Dog of War

User Protocols pt 1

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site. Additionally, shoutout to TheMothCourt on AO3 for letting us bounce ideas off it, and EileenLilac, also on AO3, for additional Beta Reading.

Jess looked over the now-silent living room, the disarray just begging to be corrected. It hadn't seen much use today, but the maid had been too preoccupied for the upkeep it required. Once Princess had returned, Miss Verdun put her to bed for a nap, during which Jess and Daisy joined her. After which, the four were left to their own devices, letting them have the time together they all sorely missed. Most of which was spent cuddling, with Daisy giving Jess little nudges, but she was unable to find the strength to confess. The prospect of a no had just been too daunting in the end, and the thought of a yes put her on the fritz.


It only got worse when Miss Dawnbloom had snatched Daisy for some ‘personal attention,’ leaving Jess alone with Princess. Without a third party to break the tension, she had been too nervous to make her move. Thankfully, Princess was content to just cuddle, and help Jess name the few plushies she had won for herself at the festival. She did wish Princess hadn't noted how happy she was that they were now friends.


But now the florets were being put to bed, and the Affini were soon to retire, which meant Jess would have the hab to herself. The nights could get a bit lonely, but it was the perfect opportunity to clean and defrag. She could even dive deeper into the local network without worrying about missing something in absolute. Not that she disliked ‘real’ time—her favorite sophonts worked on it after all, but it was nice to indulge in the freedoms of being non-physical sapient code. Besides, if the solitude ever got to her, she could simply explore the local digital scene. There were always other programs active that she could talk to. That, or just enter standby until morning.


Jess got a ping from the girls' room and turned to see the door open, Miss Verdun and Miss Dawnbloom stepping through. The two Affini shared a few touches along their vines Jess recognized as ‘I love you’ and ‘be there soon,’ before Miss Dawnbloom headed into the Affinis’ own room. Miss Verdun had made a habit of checking in on Jess before turning in, and when she got up, but she could tell the Affini had more than well wishes and some petting on her mind tonight.


“Good afternoon, Miss Verdun.” Jess curtsied. “Is there something you wished to discuss?” She knew what this was about, but manners demanded she let the Affini speak it. She may not yet officially be her owner, but she was unquestionably in charge.


“Afternoon, Jess.” Miss Verdun walked around Jess and sat on the couch, her eyes never leaving her. “It seems you and I need to have a talk.”


Jess’ antennae started twitching, knowing did little to soothe nerves. “We do.”


Miss Verdun ran a vine along the solid piece of Jess’ hair, “Relax, I simply wish to talk about what you told Daisy. Would you like some Class E?”


“Yes, Miss.” Jess felt the narcoalgorithm assert itself in her BIOS a moment later, a thick, comforting layer between the raw data and executables.


“Feeling better?”


“Mhm.” Jess tested her servos, finding little delay. The simulated class E only added an extra nanosecond or two, and the relief was incomparable.


“Good. Now,” Miss Verdun lifted Jess up, placing her on the couch next to her. “I heard you and Daisy explored some fantasies you've been wanting to enact with Princess.”


“A few, yes.” Jess had held back, even when it came to stating her desires, but stars it had been invigorating! The way Daisy's body reacted to each slap, the sounds she made when she spanked her, the feeling of her bending under her control—it had been utterly exquisite. Ahh, if only it had been Princess! She could feel her cooling system start just at the mention of it. Jess forced herself back on topic. “Not that I would do those things with her if she didn't want to, of course! I don't want to actually hurt her.” Even if she would be so much cuter in tears, that kind held no appeal.


Miss Verdun wrapped a few vines around Jess, some habitually finding their way under her dress. “I know you don't, petal. It's obvious from the way you watched her while she was recovering that you care about Princess' well being a lot. It's part of why I was so surprised when Cordelia told me! I mean, Jess? Getting off on abusing others? The meek little maidbot who acts with tenderness and crashes when she's praised? That Jess?”


The vines began to coil around Jess’ legs, and her fans began to whirr. The sensory input was one of the only parts of her data stream unimpeded by the narcoalgorithm, and her budding domme side hadn't erased her other needs.


“I must admit, I was quite worried at first,” Miss Verdun continued, vines teasing across and into sensitive seams. Jess had to quickly mute her audio output to keep from interrupting. “Princess is quite delicate, and hardly needs provocation to have a breakdown, but Cordelia convinced me it was a good thing. After all, Princess may very well be into pain. I personally don't enjoy the idea of hurting them like that, it's simply not my flavor of sadism. I’ll happily edge her to the point of tears and make her beg for release, but spanking and such is somewhat outside my comfort zone.


“Having someone who could fulfill that need in my stead would be lovely, but even more than that,” Miss Verdun tilted Jess’ head to face her, the vines on her leg poking inside. Her swirling, infinite eyes immediately started to clog Jess’ data stream, pushing out nearly everything else. “It clearly makes you happy, and I want that for you, even if you don't end up getting to do it with Princess. You deserve satisfaction and fulfillment the same as any sophont.”





Miss Verdun released Jess, allowing her a few moments to reset and process. She was actually going to let her do those things?! And she even wanted her to do them, not for Princess, but for herself.


“However, I do have a few terms and conditions when it comes to Princess.”


Jess' antennae wiggled happily, “Of course, anything!”


“First, I want you to get some more practice before trying them with her. Daisy is a lot more carefree, and has done that sort of play with her owner for years. She also has an implant helping her. If a session goes wrong, she can easily bounce back. Princess needs a more delicate touch, and I do not want you making beginner mistakes with them.” Miss Verdun made a show of typing on her pad, and Jess received a rather large cache of files a moment later. “I’m sending you a few courses to work through, but some practical experience would go far.”


“Yeah, she's still got that trauma from having to fight AIs, cyborgs and androids too, so I gotta be extra careful about that,” Jess agreed. She took a moment to browse through them all—there was a lot. Hundreds of files covering everything from ‘Intro to Ethical BDSM for Xenosophonts’ to ‘Knife play for beginners’ to ‘Advanced rope work' was there. Everything she could possibly want or need in terms of domming education. It shouldn't take her too long to go through; while the work would be hundreds of hours for an organic sophont, most of it could simply just be unpacked into her working memory. She could finish them all in a few hours absolute; she might even be able to get some practice in, too!


“Yes, but just let me deal with that. Princess will be returning to therapy soon, and having regular sessions. Her implant isn't too far off either, I have it scheduled in just under three weeks, and Vera has said she is on track to be healed for it. That brings me to my next term,” Miss Verdun’s vines creaked as they coiled up around Jess tightly. “Until I give you the approval, you will not approach Princess about any of this.”


“I wasn't going to!” Jess protested. “I was just gonna... maybe tell her I love her soon?” It felt strange to say it out loud, having barely just come to the determination herself, but also freeing. She loved Princess. It may not be in the Terran sense, or even any biological one, but she loved her. Every processor cycle with her warmed her code, and she was happiest when her proximity to Princess read zero.


Miss Verdun softened, vines running gently over Jess' chassis. “Well of course that's fine, and I’m not saying you can't do anything with her. Honestly you'll need some aggression to make your intentions known; she has difficulty when it comes to understanding feelings. Just, maybe follow Daisy’s footsteps?” Miss Verdun creaked as her body released its tension. “I suppose I'm just getting myself worked up over nothing again. I don't want Princess to get hurt, and neither do you. Well, not like that at least,” she added with a giggle.


Jess could feel her cheeks heat up as the lights in them glowed brighter with the influx of emotion. “Is-is-is-is-is that it?”


“Almost.” Processing did not get any easier as Miss Verdun pulled Jess into her lap, resuming the thorough exploration of her chassis. “You have submissive needs as well, and those have gone unmet for too long. It's a failure of mine that I've not been able to make the appropriate time you deserve as of late. Even with the stress of the move, Princess’ recovery, and all her paperwork, it's inexcusable. I plan on rectifying this immediately.” Jess felt something inside her click as a vine pressed against it. A warning that her arm had been disconnected flashed in her priority feed as it went limp.


“HSKMVDTSXSDBKDXZACHDA?!” The connecting servo had been disconnected, but not any of the sensory input. Jess could feel every vine as it poked into the joints of her hand, playing with its sensitive connector arrays. She could feel lubricant leaking from her as systems began to go on the fritz. Another warning popped up to another click, telling her a leg was gone now too.


“I know you would like to do such things with Princess as well, but she's years away from being able to assert herself like that, if ever.” Click, and the other leg followed. This was starting to get intense. Jess could easily hop back into the server, the connection was still open and unblocked, but bits did she want to see where this went. “So you will let me take care of those needs.” A vine curiously probed at the connections of her antennae, jolts of pleasure assaulting her processor as countless micro sensors lit up.


“Yes, Miss!” Jess cried out, gripping a nearby vine with her remaining limb. The Affini had started to play with her silicate breasts as well. What they lacked in sensation was easily made up for by how much she was at her mercy. A feeling only amplified by the final click.


“‘Miss’ will do for now. Of course if you want to play with Daisy or Cordelia, feel free to do so, as long as you remember one thing.” Miss Verdun plunged hundreds of thin vines into every crevice of her chassis, filling her up. “It is my collar you will wear.”


“Hxfsjkvdzktesxh—kfsx—gkb—xdx!” Jess cried out, her audio clipping in ecstacy. The countless points of contact assaulting nearly every physical input was nearly capping her out. She could scarcely listen to the Affini, let alone form thoughts.


Miss Verdun only continued to demonstrate her intimate knowledge of Jess’ chassis, more vines joining in. “Those are my terms, do you accept them?”


“Kszfhvxecnksx!” Jess tried to affirm.


“That certainly sounds like a yes, but I need a real answer, petal~


“Hgk! Zna! Yjk! Vbs! Qnx!” No matter how much Jess tried she couldn't debug her vocal processor enough to speak with all the pleasure dominating every line of code. Trying to up her processor speed only made everything more intense, she was gonna break at this rate!


Miss Verdun laughed, causing even more stimulation as the vines invading every part of Jess reverberated. “Your neck is still attached, no? Be a good little maid and give me a cute nod.”


Jess nodded so fast she faintly worried she might disconnect her head herself.


Miss Verdun hummed with satisfaction, and raw ecstasy flooded Jess’ system—another narcoalgorithm bringing everything to new heights. One by one her limbs were reconnected, each trembling with pleasure that had too few outlets. Each click brought its own orgasmic aftershock. “Good. In that case, I'll let you have the rest of the night. I believe you have cleaning and studying to do.”


“Hkkjdxbz,” Jess replied, lazily trying to get her processes in order again.


Miss Verdun’s vines retracted from within Jess, staying on her for more soothing strokes. “Just make sure not to overdo it, I don't want you at it all night. I'm aware you're used to that, having been a Hab AI, but if you're going to be my pet I expect you to enjoy some leisure.”


Jess nodded, unsure if her vocals were operational yet.


“Wonderful.” Miss Verdun stayed like that for nearly half an hour, according to Jess’ internal clock. Just sitting with her, and petting her in satisfied silence. Eventually she did put Jess down with one final headpat, and she hung in the doorway as she left. “Don't forget to let me know if you need anything, alright?”


Jess gave her best smile, “I won't, Miss!”


Miss Verdun returned it with one of her own, “Goodnight, Jess.” She knocked over a vase just before the door closed behind her. It shattered, spilling its contents across the floor.


Mulch, Miss Verdun was good at that when she wanted to be. A sudden giddiness overtook Jess—she was gonna be a pet, she was gonna get to play with Princess, and her owner was even gonna help her do it! Or was it their owner already? They were going to be connivents, maybe even pinnates soon! She tried to calm down by cleaning up the mess Miss Verdun left for her, but the small packets of cleaning incentive only pushed her further. Frost, it was all just so exciting! She was half tempted to go into standby mode just to get to tomorrow sooner. She would have too, if it weren't for the call of the fresh files.


Jess browsed through them again. The majority were fairly basic stuff, but there was a good amount of intermediate and advanced material to supplement it. Some of it seemed redundant, but there was no harm in doubling down on the fundamentals. There was even metadata for a learning road map through all of them! It was more wide than vertical, grouped into distinct courses, allowing her freedom in what skills she actually wished to learn. However, it all started with the same course: Intro to Ethical BDSM for Xenosophonts.


Looking around, Jess briefly considered picking up more before starting. The living room was only in slight disarray, a few pillows on the couch out of place, and a spot of sweeping wouldn't hurt. There was certainly more to do in the kitchen and bathroom as well, but, well, none of that got her closer to her goal. Princess was on the other side of those courses, and that was something she couldn't ignore. Besides, if she saved the night cleaning until morning she would have something to keep her busy in the day!


Jess left her chassis, returning to the pure data that was her true nature, shedding countless processes in the act. No simulated touch to distract, no native visual input, no form at all; only keeping the emotional and logic routines. Her freed memory saw her performance soar, but it wasn't enough. The courses took anywhere from one to eight hours, and there were a lot of them. If she wanted to make any real progress tonight, she would have to go deeper into the network. A very straightforward task.


Supposedly, diving too deep too fast was disorienting for digitized sophonts. The vastly increased clock speed each layer offered clashed with the organic senses of their previous form. Jess was a digital native though, not an immigrant; she was made here. For her, the soaring flow of data into her as her subjective time soared in relation to absolute just felt like a surge of energy. She still had to be somewhat careful, pausing a few cycles on each layer to readjust. Just because she couldn't get disorientated didn't mean diving straight down would be free of consequence.


Jess found herself a small patch of the open network at depth and set up a simple sim; a desk, a chair, a digital blackboard, a few materials to take notes, and a simplified version of her chassis to inhabit. Most of it was just for show, but she would need a physical form if she wished to practice. Here was where she could get some actual progress done, down where absolute minutes were subjective hours. She made a few more adjustments to the sim, adding a few ‘windows’ and some pictures of everyone. She was going to be here a while, so it might as well be cozy.


Intro to Ethical BDSM for Xenosophonts was more informative than Jess had initially expected. Instead of focusing on the topics of safe words and checking in on your partner as she thought it would, it was all about the philosophy of such dynamics. How it required trust, and how to establish and maintain it within a fundamentally unequal power structure. Aftercare was key, of course, but so was a rapport outside of the dynamic. Some of it did feel intuitive, but the theory behind it all was still fascinating! It was clear why this was required before anything else.


From there, Jess sped through the rest of the basic courses and got more into ones covering application and technique. Each one was a rush of knowledge as she absorbed and cataloged its contents for reference. The small packets of Miss Verdun’s praise that came attached to every completion on the road map encouraged her further. She complemented each with some practice on a shell model of a Terran, focusing largely on rigging. She felt like she understood Princess' obsession with proper lacing the more she got into the rope work. It wasn't until she realized that she only had a few advanced courses left that she noticed how much time she had spent.


Jess checked her internal clock with a degree of worry, quickly relieved by the knowledge it had only been about four absolute hours. Which meant she had spent about a hundred times that down here, locked into processing data packet after data packet. How she had lost track of so much time so quickly was beyond her, but she had gotten a lot done! Miss Verdun was sure to be proud of her.


There was still at least two hours before the Affini usually got up, and Jess had the perfect idea on how to spend it! She took a few moments to make her rough avatar a perfect simulation of her actual chassis and saving it, before shedding a physical form once again. She did have to take slightly more time climbing back up towards the surface of the network. The clock speed getting constrained felt like reality itself tightening around her.


It wasn't long before Jess stopped at a layer that should be close enough to absolute that ‘surfacing’ shouldn't be disorienting. A perfect place to set up a room for herself. It only took a couple of minutes to make the dungeon, adding everything she could think of—crops, cages, crosses, and more. A few touches to the lighting, a deep red accent to match the plush carpet on all the furniture, and it was done. Well, for now at least. She'd certainly revisit it later with a more detail oriented eye, and add a splash of personality to it.


Right now though, Jess had some practical experience to gain, and she knew the best way to get it.






Camilla awoke early to a message pinging through. Disentangling herself from Cordelia enough to check her pad without disturbing her lover was no easy feat, but she managed it all the same. Staying silent as she read the message through the cracked screen was far more difficult, especially when she saw it wasn't the only one of its nature. She quickly checked in on Jess’ activity since last night, and that was when she could hold it in no longer. “She what?!”


Cordelia, now awake, brushed a vine across her core, trying to assuage her anger. “Is something wrong, my moonlight?”


“It seems I have once again made the mistake of allowing my pet too much freedom.” Camila shot a message to Jess and set the pad aside for now, trying to reign in the burgeoning anger. Perhaps there was a good explanation? For Jess’ sake, she hoped so.




Jess,” Camila growled. She paused, trying to calm down before she headed out, focusing on separating herself from her sunshine. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to go talk to my pet.”


“I suppose I could get a head start on breakfast, put some extra effort in today.” Cordelia began to get up as well, and with their combined efforts they were quickly disentangled. “I was thinking of making some latkes and brisket, since we have the time.”


“That sounds delightful, I'm sure the little ones will love it. I'll join you as soon as I can.”


Cordelia embraced Camila, a hug she eagerly returned. “Don't rush on my behalf, I can handle one meal on my own.”


“Don't worry, I won't.” Camila broke it off and headed out. “Jess has earned some undivided attention.”


Camila found Jess' empty chassis standing just inside the practically untouched living room. Did she just clean up the pot and leave? Honestly. She scooped it up and took a seat on the couch, pulling out her pad and sending another message. Nearly a minute later it powered on, animating as Jess reintegrated.


“Sorry Miss, Felicity wanted to cuddle after and all those courses went on about how important aftercare is, plus she was really nice, and—”


“Jess.” Camila’s vines pulsed with authority as they bound the maid, stopping her excuses.


“Y-yes Miss?” To her credit, Jess did not squirm. Her antennae twitched, and she shifted between a blue and yellow, but she did not tug on her bonds. It wasn't like the AI had a nervous system full of instincts to fight, but it was impressive nonetheless.


Not enough to spare Jess from Camila’s ire though. She strained to keep it out of her voice, “do you remember what I told you last night?”


“That you wanted me to go through the course work and get some practice in?”


After that.” Camila faltered, letting the anger bleed through.


Jess’ antennae drooped as she realized what Camila was getting at. “That you expect me to enjoy some leisure time?”


“Jess? Can I ask you something?”




“Does simulating nearly five hundred hours to directly download a month's worth of training courses in a single night sound like leisure to you?”


“...I guess I got a little carried away.”


Camila feigned surprise, “you don't say!”


“It was all just so interesting, and you had those rewards for completing a course!”


Ugh, Camila did forget to set a limit on those. This was why she preferred working with hardware to coding. She could have been more explicit about how much she wanted her to do at once, too. Those courses were supposed to last her until Princess recovered from her implant, and she did most of it in a night! Still, she could hardly come down too harshly for a misunderstanding. “You are right, I failed to provide you ample guidelines, and I did ask you to get some studying in. A pet can only bear so much blame before it falls on their owner.”


Jess relaxed a bit too much at that. Camila was quick to correct it, “You are not off the hook for this yet, little one. I have to say, I was quite surprised to wake up to several messages from other Affini asking me if my ‘Domme Maid Floret' that was looking for a casual sub was strictly digital. I was nearly as surprised to find the linked personal posted by one Jess Verdun, second floret.”


Jess turned a deep shade of red, and Camila could feel the little one vibrate as struggled to keep herself cool. “I-I-I-I thought I was your pet?”


Camila struggled not to express her annoyance. This was what she got for trying to take things slowly. “I had been intending on spending the next few days to make you unquestionably mine. I thought that was clear with my wording.”


“Sor-sor-sorry Miss, it won't happen again.”


“Miss?!” Camila could hold back no longer, frustration boiling over. Her vines wrapped possessively around Jess, the sturdy frame groaning as it was pushed near its crush limit. “You overwork yourself against my explicit orders,” she bisected her at the waist, removing her from her legs. “You call yourself mine and post a personal to domme without my permission,” both arms soon followed, and she lifted the limbless torso to her face. “And you call me Miss?!”


“Hxaykcxskczzfjcza—Mistress! Mistress! I'm sorry Mistress!” Jess cried out, her eyes searching for mercy.


“Better~” Camila grinned, feasting on the submission. She'd let the maid ruminate on the lesson in pieces for a little longer. “As I said, I had been intending on taking a few days with you, but clearly you cannot wait. I suppose I should have learned from Princess that little good comes from drawing these things out needlessly,” Camila rumbled. Mulch, she really needed a few days just to get everything together while taking care of Princess. She knew she couldn't prioritize one pet over another, and that Jess needed a guiding vine. She also knew that further punishment at this time would do little. A plan swiftly came together.


“Regrettably, I have yet to finish your collar, or your contract, but I will get both sorted by the end of the day.” Camila gave Jess a sly smile. “However, this means I'll be very busy until nightfall, so I won't be able to handle Princess' needs today. You will handle them for me.”


Jess’ antennae perked up, her lights turning green. “I get to take care of Princess all day?!”


“Yes. I will get them up and take a break to feed them their meals, and Cordelia will handle their morning walk, but the rest will be up to you.” Camila set about putting the maid back together, with little hurry. “You will get her dressed and ready for the day, take her through her yoga, keep her happy, and help her with whatever she needs. I expect you to be by her side the entire day. Do we have an agreement?”


“Yes!” Jess beamed, antennae wiggling.


Camila stopped midway through connecting an arm, “yes...?”


“Hzcjsz—yes, Mistress.”


“Better.” Camila rejoined the limb, moving to the next.


“Oh, I’ve never done yoga before, should I brush up on it?”


“I'll send you my lesson plan, it's her first day so she's only doing some basic poses. Just make sure she does them and takes a break if her chronotropic cardiosuture starts drugging her.”


“Can I tie her harness? Pleeease, Mistress? I took all the rigging courses!” Jess was definitely doing her best to emulate Princess' pout, Camila knew that look too well.


It didn't work, but it made the words sting. “Sorry, but no.” Camila finished attaching Jess’ legs, accentuating the statement with a click. “I'm sure you have the skill, but I want the harness to be associated with me. Perhaps another time.”


Jess’ antenna shot upwards, “Wait, so I will?!”


“Sorry, cutie, that's spoilers,” Camila winked. “You just enjoy today, and then I'll see you on my workbench tonight.”


“Yes, Mistress~” Stars, the little maid was precious. Perhaps it wasn't a loss that things had been moved up.


Camila double checked all the limbs, confirming everything was reconnected before setting Jess down. “I'm going to get a head start, and explain things to Cordelia. You are going to get some rest, as you'll be very busy the rest of the day. If I find out you did anything more productive than straightening your dress, you'll spend the next three days on Ms to help you learn to relax. Am I clear?”


“Perfectly, Mistress.” Jess gave the cutest little curtsy—Camilla made a note to teach Princess that—and turned to leave, pausing after a few steps. “Actually, is it fine if I use ‘ma’am’ or ‘milady’ sometimes? I know I use ‘milady’ for Princess too, it’s just saying ‘yes, Mistress’ all the time feels like it might get clunky.”


“That is acceptable I suppose, depending on context.”


“How about—”


“We will have time for negotiations later,” Camila snapped. “Go relax before I decide you are trying to be productive.”


“Yes, Mistress!” Jess yelped, giving a rushed curtsy before running off into the girls' room.


Camila huffed as the door closed behind her. It honestly might have been better to just give her the Class Ms. Cordelia could easily take over all her duties, and Jess was starting to develop a worrying habit of overworking herself. Something to address in the contract, she supposed. The one she had to write in its entirety, today. While finishing and troubleshooting the collar she had only just started. Jess was easily worth the effort, but it was still a lot of work. She figured she should let Cordelia know before she set into the new chore list.


The kitchen door opened to a sight that instantly sweetened Camila’s mood; her lover, her sunshine, sparkling in every visible spectrum under the soft light. Camila stood in the doorway, just watching Cordelia work, admiring her in full. There was a grace to her every movement that was rare even amongst Affini. Each flowing vine was as natural as the tide, as gentle and warm as the afternoon breeze. How she was lucky enough that she was in her life, she would never know.


“I'm glad you’re enjoying the view, but are you planning on just standing there?” Cordelia teased, amusement thick in her voice.


“Not much longer, although an eon wouldn't be enough to appreciate such fine art in full.”


Cordelia giggled, tending the food. “Always the charmer~ You know you're really good at flirting for being so dense when it comes to receiving it. Do you mind getting started on the applesauce? And how'd it go with Jess?”


Camila deflated. “Actually, I'm afraid I won't be helping with breakfast today. I'm moving things up with Jess, and I'm going to be busy all day getting her collar and contract finished.”


Cordelia dropped what she was doing, rushing over to excitedly embrace Camila. “You're going to domesticate her today?! Eee, how exciting! What was she even doing?”


“Yes, and it's a bit of a long story. The short version is there were some misunderstandings around our talk last night, and it was made clear that our little maid can’t wait. Jess is going to be handling most of Princess' needs, and I'll be feeding her the meals, but I was hoping you could take her on her walk.”


“Of course, of course! I'll just move Daisy's walk up and carry the cutie if she gets too tired in the back half of it. I could even take her through my garden after! I've been meaning to have her pick out the plant I've grown for her, and would love some quality time with Princess. I think she's finally starting to come around on me~”


Camila snuggled into her partner, enjoying contact while she had it. “Perhaps another time, I want today to be a test for Jess.”


“Another time, then.” The pair stared into each other's eyes, slowly merging into one as they enjoyed the embrace. There was much to do today, but right now there was only this perfect moment. Vine brushing across vine as they wove together, their shared love echoing off each other's biorhythm.


“Cordelia? My sunshine?”


“Yes, my moonlight?”


“I think the food is starting to burn.”


“Let it, I want another minute.”

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