Dog of War

The Two Types Of Battle pt 1

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site.

Camila rose, surging up from the alcove. Last night had gone better than she could have ever hoped for. Not only had Camila succeeded in convincing Viola to not file a complaint, but Cordelia had pitched some rather helpful ideas. Of course, what really had her flowers in full bloom was just how cute the little one was last night. She hadn't imagined getting an excuse to bathe her again so soon, and she was even more adorable this time! She may not get an excuse for the Class As again tonight but she could least wash her again. Honestly, with the way Princess had whimpered under her touch before the drugs even kicked in, she probably didn't need them. Just thinking about getting to have her again had her vines writhing in anticipation.  


That wasn't the only thing Camila was excited for, either. She whipped out her pad and started scrolling through the large selection of clothes she had earmarked. Camila had a plan to help Princess accept herself as a girl, and no matter her choices it would only push the cutie further into her vines. She sent her choices to the compiler as a message dinged through- 


[Cpt_Flynt]: Good morning Camila, do you have a moment?


[FrequencyFlower]: Of course! What do you want to discuss?

[Cpt_Flynt]: Ah, well it's been a week and I wanted see how you and Princess are doing. From what I can tell it sounds like you're making good progress. 

[FrequencyFlower]: Yes, she's been making great progress considering I couldn't properly help her before. I'd be a bit surprised if she's still able to call herself independent by next week. 

[Cpt_Flynt]: Wonderful! It's so delightful to watch the little ones as they realize what they actually want isn't independence. How about yourself?

[FrequencyFlower]: I'm still a little shaken from when she got hurt, but I don't think I've ever been happier. Stars, Flint, she's so adorable. Would you like some pictures? 

[Cpt_Flynt]: Of course! 

Camila opened her gallery for Princess, It already had hundreds of files from the last few days alone. She selected a few of her favorites from last night when the cutie was Class A, the video of her first meal, a few pictures of the girl dozing,  and one particularly adorable one of her blushing furiously as she pulled against her vines.


[Cpt_Flynt]: Very cute indeed!  

[FrequencyFlower]: Oh it seems that the little one is a Pluribus as well. It doesn't seem like she considers themselves as a fully unique sophonts though. The phrases she used are 'one whole with two halves' or 'a single prism with two identical but separate refractions.' They're both 'Princess' together.

[Cpt_Flynt]: Oh that is just precious! Be sure to update her status soon.

[FrequencyFlower]: Ah, I had to use a Class B shortly after, it may cause a lot of stress if she realizes I know. Don't worry, Cordelia and I have a little get together planned this evening to help the little one broach the subject.

[Cpt_Flynt]: Ahhh, yes, that does complicate matters somewhat. In that case, I wish you the best of luck.

[FrequencyFlower]: Thank you!

[Cpt_Flynt]: That's all for now, Camila, thank you. Feel free to keep sending me those pictures!


Camila tucked the pad away and moved to the kitchen, a spring in her step. She collected the clothes from the compiler, storing them inside. Ahh, the little one's face was going to be precious. There was something about the girl's weakening spirit as she allowed herself to become more reliant on Camila. It fed a newfound hunger growing within her, and it was utterly delicious. Camila wanted to savor every bit of it. 


On the topic of deliciousness, Camila had been looking forward to making today's breakfast as well. Her vines splayed out, gathering the ingredients. The dish was called a 'Crepe', it was something like a very thin pancake, but the texture and taste was a bit sweeter, and it was rarely eaten with syrup. Fruit, berries of various kinds, and whipped cream were the norm. 


Camila mixed all the ingredients for the batter together in a bowl, whisking them with a vine as she placed the skillet on the stove. Once the batter was smooth she set it aside and took out a knife from the block. She grabbed a few strawberries, a popular Terran fruit Affini bioengineers had brought back from extinction, and diced them up, setting them aside in a small bowl. Then she plucked one of the larger berry treats from within and diced it as well, across several crepes it would add just a bit extra tasty goodness. It was sure to elicit quite the adorable response. 


The skillet now heated, Camila carefully measured her pours. The cooking part was far harder than with pancakes; crepes were much easier to burn due to how thin they were, but all the recent practice in the kitchen had been paying off. All but one came out flawlessly, and she had only messed that one up when she had gone to flip it. Camila plated the meal, taking one crepe, placing the berries inside, and folding them up. Once she had four prepared, she drizzled chocolate over them and put a dab of whipped cream on each. She took a moment to appreciate the artfulness of the dish, snapping a picture. A week ago she could have never made something like this. She compiled a tray and placed the meal on it. Time to wake the princess. 


Camila left the kitchen and quietly entered Princess' room, carrying the tray. It was extremely unlikely she'd wake them up when the Class Z's were still good for another hour and a half, but it was best to be safe. Ah, she looked so peaceful sleeping, not a worry on that cute little face. She let herself enjoy the dozing Terran's soft breathing for a while before slipping out her injectors. She gave her a moderate dosage Class Es, followed by the counteragent for her Z's after the Es had time to work. 


The cutie stirred, slowly blinking awake. "Good morning Princess." 


That got her to spring upright, wide eyed and blushing. "M-miss Verdun!" Her biorhythm was resonating with an adorable mix of uncertainty and just a hint of the pleasure from last night. The only issue was the petal was already tensing up. 


"Please relax Princess, I wouldn't want you to strain yourself." Camila met her eyes and gently pushed her back down onto the bed, letting her own biorhythm bleed into her voice as she spoke. The Terran's eyes glazed over as her body obeyed. "How are you feeling, petal?" Camila asked, sitting on the edge of the bed, and releasing her from the trance.


Princess blinked, collecting herself. She turned her head to the side and pouted, grasping at the blankets as though they were a shield. Dirt, she was cute when she got upset. "You drugged me."


Camila nodded, "Yes, you needed the relief. You were on the verge of breakdown all afternoon and carrying a lot of tension. If I didn't intervene you may have injured yourself." 


"I think you just wanted to drug me." Princess grumbled, "There's other ways to destress." 


"Class A bath time is a certain way to relax any Terran." Camila directed her pet-to-be to meet her eyes with a vine on the cheek. "You can hardly tell me you didn't enjoy it."


"That's-" Princess' voice caught, and the blushing grew worse. Camila pulsed her core, reminding the little one to breathe. Co-opting the cutie's own coping mechanism from under them had given her such a delightful tool. Watching the Terran breathe on a wordless command fed into Camila's hunger. How had she lived before this? Camila released her. 


Princess turned away, brushing some stray hair out of her eyes. It had gotten longer in the last few days, and now came down to her softening jawline. It was starting to take on a bit of fluffiness, and its jet black nature caused it to almost glimmer with invitation. Soon enough. "Just don't do that again, alright? I don't like just being drugged."


Camila felt sympathy for the poor girl, even things she enjoyed frightening her. "I promise little one, I will do my best to make sure you stay nice and relaxed. Next time you are on Class As, it should be because you asked."


Princess glared up at her, averting her eyes the moment Camila met her gaze. "I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you." Camila was tempted to use the hold command in response, but ultimately decided against it. It likely would just make them panic if they realized she had a direct line of control over the air in their lungs. "Can I get out of bed now please?" 


"No need," Camila smiled, picking up the tray from where she placed it, and setting it over the girl. "I thought you might appreciate breakfast in bed today, as part of your relaxation. It's something extra special today."


The way Princess lit up at the sight of the meticulously prepared meal was simply precious. The excitement in her biorhythm, the drool starting to adorably trickle down the side of her mouth. It could be Camila's thousandth time seeing it and it would be no less divine. Princess picked up the fork with her good hand and poked at them gently, curious. "Uhm, what is it?" 


"They're called crepes," Camila smiled as she explained, taking pride in the product of love, "they're something of a delicacy. I made them extra special for you, Princess."


"They look really good..." Camila was on edge as she watched the girl cut out a bite and brought it to her mouth. Princess took the bite, suddenly dropped her fork and covered her mouth, letting out a low moan. "Ohhh fuck." Their eyes were misty with joy as they trembled with pleasure, struggling to keep chewing. By the Everbloom she was precious! It was no small feat of will that Camila kept herself from petting the girl and drugging her into a stupor then and there.


She couldn't help but let her own joy radiate out from her core. "I'm glad you like them, Princess." 


The girl was still half dazed, lightly panting from the ecstacy of the treat, unable to stop the smile from creeping into the corners of her mouth. Her eyes fluttered and her cheeks flushed again as she cleared her throat. "Sorry. Thanks for the food, Miss Verdun." Princess nervously stuffed another bite into her mouth, melting again as the flavor took her.


"You have nothing to apologize for. Besides, watching you enjoy my cooking is what makes me strive to do better at it."


Princess looked towards the other side of the room, her mood dampening. "Right..." She didn't manage stay down for long, the power of the food was too much. 


Camila waited until the girl finally swallowed, savoring every facial twitch of pleasure. It wouldn't do to have her choke. "You know class As affect taste as well, not just touch."


Now that got their attention- they were momentarily alarmed, before conflict swallowed their biorhythm. They were definitely curious, if not actively interested. "I'm not really interested in doing drugs just to do drugs but I'll keep that in mind, I suppose." 


The little one could lie to herself, but without her prior composure, she could hardly lie to Camila. "There's nothing wrong with a little bit every now and then to help relax or enjoy yourself- or even a lot." Camila placed her hand to her chin in a smug gesture, "Even most independents enjoy them, you know~"


Princess hummed, "I think I'll still pass for now, thanks." 


Well, the thought had been planted successfully. Something to leverage later, when she's ready. "Fair enough, petal. If you change your mind or get bored, just ask, okay?" 


She gave Camila that flat annoyed look she did when was moderately incised by her implications. Camila merely continued to smile. "So, you have any surprise appointments or whatever for me today?" Princess asked, shivering as she took another bite.


It warmed Camila's core to see the little one so casually accept that she set her schedule, especially as she continued to drool over her cooking. "Well, I don't have anything for you before lunch, but I do have some people I would like you to meet this afternoon. Did you have anything you wanted to do?"


The girl paused for a moment, and swallowed. "Well, first I was going to look at some names," She gave her glare, "I hope you had fun calling me 'princess.'" 


"Oh, trust me little one, I have." Camila let her hunger prick through, gazing downwards with predacious intent. 


Princess fidgeted, averting her gaze as she stammered. "I- w-w-" In... Hold... Out... Her temperament leveled back down with her sinking chest. She cleared her throat, "A-anyways, after that, look at some hobbies, maybe finish The Stars Betwixt, and a walk could be nice."


As adorable as the first two additional activities were, Camila was unsure about that last request. Yesterday they had walked for over four hours and she was clearly getting worked up even before that, constantly refusing to rest. At the same time, the vet had informed her that Princess would need a bit more physical enrichment than average. All those genetic modifications made the girl restless when she didn't get enough exercise. "A short walk, no more than an hour." 


"I guess it will have to do." Princess sighed, taking another bite. 


Camila would have to see about finding a solution to the little one's physical needs. She couldn't walk the girl however many hours she needed to get satisfied that way. Letting the little one train was unappealing, it could be counter to their recovery. "By the way, make sure to message Daisy. She misses you when you're not around."


Princess furrowed her brow, "For what? Doesn't she have other friends?"


"She does, but you are her 'bestie,' afterall." Camila smirked, "Besides, you seem to enjoy her company."


"She's not unbearable." Princess hummed around another forkful.


Camila humphed. What a thing to say about her potential pinnate. She and Cordelia agreed that Daisy was good for Princess. She had a way past Princess' defenses that even made Camila somewhat jealous of the pet on occasion. Daisy even really enjoyed being around her, finding her funny, and asked about her often. "It would make her really happy, Princess."


She sighed. "Alright." She poked woefully at the last scrap of the meal, disappointed that it was over. She hummed with delight as she ate it, savoring it for just a little while longer. "Fuck, that was good." She sighed once more, this time with content, as she lay back against the pillow propping her up. "Thank you, Miss Verdun."


Camila frowned. It was unbefitting of such a cute pet to cuss. It wouldn't do to have her dropping swears whenever she fed her sweets at a cafe. Something to add to her rules, when they were implemented. She removed the tray, setting it aside, "You are very welcome, Princess. Are you ready to get out of bed?" 


Princess looked a bit troubled. "Just... Nevermind." They shook their head and steeled themselves. "It's fine, I'm ready." 


Camila pulled back the blanket and carefully picked the girl up. She made an absolutely delicious 'Eep' as her vines wrapped possessively around her. It was fuel on the fire that was Camila's growing hunger. The Affini felt tempted to play with her, just a little. A squeeze on her inner thigh and a bit of whispered praise would have the girl melting in moments. Maybe she could see if her breasts had already started getting sensitive. Princess was hers after all... A tug reminded her that she was still in vines and Camila set her down. "Sorry dear, I was just thinking."


Princess was far from convinced. "Right..."


Camila slapped her cheek in feigned shock, "That reminds me, I need to give you your class G still!" She whipped the injector in question around, bringing it up to her. "Hold still, Princess~"


"A-ah. Right." She shifted nervously, backing away from her. "Actually, can we talk about that?"


Camila smirked, lowering the needle. "What seems to be the issue, little one?"


"It's-" Princess frowned and furrowed her brow, struggling for words. "I'm just not sure if I'm a woman. It's a nice thought and all, but I'm not, like, trans or anything you know." 


Camila struggled not to roll her eyes It was like the girl didn't even hear herself sometimes. "Well it seems to me you enjoy it when you're treated like a girl."


"There has to be more to it than that!" She protested, growing about as upset as the Class Es would let her. "Shouldn't I, I don't know, feel like a girl?"


"Its true your gender may lay outside of true womanhood," Camila consoled, letting her biorhythm wash over and soothe the girl. "You may identify more with some other feminine aligned gender, or something else entirely. However, oftentimes something like that just takes a while. You said it yourself that you never even really considered it before a few days ago. It's rather impressive you've come this far in accepting yourself."


Princess was weak to praise as always, unable to resist cracking a slight grin. "Uhm, thanks but, surely there's more to it than just... kinda maybe liking it?" 


"Not really," Camila shrugged, "gender is entirely self expression. It's supposed to make you happy. When it comes to being a girl or a boy or neither or both or a faerie or doll or anything else you could think of- liking it enough to identify as one is the key factor. I'm not a woman because I was uplifted from anything specific, or because I had any physical quirk. I'm a woman because that's what I enjoy seeing myself as. It may take you a bit longer to see yourself as one. I think you should continue the treatment." 


Princess paused for a long moment, mulling it over. "Alright, I'll keep taking the class Gs for now." 


Camila brought the needle back around to bear, sliding it up against their skin before sinking it in. Princess let out the cutest sound- a cross between a gasp and a whimper that fed Camila's hunger. "Don't worry Princess," she purred, gently dragging the very tip of the needle a short distance across their arm, wrapping her vines around to hold it still as she injected. "you'll make a very good girl~" Princess turned bright crimson, their arousal clearly ringing through their biorhythm as they pulled fruitlessly against her vines. A sight so delectable that for a moment Camila's hunger was satiated. 


She withdrew the little one's pad and the clothes she had compiled, holding them out to her. "Now, do you think you can get dressed by yourself?"


"Yes!" Princess exclaimed the moment Camila finished speaking, hurriedly taking the items. "Can I have the room please?!" 


Oh, that had got her really worked up. "Alright cutie, but let me know if you need help alright?" She winked.


"Out!" Camila left, giggling. That had gone better than she had hoped. 

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