Dog of War

Strong Roots Start Shallow pt 1

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site. Additionally, shoutout to TheMothCourt on AO3 for letting us bounce ideas off it, and EileenLilac, also on AO3, for additional Beta Reading.

“And down,” Mistress instructed, pressing Princess forward. The sting in their muscles as they held the pose was like crisp morning air, brimming with potential and colored by discomfort. They welcomed it with all the vigor of meeting a new day.


It feels so good to actually be working out again, even if it's something light like this.


Mistress said they needed to recover more before doing anything intensive, but yoga was scratching the itch that had set deep into their body. It was technically calisthenics after all, and it had been a month since they last worked out. Of course, Mistress' vines ‘helping’ with Princess' form was easily the highlight. The sports bra and pants kept much of their skin open to Her touch, amplified by the xenodrugs coursing through them. Even without teasing, they found the wonderful softness occupying their thoughts. With the way Jess led her sessions, the practice was quickly becoming associated with something approaching a meditative horniness. Poses bled into each other as they were put into them, allowing them to simply enjoy the sensation of submission.


We should keep doing this even after we're well enough to actually exercise. Maybe during rest days?


Mistress let Princess relax, vines brushing through their hair as they lay flat on the mat. “That's all for today, Princess, you did very well.”


Princess hummed. Pressing into the vines while supine was difficult, but it made the praise sweeter. Mistress would want to get them changed into their outfit for the day soon, until then, they wanted to enjoy this. Schedules weren't for pets like them to worry about anyway.


“I suppose you've earned a few minutes...” Mistress lifted Princess off the ground so gently it felt like they simply floated into Her vines. They readily sank into them, cuddling with their Owner as She continued to pet them. Mr Bear returned to their arms, completing the moment, and they drifted off somewhere just above sleeping.


Mmm, comfy. Nicies. Safe.


It was almost unreal that they got to have this, that this new life of theirs was only just beginning. That things would only get even better. Princess had wrestled with that fact in tears after they woke up to Mistress exploring them yesterday. If only they had realized that they were Hers sooner.


Princess whined when they felt the shift in the vines, knowing the end was at hand. Clinging to what they could didn't make it last much longer, but it did make Mistress scritch them in that way to get them to let go. Losing Mr Bear so soon was too much though. They had only just gotten him back, it hadn't been nearly long enough! “Nyooo...” They reached for the teddy even as he disappeared into the Affini. Mean! Mistress was being mean! And unfair an’ a bully and—and—


Princess' protests melted into moans as Mistress expertly disarmed them, and set them down. “Sorry cutie, but we've already been cuddling for nearly half an hour, and I have some business I have to attend to. I need to go to the Vervarium and won't be back until some time after lunch. Cordelia will be watching you until then.”


Mistress was leaving?! That was even worser! Princess could feel their eyes already stinging as they were undressed, the harness of vines shifting at Her touch.


“I know, Princess, but it's only a few hours.” Mistress gave them a pat along with new undies.


“Can't we come? Pwease?”


We're a pet, and it's not like She really cares if we hear Her talk about us.


“Sorry, cutie, that'd spoil the surprise.” Mistress booped Princess' nose, pulling today's dress over them. It was really pretty! It ended just above the knee, the skirt was decorated with golden vines that shimmered, and velvet sleeves hung off the shoulders. “Though I promise the days of you feeling so lonely without me are near their end.”


“Oh?” Princess’ thoughts were split between the surprise, the promise, and Mistress Herself. They couldn't imagine not missing Her—even being a room away from Her was itchy. The surprise was exciting and kinda scary, especially after the one they got three days ago, but they were usually really fun! Then there were Her vines, slipping into the dress to ‘adjust’ it, playing with them. Something about the paper thin excuses made the invasion feel even better.


“Mhm.” The skirt was fluffed by a petticoat that tickled Princess' legs, making the dress even cuter. Mistress slowly traced a finger up their spine in a way that was all tingly, stopping at the base of their neck. “Your implant surgery is in ten days. Soon, I'll be a part of you, and I'll finally be able to look into that adorable little head of yours. I could even help with all those nasty thoughts you've been struggling with. You will never be alone again.” The sudden zipping that followed didn't distract them from what She said.


The implant. Princess had known about it before they had taken over the Valiant. They had actually heard that the mysterious xenos had mind control devices even before they set foot aboard, but had chalked it up to people seeing monsters in the shadows. The reports from their network made it impossible to doubt, and it had been one of the main reasons they had tried so hard to avoid domestication. They had been so silly then. Having seen it first hand in both Daisy and Jess, they knew there was nothing to worry about. There were still a bit of nerves balled up in their tummy at the thought, but they weren't out of fear.


We can't wait for Mistress to be part of us forever. She won't take anything from us we want to keep.


Questions kept bubbling up, only to pop as soon as they surfaced. It wouldn't hurt, and recovery couldn't be much longer than the heart surgery. It did mean they'd prolly have to go through another set of Js, but they were already looking forward to what that meant. They could have another tea party, an even biggerer one! Maybe they could have one before too, ‘s not like they needed reasons to play with their plushies, right?


The sudden tightening of the corset brought Princess back to the events around them. Goodness, they would never get tired of that. “More, please?”


“Soon.” Mistress pulled Princess into the safety of Her lap, doing her hair. Being in Her like this was always the bestest, and it meant they got Mr Bear back! They gave him a big hug to make sure he was just as cuddly as ever. “You'll be getting your biomods done at the same time, and once you're better I should be able to lace it just about as tightly as it can go~”


Ooo, yay!


“When I get back I'll be bringing a few guests with me for a little get together.”


“Party?” Parties were fun! They could introduce them to all their plushies!


“That's right, cutie! Daisy is inviting some friends over to show off her garden now that she's finished renovations. You've already met most of them, but I believe athyrmata and Acantha are attending as well—athyrmata is a doll, you'll get along with it just fine.” Mistress set them on their feet, turning them to face Her, eyes sparkling as She drank in Her work. “Now can I count on my little princesses to be a big girl until I get back?”


A cool wind blew through Princess' very being, the odd mood flickering and petering out as faculties returned. They were grown, and they should act like it! “Yes, Mistress!”


Good girls.” Mistress gave Princess a scritch behind their ear. They thumped their foot, pressing against the vines—they were good girls!


Yay, good girls! 


“Eee!” Princess turned to see Cordelia there, vines wriggling, glimmering in every color as they caught the light. “Sorry, sorry, didn't mean to interrupt, but you are just too precious!”


“It's alright, we just finished and I have to leave anyway.” Mistress drew Princess into a parting embrace, each of them desperately trying to get as much as they could. “We'll spend all of tomorrow together, okay?”


“Yes, please.”


And with that, they parted. Mistress gave Miss Dawnbloom her own hug, exchanging a few words before leaving the bedroom entirely. Princess could feel Her presence disappear moments later, as She exited the hab entirely, taking their smile with Her.


It was not the first time Princess had been left with Miss Dawnbloom. The Affini had taken care of them on occasion during their Js, or in less drug-addled memory, led them on several walks with Daisy. Still, this would be the first time she was the main sophont looking after them.


Jess usually took over for Mistress when she was busy, and on occasion was Princess' primary caregiver for the entire day. Apparently it was in her contract. That Mistress could just sign their agency over to the AI like that flustered them nearly as badly as the thought of being at Jess' mercy. It didn't help that she had grown bolder by the day. Yesterday she had come in and just started wordlessly playing with their breasts, abusing their nipples until they came. Then she left just as quietly, placing a kiss on their cheek before leaving the quivering mess they were to Daisy.


Gosh, that was so hot. We hope she uses us again soon.


Miss Dawnbloom pat their head, tamping down the loneliness. “She'll be back before you know it, and I think she’ll miss you even more than you miss her.”


“Thanks, Miss.” Knowing Mistress was also suffering wasn't as comforting as Miss Dawnbloom probably hoped. Surely She could have used some sort of drugs to make them deaf or something, that way she could’ve accompanied Mistress without hearing anything she shouldn’t. Princess knew something that always made them feel better though. “Where’s Jess and Daisy?”


“They're doing some finishing touches on Daisy's garden and setting up for the party later today. Sorry, but she doesn't want you in there until everyone's here.” No Mistress, no Daisy, and no Jess?! What were they supposed to do until She got home?


Cuddle with Miss Dawnbloom? She is pretty good at that, being an Affini. Maybe Daisy will finish before Mistress gets back and we can see her then?


The Affini brushed her hand through Princess’ hair, “Don't worry, they'll be done soon. Actually, Daisy needs your help to finish.”


Princess cocked her head as the petting stopped. “But how can we help if we can’t go in?”


“Remember when you two dug up those amaryllis for the Flower Festival? She wants you to pick out something to replace them.”


Princess clutched Mr Bear, blushing at the memory and thoughtful gesture before it collided with reality. “That's sweet, but we don't really know flowers and stuff, let alone ones we'd want to plant.”  


Miss Dawnbloom’s smile was different than Mistress'—far more inhuman, false lips snapping into something closer to a sneer. As though she was working off a second hand description of what a smile was. It was no less genuine. “I know cutie, which is why we're going to take a walk through my garden.”


“You have a garden?”


“Of course, where do you think this came from?” Miss Dawnbloom gave the harness a tug, causing it to constrict for one beautiful moment. Princess nearly fell to their knees in thanks. “Though it's more of a lab and workshop for bioengineering experiments. I've made a few of the things in Daisy's garden too, like those floating bell flowers, and the canopy for her cuddle zone. Now c’mon cutie, you and I are going to ‘hang.’” The Affini lifted them into her arms, carrying them out of the room.


Princess was slowly getting used to being handled by random Affini. There was hardly an outing that didn't involve several Affini petting them, and a number had picked them up. It was simply part of being a floret, along with the way Affini would talk over them, or how sophonts addressed Mistress first. Miss Dawnbloom was even a likely contender for the Affini that handled them the most outside of Mistress—potentially losing to Miss Kumara, but Princess was rarely conscious for the vet.


It was still odd to be ensnared in the iridescent vines. Their glistening, ever-shifting hue was not as harsh on their eyes as it used to be however, and there was something to the way the light danced upon her form. It still snagged on something in their head, it was overly sweet in a way, like tea with too much sugar. Yet there was something to it that called you back for more, even as it soured your stomach.


We can see why Mistress likes her so much. Daisy too.


The brief view of the Affini's room was intriguing. The mossy alcove gave the impression of a bed, the nearby creek provided water and looked to feed into Daisy's garden, and there was a massive desk with all sorts of electronics on it in various states of repair. The ones they could identify were radio and various long distance communications equipment, clearly belonging to Mistress. They barely had enough time to wonder if She had anything from the 20th century gunpowder wars before Miss Dawnbloom took them upstairs.


That there was an upstairs was a footnote to the overwhelming shock and awe of the sight before them. Entering Daisy's garden for the first time was like stepping into the mythical Eden, but this was another wonder entirely. It was simultaneously an alien jungle and the most advanced research lab they had ever been in. Plant life and technology blending together in a way that defied all logic—vines acting as cables mixed with ones forming the canopy, flowers blinking like the lights of a computer, it was impossible to tell where it began and ended. And that was just what they could see from the entrance. It was massive, seemingly sprawling over the entire first floor of the Hab, easily the size of a small park. Despite its size it was densely packed, the only observable ground were the paths cutting through it all.




Miss Dawnbloom's laughter vibrated through the vines holding Princess. “Daisy was also speechless when she first saw it. I think her jaw just about fell off when I told her this is far from impressive. Maybe in a few more blooms of cultivation it'll be something to truly inspire awe. Now, before I set you down, I need you to promise me that you won't touch, eat, lick, or taste anything without permission, and that you'll stay on the path. Almost nothing in here is dangerous—and what is, would take minutes to have a serious effect—but I'd rather not risk a trip to the vet. I think Camila would rebloom on the spot.”


“R-right.” The little chance Princess left Miss Dawnbloom's side evaporated in an instant.


“Wonderful, wonderful~” The Affini steadied them on their feet, taking the opportunity to sneak in a few pets. “Just follow me, and if you see something you like, let me know.” Princess nodded, doing as they were told. Led down the path, they couldn't help but note how much of the foliage towered over them. The canopy was above even Miss Dawnbloom's head, with several layers of growth between that and the bushes that were eye level.


How the heck are we supposed to find anything in all of this?


It didn't help that so much of it was so eye-catching too, full of color combinations that they would have thought impossible. Even the more mundane-looking plants stuck out by nature of being some of the few visually uncomplicated installations. Some of them didn't look like anything that could be called a plant, either. There were what looked like rods of glass containing flowing gold, and discs of quicksilver floating in a small pond. The more they saw, the less confident Princess grew that they would find the right flowers.


Maybe we could just ask her to pick for us? It would feel bad to let Daisy down, but we're really out of our depth here. She'll help if we play up the pet thing, and then maybe we could just cuddle until Daisy's done?


Gosh, Princess wanted to so badly. The need for physical comfort was already building in their skin, like an itch they couldn't scratch. It was too early to just give up, though! Surely they could pull through for Daisy. There had to be something in this jungle they liked, but first, they had more pressing matters.


They grasped onto Miss Dawnbloom with the intent of asking for a short petting break; a moment later several vines wrapped around their hand, a thicker one placing itself around their shoulder. “Sorry, I’m used to bringing Daisy up here, she just loves wandering around on her own. Is that better, Princess?”


“Yes, thank you Miss.” They stared intently downwards. Being so needy all the time was yet another fact of their new life that was still settling on them. It was like an old dirty coat, sticking in places and uncomfortable at times, but stars if the warmth it gave was anything but perfect.  


Cordelia's giggle was like shards of broken glass and just as pretty. Sharp enough to cut and glistening with light. “So well behaved! I almost wish I could attribute that to Camila, but you two were always manner minded. It's part of what made you so utterly adorable and easy to domesticate~”


Princess fidgeted with Mr Bear, blushing at the blunt words as they settled heavily in their belly. “Th-thanks?”


“Of course, of course!” Miss Dawnbloom lifted their head, not to her face, but enough to keep them from hiding. Then there was... something. A beat, a shift in air, or maybe just the Affini herself? “You know, it’s been a pleasure to watch Camila mold you into a pet, and to see her come into her own. The way she grew as she fed upon your independence was a gift I don't think I've properly thanked you for!”


“Uhm—” Something was pooling in the bottom of Princess' stomach as they bit their lip; warm and gooey and radiating outwards. A vine stopped their arm before they could raise Mr Bear.


“Not to mention how adorable it was to see your will slip through your fingers like silt! Especially with how stiff you were. Personally, I prefer my florets with a deal of agency, but I’m not sure if I could make up a sophont that was more suited to be a lap floret if I wanted to~ It really does suit you, too. Why, you don’t even have to worry about finding someone to cuddle! Camila’s gone to great lengths to make sure you'll never be alone again.”


There was something cold stirring in them as well, even as Princess fought back a moan. Was that going to be their whole life? Just going from Mistress to Jess and Daisy, with Miss Dawnbloom or some stranger filling in the gaps? They needed physical affection, that was for sure, but was that all there was for them?


Maybe we'll get better?


When they couldn't stand to be in a room alone?


“Something the matter, Princess?” Now Miss Dawnbloom directed their attention upwards, towards her face. There was something expectant in her expression, or maybe that was just her rhythm?


“We're just worried that all we'll do for the rest of our life is cuddle,” Princess helplessly admitted. “And we like doing that a whole lot, it's just—Daisy has her garden, and Jess has her cleaning, and you and Mistress do stuff but we just... sit around? Cuddle with whoever's available? We were always doing things before, bad things and too many, but we were really active. Even when we came here we were focusing all that energy on trying to prove we could be independent, and then on escaping.”


Thank goodness we failed there.


“We just don't have anything to really do anymore? It was one thing when we were too high to string thoughts together, but we're starting to feel the need for something.”


“I thought as much.” Miss Dawnbloom let out a great groan of creaking wood. “Unfortunately, her zealotry and haste is one of her most charming traits...” the Affini mumbled, vines coiling over each other. “What you need is a hobby. Walk with me.” Princess was led by the hand down the winding path, snuggled closely to her. “Is there anything you were interested in doing?


Princess wracked their mind before answering, trying to not get distracted by the alien plant life as they kept an eye out. “We were thinking about getting into knitting once.” Something that had sadly gotten lost in all the gender stuff, and the domestication worries that followed.


“That would be an excellent choice! Making physical things is fantastic for cuties from your sophont species. What about literature? If your enjoyment of The Stars Betwixt is anything to go off of, I could make a few recommendations.”


“Oh, we still need to finish reading it actually! The movie cut out a lot of what we had read, and went on for about an hour past it. We'd be interested in giving your recommendations a look though.”


“I’ll send them to you later then. I'm sure Camila would have a few stories of her own to add.”


Reading Mistress' favorite romances sounds really fun actually, and having more sappy stuff to quote to her would be great.


Princess wondered if they could maybe even combine the two, and knit something for Mistress from The Stars Betwixt. They weren't sure what an Affini could have use for, but figuring that out could be part of the fun. It didn't even have to be knitting, per se, they already knew how to sew! A plushie of the characters or a quilt of scenes would be a fine display piece if nothing else. Heck—just making plushies in general sounded fun!


Why not both? We can knit and sew! Maybe even make Mr Bear a little suit—that would be cute!


And then cold reality crushed the nascent dreams, chasing out the warmth they brought. “When are we going to do any of this though? We still need to be around other sophonts. Daisy doesn't seem like the type to sit around and watch us knit, and Jess isn't exactly ignorable.”


“Daisy might not want to sit and watch, but she would love to cuddle with you while you work.” Miss Dawnbloom pushed back. “Besides, I would be very happy to keep you company. It's always a pleasure to see a little one grow.”


Princess blinked, they hadn't really considered spending time with her like that. She was comfy, but not distracting. It could work. “We think we'd like that.”


Miss Dawnbloom gave them another uncanny smile, before leading them to the right side of a fork. “You know I think you might be fine by yourself after you get the implant, after it fully integrates. You'll never be able to be truly on your own of course, but you could have some time to pursue your interests.”


That was... Princess wasn't sure. Being on their own really didn't sound appealing, lately it felt like stepping into a blizzard while nude.


It might not hurt anymore, and it would be nice to have the option, even if we don't go for it often.


“Maybe? We'd like to try it at least.” It would guarantee that Princess would have the time to do their own hobbies, whatever they wound up being. Textiles might not work out, after all, or maybe something else would capture them. Actually, it occurred to them that there was something that already held their attention. “Do you think Mistress will let us study military history and tactics theory?”


“Oh? I thought you left that behind, cutie.”


Princess shrugged. “We don't want to fight or train anymore, but we still find the subject academically fascinating. There's a ton of sophont species in the Compact, it could be fun to learn about other traditions and compare them to our own!”


“It would be pretty hard to convince her, if the floret cut settings for you are anything to go off of.” Princess deflated. They knew it was a bit of a long shot. They had heard about the Xa’at battle moons, and looking at the information on Xen’rani pack tactics could be illuminating for the early tribal warfare of mankind. Plus the Khetari had feudal infighting and politics that put even the Three Kingdoms era to shame, with much higher tech levels. Not to mention all the Affini writings on the subject! They were masters of supreme excellence, and there was an untold amount of domestication campaigns to learn from. “But maybe she'll say yes? Honestly if you pout like that at her, I can't imagine her saying no.”


Princess cocked their head, “We were pouting?”


Cordelia paused, before obliterating any semblance of thought with a flurry of vines. “Did I tell you that you are very well behaved and good girls?”




Good girls?!


“Honestly, you and Camila couldn't be more perfect for each other, you're both so perfectly dense. I wasn't supposed to tell you this, but this whole thing was one of her adorable little schemes—there's nothing up on the Vervarium that actually needs her to be physically present.”




“Your Mistress,” Miss Dawnbloom booped Princess, “cooked up some half baked excuse about ‘formally resigning’ from her position so you and I could have some time together. She’s even stalling for time by giving more invitations in person.”


“Invitations? For what?”


“Sorry cutie, that's already more than you're supposed to know~”


Well that's concerning. Is it part of that surprise Mistress was talking about?


Princess would see about puzzling that out later, there were other things not adding up. “But, the flowers? And why does she want us to spend time together?”


“Well yes, this was always going to happen, but picking those out is only going to take a few more minutes. As for why, Camila is upset that you like Acaulescent more than me, so she arranged all this. It's absolutely precious, and ridiculous in the ways that made me fall for her, but unnecessary—it's better to let flowers blossom than to force open their buds. Besides, you cuties will packbond with rocks, and we live together. I'm nearly on my fourth bloom, I can wait a few Terran months for you to come around. You already only wince sometimes when I come into the room instead of all the time!”


Oh gosh, she noticed that?!


Princess felt their cheeks burn as they put Mr Bear’s profession to the test. Miss Dawnbloom's vines were firm, they could do no better than averting their gaze. “W-why didn't you say anything?”


The Affini mocked offense, recoiling backwards dramatically. “And tip off Camila? If she went to these lengths just because she thought you didn't fully adore me, what do you think she would do if she knew you thought I was annoying?”


“She'd freak out and get really upset, after that we can't even guess.”


Xenodrugs and mind stuff probably.


Mistress was a lot of things, but good at handling bad news was not one of them. “So then are you and Mistress, uhm, is there, like, an Affini term for it, or?”


“Yes, we ‘latched up’ as you Terrans say~” There was a twinkling in the Affini's eyes, sparks of amusement and satisfaction scattering across that hammered metal. “And the term would translate best as ‘partner,’ though the proper Affini word has more explicitly romantic connotations.”


“What does that mean for us—for you and us if you're with Mistress?”


I think it's time you and I resumed our walk.” Princess didn't have much choice, Miss Dawnbloom not only had them by the hand but enveloped them. “As for what it means, that's up to you, myself and Camila to work out. I'm very happy to step in as your owner when your Mistress isn't there, and to help you balance your hobbies. I’d adore it if you wanted me as an owner too, of course! Taking care of a little cutie like you is a treat~”


Princess hummed, the beginnings of a frown creasing their face. They could see themselves coming around on Miss Dawnbloom, and maybe even growing fond of her, but Owner?


Mistress is the only one who should have that title. Others being in charge or bossing us around is fine, but only She is our Owner.


Then again, it wasn't that long ago when Princess had thought similarly about Mistress Herself. Closing themselves off to that had resulted in a lot of heartache.


Let's not do that again, that was painful. 


A smile tugged on the corners of their mouth. An open mind then, unlikely as it is.


Something had changed as they walked through the jungle laboratory, and it took Princess a moment to place what it was. The plantlife, once alien to the point of it being questionable if it was indeed a plant, had grown remarkably more sensible. Wild displays of bioluminescence and foreign hues gave way to familiar greens and less ostentatious colors. There were still strange offerings—movement where stillness should be, and the distinction between tech and flora was blurred, but it was far closer to Daisy's garden.


Princess perked up, feeling hopeful as they drank in their surroundings. If they were ever going to find anything, it was here. This must have been where Miss Dawnbloom was leading them the whole time. There were plenty of options here, but if they had to guess at Daisy's motivations, this was supposed to be something that represented them.  


Too late to look up flower symbolism, even if we had our pad.


Just go by aesthetics, then? Or maybe—


It was hard to tell if Miss Dawnbloom stopped first, or if she simply reacted to Princess freezing. Movement ceased as they laid their eyes upon their prize; two batches of a dozen flowers in a clearing with dozens of petals each, like an airburst. The outermost parts were light pink with streaks of white around the fringes, but each petal inwards was darker until the center was a pit of deep red. Flecks of gold and purple colored the petals like scattered paint, almost glimmering when they caught the light.


It's perfect.


“Those, please.” Princess pointed, transfixed.


“Ah, the chrysanthemums? I thought you would like those~” Miss Dawnbloom gave them a scritch that made Princess' knees buckle, sweeping them into her caress. “I'll just repot them and I can plant them once Daisy is done. Wouldn't want you to get your dress dirty! Until then, why don't you and I work on some of those things you were talking about, hm?”

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