Dog of War

Strong Roots Start Shallow pt 2

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site. Additionally, shoutout to TheMothCourt on AO3 for letting us bounce ideas off it, and EileenLilac, also on AO3, for additional Beta Reading.

Daisy surveyed the landscape as she practically skipped through the garden—it was finally done! Well, there was that one thing, but Mistress was handling it. The flowers Princess was going to pick out would look perfect flanking the waterfall! All her hard work was finally paying off~ She couldn't wait to spend the next few days high as hell and cuddling her girlfriends.


“I've finished preparing the table for the beach side area, laid blankets, and placed cushions. It should be comfortable enough until we retire to the cuddle zone. All that's left are the actual snacks, unless you have something else for me?”


Jess was a steady green—well except for the parts of her that were always pink—and her antennae pointed upwards kinda like a dog when you called their name. Those things were seriously cute the way they wiggled n’ junk to emote, would she be upset if she grabbed them? Ooo, Jess might even get rough with her again! No, wait, wait, she was having her friends over soon, she really shouldn't get tangled up in a scene, especially with her. Jess got intense. Like, she wasn't Mistress, but damn. Also it was probably just rude to grab her when they haven't really established that as cool to do. Consent may be optional for Affini, but that didn't mean there weren't rules!




“Huh?”  Wait, what had they been—oh right! “Nahhh, you're fine. Thanks for all the help by the way!”


“It was my pleasure to assist you.” Jess curtsied and Daisy fought back giggles. It was kinda weird to see the maid thing when the person doing it was all dommy. It definitely worked though, goddamn did it work.


Daisy definitely needed to make a spot for Jess next Festival. It was only a few months away! Something along the banks at the top? Hmm, what would be a good flower for Jess? Heliotropes? Nahhh, that would be weird if she was going to have to replant them—could be a great permanent flower though! No, wait, it'd be in her garden, so it should be more about their relationship, or maybe just Jess herself? Ooo, hyssops would be a fantastic pick! Well for the ones that stayed at least, she'd have to ask Mistress for something good for the festival. Actually, Princess would be planting too, so maybe it could just be a stand-in.


“If you're done with me, I think I'll go spend some time with Princess. You are welcome to join, of course.”


Ack! “Hold up!” Daisy reached out to stop Jess, grabbing her by the wrist. The robot stopped immediately, throwing her off balance so she tripped into her as she turned around, planting her face into her chest.


“Daisy, are you alright?!” Jess lifted her off. Damn she was strong, she could see why she had Princess wrapped around her finger.


“Yah, no worries, your tits are really soft!” Daisy beamed, giving Jess a wink.


“How many times do I have to tell you to be careful, you could get hurt like that!”


“Pffft, nah, I've had an implant for years now, you'd have to try to do more than bruise me. Also you should know that, you’ve slapped me in the face and spanked me, like, a bunch, c'mon girl.”


It was so cute the way Jess went red, it wasn't like a blush at all, more like when your computer crashes or snags up. Plus the antenna again! They were trembling in just the cutest way. God, Daisy really wanted to grab ‘em. “Th-th-that's different, I could control the exact output of force then! Anyways, what is this about? You said you didn't need my help anymore, so I would like to go mess with Princess.”


“Hah, yeah that's really fun, especially when she gets all squirmy.” Jess' eyes focused on Daisy, her antennae lowering. Ah shit, right, she needs to make an excuse, Mistress wasn't done with Princess yet! She could uhhhhh, uhhhhh.... fuck it. “Mistress wants some personal time with Princess and it feels like they're not ready yet, sooo—”




Hhh, Daisy really hated it when people looked sad! She wormed her hand down into Jess’ own, interweaving their fingers and giving them a squeeze. “C'mon, we rarely hang out one on one, we're usually with Princess when we're together! We're like pinnate in laws, we should hang more! ‘Sides, Mistress shouldn't be too much longer, ‘s already been like two hours since Miss Verdun left.”


“Very well. Is there something you wanted to do to pass the time?”


Touch your antennae. “Uhhh, nothin’ specific! Maybe cuddle and talk?” God it would be so fun to tweak those things, Daisy bet they’d snap back up if she pushed them down. “C'mon, we can test the party area!” She headed off, pulling Jess along. Once there, she tossed herself into one of the massive cushions that surrounded the Terran height table, sprawling out. They were so comfy! Then again, it would be easier to list the things that weren't comfy in the compact. Even the robots were soft!


Jess sat next to Daisy a moment later, straightening her maid outfit. It was a little different lately, she hadn't noticed that before. Not like crazy different, but it was a bit more modest in some places, and less in others. “Even if you can't get hurt, it would be nice if you didn't yank me about.”


Daisy waved her hand apologetically, “Sorry, sorry, I know, it's just hard to remember that sort of stuff. Mistress helps a lot and so does the implant, but my head’s a bit scattered on a good day, y'know?”


“Can’t she just fix your memory problems?”


Daisy pulled back, shooting Jess a look. “Fix it?”


“Sorry, I didn't—”


“Nah, nah, it's fine, just been a minute since someone asked. Never thought you would!” Daisy giggled, before realizing Jess wasn't. Eesh, tough. She tapped her head, giving her best ‘hey it's alright I'm not actually offended’ smile. “Just how my brain works, yeah? Thoughts have always been a bit jumpy, and focus comes n’ goes. Sometimes I would have too much and it's been hours all the sudden! There were pills to help, but they always made me feel sick, so I didn't take them, and that just made it all worse. I'd often have a hard time finding the focus and energy to make food to eat, or put on makeup to go out, or clean up my apartment or shower or whatever.


“Then the Compact came along, and suddenly I didn't need to anymore! Sure, adjusting wasn't easy and I was still struggling in a lot of ways—especially when I kept missing appointments and forgetting important stuff, I used to really get in my head about that before Mistress helped—but looking back, no one actually held it against me. It's just who I am, and everyone is willing to accommodate, so why mess with it? It's kinda like Princess’ whole deal about boots and cumming to the thought of Napoleon conquering the United States or whatever! You wouldn't wanna ‘fix’ that would ya? It's part of what makes her so cute!”


“No, I wouldn't.” Oof, poor example. Jess looked sadder than before! Gehhh, there had to be—ooo, Daisy had the best idea!


“Listen, I'm really not upset about it, buuut if you wanted to make it up to me...”


Jess perked up, taking the bait. “Is there something you want?”


Daisy was never good at keeping a straight face, she was already cracking, and eagerness quickly burst through. “CanIplaywithyourantennae?!”


“My antennae?” Yellow was better than blue, and confusion was a step up from sad!


“Pleeease?” Daisy put on her best pleading face, mastered over years of pethood. “They're really really cute and I wanna mess with them a little!”


“Uh, sure. Just be careful, they're sensitive.”


Ooo, sensitive was promising. “Don't worry, I'll be gentle~” Daisy reached for her prize, only to be stopped as Jess seized her wrists.


“You will go over my knee if you aren't.”


Note to self: do that. “O-ho! Well don't worry, I'll be real careful.” Jess glared at Daisy for another moment before letting go, resigning herself. Her fingers felt extra twitchy as they made their way to their goal. She did her best to calm herself, she didn't want to end up getting spanked before she got her fix after all.


Jess seized up—was that red or pink?—as Daisy ran her fingers from the base to the tip. The metal was smooth, but also kinda rough? There was a slight texture to them that felt awesome under her fingers, thousands of tiny little ridges ringing around them. It was really hard to go slowly as she traced up and down their length. As interesting as it was, it wasn't what Daisy was looking forward to. After a few slow strokes, it was time she found out where the line was.


Daisy wrapped her fingers around the base of the antennae, tweaking them downwards.


“Fjsjfaxvzvgk?!” Jess cried out, twitching as purple joined what was definitely red.


Daisy’s grin grew wide with mischief as the nature of their sensitivity was made apparent—she was going to have a lot more fun earning this spanking than she thought. She rotated the antennae in small circles, earning another static cry from the maid. Pressing them outwards as far as they would go made Jess’ arms spasm as they reached to stop her. Aww, already? She had barely gotten started!


Although, she hadn't said stop yet. Probably cuz she couldn't really speak at the moment, but that was even more reason for Daisy to get her fill. She played the antennae every direction she could, truly testing their limits as she ditched any semblance of care. She drank in their texture, the way they bounced back when pushed too far, the way they desperately tried to escape her grasp. Most of all, she enjoyed the way Jess reacted to all of it.


There wasn't much longer left, Daisy was sure of that. Jess had almost bucked her off a couple times, and was only getting more erratic. There was still one thing she had to know—was it just the antennae, or were the joints sensitive too? Rubbing her thumbs against the connecting joints gave Daisy her answer as Jess froze, her lights blinking off.


Oh shit, she didn't mean to go that far! Daisy leapt off her, panic setting in before a wave of reassurance told her that Jess was fine. Oh! Mistress was ready for them too! Hell yeah! She couldn't wait to get changed and cuddle with Princess before the party. Maybe she could even—


An iron grip on her wrist got Daisy's attention just before she was yanked forward, laid across Jess' lap. “What did I say? What was the one thing I said?!” Oh, right. Oops.


Daisy tried her best to stop smiling, failing hard. “Eheheh, my bad?” Damn, she was strong. Like, Jess was a robot, but Daisy couldn't wiggle away at all.  


“Just for that, you get twenty.” There was a tearing sound as Jess ripped off Daisy's overalls, pulling down her panties. “You will count with each hit. If you are late, the next one will be harder. If you do not count, it will repeat until you do. Say ‘Yes, miss’ if you understand.”


It occurred to Daisy that this might be a little more than she intended to bite off. That was fun in its own way, but she wanted this to kill time until Mistress was ready, not eat into Princess time! She needed a way out of this fast. What would distract Jess? Cleaning? Not pressing enough. Begging wouldn’t do anything except maybe get the maid off. Fun, but it wasn't going to help. Ugh, there had to be—oh, duh! “Mistress wants us to come hang out with Princess!”


Jess paused, and Daisy waited an agonizing minute before she was let up. “Miss Dawnbloom has confirmed that you are telling the truth. How fortunate for you.” Jess got up herself, calling back as she walked away. “We will continue this later. Do not think you are getting out of your punishment.”  


Daisy stripped out of the tattered overalls and fought the urge to skip after her as she followed behind, clenching her jaw to keep from making comments. She may have gotten out of it for now, but that didn't mean Jess wouldn't add to it later. Ooo, what if she did it at the party in front of everyone? Fuck, that would be hot. After made more sense though, cuz then she wouldn't have to worry about another interruption.


Daisy had to cover her mouth to muffle her squeal as she entered her room. Princess was in Mistress’ lap with a frustrated look on her face, knitting of all things. God, just when she thought she couldn't love those dweebs any more! Was she picking her hobbies from old folks' listicles?! She definitely had to tease her about this.


Mistress turned and gave Daisy a wink that made her heart flutter. It was unreal how pretty She was, the way She caught the light, the shape of Her always perfectly accented by the gleam of Her vines, the aurora of colors that christened Her. All the glory of the rising sun, and twice the beauty. Perfection given form. A Goddess.


“Ugh, we just aren't getting anywhere.” Princess grumbled, still wrapped up in the task at hand. Whatever the clump of yarn was supposed to be, it wasn't.


Mistress gave her a pat, God how Daisy wished to feel her touch. “You seem to be getting the hang of casting on, that's a lot of progress for someone who’s just starting!”  


“We guess, we just wish the actual knitting was easier. It's weirdly frustrating to learn something new skill-wise, we're used to already knowing what to do.”


“I'm sure you'll get there, Princess, it just takes practice. Why don't we take a break for now? Look who's done with the garden.” Mistress directed Princess’ gaze, setting the needles and yarn aside.


“Jess! Daisy!” Eee Princess was so cute when she lit up like that. She was gonna get so kissed!


“Princess! Mistress!” Daisy beamed, running across the room and jumping into her Mistress' vines. They welcomed her home, petting, stroking, squeezing her as they wrung out even the faintest trace of worry. There was nothing to do now, but enjoy herself. Mistress had it handled. Snuggling into her girlfriend, it was simply perfect.


“Hello, my precious little flower.” Mistress’ voice was so lovely, it was sweeter each time Daisy heard it. She played with her hand, lazily draped across Princess, and Daisy returned the gesture.


“It's nice to see you.” Princess’ smile disappeared. “What happened to your clothes?”


“Me an’ Jess were fooling around a bit and my overalls were a casualty of the Terran need for exploration. Oh, speaking of!” Daisy popped up, waving at the maid. “C'mon, Jess, room for one more!”


Jess eyed the situation, before looking to Mistress. “Miss Dawnbloom, could you put me next to Princess?”


“Absolutely!” Mistress lifted the maid up, placing her on the other side of their mutual pinnate. It was a Princess cuddle sandwich, with Mr Bear as garnish. “And don't worry, I'll make sure you get to finish your little playtime with Daisy~”


Ahaha, shit.






It was sometime after lunch, a lot of cuddling and ‘fooling around’ later, that Princess felt Her.


Mistress is back!


They worked their way out from the tangle of limbs, disturbing their pinnates in their single minded fervor.


“Woah, hey!” Daisy shouted behind them. Princess didn't turn around, didn't hesitate as they made their way out of the room and towards the front door of the hab. Mistress was close, and they could think of nothing else besides being in her vines again as they stared intently at the door. She had to be just on the other side, they could feel her so strongly.


Please open it soon, please.


“Woah, she's got it bad.” A hand waved in front of Princess' face, trying to distract them. “Damn, didn't even blink.”


“Mistress is having some fun, I think.”


“Think we got time to get some markers?”






“Also now you get twenty five.”


“What, why?! I didn't even—Mistress, tell her that's not fair!”


“Sorry petal, my vines are tied~”




Finally, finally the door opened, and there She was, crowned by the sun, and even greater was her own radiance. Being able to bask in Her presence was a gift Princess would sacrifice everything for, and She gave it so freely. Then Her eyes graced them, Her love pouring from those bottomless, shimmering wells of light. “Awww, did my little princesses miss me that much?”


“Aa,” Princess agreed, reaching upwards, Mr Bear in hand.


“I suppose this is to be expected.” Mistress brushed a wonderful vine through their hair before she lifted them into Her arms, and Princess was complete once again. They babbled happily as they sank into Her caress, surrendering to Her attention. “You and I really need to have a talk soon, it feels wrong to drag you out of this several times a day. Not to mention how positively adorable you are like this!” Mistress cooed, tickling at their nose. Princess giggled as they were carried inside, voices mixing behind them.


Drag us outta what? She's carrying us!


Mistress seemed to be waitin’ on somethin’, before Miss Dawnbloom came up and slipped a vine into her own. There was a creaking that Princess recognized as Her groaning, and She ran Her hand through their hair again. “I'm sorry cutie, but I need you to be a big girl for me, okay?”


A frigid wind blew through Princess, bracing them mentally. They were grown, and should act like it!


What just happened? 


Mistress came home and picked them up, but something was wrong about that? But that stuff was normal, so that couldn't be it. No, something in them had shifted, but they couldn't place a finger on what. A scritch convinced them they were thinking too hard before they were set down, Her vines lingering on them. They couldn't help smiling as they felt She had missed them too.


“I guess I can't make fun of you for being a massive seed anymore,” a familiar voice started. Ariande was wearing an amused look, scruffles in one set of her arms and Miss Maren behind her. Mx G’bhiv—Mx somehow didn't feel right, but neither did Mr or Miss—was carrying what they assumed was one of Rose’s system members, though they couldn't tell which one. There was a new Affini too, wearing a shape straight out of legend. It was quadrupedal, sitting on its hind quarters, leafy wings folded on its back. Its large feline paws belied their dexterity as they clutched a life sized doll. It was whispering something to it that they couldn't catch as Ariande continued, laughing. “But wow. It's only been three weeks since you were counting the days until your wardship was over. Look at you now!”


“Be nice, my little sling. Princess’ past was at odds with accepting herselves,” Miss Meren chided. “I am very happy you got there in the end, petal.” Her petting and defense only made their blush deepen.


“Me too!” Rose blindsided Princess with a hug they returned on reflex. “And I heard you were able to figure out you're a system?! I'm so happy for you!”


Her collar shifted to red, her hair following suit. “Me neither! I'm Holly by the way, first refraction. We haven't met yet, but the others have told me a lot about you.” Holly’s eyes ran over them, drinking them in. “Very nice, I see why Daisy talks about you so much.” A squeeze of Princess' ass made their eyes go wide.


Woah, hey!


“Excuse me, I don't think Princess knows you well enough for that!” Jess inserted herself between them and Holly, before picking up where she had left off.


“Ah, sorry about that, Holly has trouble keeping her hands to herself, which is why we try to keep her from fronting around new sophonts.” Rose apologized. “I don't believe we've actually met, but Daisy has told me a lot about you!”


Jess ignored the extended hand, opting to curtsy. “Jess Verdun, second floret, she/her, pinnate to Princess, first florets pluribus. I take care of milady's needs when Mistress is busy.”


“The light from four stars did meet, freely exchanging their glow, yet they were unburdened by what we must know.” The large Affini stepped forward, and Princess felt a shiver crawl down their spine. There was something especially alien about this one—it didn't walk so much as flow forwards, its six eyes held an ancient fire that served its primal aura. Everything about it screamed danger, even the blissful doll, limp in its grasp.


When was the last time an Affini made us afraid?


“I am Acanthe Kouris, she/fae. Eons have slipped like sand into the sea, washing my bloom count from memory.” It set the doll down, fixing its hair with a few vines that snaked out from the foot pads. A large ornate key was procured from somewhere within, slotted into the doll's back. Princess nearly jumped as the key was turned and the doll shuddered and gasped. Their mind kicked into gear.


Oh my goodness that's a sophont.


No one else seemed to be even slightly bothered by this as the winding continued for several long seconds. Miss Kouris’ paw left the key, a gentle click-click-click filling the air as it began to turn, and the doll moved on its own. It blinked, briefly looking around the room before its painted eyes fell on Princess with a smile. It curtsied, each jerky movement timed to the clicking of its key. “Greetings, it is athyrmata Kouris, first floret, it/its pronouns with feminine nouns. You may play with this toy in whichever way would please you.”


Rote training beat out the horror as Princess returned the curtsy. “Princess Verdun, first florets pluribus, she/they. It is a pleasure to meet you.”


“It feels the same! It has heard much about you. It is happy to meet you as well, Jess,” the doll turned to offer its smile to Daisy and the others, “and to see its friends. It has been many days since it last answered one of Mistress’ riddles correctly.”


“Well it probably doesn't help that you get them wrong on purpose sometimes!” Daisy laughed, running up to athyrmata and giving it a tight hug. “It's great to see you though, I'm so happy everyone could make it!” There was a cacophony as the visitors paid Daisy assurance at once. Their pinnate skipped to the front of the group, no longer containing herself as her arms flailed about excitedly. “So who's ready to see the new garden!”


This time Princess and Jess joined in as well, as everyone shouted their affirmations.


“Well, c'mon!” Daisy bounced towards the door, greatly exerting herself despite her modest pace, and Princess felt their heart swell at the sight. It was so cute when she was pent up with excitement like this, and how it underlined the care she held for others. She clearly wanted little more than to sprint over—and would throw the door open herself if she could—but she made sure the group behind kept together. She stopped in front of the door and squealed, flapping her hand in one last excisement of energy. “Okay, okay, okay, I'm going to explode if we wait any longer! Claire, could you please open the door?”


“You got it, cutie!”


The door behind Daisy slid open, and Mistress led Princess and Jess inside after her. They gasped, air catching in their lungs as they took in the sights—the small pond at the bottom of the creek was easily thrice as big, outlined in the same black sand that covered the beaches. Taking root in it on the sides of the water was a tall teal grass, blooming flowers in a dozen shades of pink. There were bushes too, sporting white flowers, and wide leaf plants encroaching on the edges of the water with sparse lavender peaking out.


Out of the other side of the pond rose a great craggy rock, covered in even more greenery. Roots of odd plants dug into the strange mosses that covered the spaces in between. It seemed a miracle that they could hold on like that. Princess had never seen leaves quite like the ones that whatever was growing there displayed, which was wild, given how many Affini they'd met. And while they couldn't make out details from where they stood, there was even more within the waters.


It wasn't a total overhaul. The stuff near the foot of the waterfall all the way up the cuddle zone above was unchanged, outside of the addition of the flowers they had chosen earlier. The floating bell-shaped flowers were still lazily drifting near the ceiling and its artificial sky. Plenty of what had to be native Cassian plants bled into the old garden, intermixed in a way that created a natural blend from one side to the other. It was like someone had shrunk the border between two biomes down to one room.


A small wooden bridge offered passage over the river as well as an excellent view over the small oceanfront. On the other side lay an arrangement of large cushions around one side of a low table, upon which a wide array of snacks waited. Cookies, cakes, sandwiches, and drinks—and that was just what Princess could make out at a distance.


“So what do you all think?!” Daisy could not be grinning any wider as she began to ramble. “I've been working on it for like two weeks, and planning it for like three! The hardest stuff was all the waterscaping, lemme tell you getting the salt lilies and coral flowers established so the Cassian giant kombu doesn't completely take over was a bitch, and the expansion took so much digging but it looks so good, eee! Mistress helped me get the salinity levels right and balance the biome for the fish. The kelp oughta grow fast enough to sustain the current population and by the time they die off I'll probably have ideas and energy for another overhaul. Making the cliffs and doing all the landscaping was a chore and half too, but I really wanted to capture the coastal cliffsides that make up so much of Cassius and I think I did a good job of balancing realism and aesthetics. The stuff leading into the old garden section—just couldn't bring myself to remove the first things I planted—uhm, it was really challenging too. This whole planet is only a few million years removed from its volcanic era and a lot of the Terran stuff really didn't like the soil but Mistress helped me with that too and yeah! I'm really really happy with how it turned out!”


Ohhhh, we have got to kiss her.


Princess' fawning was hardly interrupted as the Affini descended all at once, Daisy disappearing into a mass of vines as praise was heaped upon her. “Such a good girl!” “I love the way you used the lichens!” “You did wonderfully, petal~” “Your faithfulness to recreating the native biome is impressive!” “Adorable”! And on, and on. It was several minutes before a dazed Daisy was released, supported by her Mistress.


Miss Dawnbloom silently beckoned Princess and they happily took her offer, leaving Jess and Mistress for a moment. They firmly embraced their girlfriend, taking care to not hug her too tightly. “It's beautiful, Daisy, you should be proud.” They relaxed just enough to be face to face with her, their lips centimeters apart. “Though not quite as beautiful as you are.”


The kiss was interrupted before it truly began. “Oh my stars!” Ariande squealed. “You really are as sappy as she says!”


“What's wrong with being a little romantic?!” Princess defended.


Why is Ari such a meanie?!


“Nothin’.” Daisy clumsily smacked her face into their own, her tongue probing for entrance, granted to it in surprise. Princess had been hoping to take the initiative, but this was more than fine. They parted shortly after, smiles mirroring each other. “Thanks, Princess.”


“Thank you for giving us a place here.” As much as Mistress had been the one to domesticate Princess, Daisy had been just as instrumental. She was the one that first got them to open up, and to accept themselves in the end. If not for her, they may still be blind to who they were.


“Course! You're not the only ones with a taste for romantic flair~” Daisy playfully stuck out her tongue and Princess returned the gesture. “Ya dorks,” she giggled, before stealing another kiss. Daisy took their hand,“C'mon, we got all sorts of snacks and you can't appreciate the waterscaping from over here! ‘Bout time we got to the ‘party’ part of the garden party!”

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