Dog of War

Method and Discipline pt 3

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site. Additionally, shoutout to TheMothCourt on AO3 for letting us bounce ideas off it, and EileenLilac, also on AO3, for additional Beta Reading.



Camila cast one last gaze at the sleeping cuties, all cuddled up together. Even Jess was in her resting state, her lights dimming and brightening. Princess and Daisy had barely gotten through dinner, and had been dozing off during the bath.


Cordelia gave Camila a tap. It was time to let the pets sleep, and get some rest of their own. Camila slipped out of the doorway, letting it close and moving to their room.


“Mulch, I don't think I've seen Daisy have quite that much fun topping in a while.” Cordelia relaxed onto the bed, Camila following her. She was radiant with the joy of seeing one's pet happy. “And I think you had even more fun than Princess did! It was really cute to see you get all wriggly when she asked to get spanked.”


Camila had to restrain certain treacherous vines as they relived the moment. “I really didn't expect her to last a full half-hour! And you should have seen the look in their eyes—she did that for me!”


“Princess is very eager to please you, and you have given her good reason to be. You’ve done well, you should be very proud of her.”


Camila reached out for her lover, entwining some of their vines together. “I am, she's come so far.”


Cordelia pressed against her, her core thrumming with adoration. “And so have you, my moonlight. It's been a pleasure to watch you blossom into yourself.”


“I-I—” Camila floundered, her biomass betraying how flustered she was. “Thank you?” By the Everbloom, Cordelia was too much!


“Of course, dearest.” Cordelia paused, and Camila could feel she was searching for something. “You know, I was very worried about you for a while, and so was the captain. Always working those long days, coming up with excuses for why you couldn't take any specific pet despite wanting one. ‘This one's too traumatized, this one deserves an experienced owner, this one is too blank.’ Then you went and sat on the bridge until Flint made you leave, or I convinced you to come see me or Daisy. And that was an improvement over the Datura, where you were always shut in your hab.”


“I wasn't that bad, was I?” Camila had left plenty of times to go to the J Cafe! ...Usually after the captain ordered her to. It wasn't like it was always the case, she had left a few times of her own volition!


“I was planning on domesticating you.”


Camila recoiled. “Excuse me?!”


“Be still.” Camila, much to her shock, stopped trying to pull away. Cordelia drew her back close. “I was going to wait a few more decades, maybe even until your second bloom. You are young, even for a first bloom, and you deserved a chance to find yourself. Though there wasn't any reason to not get some groundwork laid in the meantime.” Vines pressed into Camila, and she could only welcome them in. “Don't you agree?”


Camila felt like she was about to burst—she had fantasized about the older Affini, her friend and mentor, but to hear that she was thinking about making her her pet?! That she had been conditioning her, and she didn't even realize?! Roots, what would the other Affini think? And why was it making her core race? “But I'm better now?”


“You are!” Cordelia cheered. She shifted both of them, now laying on top. “Watching you find yourself as an Affini and an Owner has been nothing short of inspiring. It also only made you more enticing, I'm afraid.” A vine ran across Camila’s core. She was sure to fall apart soon, a plaything for her lover. “Getting you to submit is so much sweeter now that you're dominant.”


The vine dipped in, and a billion volts shot through her.


“I-I can't be your pet Cordelia!” Camila blurted out. She had Princess to take care of, and Jess! And she was better now! Yet, there was another, smaller piece of her...


Cordelia laughed, pulling the vine out. “I wasn't asking you to, my love. We are both in agreement that you no longer require domestication.” By the Everbloom, was she intending on making Camila ask for it? Beg for it?! “And no, not either of those things. Not for a number of blooms, and only if that's what you want.” Cordelia fully joined their forms, her core close enough that it was hard to perceive anything else, but without touching. “I just thought you might enjoy... setting aside the responsibilities of Affinihood now and then. Being mine in the bedroom, on occasion.”


It was so taboo. Affini were supposed to take care of others, and she had two florets! It was so tantalizing, it was everything Camila had fantasized about when she dreamed of Cordelia. That she would take charge, and have her way with her. Then again, if she wasn't an Affini... It was just for a night, just part of a night really! It wouldn't be so bad to indulge a little, would it? It's not like Camila would have to do it more if she didn't enjoy it. It could be nice to take a break.


Two words sealed her fate. “I'm... curious.”


Cordelia finally pressed her core against Camila’s own, and she knew her lover’s satisfaction. She would help her explore this side of herself, to whatever depths it ran. Camila could feel her biorhythm being drawn into her lover’s, subsumed by it. She knew innately that from this moment forward, they were no longer equals. She was Hers, and Her will was law.


For tonight, at least.


There was a longing for that feeling of knowing she was subordinate as Cordelia drew away, untangling Herself from Camila. She knew she would do whatever She demanded to feel it again. She got just a taste of it again as Cordelia's eyes searched her own. How had she never realized just how pretty they were? Every part of Her was a work of art, but there was something to the raw confidence Her eyes exuded. “Awww, I had a suspicion you would like this, but I didn't think you'd be so mulching cute! Hm, still, this—” Cordelia gestured vaguely at Camila—“just won't do.”




“This is the form of an Affini, love, and that's not what you are right now. You can't take a break from your responsibilities like that. No, you'll have to change. A new form for our sessions together should help separate Camila the Affini, and Camila the pet.” Cordelia looked Camila over, assessing her. “Try moving more mass from your body into your hair.”


It took Camila a moment to even find the appropriate vines, and actually shifting them was a bit more difficult. She had made this bloom to be adept at changing shape, but she had grafted it nearly a dozen times since her uplifting. Compensating for them was a challenge, and she had several notes for her second bloom, but she managed the task. “Like that, Cordelia?”


“A good start, though I can't have you calling me ‘Cordelia’ when we're like this. Hmm, and ‘Mistress’ isn't right when I don't actually own you...” Her lips snapped into a grin, and Camila could feel Her revelation. “Do you remember what you called me when we first talked?”


“Professor Dawnbloom?” It had been long ago, after a class on bioengineering your own grafts. Camila had approached Her in a state similar to the one she was in now—unsure and in awe. She had laughed, insisting she use Her first name.


Her lover rumbled happily above Camila, a familiar predatory glint in Her eyes. “Yes, ‘Professor’ will do nicely. You do need to be educated on your place, and Professor Dawnbloom is here to teach you. ‘Teacher,’ ‘Miss,’ and ‘Miss Dawnbloom’ will also work. And now I know exactly how to shape you—I think a change in clothes is in order, this dress and shawl is far too mature for a student. Let's try a loose top and skirt.”


Camila nearly lost her shape entirely as she shifted the material. Had Cordelia—no, Professor Dawnbloom—been after her that long? She had barely earned her first bloom then! It was easier to change the parts dedicated to act as clothes into other clothes than it was to shift general mass to her hair. Soon she was dressed the part, a knee length skirt, pleated with the extra material, and a loose, baggy top clinging to her breasts. “Like this, Professor?”


“Exactly! Such a bright little pet!” Camila’s form rippled at her Teacher's praise. “Do you think you could stand for me? I want to check something.”


Camila sat up, finding the balance of her new shape before getting off the bed. The difference was immediately noticeable—she had been a degree shorter than Miss Dawnbloom before, but now she was a full meter shorter than Her. Camila felt even smaller as She stood over her, examining her with that critical eye. Camila couldn't keep her vines from reacting, lashing about with nervous excitement. Did She like what She saw? Was Miss impressed?


“Very good, this suits you so much better.” Professor Dawnbloom pat Camila’s head, and that subservient pride surged through her. “I have one more idea though—I want you to make yourself a nice bow for me, as big as you can. Right here, on top of your head.”


“Y-yes, Miss.” There was a dizzy happiness as Camila shifted as much as possible into a big green bow. Was it supposed to feel this good to obey? To be pushed around? Miss Dawnbloom was literally changing her body into that of a demure schoolgirl and pet, and Camila loved it. As she thinned the vines around her core, she knew this was no longer a door she could shut. The resulting bow took another half meter off; Camila was now just under two meters, shorter than Princess when she arrived. She posed the new form for her Teacher, now easily twice her height. “Is this correct, Professor?”


Professor Dawnbloom circled her—mulch, Camila hoped she passed—and she could feel Her biorhythm probing at her own. She made three full passes, giving nothing away, before moving to sweep her up. A vine easily found its way to her barely protected core, and it was all Camila could do to keep her new shape. “Very good! You get full marks! No one would confuse you for an actual Affini like this. Just the little teacher's pet you are~”


Camila couldn't speak, lost in the pleasure of the touch and Her words. Professor was proud of her, she could feel it in Her rhythm! She didn't have to worry about anything else but Her approval right now.


“Goodness! To think you'd make yourself this adorable for me, I'm half tempted to just claim you right now! I am an Affini of my word, though; I'll make sure you're back in your normal mindstate before bed.” Did Camila want that? Either of those things? She felt torn, but she was definitely not thinking clearly. Professor Dawnbloom was really smart, so if She said she needed to go back, that was probably for the best. One of Teacher’s vines wrapping around her neck got her notice. “I'll definitely have to make sure to get you a collar for next time. Every pet deserves a collar, even if they're only a pet on occasion, don't you agree?”


“Y-yes, Professor Dawnbloom.” A collar?! Frost and flame, the thought of Miss collaring her was enough to drive Camila wild! She had half a mind to plead for one right now, but it was time for Teacher's lesson, and a good student listened. What would it be like, though? A collar, just for her?


Professor’s vines invaded Camila’s hair, and doted on her core. “Such a precious little cutie, so curious about what I have planned. All in due time, my prized student~” Her inflection on prized made it clear what she meant, as the vines began to lightly prod into her core. “Hmm, I don’t think Camila really suits you when you're like this. Camila is an Affini and you're just my sweet little pet student, isn't that right?”


“Y-yes?” She could feel the room spinning.


“How about ‘Cammy?’ I think it really fits you! What do you think, Cammy?”


“C-Cammy sounds nice.” She was going to lose her mind, Cammy was certain of it.


“You'll be getting a few pleasure grafts before we do this again, ones you can actually enjoy. I can choose and make the appointments if you wish, but I think you'll appreciate the option to pick once you come up. Playing with your core is fun, but cores are for Affini, not pets.”


“Yes, Professor,” Cammy squeaked. Not a request, but an assignment. One she would eagerly take on. It came from her Professor, after all!


“Of course, I'm a fair Teacher. If my darling student doesn't have the supplies she needs, I'm willing to let her work with what she has.” Cammy felt a needle slip into her core, delivering its payload into her. “Or give her something to make up the difference.”


It was a heavy feeling, buzzing in each cell of Cammy’s vines, amplifying Professor Dawnbloom's touch a thousandfold. Every point of contact where their vines met was bliss, the ones playing along her core beyond any words in any language the Affini had ever encountered. She was coming apart in her Teacher's vines, the form she had worked so hard to make loosening into a pile of vines. She hoped She wouldn't fail her, it was only her first lesson after all.


Professor Dawnbloom stopped, tutting at Cammy like a misbehaving sapling. “Little Cammy, you need to focus. How can I teach you about your body if you lose your shape so easily?”


“Sorry, Miss Dawnbloom!” Cammy sloppily put herself back together, trying not to think about how much she wanted Teacher to touch her more. All the ways She was taking Cammy in her imagination. She was so big, and strong, She could easily pin Cammy down and molest her any number of ways. Maybe if she passed? Or maybe if she didn't?


“It's alright, Cammy, it was my fault for being so unprofessional. You're only just learning how to change shape, after all, that's not easy for sweet little pets like you.” Professor twirled a few of Cammy’s vines between Her own, lighting Cammy's mind aflame again. It wasn't as overwhelming as the not-core touches from before, but mulch. “Luckily, your Teacher has an exercise in mind that should help~”


“Oh?” Another assignment would help! Miss was really good at teaching.


Professor withdrew her affections, leaving Cammy shivering for her touch. “‘What's that, Miss?’ Just because this is one-on-one doesn't mean you can forget my title, Cammy.”


“W-what’s that, Miss Dee?” Please pet Cammy again, praise her again.


“Mm, Miss Dee is good, I like that.” The doting vines gave Cammy what she had been craving. It occurred to her that Miss didn't even need to restrain her. She was equally vulnerable here, squirming and trying to hold herself together in Her lap. Stars, Cammy was such a naughty student, thinking such things about her Professor—after She was kind enough to give her private lessons no less! What would She think of her? “We're going to do some visualization with physical stimulation—I'm going to help you feel what ‘Cammy’ feels like.”


Why did Professor say her name so weirdly? Either way, Cammy was in no state to give anything but a cheery “Okay!”


“Good, let's start here.” Professor's vines wrapped around Cammy's arms, filling her hands, spilling into the places in-between the foliage. She could feel every nanometer of them flaring with the raw joy of her Teacher's touch. “These are your arms, your fingers. They are made of vines, leafs, and flowers, but they are your arms and nothing more. Pets have arms, and you are a pet. What are you?”


“A pet, Miss Dee!”


The squeeze saw Cammy nearly lose her form again as her mind burst. “Correct, but no points for impartial answers~”


“Y-your pet, Miss Dawnblooooom,” Cammy cried. “And your student! And not an Affini!”


“Good girl~” The soft strokes on the heels of the rough treatment were just as orgasmic, but Cammy couldn't disappoint. “I want you to remember how they feel, Cammy. Don't forget, this will be on the test later.” She knew she wouldn't.


Professor relinquished Cammy's arms, and moved onto her legs. Her form rippled as Miss Dawnbloom once again invaded the most intimate parts of her. Her arms held together though, Professor was so good at Her job! “Your adorable little legs, feet, and toes. Your only mode of getting around, besides me carrying you, of course. Pets do not get to choose which one they get to do. And once you figure out what you want, this,” Cammy felt a lightning bolt strike between her legs, “is where it will sit. Our next lesson will focus on that, after we make sure you didn't forget today's lesson. What do pets have, Cammy?”


“A-arms, and legs.”


It was a good thing Miss Dee was so good at teaching, or Cammy would have undoubtedly come undone when She gave her another squeeze. “One off again, pet.”


“O-owners!” Silly Cammy, how could she forget something so obvious! This is why she needed these private sessions.


“Good girl~” Professor massaged Herself into Cammy's hair, her chest, her abdomen. She was close to something, something new to her entirely. A revelation of some kind? But in her body. “Your breasts, your tummy, your hair, your bow—all suitable for an adorable little pet like you. And of course, this.” A vine brushed against the not-core inside Cammy. Whatever was coming, it wasn't far off. “However, a core isn't something a cutie like you has, is it, Cammy?”


“No, Professor!” She was learning so much today.


“Hmmm, I think this is Cammy's special place, don't you?”


“Aa, ahhh, yesssss—” It was so hard to actually respond when Teacher was touching her special place.


“Yes, something for when you've been especially good.” Was she good? Had Cammy been good? “I'll tell you what, one final question, and if you can get it right while I play with you, you pass.”


“Ahhagahawaaa.” Cammy nodded, she could feel something drooling. Several things? Injectors? No, that couldn't be it, pets didn't have those, did they? Professor Dawnbloom would know, she should ask. Stars, she wanted to pass so bad.


“Good girl~” The vines massaging Cammy's special place were starting to dip inside now, and filling her with Miss’ pride. It felt even better than the probing. “Don't worry, it's a very easy question. I know my precious student is having trouble thinking at the moment.” How was she so lucky to have such a kind and understanding Teacher? Not only making sure she understood, but willing to meet her where she was? “Now, listen closely; what is your name?”


“Cuh-Cammyyyyyy—!” As she gave it, all the vines plunged deep inside her, and the revelation of pleasure robbed Cammy’s consciousness from her.






“Camila? My love?” Cordelia slowly roused her partner, bringing her back to her true self. Stars, she had taken to the hypnosis well, slipping so easily into her role. Proof Camila wanted this as much as Cordelia did. This next part was crucial though, she had to play it carefully.


Camila was slow to rise, collecting herself into her usual form. “Cordelia?”


Cordelia placed a few vines within Camila's own for reassurance. Not forcing them there, but letting her take them. “I'm here, love. How are you feeling?”


“Uhm, g-good.” Camila was telling the truth, but also rife with nervousness. “What was that?”


Truth deserved truth, even Cordelia needed to play fair sometimes. “A light hypnosis, an alteration of syncing our cores. It's not a method that can force an unwilling party, but it's a good trick to quickly get into a mindset. The drugs are a little something I picked up a few years after we met, when I first thought you might need domestication. I wanted to be ready in case of an emergency.”


“Right...” Camila slumped back down onto the bed, coming undone in an instant.


Cordelia sat next to her, not pushing her boundaries. “Did you have any questions? I'm more than willing to take notes.”




“It's cute, and you know the importance of assigning a separate name to a mindset. I think it really suits her, and she seemed to enjoy it.”


“I suppose.” Camila sighed, giving a great wooden groan before snuggling into Cordelia. “It was really fun, and relaxing to not have to worry about anything for a while, but I don't know. Maybe? I need some time to think about it, and now isn't it.”


Cordelia took the opportunity to lay them both down, letting Camila place her core near her own. “I can wait.” She would get to play with ‘Cammy’ again soon enough, she could tell. Weeks, perhaps months. It didn't matter. She would wait blooms to hear ‘Owner’ echoing in her biorhythm again, even for a moment. “I love you, Camila.”


“Love you too, Cordelia.”

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