Dog of War

Method and Discipline pt 2

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site. Additionally, shoutout to TheMothCourt on AO3 for letting us bounce ideas off it, and EileenLilac, also on AO3, for additional Beta Reading.



Purples, blacks and golds sparked in Mistress’ eyes, and that raw pride swelled to an overwhelming crescendo. Princess was good girls! “Well, I think it would make for a lovely reward, but I believe that's up to Jess. What do you say, my little maid?” Mistress turned their head to look at the AI. Jess made a funny static noise, flashing reds, pinks, and purples as her antennae twitched.


Jess cute.


The maid gathered herself, quickly returning to the steely, confident Jess that Princess was helpless against. “It's bad practice to employ what's supposed to be punishment when you haven't done anything wrong, but I suppose I could oblige milady. I would like a favor first, if it's alright?”




Jess put forward a leg, pointing downwards at her boots. Black fullgrain leather, running all the way up to just below her knee servos, laced and tied perfectly. It had immaculate stitching, a semi pointed toe, a heel maybe six centimeters, and all over it was splatters of some semi-clear liquid. “You left quite a mess, I think it's only fair you clean my boots.”




Princess bit their lip so hard they thought they might draw blood. Polishing someone else's boots—no, polishing an AI’s boots? Jess standing over them, looking down at them dismissively as they worked? They nodded eagerly, before realizing their oversight. “Uhm, can yoo pease untie us Mistress? And get us something to clean with?”


Jess seized Princess' jaw, turning them back towards her. Her thumb stroked their tongue, “I think you have everything you need right here.”


Princess felt something in their head pop. “Hekawhageh?!”




“Ooo, I think you broke ‘em.”


“Figures. Mistress, could you help Princess into position?”


“Gladly~” Vines helped them to their knees, pressing Princess forwards, down until their breath fogged the boot leather, centimeters from their lips. Their mind reeled as they were held in place there, desperately trying to catch up. This was really happening? They were going to literally lick Jess’ boots? Lap up their own cum off them?


The toe of the boot tapped against their lips, giving them a faint taste of the leather. “C'mon, Princess, you wanted to earn a spanking, didn't you?”


Stars, yes. And more than that, they wanted this. Princess’ tongue lolled out of their mouth, onto the leather. The mix of bitter leather and their own faintly salty cum was as intoxicating as anything Mistress carried. The shining, dark trail it left, nearly as hypnotic. It was getting hard to think about anything else as the need flared back up to its all consuming nature, so they didn't. They just lapped at their better’s boots, thankful for the opportunity.


“Mm, you look so perfect down there.” Jess pressed the other boot down on the back of their head, its heel digging in. They shuddered, brushing against orgasm. “That's where you truly belong, isn't it? Underneath AI.” The toe clean, Princess moved onto the side, licking as much up the shaft as they were allowed.


Feels so right...


“We both know you want me in control. Even if you didn't tell me about your little fetish, it was clear as binary. You melted so easily for me.” Princess gasped as Jess removed the boot from their tongue, only for her to work it into their mouth, lifting their head. “It does help that you want me to be mean to you. Stars, this is really doing it for you, isn't it? I wonder if I even can come up with a punishment you won't enjoy.”


The boots swapped, the one still shiny with Princess' saliva almost slamming their face into the watery cum on the other. They eagerly lapped it up. There was whining somewhere behind them. “To think I wanted you to be the dominant one. This is so much better, don't you agree?” Not a question. They moaned their answer anyway. “I should start wearing boots just to make you clean them like this. I bet you could cum from servicing them, if you had permission.”


We could. We're so close.


Princess made an effort to mix short and long licks, often starting from the toe before dragging her tongue towards the heel. “As nice of a surprise this turn of events has been, this is improv, and we should probably get back on track. I think Daisy is going to explode if we don't get to her part soon.” The boot shifted, pointing the last few dollops of their girlcum towards their mouth. “Finish up, and let's move on to your ‘reward.’”


They happily obliged, savoring the taste.


Princess wasn't immediately lifted up. Mistress let them lap at the footwear a few sweet moments longer, but only a few. Huh, Daisy was naked and gagged now, her massive cock throbbing as she pulled on her Owner's vines in vain. She wasn't like before, was she? They didn't get too long to think on it, soon being yanked over Jess’ knee. One hand firmly held them there, while the other yanked down their sodden panties with a squelch. Ohhh, goodness, their clit was rubbing against her leg! Trying to reposition got them nowhere, and only made the problem worse.


Oh, she's way stronger than us. It doesn't even matter that we're tied up, does it?


“Now, now, you asked for this, remember? It doesn't suit a lady of stature to squirm. If you're good, I'll let you lick your mess off my thigh afterwards.”




“Just a moment, Jess. I think you're forgetting something.” Huh? What was Miss Dawnbloom getting at?


“I didn't forget, I just figured she was too brain-fried to talk. Mistress is holding both of us.” Jess huffed.


“You may have your implant, but Princess doesn't. I think it'd be a good idea to try.”


“Y-yes Mistress. Princess, do you know what a ‘safeword’ is?”


Gears of half melted slag gave their best effort. “Like tappin’ out?”


“Exactly like tapping out! Except it's verbal, and there's absolutely no shame in it. It should be a unique word or phrase that you would never say during a scene.” Jess explained, still keeping Princess pinned on her knee.


“Cinnamon roll?” Was the first vaguely word-like structure to fall out of their mouth.


“Works for me. Of course you can tap out too, if we're doing something with a gag, but that's not relevant right now. The rules are as follows; I am going to spank you, you will call out the number as I do. If you are too slow, the next one will be harder. If you don't count at all, the count will not increase until you do. Say ‘Yes, miss’ if you understand.”


“Y-yesh, Miss.”


“Good girl. Since this is your first time, and a reward, I'll even let you pick a number from five to twenty.”




What was this about?


“Ten it is. Let's begin.”


Wait, hold—Princess squeaked as the first slap landed against their rear. It was more shocking than painful. They would describe it as borderline playful with a sting to it, if a thousand other thoughts weren't buzzing in their head like an angry hive of bees.  


“Enjoy this, but don't forget to count, Princess.” The second one had far more bite to it, the audible smack itself sharper. It was also when Princess knew they were in trouble—they were going to cum. They couldn't hold it much longer, two, maybe three more at most. Just the thought of being spanked to climax by the AI had them tearing through the filament that was keeping it held back.


The count!


“O-one!” Princess choked out.


Jess hummed. “I'll allow it to count, but it was still too slow, Princess.”


The third one got Princess to make a noise they didn't even know was in them. If the first was playful, and the second a warning, this was where it started to become a punishment. “Two!” The walls of the dam were crumbling under Jess.


It's even better than we hoped.


“Too slow again. You need to count it after I hit, not after you moan.”


Princess saw stars on the next one, and felt the first powerful twitches of the now inevitable. They called “three” even as they moaned, tears stinging their eyes.


“See, that wasn't so hard. Good girls.” The teasing, the training, the boot licking, had all pushed Princess to the breaking point, had become great cracks in the dam. The spank on the heels of good girls saw it finally burst, unable to hold out any longer.


Princess cried out, their thrashing tantamount to humping Jess’ leg as they rode wave upon wave of the orgasm. Their vision darkened, stars and colors filling their eyes as they rolled backwards. It was bliss, it was failure. Tears of conflicting emotions mixed with drool as they trickled down their face. They could feel Jess shuddering too, rubbing it in.


Bits, that was... hslhdlhk. That was good. I can't believe you lasted that long without even a real suggestion.” Wha? “Though I guess now that you've been naughty, we can finally make this a real punishment. We'll be starting over from zero, and I'll increase the strength again. Does that sound fair, Mistress?”


“Sounds fitting to me.” Mistress lifted Princess' face, contorting herself in an inhuman manner to meet their dazed eyes. Any notion of failure was washed away in an instant by overwhelming love and pride. “Sorry for setting you up a little, cutie, but Jess is my floret too. You know you could have asked at literally any time—I would have said yes, or given you something to help. I suppose we'll have to revisit ‘please’ in the future, hm?” She nodded their head for them. They agreed. “Wonderful. Now, take your punishment like the good girls you are, okay?” They were—


We're good girls!!!!


“From one, Princess,” Jess instructed, shortly before striking them.




“Oo, just a little too slow~”


The second session taught Princess a few things, the most apparent of which is that they were very into being spanked. Something about the mix of humiliation, pain, and being treated like a misbehaving child clicked with them. They were very likely just into pain too, at least when it was Jess dishing it out. She knew how to press their buttons almost as well as Mistress did. Leaning down to whisper how pathetic they were for enjoying this, questioning if they were late on the count just so she'd hit them harder, with praise mixed in. They were bruising so beautifully, she said, and they were so pretty when they cried.


“Te-heee-hen!” Princess half whimpered, half moaned as Jess delivered the brutal final blow. The last thing they learned was that they were still horny. The sting of each spank sparked against the smoldering embers of their desire. There was something different about what was building up. It wasn't so much in their nethers, or their stomach, but behind it, yet also across their whole body. An implacable emptiness.


We need to cum again.


“All done~” Jess released her hold on Princess, giving them a light pat on their sore ass that made them wince. “You did well for your first time. If you want me to spank you again, I'll be happy to give you a chance to earn it.”


Pain flared as Princess tried to get up, causing them to stop. Mistress didn't wait for them to ask for help, lifting them up and untying their arms. The harness returned to its normal state—taut, but not unforgivingly so—and Mr Bear was returned to their arms. She started spreading something creamy over their cheeks, the tender strokes on Princess' equally tender ass making them gasp. “This should help with the bruising, but you're still going to be sore for a little while.”


Princess struggled to speak. They needed Her touch, everywhere. “M-mistress, may we cum? Please?”


“Really? So soon?” Princess could tell just by Her tone that they were playing into Mistress' vines again. “And after you came without permission, all over Jess, tsk, tsk.” Mistress pantomimed disappointment, deflating and swooning. Princess would have giggled at Her overly dramatic tendencies if they weren't busy grinding against Her. “I suppose you could, a princess does deserve to be spoiled, but neither of your pinnates have cum even once! Just look at Daisy, she's nearly ready to burst. If you want to cum, you'll have to make sure they're satisfied first.”


Princess chewed their lip, knowing what that would entail. “U-uhm, okay.”


That sounds fair, and fun.


“Also, in the interest of fairness, there's... something Daisy has wanted to do with you for a while now.” A vine sliding across Princess' asshole made what it was clear. “But that is up to you. I'll make sure you're ready if you decide to try it, of course.”


Princess’ head was spinning—Sex? Like sex-sex? With Daisy? Being f-f—having intercourse? With Daisy?!—We've never done anything back there before!—And she was so large! Stars, what would it even feel like?! And Mistress said She'd make sure they're ready, what did that even mean?!


“Daisy would understand if you say no, but I think you'll enjoy it if you give her a chance.” Miss Dawnbloom gave the off-kilter thing that was her smile. Daisy, still gagged and bound, was looking at them pleadingly, eyes full of a need they understood intimately.


Princess blushed. They wanted to help her, and admittedly, they were very curious. What nerves they had were so hard to hold onto. “Alright, how do we, uhm, ‘g-get ready?’” Their blush deepened, they were asking to be—be penetrated in the ass! They buried their face in Mr Bear, too embarrassed to say it to Daisy's face. “We’ve never done that before.”


“‘How’ is simple.” Mistress lowered their teddy and held up an array of vines. They ranged in thickness from the width of their pinky, to the size of their thigh, and each glistened with some sort of coating. “A special lubricant and a few of these to help stretch you out. And if I'm being truthful, this isn't actually your first time, I've been getting you ready all week. Your new Class Zs are very potent, you know.” Mistress pointed to one of the vines, almost as thick as their wrist. “You're up to this one, by the way. We'll have to wait until after your implant surgery to go further though.”


Princess' mouth fell open to say something, but words failed them. A lot of things suddenly made sense. The dreams, the weird feelings in the morning that Mistress said were fine, and that strange need that was still burning. They wanted to be filled.


Stars, we know we admitted we liked Her molesting us in our sleep, but we didn't think She'd go that far! Maybe we can wake up during the next time?


“I'll make sure you wake up nice and full from now on, okay?” Mistress' words hit dead on. “I just thought you'd appreciate your first time awake to be a bit more consensual.”


Princess nodded, still unable to speak. What would have happened if they said no? Would Mistress still be playing with them in their sleep? Goodness, it was so hot when She just did whatever She wanted. Did they even really have a choice? She could have easily made them want this. They hoped so, they loved it when She manipulated them. She did it so effortlessly, and they rarely felt more like a pet.


Mistress ruffled Princess' hair, as if acknowledging all their unspoken thoughts. “Now I'm going to use a few thinner ones together, adding to them. You did get stretched out a little this morning, so it shouldn't take much, but I'd still like to take it slow.”


Princess' attention was focused downwards, where the vines were gathering. They couldn't see their clit at this angle—not past their breasts, bear, or belly—but they didn't need to to know it was drooling. A needled flower traced a circuitous path up and down their thigh before sinking in, and tension bled from them like a shot tire. It was Mistress that kept their head from rolling to the side. Everything felt so nice. “Just a microdose of M with a bit of A to help you relax, it should plateau to something more reasonable soon.”


Ohhh, that makes sense. Ms are soooo floaty, we should do ‘em more.


Something thick and slimy pressed against Princess' entrance, coating it in its goo. Their princess entrance? Royal hole? Ooo, they could still move kinda when they laughed! That was—the vine slipped in, coating their insides, rubbing its fluid all around. Turns out they could moan, too. It was about as thick as their index finger, and warm. Two more joined it a few moments later, and this time as they worked around, they pressed against something inside.


Princess’ eyes went wide as they clutched Mr Bear, nearly cumming for the instant it lasted. Mistress just hummed happily, a fourth vine joining the others. Between the afterglow of whatever that was and the drugs coursing through them, the mere penetration was starting to feel really good. They lost count after the sixth one hit that same spot, vision cutting as they cried out. “M-mistresssss, halp pleaz?”


The Affini didn't even slow, the bundle of vines bumping against something sensitive inside them here and there. “Of course, Princess. What do you need help with?”


“Cum! C-cumming!” It was happening, they couldn't stop it anymore, the dam was still in shambles!


“Ahhh, of course. Can't have that, now can we~?” The poke came swiftly, and Princess was sure another vine slipped inside. They screamed as they pushed past orgasm, and yet, didn't. They rode within a hair's breadth of release even as  pleasure spiked to new heights. The sudden emptiness as all of the vines pulled out burned, and they whined in protest. Mistress simply pat their head, lowering to the bed. “I know dear, but we’ll have to play some other time. It's Daisy's turn now.”




Princess' eyes struggled to focus, a task made more difficult by the way Miss Dawnbloom before them was shining. A pointless effort in the end. Their pinnate soon emerged from the iridescent tangle, quickly meeting them on the floor and pulling them into a kiss. Her thick cock rubbed against their clit as their tongues wrestled, and Princess happily put up a losing fight. Her hands caressed their jaw before they wandered downwards, making stops at their breasts, their belly, their back, and their hands. They completed their journey at Princess’ ass, and thighs, both of them moaning all the way.


They were both left panting as they finally parted, breathing in the other's animal desire. Their eyes met, burning with need, and Princess' heart quickened. Daisy was sweating lightly, her hair out of sorts, her breasts quivering as her chest heaved.


Stars, she's so beautiful.






“Love you.”


“Love you, too.”


Round two of kissing was briefer, but no less passionate. Three, four and five were quick on its heels, Daisy sitting up above them as they parted. She stroked her cock, still standing at attention, her other hand roaming from their thigh to their tummy. “Mm, fuck, I've been waiting for this. Do you know how hard it is to deal with seeing this ass—” the hand moved to give their rear a rough squeeze— “everyday?!”


Princess made a pathetic noise, somewhere between a squeak and a whimper.


“And then I had to watch you n’ Jess from the sidelines for the last, like, ten minutes, and that isn't even getting into the training before! Not to mention how fucking hot you are right now. I wanna pound that ass into pulp so goddamn bad.” Daisy took a moment to breathe, and then smiled. “Don't worry though.” Daisy shifted, lifted their ass up and spread their legs, and Mistress helped them hold position. Their girlfriend leaned over to face them, adjusting her hips. They could feel her dick rubbing against their hole. “We'll take it nice n’ slow.”


Princess nodded, clutching Mr Bear like a lifeline. They felt guilty about subjecting him to something like this, but they needed his support right now.


He's a professional, so he should be fine?


Daisy bit her lips, looking at them as she ground her cock against them. “Ya ready?” Princess nodded. “Alright, nice n’ slow. Let me know if you need me to stop, okay?” Her eyes cast downwards, and she used a hand to line her head up. They could feel it gradually pressing into their entrance, and they gasped as her head made its way in. The thick member didn't have the same give as Mistress' vines, nor their gradualism. Getting in seemed to be the most difficult part however, as the next dozen centimeters glided in with ease.


They also pressed against that thing inside them.


Princess was sure if Mr Bear was Terran-made he would have exploded into cloth and cotton. “Ahh, there it is. Ya got a lil more to halfway though, and we'll stick with that for a bit before I rearrange your guts.” Princess weakly nodded, eyes fluttering. “Good girl, just hold on.” Several more centimeters slid in, and Daisy hunched over, breathing heavily. “Fffffuck you're tight. I'm gonna—I'm gonna start moving a little now, alright?”


Princess gave another nod, words still beyond them. Daisy began to slowly pump in and out, not going much deeper than she already had. It felt good, especially when rubbed against that spot, and they could feel the drugs denying release yet again. God, they didn't want this to end so soon, but they needed to cum.


Daisy kissed Princess, brushing their hair out of their face. She gazed into their eyes, smiling  nervously. “How are you doing so far? Good?”




“Think you'll be fine if I give you a little more?”


“Think so?”


“Okay.” A quick kiss. “Love you.”


“Love you.”


Daisy picked up steam, thrusts going deeper and coming faster with each stroke. It was almost overwhelming, and only growing more intense. She'd lean in for a kiss on occasion, a small peck, a little tongue, a lot. Once in a while she'd hit that special place, other times just grinding against it. There was a certain rhythm to it, all improvised, but still there. Princess kept bumping against the thick membrane separating them from orgasm, only coming down enough from it to bump against it once more. To taste the very edge of release and never know it. It was perfect agony.


“God, you're so beautiful. I'm going to give you the whole thing now, okay?” That wasn't all of it? It was already so deep, they were so full, how much—then their hips truly met.




Daisy stayed there, letting Princess’ failing mind try to process its full length. Spots in their vision—was it actually in their stomach, or was it just doing flips because of how good it felt? Their head rolled back, giving them a view of Jess, and Mistress. She waved at them with a little vine, and propped their head back up. Daisy pulled out a few centimeters, only to bury herself in them again, testing their limits, and Mr Bear's.


“Fffuuuuuuuuck!” Daisy grunted, repeating the motion a few more times. Princess could swear they felt their guts shifting with each one. It wasn't until Mistress reminded them to, that they started breathing again. She pulled out most of her length, before driving it home in one great thrust. Consciousness left Princess for a moment as they cried out. They were drifting in space, riding that almost-orgasm for what felt like an eternity. Somewhere in that void they heard Daisy speak,  “I got way more than one load to give ya, don’t worry.”  


The stars blurred as though they were caught mid-jump. Daisy's pace picking up again. Every drive of her shaft sent them soaring through the very ether. Untold aeons passed by as they soared out of the very universe and into the great beyond. A great formless void, where there was only the mind numbing sensation of each bliss laden stroke. Sharp pains on what was likely once their neck. A soreness in their former throat. A soundless scream. Forever, forever.


So this is heaven. Didn’t think we'd get in.


Eternity shifted around them each thrust, splotches of ecstasy coloring it more and more. They were beginning to take shape—something that felt so alien to them at first they wondered if it was just a trick. Shapes begat form, form begat familiarity, familiarity begat consciousness.


Princess' mind worked like a machine submerged in syrup, everything distant in the thick pleasure. Slowly, they were able to stitch sensation and sight together. Daisy was nibbling their neck, arms holding them close, Mr Bear squished between the two as she pumped into them with abandon. They could feel her heartbeat in their chest, her breath in their lungs, their bodies uniting. From the beyond to the base animal.


They spoke in that primal language, exchanged through sweat and clashing tongues, proclaiming their love. Time was still lost to Princess, as they rode against the chemical denial. The fire threatened to consume everything they were, soaring to new searing heights. Daisy was their rock through it all.


And then, with a few great thrusts, it ended.


“Hooo boy, that was damn good, and not just for your first go either.” Daisy paused to catch her breath, wipe the sweat from her brow. “You gotta sweet ass, Princess!”


Princess thanked her with a broken grin, “Awahah.”




Mistress cleared the hair clouding Princess’ eyes, taking care of their sweat. She sat them up as she closed their mouth around a vine. More of that revitalizing fluid washed away any semblance of tiredness, leaving only the heat. “Better?”


“Cum now? Please, Mistress?”


Her laugh was like icy daggers, plunging into the firestorm. “You still have to take care of Jess, Princess, and I don't think Daisy is done yet either.”




Princess felt like crying, their face distorting as the news sank in.


But we said please!


How much longer would Daisy take? And then Jess?!


The maid stood over them, reaching down to pat them reassuringly. Princess pressed into the touch, desperate for anything to take them over the edge. “You know, if you want to cum faster, why not try taking us both at once? Daisy seems happy to fuck your ass, and I want you see how good you are at eating me out.”


Eat Jess? 


“Buh yer me'al?”


“She means lick her pussy, you dweeb!”


“Well, technically it's a pleasure port. It doesn't exactly have the same function or anatomy of a human vagina. It also has many functions unique to it such as vibration and add-ons that—”


“Oh my God, you are both ridiculous.”


“You are very lucky I am in a good mood right now.” Jess leered at Daisy, before turning to smile at Princess. “So what do you think? If you do both of us at the same time, you'll get to cum twice as fast!”


That makes lots of sense!


“Yah!” The only thing they liked more than cuddling with Daisy or Jess—except Mistress, of course—was cuddling Daisy and Jess. Plus, they've had sex together before, and that was lots of fun! It had been mostly Jess ‘helping’ them with Daisy, but still!


“Wonderful.” Jess gave Princess a scritch that would have been it, were it not for the xenodrugs. “Mistress, could you please get milady into position?”


“With pleasure.” The harness slacked off them, and Princess shivered. Mr Bear was taken from them, and their arms puppeted behind their back.  




The rope did start there, but the binding was different now. Instead of Princess’ arms being lashed straight down their back, they met in the small of it, elbows bent. The upper torso part was normal, a bit thicker than normal, but then their legs were splayed outwards and folded over themselves, their feet against their thighs, just below their butt. The rope tied them like that, before doubling over their torso. Princess couldn't see what Mistress was attaching the rope to behind them, but the purpose was quickly made obvious. With a smooth motion, they were suspended off the floor.


Princess was sure they would have cum from the helplessness of their situation if they could. Much like before, they could barely squirm, having traded the movement of their head for their legs. Turning their head up towards Mistress took effort, with Her standing over them, but She met them halfway.


“Awww, I can see my little princess is enjoying this. All those stretches are coming in handy, hm?” She ran Her hand through Princess' hair a few times, making them swing gently in the vines. “You can't stay like this too long, sadly, but we'll be fixing that soon. Play with your pinnates, cutie, I'll be right here.”


Mistress released Princess, standing back up, as Jess stepped in front of them. They were perfectly level with her waist. From the hands—and subsequent hog—rubbing and squeezing their ass, Daisy was right behind them. Anticipation spiked. If they were still capable of higher thought, they'd surely be wrestling against countless fantasies.


“You can go ahead ‘n start, Jess, I'm just gonna be getting, uh, ‘warmed up’ back here, eheheh.” Daisy's tone was as warm as it was deceitful. She was already rock hard.


Jess simply huffed at Daisy's antics, bringing her waist closer. She flipped up her skirt and petticoat, revealing a damp neon pink silicone slot drooling its fluids. “If you're half as good using your tongue here as you were licking my boots, you'll do just fine.” A single step brought it centimeters to their lips. The taste was faintly sweet, and came with the revelation that not everything they had licked off her feet was theirs. Princess was left in near-darkness as the maid dropped the cloth around them. Jess' hands moved—one to the back of their head, and the other to give them the commands to open, and eat.


Princess ran their tongue along the slit, giving it a long, experimental lick. The hands on their head twitched and seized up. The fluid was definitely flavored, carrying hints of chocolate, and had a slick, syrupy texture to it. They lapped at the entrance several more times, attempting to nail down the rest. The port itself carried a sickeningly sweet plastic taste, distinctly artificial and faintly of strawberry. They could feel the electricity buzzing in their tongue, just beneath the velvety rubber surface.


Meanwhile, Daisy was rubbing her cock on Princess’ clit, the erection pushing both against them. Her hands had wandered to their hole, tracing it with a thumb, before inserting two fingers. Princess moaned into Jess, having taken to suckling on the top part of her port. The frotting picked up a little, one, then two more fingers worked their way in. A slap on their ass had them at the doorstep of cumming, the pent up need, boiling over again. “Damn, girl, I was worried you might've tightened up, but those xenodrugs are good.” Daisy hilted her hand up to her thumb, and Princess seized up as they were stretched beyond even her girth. “Bet I could get my arm in there.”




Jess roughly shoved Princess' face back into her slot. “I did not say ‘stop,’ Princess. If you do that again without permission, I will make sure you go over my knee before you get to cum.”


Princess redoubled their efforts without hesitation, now pushing their tongue in as far as they could. They could beg Jess to spank them later, but before would be simply too much to bear. They needed their release more than the air in their lungs, and they were all too happy to prove it. They even managed to find a few notches, just a little bit inside that felt great to hook their tongue against. Jess' jerky motions and faltering static noises signaled they were on the right track.


Daisy didn't attempt to prove her theory, her hand retreating. She also seemed to be warmed up now, as her cock took up the assault. She wasted no time, starting at a brisk pace and quickly moving onto a speed typically reserved for death marches. Slaps to the side of their ass provided supporting fire. The darkness beneath Jess' skirt burst in colors never perceived by any eye.


Jess' campaign was just as brutal. She returned just long enough for Princess to gasp down a single lungful of air, before forcing them into their place for what felt like forever. They were never allowed enough, and the slowly depleting oxygen made their head spin. Unconsciousness loomed over them, but the threat of defeat was a greater enemy.


Fighting on two fronts was a losing battle, some distant part of them noted. Besieged as Princess was, their back firmly forced against the very edge of orgasm, any semblance of thought long since bled from them, but they still held on. Through it all, they persevered. Because Mistress wanted them to. They could feel her pride in them growing with each passing moment.


Jess was the first to fall, as Princess flicked their tongue between two of the notches. She cried out, her audio clipping with garbled static. Daisy followed soon after, leaning over and sinking her teeth into the nape of their neck as she delivered her final shot deep into their gut. She lay atop them, catching their breath for a moment, before slipping out and off.


It was the long drag of a sharp needle that got Princess to realize it was over, tingling their spine as it scraped along their back. They were lifted upwards by their binding, until they were eye level with Mistress. Every color that was ever wonderful, swirling there. “Are you ready for your treat, cutie?”


Princess grunted, Her needle still wandering, the pain exquisite on their sensitive skin.


“I'll take that as a yes~” Mistress placed a berry in their mouth and closed it for them, circling their chin as the needle sank in. “Good girls.”


The filament holding Princess back from release dissolved, and they came hard. A kinetic bombardment shattering them like earth, upending their very being, leaving them exposed and bare. Even the aftershocks of orgasm were better than any they had ever had prior, rocking through them nearly as much force. The sweet, indescribably delectable berry bringing it all to new heights. They're—


We're good girls!!!

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