhh, taking inventory of what we have up front, so I'll be here if you need me.”


How cute. Still, Camila had something far cuter to tend to. She started with the vanilla, making sure to get some banana and whipped cream. “You've been very good girls, Princess.” More vines joined the first, getting in position to play with her breasts, coiling possessively around her legs. One went somewhere in the middle, not to her clit, or her still virgin hole, but the space between. “And what do good girls get?”


“Treats?” Camila swelled at the desperate need in Princess' voice, rumbling with a desire of her own.


“That's right, Princess,” tap, “good girls get treats.” Camila fed her the first bite, gently playing a nipple in a circle, and rubbing her perineum. The throaty, trembling moan was every bit as delicious as she hoped the treat was. She let Princess savor each flavor, and finally the cherry on top of the vanilla, all the while slowly upping the stimulation. A knead of a breast, then both of them, a pinch on one nipple while flicking the other, and always rubbing down below. Princess was already the object of a number of passing stares, and that was only the appetizer. Now it was time for the main course.


Camila went with the chocolate—Princess did seem to have a sweet tooth for it—giving her a tap and placing it on her tongue. Then she pressed into their taint and gave the ropes two tugs. They tightened for an instant, as much as was safe, and Princess cried out. Camila could feel them cum, soaking their panties and her vine as she continued to rub. Much to her delight and against all expectations, she didn't spill the ice cream in her still open mouth. Stars, she was almost too well trained. She gave her the commands to close and chew as the ropes slowly loosened.


One down, one to go.


Camila feasted on every little noise and twitch Princess made as they continued. A double pinch earned a tearful whine when her mouth was free, but a bit of ice cream melting on her tongue turned it into a husky whimper. Kneading above and below got her the cutest little panting, and another tug had them arch back into her, eyes fluttering. Camila gave her a little scritch in her favorite spot, before correcting her posture. “I'm glad you're enjoying yourself Princess, but I'm trying to feed you.” Tap, pinch, knead, rub—for a moment Camila thought that was it already, but no, only nearly. Good.


Camila let Princess close her mouth and chew, though by now the motions were weak. It was a good thing the treat was so soft, but there was no reason she couldn't use it as an excuse. On the next tap she laced her vines into the girls’ mouth, and she shivered in pleasure. The next bite came without delay; they couldn't all be teased. A few people outside had stopped completely, forming a small crowd, and little David had been idly cleaning the same spot of glass for a while now. She may as well put on a proper show.


The injector pressed its flat side against Princess' thigh, leaking its class A. Camila gave them a tap, and with a slow stroke she dragged the needle tip up their thigh. Princess bucked in her lap, stopped when she seized their harness and held them down. “No humping when fed, it's unbecoming of a Princess.” Their needy whine was so wonderfully sweet. “I know dear, but don't worry, I'll take care of you.” Circle, pinch, knead, squeeze. Stroke, rub, tug, pinch. Tap, rub, tease. Stroke, pinch, squeeze. Circle, drag, press.


As much fun as Camila was having, Princess was getting near both of her limits, and there was only one bite left. A bit of melting chocolate, with remnants of whipped cream, and some banana. She eschewed the spoon and scooped it up with two fingers, and gave Princess a tap. A second injector joined the first, slowly dragging up their thighs once again as Camila inserted her fingers. She massaged her breasts, pinching one nipple while flicking the other, rubbing her perineum. Circle. Finally, as the girls licked the cream off her fingers, she gave her harness a tug.


Princess screamed as she came for the second time.


The limit, for now. She was still recovering after all. Princess' orgasm lasted nearly a full minute, and she fell limp in her vines as it ended. Camila gave her a pat on the head and removed her fingers. “Good girls, you did very well.” Stroke. They gave no real reply as they were doubtlessly riding the aftershocks of pleasure, but Camila knew she loved it.


She was cleaning up the mess when the door burst open. “I'll have whatever she was having!”





Cordelia couldn't help but be amused as she tended to her pet’s bruised cheeks, spreading salve across all four. In a few minutes the marks would be gone, but goodness, what a development! She had never suspected Jess—who was standing nervously to the side—to blossom so wonderfully! The parts cultivated were always lovely, but there was a special joy to the ways little ones set down their own roots, especially ones as full of surprises as the adorable AI. She should reassure her though, she was definitely starting to get stressed. She'd have to talk with Camila about getting her in a collar sooner rather than later when she got back. “I'm not upset with you, and you didn't overstep.”


“I know that, Miss Dawnbloom, it's just—ugh, I don't know!”


“Yeah it's—ow—it's fine!” Daisy, in her infinite kindness, tried to get up to look at Jess. Cordelia corrected her, continuing to massage in the salve. She was such a good girl.  “It was hot as hell, and if you overstepped I would—ouch—I woulda stopped ya! We'll cuddle after Mistress is done helping me, alright?”


“That... sounds nice.” Jess’ nervous twitching told Cordelia everything she needed to know.


Cordelia spared a few vines to soothe her, and another to send her a Class E. The effect was immediate, the yellow lights turning green. “You're hardly the first to experience dom drop. It doesn't make you bad, nor is it something you should be ashamed of.” Finished with the salve, she quickly dressed Daisy in her afternoon dress, and set her down next to Jess. She latched onto the maid immediately, dragging her to the floor of the pet bed. “Now why don't you two relax while I get Daisy some snacks?”


Jess smiled, and cuddled into Daisy. “That sounds great, thank you Miss Dawnbloom.”


“Oo, can I get celery n’ peanut butter? And some uhhh lil sammiches and water?”


“Of course, petal. Oh, and don’t worry about me giving you some extra attention later.” Cordelia pressed a vine against Daisy's implant, making her cry out in ecstacy. “I’ll take what's mine tonight.”


“Y-yeshh, Mistress!”


Cordelia smiled on her way out. Daisy was such a good girl.

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