Dog of War

Method and Discipline pt 1

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site. Additionally, shoutout to TheMothCourt on AO3 for letting us bounce ideas off it, and EileenLilac, also on AO3, for additional Beta Reading.



Camila kept her biorhythm suppressed as she slipped into the girls’ room, Cordelia right behind her. Princess stayed focused on the knitting needles in her hands, Mr Bear in her lap and Daisy snuggled into her side, half asleep. She stood there for a moment, observing her pet as they made the minute motions. Despite only practicing an hour or two each day, Princess had come far in the week since the party. The items were simple and rough, but she was making things now. Ariande's tutelage and her own knack for learning had served her well.


Soon, it would serve others.


Trying to sneak closer was a failure, and a refreshingly welcome one. Princess gasped, turning to her as much as they could without disturbing their pinnate, wearing the most wonderful smile on their face. “Mistress!”


“Hello, Princess.” Camila released her biorhythm, enjoying the way the gentle fire in her eyes flickered under it. A few strokes through her hair was exactly what they both needed.


Daisy stirred at the sudden commotion, lifting her head out of Princess’ lap, to slur her own greetings. “Hayyy Mistress n’ Miss V.” Most of Daisy's time last week had been spent on potent xenodrugs. A well-earned break that had proven rather convenient—having a near permanent cuddle partner for Princess meant Camila didn't have to confront her fears so often.


“Hello, pet.” Cordelia yanked Daisy forward by her collar, before other vines swept the girl into herself. Gasps and moans were muffled by her owner's mass as the Affini continued. “It is time for you to come up now, dearest. Slowly, slowly~”


No longer concerned with their pinnate, or perhaps out of simple envy, Princess rose to their feet. They reached skywards, teddy in hand. “Up, please?”


Camila tried to keep from melting on the spot, as she gave the girls what they wanted. Princess giggled as they snuggled into her arms, doubly so as she tickled them. “Did my little girls have fun? Did they enjoy their playtime?”


“Yah!” Princess managed between fits of laughter. Camila knew it wasn't the best time to encourage her to slip, but she did ask for uppies. Besides, it just felt so right to see her like this now. Once she had corrected her oversight and properly explained regression, and that what they did was just an example of the dynamic, they were able to arbitrate a new agreement on it. Of course, proving to Princess that she did regress was a bit of an ordeal in itself, but it was worth it. Their face when Camila pointed out the sproutishness of their protests was so precious.


There were some qualms about Daisy. Princess had gotten the feeling she didn't like them when they were like that, but Cordelia was able to put those worries to rest. A few tweaks through her implant would easily correct it. Even so, the girls still fretted over it, so Camila made a proposal; no more making her pretend to be big, outside of when necessary. She would slip in and out of sprout space as it came and went. Princess insisted it was just a trial, but they both knew it wasn't.


“And what did my little cuties work on today? More muscle memory and fundamentals? Another coaster?”


“Nuh!” Princess puffed out her chest, “we're making a necktie for Mr Bear!” She held the plushie up proudly, “Cuz he's a professional!”


“Oh my! And what's his profession?” Cordelia brushed against Camila, reminding her what they were here for. Camila knew she shouldn't be doing this, but it was so hard not to indulge her florets.


“Uhm, cuddles and hugs an’ being soft!”


“Sounds like you three have a lot in common~” Camila cooed, unloading a torrent of petting upon her. As fun as this was, this was only going to make things harder.


Princess buried her face in her bear, which did little to hide her blush. “M-Mommyyyy!” Oh, was it worth it to hear that, though. A term as rare as it was decadent. It even gave Camila the opportunity to nudge Princess back to where she needed to be.


Camila lifted that adorable face out of the teddy, letting their eyes meet. “Just ‘Mistress' for now, Princess. You have something important to take care of.” Cordelia was helping Daisy find her feet as she continued to recover. Camila used her connection with Jess to tell her she should join them soon.


“Ah?” Princess gave no sign of cognition as their eyes glazed over, but she knew they understood.


“Mhm. It's time for more training, little one.”


Princess' eyes widened, giving a better look at her dilated pupils, and Camila could feel her heart quicken. “O-oh.” Camila gave her a comforting pat—not that it was nerves Princess was dealing with—and set her down. They rubbed their thighs together in anticipation, “What are we, uhm, w-working on today?”


“Well, we've already covered introductions and manners, so I thought it was about time we started getting into the physical side of your training.” Camila slipped Mr Bear out of Princess' hands, and into herself for safekeeping.




“I'm here, Miss Verdun, and I've prepared what you asked for,” Jess announced, walking into the room. “Good evening, Princess.”


“Oh, hi Jess,” she smiled, too bound for anything more.


“Jesssss!” Daisy crashed into the maid, using her as support for her unsteady feet. “Heyyya. ‘M back, more or less.”


“Hello to you too, Daisy.” Jess shifted to green, adjusting to better help her fellow floret stand. “I hope you're as excited as I am.”


“Yeah! Well, Mistress just explained it to me, but it sounds like a blast! Kinda sad I was really out of it last time, teaching her to say ‘please’ seems like it was fun.”


“It was~”


“Wait, what are we doing?” Oh dear, there was a nervous edge to Princess' words.


“We're going to be working on walking, and how you carry yourself. There's a lot of regality tied up in movement, you know.” Princess searched Camila, seemingly attempting to divine this session’s twist. She gave them nothing but a smile. A princess was entitled to being spoiled, not having spoilers.


Princess puffed out her cheeks, before sighing in defeat. “So how are we doing this?”


“Same as always, Princess.” Dozens of vines pressed against the girls' back and chest, her neck and shoulders, pushing them into the correct position. “Practice and repetition. Now, repeat after me: Perfect posture makes a princess prim and proper.”


“P-perfect posture makes a princess p-prim and proper.” Camila could feel the girls trying and failing to cast their face downwards, stopped by the latticework.


“Prim and proper is what all good princesses should be.”


“Prim and proper is what all good p-princesses should be.” Princess’ breathing was already growing heavy. By the Everbloom, it had only just begun!




The whimper that followed was brimming with promise. Camila hoped this was as fun for them as it was proving to be for her. “Very good. Now, Jess is going to demonstrate the proper posture for us. Pay attention to how she walks, you'll be copying her afterwards.”


“Those are nice boots, Jess.”


Jess made sure Cordelia had Daisy, before giving a curtsy. “Thank you, I’ll be sure to give you a better look later, Princess. Now watch closely.” She walked about a dozen steps away, and then back. Each one carried the dignified grace Camila hoped to give Princess. “My chest is out, shoulders back, my top and core are steady, my hips swing with each measured step, and my right foot falls in front of my left, like I'm walking on a line. Now you try.”


Camila firmly gripped her pet, giving them one last feel for where she wanted them, before letting go. Princess immediately collapsed. She caught them just before they hit the ground, this time making sure they were steady. She had forgotten what their primary reaction to tight binding was. Princess sheepishly thanked her, straightened out, and gave her best.




“Very good, petal!” Camila gave her a light bout of petting. It was rough, it was Princess' first attempt, but it was important to give her encouragement. “This time, I want you to try to make sure you keep your shoulders back, and your back straight. Also, loosen up a little bit, you were stiff.”


Princess gave a nod, taking a moment to correct herself. “Like this?”


Camila gave her a few adjustments, pushing here and there. “Perfect! Actually, before we continue—Jess, Daisy, could you stand about ten meters apart? I think giving Princess something to actually walk to would help.”


“Of course, Mistress.”


“Yeee, awwight.”


“I'll see about helping her over there, she should be fine soon.”


A moment later, they were in position, and Camila gave Princess a nudge. “Oh, and don’t forget to recite your mantra as you do it—that's the thing we went over together.”


“Perfect posture makes a princess prim and proper. Prim and proper is what all good princesses should be,” Princess recited as she made her way to Daisy and Cordelia.




“That was much better walking wise, but your upper body slipped on the back half. Now to Jess.”


‘Perfect posture makes a princess prim and proper. P-prim and proper is what all good princesses should be.”




‘Puh-perfect posture makes a princess prim and prahper. Prim and prahper is what all good p-princesses should be.”




Princess made the trip from one pinnate to the other again and again, earning a click~ each time. As expected, she slipped further with each repetition, becoming more receptive to Camila’s adjustments. She might be stumbling a bit now, but once she was out of the trance she should find it natural. The second part of her training would make sure of that.


Camila rumbled in feigned disappointment, withholding a click as Princess stumbled into Jess' arms. The look on the girls' face as they turned to her nearly broke Camila on the spot, but she had a plan to execute. Surely Princess would thank her after. “Dear, you need to keep your neck straight, you keep tucking your chin after a few steps.”


“S-sorry Mistress, we're trying, it's just uhm—” Princess frowned, her lips trembling. “Issa lot to learn at once.”


Camila felt her vines tighten around her core—it was fine it was fine it was fine it was fine. Like Acaluscent said, Princess was tougher than they seemed, and she needed to trust them. She looked pleadingly to Cordelia even as she rallied herself.


Cordelia gave her floret a nudge. “Huh? Oh right, my line.” Daisy cleared her throat, perking up. “I have an idea that might help, Princess~”







“Yah!” Daisy beamed, bouncing on the balls of feet as she became increasingly animated. It was really nice to see her back after her ‘break.’ As fun as always cuddling with her was, Princess had missed her personality and energy.


Suppose we know how she felt when we were on our Js.


“It's really simple, you balance books on your head!”


Princess even almost missed the absurd things she said. “Books? Like, physical books?”


“It's a classic. C'mooon, you gotta have heard of it, you're the one with a princess kink!”


“It's not—we don't know everything!”


We didn't even know we had this kink a month ago, we were still figuring out we were a girl!


“It would force you to keep your head level.” Jess commented as she pushed their chin up, thumb pressing against their lips.


Hhhholy goodness gracious. “S-so are we just going to just compile some real quick, or—?”


“I actually have one right here.” Mistress pulled a thick tome out of Herself—She really did think of everything! “Hypermetric Peacekeeping in Maelodion Space: a treatise, by Aesculus Dentata. He was in his seventh bloom at the time; he released this edition somewhere in his twenty-fourth with new footnotes and insight. Some fascinating stuff, actually, I can see why you wanted to continue your studies.” Mistress carefully balanced it upon Princess' head. “If you can manage to get to Daisy without it falling, I'll let you read it after we finish.”


The excitement of finally getting to read something on tactics was so great, Princess nearly failed instantly. And it was by an Affini! They only just managed to correct themselves, using a hand to fix its positioning. It had taken a lot of pleading, but Mistress had reluctantly agreed to let them study warfare on the condition She vetted all the materials.


“Careful, Princess, you haven't even started yet. And no touching it when you're walking.”


“Yes, Mistress!” Princess once again tried their best to emulate Jess’ example, balancing the book making the task easier and harder at the same time. They could no longer make sure the steps they took were similar, and keeping in position without it sliding was difficult. Holding their arms out helped, but they could feel their shoulders hunching, and their spine curving. It almost fell as they repeated their mantra, but by some miracle they made it to Daisy's arms.  


“Well hey there, hot stuff.”




The book hit the floor with a thud as the promise of reward crawled up Princess' spine, and tickled something inside them. They could feel their clit twitch yet again, drooling its watery cum into their slick panties. They were good girls!


We're doing what Mistress wants us to!


“That was a lot better in some ways, but worse in others, I'm afraid. You're not looking down anymore, but you're walking stiffly, and I'm afraid it's affecting your upper body posture as well. I don't want you to get in the habit of using your arms to balance.” Mistress gave Her critiques as Miss Dawnbloom collected the book from the floor. “You did make it to Daisy without it falling, so that's a good start!”


The reassurance helped dull the sting, and they would get to keep the book! Then Jess spoke. “I have an idea that should help milady with her training.”


“Oh?” Mistress' vines flowed sharply backwards in surprise. “And what is that, my precious little maid?”


Stars, Mistress is such a bad actress.


“Well, if she's having trouble keeping her posture right, why not adjust her harness so she can't move out of position?” Wait, what?


“That's a wonderful idea, Jess! What a clever little beeper you are!” Mistress lavished her with dozens of vines, poking into her crevices. A cross between static and an orgasm could be heard from her as the maid disappeared into Her. Princess was next, being snatched up from where they stood—ten meters was hardly far to an Affini—and the same vines quickly stripped them of all clothing, and the rope.


Once nude, Princess was set down, alongside a recovering Jess. It felt strange to not have the comfort the tight harness gave, if only momentarily. Despite being in nothing but their panties, they didn't feel truly naked until it was removed. It felt wrong, and only the assurance it would be on them again soon kept them calm.


Princess felt themselves relax as Mistress laid a length of it over their chest, as if measuring it. Then She pulled their arms behind their back, clasping their hands together, and bound them there. Their heart pounded as She continued, wrapping another section across their chest, just above the flower embedded there. Quickly, the familiar diamond patterns formed, the bottom section framing their drenched panties, and the ring with their tags was added to the top cross section.


Then, Mistress tugged the ropes twice. Princess nearly came as the harness tightened and stayed that way. They couldn't move at all—not their upper body at least—they could barely wiggle. Their arms snugly bound against their back forced their posture into position. Their helplessness hit them like a blow to the gut. The feeling it left was just as queasy and far warmer. Having to rely on others in general was one thing, being completely unable to do even the most basic of actions was another.


It feels so right...


“Hmm, something's missing, it's not pressing your lower back enough.” Mistress seemed to mull it over as She pet them. “Aha! I know just the fix~” Something familiar was pressed between Princess’ arms and back, they could recognize by texture alone. Mr Bear. “Perfect! Now you should have a much easier time~”


Oh gosh, we hope he can't see this.


Mistress scritched any worries they might have been having out of their head, placing them back near Daisy. Miss Dawnbloom gave them a pat of her own, before setting the book back on their head. “Go to your owner, dear.”


It was, in fact, much easier to keep the posture expected of a princess. A thick heady feeling clouded out any concerns, Princess almost felt like they were floating. They made it the modest distance to Mistress before they even knew it.




A swift vine kept the book from falling as Princess' knees buckled, girlcum dripping from their soaked undergarments. They whimpered, biting their lip. The harness, their arms being bound, the ropes so tight they could think about little else, Mistress, the clicks—they were so close.


Please, more. We need more! We've been good girls, haven't we? Treat now? Please?


“Excellent job, Princess, but you forgot your mantra~”


“Sowwy, Mistress.” They frowned, they could hardly expect a treat before they did it correctly.


“It's alright, I want you to do it a few more times regardless. Then, you can have your treat, okay?”


Treat! Treat! Treat!


Mistress turned them around, and Princess felt distinctly non-Mistress hands grope their ass. “To Daisy now.”


Princess didn't waste time, reciting right away as they walked over. “P-puhfect posture makesa princess prim and propur. Prim an’ propur is what all good princesses shoud be.” It was so nice not to have to worry about their arms and junk now they were bound!




It was Daisy that caught Princess this time, casually hooking two fingers into the metal ring in their harness. “Careful, Princess, it's not time for ya to be on your knees yet.” The bonds tightening ever further the moment she pulled them to their feet put them on the edge of orgasm a second time. The casual pinch of their nipple was the final straw.


Princess cried out, falling back into Daisy's grasp on their ring. The rope-vines squeezed out what felt like every drop of cum as stars danced in their vision for an eternity seconds long. Their eyes fluttered, doing their best to refocus and making slow progress. Sight did return, thought sluggishly following it like an old hound. Miss Dawnbloom pressed a vine to their lips, lazily parting to welcome it. The liquid that poured from it was cool, thicker than water, and far more refreshing. They drank it greedily, savoring its sweetness.


Energy surged up from within, clearing away the mental fog and bringing the burning need into crystal focus. Princess could feel their blood in their veins, pulsating with heat. Each weighted exhalation singed their lungs and ears as they bent over.


That was nowhere near enough, we need to cum again!


The room twisted, almost bleeding as someone pulled Princess back up—Miss Dawnbloom speaking as they were. “What a mess, and these are absolutely ruined.” A vine hooked into their panties, playfully tugging the waistband. They were beyond sopping now, their fluids leaking through like a rag over an upturned bucket. “I don't think that was very becoming of a princess.”


Jess nodded, “No, not princess-like at all. I think milady needs further instruction.”


“Wha?” Wasn't that the point? To make them cum? Where was this going?


Mistress played Her vines along Jess' chassis, humming as She feigned thought. “I think you two are right, it isn't very proper. Princess?” Their heart stalled as they looked up at their Owner, half despondent and half in awe. “No more cumming without permission, or I will have Jess spank you.”




“You heard her, dear.” Miss Dawnbloom placed the book back on their head. “We're almost done for a while anyways, just a few more.”


Princess pressed their arms against Mr Bear, grateful for the small comfort of his presence. They were so very close, but they could hold back a little longer, right? Once they took a break maybe they could ask for release? A princess can have anything if she says please!


Keeping the book balanced was far more difficult with the heat searing in their flesh and mind, and the thoughts that bubbled up from it. Did Mistress say Jess was going to spank them if they failed? Princess had never been spanked before. Would she bend them over her knee, or would Mistress hold them in place?


Stars, we hope she pins us over her knee like she does Daisy. It's not like we can resist tied up like this.


Oh goodness, what if she makes fun of them for it too? The Jackal, now whimpering and soaking their panties at being at the mercy of digital sophont. The AI treating them like the object.


Gosh, we hope it hurts.




“Very good, Princess, but you forgot your mantra again.” Princess blinked, realizing they now stood in front of a smug looking Jess. Her thumb brushed over their lips again, and their waning will took a hit. “Feeling a little distracted?”


“Uh-huh.” Princess only then realized they still had kept the book in place—they were getting better!


Jess continued to play with their lips, her thumb dipping just barely inside here and there. “Well, five more minutes, and you'll have your reward, okay?” Princess couldn't really remember how long a ‘minute’ was. Was that a lot? It felt like a lot.


Doesn't really matter, we're being asked to wait it, so we will. 


Princess smiled, that made sense. A princess listened to those who were actually in charge. “‘Kayy.”


“Good girls.” Jess roughly pressed her digit into their tongue for one wonderful moment, before removing her hand completely. “Continue.”


Princess thought they might have lost it right then, legs trembling as they took their first steps. Even if they were curious about the spanking, it's not like they wanted to fail. They were good girls, after all!


Maybe if we ask nicely she'll let us find out anyways?


Ooo, yeah! Jess would certainly spank them if they said please! “Your mantra, milady.” Oop, they were getting distracted again. Princess managed to finish reciting it just before they reached Miss Dawnbloom, only having to slow down a little.




Daisy's hands were squeezing their ass before the final echoes of the click rang through them. “Mm, fuck you're so hot right now.” They were? What did they look like right now? Tied up with a teddy bear, all but naked, dripping everywhere, barely holding back another orgasm, and keeping their posture despite it all. A particularly hard squeeze nearly sent them over again, before they were turned around and sent off.


It carried on like that for what felt like hours. Jess would play with Princess' breasts a little, Daisy would press her own against their face. Jess would rub her hand over their clit, squeezing it and their balls, Daisy would lean down and kiss them. Fingers in their mouth, pinches on their nipples, hands wandering everywhere—touching, squeezing, groping—it all blended together in the roiling stew that was once their mind. And on top of it all was the clicks. Each one saw that need reverberate like a metal pipe cracking their skull, fanning its flames into an inferno.


Underneath it burned something else, however; a single stubborn ember, their anchor in a maelstrom of desire. Mistress told Princess they couldn't, and they would not let her down. They weren't even sure how they held on, every passing glance and bit of praise felt like it was surely it. The cracks in the dam were only growing, yet even as the mantra devolved into unintelligible babbling, it didn't burst. The break was soon, they promised, and they would get their reward then.


“Alright, that's enough.” Mistress removed the book from Princess’ head, setting it aside and gingerly petting them. She was glowing with pride, brighter than any star. “You did better than expected, cutie. Let's take a break.”


Done? Treat?


“Heet? Ees?” Princess' tongue lay uncooperative in their mouth.


Mistress inserted a vine into their mouth, leaking a fluid similar to Miss Dawnbloom’s. “You can have a treat soon, you need to drink up.”


“Bits, and I was really hoping to punish her a little.” Princess rolled their lazy eyes over to Jess—she looked disappointed? “She'd look so much cuter with a few bruises, or just a red ass. Perhaps next time. I'm sure if that was any indication of her endurance, she'd take it well.” Princess squirmed at the thought, whimpers dampened by the vine in their mouth.


Nooo, don't wanna wait!


“Ha, yeah! Girl was leaking like a goddamn faucet.” Daisy was closer now, maybe a meter or so behind them? Why wasn't she touching them? Or Jess for that matter. They needed it so badly. Even Mistress was only holding their head, giving them fluids. “Thought she might've nutted a few times to be honest, don't think I could have lasted half as long without Ns.”


Which onesa N again?


“Princess is a good girl, and I couldn't be happier with her.” Mistress removed the vine, wiping it off on their cheek, and tilting their face upwards. “Now what was that you wanted to say a moment ago, dear?”


Their tongue still felt sluggish, but they managed to form words now. “C’n Jess shpank ush anyways, pease?”

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