Dog of War

Strong Roots Start Shallow pt 3

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site. Additionally, shoutout to TheMothCourt on AO3 for letting us bounce ideas off it, and EileenLilac, also on AO3, for additional Beta Reading.

Princess happily let Daisy drag them along to the large plush bench, watching her with adoration. She was glowing on an average day, but cloaked in such jubilation she was truly breathtaking. They didn't have to wait long for Mistress to help them up onto the seat next to her. Jess took to residence on their other flank, snuggly closely and claiming a kiss for herself. Ariande and Rose flanked athyrmata—no, that was Holly, getting very handsy with the doll, much to both of their enjoyment—just a bit away from Daisy, placing her in the true center. scruffles was in its pinnate’s arms as usual, enjoying her constant petting.


The seat overlooked the table and its offerings, and gave a commanding view of the waterfront on the opposite side. Some sort of brightly colored cookies caught their eye, but not nearly as much as the odd fish—they had to be fish despite their appearance—lazily swimming in the kelp forest.


What the heck are those?!


“Feel free to help yourselves to the food,” Miss Dawnbloom stated, letting Princess tear their eyes away. “Everything was kept in stasis until just before the party, so it's nice and fresh. Your owners and I are just going to have a little chat in the living room, but we'll be right there if any of you need anything.”


Panic set in—


Mistress is leaving already? We just got her back!


And vines soothed it just as quickly. “It's just for a few minutes petal, I'll be back soon, okay?”


“Mm, ‘kay Mistress.”


“Good girl. Make sure to have fun and get along with everyone.” Mistress gave Princess their second parting pet of the day. Even with pinnates at both sides, Mr Bear in their arms, and the promise of a quick return, they still sniffed back tears.


“Wow, Miss Verdun got you good.” There was no laughter in Ariande's voice this time, no judgment. Mild traces of being impressed, perhaps, but nothing more. “I don't think I was nearly as clingy after I got domesticated.”


“Not all of us are volunteers, Ari.” athyrmata’s voice was level despite Holly's hands deep into her dress.


“Not all of us are dolls either~


“I think it's kind of cute,” Jess chimed in. “She gets this adorable lost expression and gets super needy.” Princess felt the maid slip a hand up their skirt, tracing circles over their panties. “Not that she isn't needy all the time~”


A-at the table, in front of everyone?!


“Jess, c'mon, we just started!” Daisy leaned over them to poke her.


“Holly is doing it too!”


“Well yeah, Holly can't help it! ‘Sides, mattie is a toy, its just happier when someone's playing with it. Princess is like one good minute from becoming incoherent and I'd like to have my girlfriends for a little. There’ll be time for it later.”


“Fine.” Jess’ pouted, her antennae flicking downwards as her hand removed itself. “You're both mine after this anyways.”


Princess could feel the confusion in their blood as it tried to rush two places at once.


“O-ho?” Ariande’s many sharp teeth were on display, and scruffles shuddered in her arms. “You know, Daisy told me about you, but you're something else in person. I don't think I've met a Hab AI with awareness before. Is it weird to domme people that used to live inside you?”


“Not really, a lot of those subroutines are the same ones that were keeping track of their needs.”


Hold on, hold on, what?


“Wait, we thought you ran the Hab, did you like, identify as the Hab? Did we get rid of your old body when we moved?”


“Yes and no? Being digital means my relation to any chassis is at least somewhat removed from my actual form, but this current one feels much more ‘me.’”


“It's very lovely," athyrmata smiled. Rose seemed to be back in control now, blushing as she fixed the doll’s dress. “It much prefers its new body as well, Mistress is always making it new parts to try.”


“And removing parts too; been a minute since I've seen ya with all your limbs and such!” Daisy sniggered.


Princess was too caught up with the compounding implications of Jess' words to think about Daisy's. “So does that mean we live in Claire now? Or is Claire—”


Jess stuffed one of those brightly colored cookies into their mouth, “How about we don't talk about Claire, hm?” She followed up with a circle under their jaw. Whatever it was, it wasn't a cookie. The shell was crispy but inside it was chewy and soft, much like a cake, and the strawberry filling colored the sweet, nutty taste. Not their favorite non-berry sweet, the fudge Mistress made some days back claimed that title, but a very solid one.


 Daisy’s proximity to the intended party had little bearing on her volume. “Oh my God, Jess, are you jealous?!”


“Do I hear thirty?”


“Fine, fine, have it your way.” Daisy picked up one of the not-cookies herself, taking a bite. “I'm just happy to see everyone again. I know it's been harder since I moved down to the surface, but you should really have your owners bring you by more, I missed you! By the way, you gonna let Princess swallow that?”


“I was waiting for her to finish chewing.” Jess' fingers trailed down their throat, and they blushed as they swallowed. They muttered a thanks before picking up a nearby cup. At least they could still drink on their own, and the tea washed down the remaining bits of food.


“I know we're all here for Daisy this time, but it's really good to see you again, Princess.” Rose seemed to have regained her composure, athyrmata daintily sipping tea itself, now that it was no longer being played with. “You seem a lot happier now.”


“We are. Thanks for helping us with the plural stuff by the way, we didn't know that was even a thing before.” Princess turned to Jess, “can we please have some cake next?”


“Of course, Princess.”


Rose nodded solemnly. “We remember you saying that last time, and the way you panicked a little, that was pretty cute.” Jess fed them a bite of a wonderfully moist chocolate cake as Rose continued. “Still, I really wish you would've talked to us about it. I understand you've been busy with getting domesticated, but it's not often we get to meet other systems in person.”


Princess felt a pang of guilt—


Ah, we probably should have talked to her? Them? That we don't know even that is proof that we should have reached out.


Daisy turned to them, gasping in not entirely feigned offense. “Princess?! Have you been neglecting the friend rules?!”


That just made them feel worse. A pleading look at Jess let them swallow, “W-we were kinda preoccupied with the whole escape plan after that, and then we, uhhh, sorta forgot after all the Js. We're not even sure where our pad is, but we'd guess that Mistress has it.”


athyrmata’s laughter was like a glass chime in the wind, delicate and airy. “It remembers trying to escape.”


“What was even the plan there? From the sound of it you just walked off until you had a breakdown.” Daisy prodded, filling her mouth with the rest of the not-cookie. “Sheems lika shit phlan.”


“It wasn't our best work, but we weren't just ‘walking off,’” Princess huffed, the final shreds of their reputation in jeopardy. “We were going to escape into the tunnel system connecting the orbital defense silos. The blast doors should have been able to instantly amputate our arm at the elbow, at which point we would have tightened a prepared tourniquet.”


Daisy's eyes went wide as she choked on the snack, quickly clearing her throat. “You were gonna what?!”


“L-like we said, it wasn't our best plan—”


“Wow, I never woulda guessed you were that hardcore!” Ariande said.


“We-we used to be—”


“i'm just glad she was caught,” scruffles added. “Ferals really are a danger to themselves. Besides, she's even cuter as a pet.”


“Huh?” Even cuter?


Wait, does that—no, it can't be.


“you say that about every floret, scruffles,” athyrmata teased.


“It's not my fault if xenosophonts are all so good-looking, what's a plushie to do?” The churning chaos of the conversation was threatening to sweep them away.


“I think it could have been alright if she tried, actually.”




“Yeah, what?”


The Maid didn't even twitch, silencing them with more cake. “Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you didn't, it's kind of cute that you couldn't even get down the stairs, but the blast doors were stripped out two years ago. The Affini aren't going to let something that dangerous sit around, you know. It might have even been better in a way. If you had your breakdown there, it would've given the cuff enough time to fire before Miss Primrose found you.”


That was... oddly relieving? Princess agreed with Jess though, it was good that they couldn't cross the threshold. That they were able to realize they belonged here, instead of freaking out over being stuck.


“So, wait, did you volunteer, or were you forcibly domesticated?” Rose's question was innocent, but had all the weight of a loaded gun.


We did ask for it, but we had certainly crossed the line by then by trying to run away.


“Both, kinda? We're not sure.”


“Oh, it doesn't really matter.” Jess gave them half a cookie, setting the rest next to the remainder of the cake. “Mistress included just about everything I could want, I didn't even have to use my bargaining power. I'm sure yours will be just as good, Princess.”


“Yah! Plus we're already pinnates, what more could ya want!”


Princess blushed their answer, mouth still full. Jess was right. Mistress would likely just codify what was already established, and they couldn't see Her adding anything that would make them unhappy. If they had anything to add, she'd certainly give it to them, regardless of the status of their domestication.


Stars, you four are precious together.” Rose fawned.


“It's kinda hot.” Holly was back, auburn spreading through the black hair like fire. athyrmata nearly spilled its tea as she went back to ‘playing’ with it, its expression as steady ever.


“Yeah, Princess is great! She's a massive dork, and I think she's actively trying to become a grandma. Most of what she talks about are wars that predate the second space age and even older romance novels. Plus she's trying to get into knitting of all things! It's really funny cuz the other half of the time she just regresses.”


Princess clutched Mr Bear. Daisy's laughter, usually a salve, now created wounds instead. They really liked those things, and it was super toughies to try ‘em! An’ what did she even mean by ‘regress?!’ They were getting better, weren't they?


Ari is one thing, but Daisy isn't supposta be actually mean...


“Daisy, I think you need to apologize to Princess, now.” The edge in Jess' voice cut through Daisy's mirth as cleanly as a knife.


Daisy leaned away, wide eyed, giving Princess space to retreat into Jess. “I-I didn't mean it like that! That's what I really like about you, y'know? You're always so enthusiastic about all sorts of dumb junk and it's really cute!”


Not an apology.” Princess felt several kinds of ways about how Jess wrapped her arms around them, the feel of her strong chassis protecting them.


Oh goodness, her joints against our skin. 


Now was not the time to get horny!


“Sorry, sorry, it's just that it is kinda funny, it's like I'm dating—”


“That just got you thirty.”


“What?! C'mon!”


“I don't see what about knitting or classical romance makes one a ‘grandma.’” Much to Princess' surprise, it was Ariande coming to their defense now. “And what's wrong with regression? Just about every floret is baseline a middle. The war stuff is a little weird I guess, but you're hardly one to talk. Have you ever watched a movie made in the last three centuries?” Daisy opened her mouth, but Ariande cut her off. “That wasn't made in the Compact?”


“I don't like generated slop, movies need real actors, and practical effects are cool! What's weird about that?! Not my fault if that stuff was already dying by the late 23rd century.” Daisy's anger flickered out under the winds of realization, and she shrank. It was always so weird seeing this meek side of her.


It feels wrong.


“S-sorry Princess. I know you like it when I call you a dork and junk but I shouldn't have made fun of your interests like that. It's cool that you're trying new stuff!”


Princess tapped Jess, signaling her to let them go, and gave Daisy a hug. “It’s okay, thank you.” Their pinnate returned it with far more strength than they ever suspected her capable of. Gardening must be a better workout than they thought! There were ‘aww’s and swooning from the gathered crowd, but Princess paid them little mind.


Daisy transitioned from the hug to snuggling back into their side, pulling away just enough to butt herself into them. “I'll try to keep my bullying to you and not the stuff you like, ‘kay?”


“Thanks, Daisy. It's mostly that we just started to knit and were struggling with it a lot, so it kinda stung more than it should have. Maybe just keep it to stuff we aren't trying to learn?”


“Yeah, I can do that!”


“I'm more of a weaver, but I’ve knitted a few sweaters for scruffles. I could give you some pointers if you want.” Ariande offered. “We could share projects down the road, or maybe collaborate if you want.”


“That would be great! Miss Dawnbloom is nice, but she has about as much experience as we do.”


We like this Ari more.


“It would like to talk more as well. It isn't allowed to use its pad unless it is correct, but Mistress still reads it any incoming messages.”


“We'd love to talk to both of you more too!” Rose smiled, hands still in athyrmata's dress. “We have a little and a caregiver headmate if you ever want to talk while regressed.”


Princess puffed out their cheeks, everyone kept saying that word! “Mistress says we're getting better! We aren't regressin’!”


It was a peculiar thing, the stunned silence that hung over the small gathering. All eyes fell on Princess, often darting to another, to see if they would be the one to break it. Except scruffles, who seemed more concerned that its pinnate stopped petting it.


We have the feeling that we're missing somethin’ again.


“Okay, what do you mean when you say ‘regress’ cuz is not what regress means, and we wanna know!”


“You, uh, didn't get on the net often, did you?” Ariande was back to being a meanie, holding back laughter only to make fun of them more. Jess glared at her, and Daisy was shaking her head, though she tried to play it off when they looked at her. “You were a little sheltered, eh?”


“We were not sheltered, we were taught how to kill before we were even fully grown in our vat.” Princess huffed, “And of course we were on the net, mercenaries need a way to be contacted. Also, we did lotsa reading on tactical theory online, so there.”


Only Jess remained silent as the room exploded.


“Your what?!”


“Oh, Goddamnit.”


“You two were grown?”


“i take it that isn't normal for terrans?”


“Oh my!”


Guess Daisy didn't tell them about that.


“Yes? We were an experiment in genetic engineering and made to be a soldier. This,” Princess pointed to the scar on her throat, “is from the defective bomb collar they put on us. After the Company was destroyed, we worked as a mercenary. We were actually considered one of the best, and uncontestedly so when it came to handling AI and cybernetically—” The words stopped dead in Princess' throat as they felt Mistress.


The mood in the room shifted in an instant—all looked to the door just before it opened, and She was at the front. Her petals were a bit frayed, Her moss slightly bristled, but it only made Her more beautiful as they settled. They didn't remember when they reached up to Her, just that they were when She put them where they belonged. Jess was there too! Someone said something about class Ds and trouble? Whatever.


Mistress has us, that's all we need.


It was minutes later, after much petting and cooing, that Mistress set them back down. The other Affini were there too, settling their own pets after a reunion doting session. Mistress took the opportunity to finish feeding them the snacks on their plate.  


Things moved fast after that. Princess couldn't remember what they had been saying, and none of the other florets were of any help. Luckily Mistress had been listening in and was more than happy to remind them that Ariande was going to give them a few pointers on fibercraft. Daisy split off for a little with athyrmata and Rose to show off some of the finer points of the garden. Jess followed after them, as did Miss Dawnbloom, Miss Kouris and Mx G’Bhiv. A half hour of practice with Ariande was far more productive than trying to learn from videos, even with an Affini. Things just clicked all of a sudden. It still took a lot of focus, and they still made errors, but they were actually knitting rows now!


Daisy announced her return by launching her face into Princess' own. Fits of giggles between bouts of kissing bled naturally into Jess joining in. The sting of an injector heralded a hefty dose of fresh xenodrugs, coaching everything in dreamlike pleasure. Holly was the first of the others to join in, ‘borrowing’ Daisy for a moment, before both split athyrmata between them. It was sometime around then Mistress took Mr Bear for safe keeping.


Ariande caught Princess off guard with a kiss that was decidedly welcome as Jess’ hands found their way to their clit, her lips to their neck. The Arachne was softer than she looked, even as their tongue brushed her razor sharp teeth. Gentler too.






More shocking was what happened after the kiss broke off. She lifted her pinnate to take her place, scruffles’ mandibles grasping their face and pulling them in, before its lengthy tongue worked into their mouth and down their throat. The taste of honey was the second to  last cognizant thought they had for a long, long while. The last one was—


Huh, guess the beeple did want to know us carnally.






Camila worked on the final touches of tonight's dinner, chicken cutlets with fried rice and steamed broccoli. The guests had left for the shuttle together after all the pets had come back up, giving them time to enjoy the afterglow. It had warmed her core to see Princess playing with the other florets! She would have to see about cutting together a video of their first proper florgy, though just reviewing the footage would be enough of a treat.


A pat of butter, a few dashes of salt, and a bit of arrangement later, both plates were ready and in stasis. Camila plopped onto the couch, enjoying a moment of peace. The quiet hab was a nice change of pace after a long day of running about. There were so many invites to give out! Thankfully, Camila had been able to get just about all of them in one circuit around the ship, tracking down the rest. The reactions were a bit mixed. Most of her crewmates with owners were excited, some horrified, with the wards leaned towards the latter. The few independents were mostly confused, some promising to show up, others shrugging it off.


She decided to spare Ash the pain of digging up old wounds.


There were a few of Princess' old ship mates Camila couldn't invite, having found themselves in class-J cafes or out of system. A ninety percent attendance rate of the old Valiant crew was more than enough. The rest of the invites went out by overnet, and Princess' day in the sun was set. Camila really hoped Viola could make it, she hadn't heard from fae in a while.


Camila took out her pad, checking in on her florets. Jess seemed to have caught Daisy, and was on count six. Both seemed to be having fun in their own way. Princess was still practicing their knitting, a determined smile on their face that she had to admit suited them. They would make a few rows, click their tongue in annoyance, and pull it apart to start over. A remainder of that fire they once held burned in their eyes, softer now. A tamed will, turned to productive means. It was as beautiful as any sunrise.


Stars, how she wanted to snuff it out.


There was just something unsettling about seeing Princess alone, and even if it wasn't independence smoldering in the floret, the churning chasm inside her core hungered for it. Camila was addicted to the way it flickered and petered out in her vines. For the moments Princess became little more than an extension of her own will. For when she was undoubtedly, unquestionably safe. No running off, no making the hab cry, no synthcubes, nothing that could go wrong. Maybe she should have pressed dollplay more? athyrmata never got into trouble Acanthe didn't give her. Ahh, but she looked so happy.


Cordelia sat next to her, weaving herself into Camila. “Troubled, love?”


“Are you sure giving Princess space is right?” Camila opened herself up, resting her core next Cordelia's. It was one of the few things that stopped the constant worry.


“I think so, yes. Are you worried?”


“A little.” A prod from Cordelia's biorhythm forced her confession. “Okay, a lot. They just—they have such a knack for getting themselves hurt, and leaving them alone has never gone right!”  Camila’s vines tensed around her partners’ as the events danced in her mind. She should just leave and get her pet, this wasn't going to work. Princess would still be happy, she'd even get to do her little hobbies eventually, but alone?! Alone was out of the question! She started to pull away, only for Cordelia to knot herself inside her, forcing her to stay.


“It will be fine.” Her voice was as steady as it was soft.


“You just said you think it's fine, and it's not! I-I have to go get Princess!” Struggling against Cordelia was getting her nowhere. She may only have two blooms on her, but Camila was halfway through her first, and she was nearing her fourth. That still translated to nearly six times her own age, and it was reflected in skill.


“Princess isn't the one I'm worried about.”




“She's a softie, and it doesn't take much to hurt her, but she also bounces back every time. You, on the other hand, shed a kilo of biomass every time Princess so much as sniffles. That's not healthy, love.”

Camila relaxed into her shame and Cordelia's caress. “No, it's not, but I told her that I'd keep her safe. What kind of Affini am I if I can't even keep a simple promise like that?”


Cordelia giggled. “Oh, just about the same as the rest of us I think~”


“I'm serious!”


I'm serious, and I think you have the wrong idea of ‘safety.’ That's more about making sure they don't get hurt too badly; trying to keep them from getting hurt at all is a good way to stress yourself to an early rebloom, silly! Besides, even even if you never let her out of your grasp, she'd still be unhappy sometimes. You'd have to keep her heavily drugged, and then you'd be neglecting her pinnates.”


Camila deflated. Cordelia was right, as she often was. Ugh, even Roy had noted how giving systems time with themselves was good. The implant was just ten days away—practically nine now—and she would feel better about leaving them alone then, right? Then she would be able to protect that precious smile as much as any Affini could, act as a sieve for anything too painful. But if it didn't fix it, wouldn't she end up being the one to hurt Princess? “Maybe I should take Acaulescent up on her offer.”


“A good choice. You should contact her after we get the little ones to bed and you have your time with Jess.” Cordelia pulsed with joy, repositioning herself to be conjoined at what used to be the waist. “Buuut, until then, Princess is safe, dinner is ready, and Daisy and Jess are going to be occupied for a while longer.” Camila shuddered as her mentor and lover’s core pressed against hers, the next thought coming directly to her mind.


‘I think you need a distraction~’

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