Dog of War

The Two Types Of Battle pt 2

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site.

They collapsed against the side of the bed, dropping the bundle of clothes to the side the moment they heard the door slide closed. What the fuck was that?!


What was that?!


They had to get their breathing under control. 


Long, slow, and steady


They managed to focus on the breathing. There was doubtlessly Class E in their system, as the panic bled away far faster than usual. Which left... left... Oh. Fuck. They were horny. They were really horny. They couldn't remember the last time they actually got this turned on. Their cock was  holding all their blood hostage. That's probably why they felt so lightheaded.


The machine chimed in. "Hey cutie, are you sure you're okay? I can get Miss Verdun."


For once they were grateful for it. Hearing the AI speak was certainly the splash of cold water they needed. "Thank you Jess, I just need a minute or two." It would take at least one for the... swelling... to go down. 


"If you wanted to masturbate I won't judge! In fact, let me help you look up some stuff since you only have one hand-" What on earth was it implying?!


"That will not be necessary!" They nearly shouted, "Thank you, Jess!" 


It made a mechanical groan. "You are really good at making a big deal out of something no one cares about. Well, let me know if you change your mind, cutie!" It chimed out. 


Well at least they weren't crippled with arousal anymore. What the fuck was even so hot about that? The way she said those things, lightly dragging the class G needle up their skin- ah, shit. Maybe they shouldn't dwell on that. And then there was last night! They couldn't accept that anything had felt so wonderful or that such pleasure was real. That was just the drugs, it had to be! Yet they couldn't forget how safe they felt in her vines after, or how it felt when she picked them up out of bed...


We can't think about that, either.


They shook their head, clearing the thought. It was the drugs. It was just the drugs. They brushed some hair out of their eyes. It had gotten longer than it's ever been, and was incredibly soft. The rate their hair was growing at because of the shampoo and conditioner was almost alarming. It had started to make their scalp itch and tingle on occasion. Another problem the Affini would doubtlessly try to capitalize on if she caught wind of it. Their hair wasn't the only thing getting soft either, there was a certain suppleness to their skin that wasn't present before. It felt nice under their fingertips, almost inviting touch. 


They shook their head again. All these strange thoughts and foreign feelings... This place was testing them, and it was testing them in a manner they hadn't expected. They expected suspicion, animosity, scrutiny- all the Affini had really given them so far was a seemingly boundless amount of affection. She didn't even directly supervise them most of the day. However, they were wise to her game now. Did Miss Verdun honestly expect them to crack just because she was being nice? How naive. They had been one of the greatest soldiers to ever live! 


Having collected themselves, they stood back up and straightened out. They just needed to get through three more weeks and prove they weren't a threat. Three weeks at minimum. If Miss Verdun didn't find out their secrets. And they stayed sane. They could manage it, somehow. They had to. For now, they needed to get dressed and set about their day. The good news was it seemed their desk, chair and other things had been delivered and placed. They no longer needed to get her help and feel how soft her vines were just to sit down or get up!  They picked up the folded clothing, and let it unfurl-


It was a dress. Miss Verdun had given them a dress. It was in two parts; the top blouse was white and composed of a light, breezy material. It had sleeves that would sit above their elbows and large ruffled frills on the chest. The skirt part was a verdant green, long and flowing, and held on much like overalls. A false corset sat just under where their bust would be, if they had any. The skirt section even had pockets that were surprisingly deep, especially considering it was for florets. A small flower with Miss Verdun's Orange, Purples and White accented the left one. Both the skirt and blouse were frilly at their edges. There was also a light jacket to go with it, a pale pink button up. 


They couldn't wear this. Not only was it obviously a companion dress, it was way way too cute for them! It's not like their face could have changed all that much since yesterday. It'd be like putting a big pink bow on a rat. If they were staying at the Hab all day that would be one thing, they couldn't take a walk or meet people wearing this! What if they ran into one of the crew again? The thought made their gut churn, before the Class E swallowed the feeling. There was still a sense of wrongness left over, the dress was still far too cute for them, but the anxiety had been squished to a manageable size. 


What other actions do we have available?  


Right, they needed to assess the situation tactically. The Class Es helped them keep a level enough head for that now. The most obvious play would be to compile a pair of sweats and a hoodie themselves, but that would certainly invite scrutiny from Miss Verdun. If she asked why they didn't wear the dress, 'It's too cute for me' was certain to incite some sort of reassuring action and possibly get dressed by her. If they tried to say it was the companion part of it and she recompiled it without her flower, they'd be caught. Trying to lie about why they couldn't wear it could result in Class D. If that happened, they were good as cooked. Who knew what sorts of things would come out when they couldn't help but speak their mind. 


Alternatively, what if they did wear the dress? It would be a bit embarrassing on their walk, but they were only out for an hour. It didn't seem likely Miss Verdun would give them a dress and then have them meet someone that would taunt them over it. They would appear rather unassuming, too awkward in a dress that didn't suit them to pose a threat. Looking non-threatening was always an advantage worth having. It let your opponent make more mistakes. They wouldn't have to see how bad it looked themselves, either. The choice seemed clear, although there was still a small nagging feeling eating at them, even through the Class E. 


Well, nothing they could really do there. This was already going to be difficult enough with just one usable hand. They moved to their desk and lay the dress across it, pinning it down with their mitted hand while their other one undid the buttons, ribbons and zipper. The dress fully loosened, they pulled the blouse over their head. Getting the stupid mitt through the hole was a bit of a struggle. Why did they even have it? The cut hadn't even reached the tendons, and they weren't going to fucking chew out the stitches or whatever. 


They did manage to get it on though, and they pulled the skirt portion off the desk, holding it by the straps. They stepped into the dress and pulled it up, hooking the straps over their shoulders. They reached around their good hand, trying to hold the fabric in place with the mitt, as they zipped up and retightened everything up in another herculean task. It was preferable to having Miss Verdun tease them as she helped them into it, at least. She'd probably call them 'Princess' and tell them what a 'good girl' they were and- they felt their cheeks redden as they realized what they were thinking. 


Focus. We need to focus.


Right, back to the matter at hand- the dress. It felt wonderful. There was still that nagging feeling, in the corner of their mind, but it was easily forgotten. The way the material hung off places and clinged to other places felt nice, its weight felt good and the way the fabric flowed as they gave a few turns and steps made them feel pleasant. The way the frills on the chest were arranged even gave the illusion of a small bust. A reflexive glance to the darkened mirror was met with a sigh of relief. It was really getting annoying how good at preempting them Miss Verdun was getting. Not only did the dress actually feel right, she knew they might be a girl before they did and that they'd feel weird about their reflection. Not that they were entirely sold on the girl thing, but she was at least right that they lay somewhere outside of just being a man. That never made them feel anything like this. 


Dressed now, the day could actually begin. They set their pad on the desk and took a seat. They sighed as they sunk into it. Fuck, this was a really nice desk and chair. Maybe dedicating half your entire society to paperwork had some actual benefits after all. They opened up the pad and shot a quick 'Good morning' to Daisy as promised- it was surprisingly easy to use one handed. Well, the Affini were obsessed with accessibility, so that tracked. The chores out of the way, they could focus on their main objective- finding a new name. 


A quick search for 'Female Terran Names' brought up an absolutely absurd number of articles and lists. This should be simple, all they needed to do was choose one, add any last name, and then Miss Verdun wouldn't have an excuse to keep calling them princess. They picked what seemed to be a comprehensive list of names and began to scroll through. And scrolled. And scrolled. 


This was a problem. There were far too many options to just shift through. They didn't even know what they were looking for, they were just scrolling through an endless list of names that all sounded the same as the ones before it. They frowned, tapping against the desk. This wasn't working, they needed another approach. Maybe they could determine what kind of sound and feel they wanted it to have and move from there? Most of the names they used before had two syllables, so that wasn't a bad place to start. Another search and they were reading through far more manageable lists. 


None of these names seemed to click either. This was starting to take a while. They'd already been at it for an hour. If it weren't for the Class E they'd probably be getting anxious. How could they find a name that felt like it fit when they weren't even sure about the whole 'girl' thing in the first place. Fuck, maybe they should just choose something that wasn't offensive to them? Miss Verdun may be getting their number, but she wasn't psychic. There was no way she could know if they didn't fully enjoy a name, right? What else could they do? Waltz up to Miss Verdun and say 'Hey I looked at names for over an hour and I didn't really feel any of them. No, I don't want your suggestions but can you please not call me Princess anyways because it makes me feel funny? Thanks.' They'd get eaten alive. Or worse, get stuck as 'Princess.'


The machine chimed above them, "Oh, I can help!"


"It is fine." They grumbled. The last thing they needed was the AI to get uppity on them.


It made an anxious, pleading noise that caught them off guard. "Come on, just let me help you!"


For a machine, it had a surprising amount of emotion. "Thank you for the concern, but this is something I need to do on my own."


"C'monnnn!" It continued to whine, "You never let me help you! I know you have your hold ups about AI but I just want to make sure you're happy, Princess!"


"It's nothing personal Jess, I just want to do this myself. It's my name, you know." They managed to keep their voice clear. If it weren't for the Class E they probably would have snapped at the machine calling them that. 

"Well... If you say so cutie. Just let me know if you change your mind alright?" The chime played again as it cut vocals. It sounded concerned. 


Hm. There was a faint queasiness again. Did they... feel bad about being rude to a machine? A message dinged through on their pad- Daisy. For the first time they were thankful for the pet, and the distraction she provided. 



[Daze-y]: you remembered rule 2!!!!!

Daze-y]: hiiiiiii


[OasisOfArrakis]: Hello, Daisy. High spirits as usual then?


[Daze-y]: OO QUICK WHAT'S RULE 1?!?!


[OasisOfArrakis]: Friends hug each other? 


[Daze-y]: YAYAH! 



[OasisOfArrakis]: It is two rules Daisy. 


[Daze-y]: n u remembered BOTH!!!

[Daze-y]: good job!

[Daze-y]: good girl! 


They couldn't help but laugh at the pet's antics. Honestly, the bar was in the ground.


[Daze-y]: ooo I should tell Miss Verdun you deserve a treat!

[Daze-y]: one sec!


The word 'treat' dredged up freshly buried memories from last night. 

[OasisOfArrakis]: There's no need, but thank you for the thought.


[Daze-y]: oh sry I already sent it


Well that was... something to contend with later. Hopefully it wouldn't be too much. If they were lucky it would just be a berry and that's all. 

[OasisOfArrakis]: It's alright, but is there even a rule 3? Surely there's more than two rules for being a friend. 


[Daze-y]: of course there's a rule 3!!


[OasisOfArrakis]: and what is it?


[Daze-y]: oh!

[Daze-y]: I dunno lol

[Daze-y]: We'll find it TOGETHER :3c


[OasisOfArrakis]: You know I somewhat expected that. 

[OasisOfArrakis]: So did you have anything scheduled or planned for today?


[Daze-y]: lol no mistress does that stuff


[Daze-y]: MISTRESS TOLD ME something that little pets like myself should keep secret.

[Daze-y]: akhxkgsktsgkxljcyosx

[Daze-y]: STARS it is hot when she does that


[OasisOfArrakis]: Does what?


[Daze-y]: don't worry about it :3

[Daze-y]: do you have anything planned?


They frowned. Had Cordelia taken direct control of Daisy through the implant there? They heard the Affini could reduce people to puppets, empty dolls that only were moved by their owners. How much of Daisy was tied up in her Mistress? Had she only been nice to them because Cordelia was controlling her? This was... not a fun line of thought to entertain.


[OasisOfArrakis]: Nothing much, Miss Verdun wanted me to meet some folks this afternoon. Outside of that, I was going to read and go for a short walk 


[Daze-y]: oo I love walks!

[Daze-y]: we should go on a walk together!


[OasisOfArrakis]: I'm not sure that's wise, you might have trouble keeping up. I'm used to very long and fast marches. 


[Daze-y]: Mistress can carry me :3


[OasisOfArrakis]: I'm not sure that's a walk anymore.


[Daze-y]: Sure it is! 

[Daze-y]: Oh! that reminds me. what happened after you left with Miss Verdun?

[Daze-y]: it looked like it was fun~


'Fun.' Maybe if you were into being a doped up pet and plaything all the time.

[OasisOfArrakis]: That's a little personal.


[Daze-y]: o come onnnnnnnnnnnn

[Daze-y]: pweeeease




[OasisOfArrakis]: Isn't that a bit much like rule 1?


[Daze-y]: *GASPS*




[OasisOfArrakis]: Daisy.


[Daze-y]: okay fine how about uhhh

[Daze-y]: friends share with each other

[Daze-y]: ?


[OasisOfArrakis]: I mean I guess that's at least different.


[Daze-y]: c'monnnn I wanna know whats up with my bestieeeeeeeeeeee

[Daze-y]: pwetty pweeeease 


[OasisOfArrakis]: Fine, but only if you promise not to be weird about it. 


[Daze-y]: I would never :3


They had their doubts, but whatever.

[OasisOfArrakis]: After dinner Miss Verdun gave me a massage while bathing me with class A infused products in order to force me to relax. She said I was far too tense and needed it. I'm a bit sore about the whole thing to be honest. 




[Daze-y]: aww I wanted to be there :(


[OasisOfArrakis]: I thought you said you were going to be normal. 


[Daze-y]: this is an extremely normal reaction to my besties little seed starting to sprout!


[OasisOfArrakis]: My what?


[Daze-y]: dw about it :3


[Daze-y]: What did you think about 'em?


[OasisOfArrakis]: Setting aside the fact I was drugged against my will? The pleasure is far too intense to be properly enjoyed. I could barely think about anything but the overwhelming sensations I was subject to. 


[Daze-y]: ah yeah the dosages on the bath stuff can get really strong if ur in there a long time, but you get used to it~


[OasisOfArrakis]: I do not intend to 'get used to it'


[Daze-y]: Well we definitely need to cuddle on some next time we're together!


[OasisOfArrakis]: I don't think that's going to happen, Daisy. 


[Daze-y]: awwwwwwwwwh

[Daze-y]: why not? 

[Daze-y]: you'd be so cute and they make cuddles feel extra nice~

[Daze-y]: you can't tell me you hated the actual high


[OasisOfArrakis]: Are you asking me if the drug designed by the extremely advanced immortal progenitor species to make me, specifically, feel good, felt good?


[Daze-y]: u loved it didn't u :3c


[OasisOfArrakis]: I understand you are a floret so you might have trouble understanding this but I was drugged against my will. I don't care how good it felt after.


[Daze-y]: that sounds like a yes~


[OasisOfArrakis]: Even if we set aside my lack of consent in the matter, I'd rather do other things. Sober things.


[Daze-y]: u can do both!

[Daze-y]: I'm mostly sober when I'm gardening

[Daze-y]: and then when I finish Mistress melts my brain and gives me lots of pets! 


Okay, trying to convince a pet that being forcibly drugged was bad was like trying to talk a star into going out. 

[OasisOfArrakis]: Daisy, as my friend, I'm going to ask you drop it and change the subject



[Daze-y]: lamer

[Daze-y]: sooooooo

[Daze-y]: o!

[Daze-y]: did u pick a new name?

[Daze-y]: or still princess then?


Ah, right, they had almost forgotten that's what they were supposed to be doing right now.

[OasisOfArrakis]: There's nothing really stopping you from using [Whoopsies, can't let you say that, Cutie!]


The machine chimed in, "Sorry, Princess, Miss Verdun's orders! All your past names are blacklisted."


This was ridiculous! Pushing them towards picking a new name was one thing, but forbidding them from using their old ones was too far! Why did they have to pick one in such a hurry anyways? It was impossible to get actually mad on the Class E, so they settled into a disgruntled annoyance.


[Daze-y]: call u whut?

[Daze-y]: the automod nabbed it lol


[OasisOfArrakis]: Nevermind

[OasisOfArrakis]: I'm apparently not allowed to use any of my old names in any capacity. 

[OasisOfArrakis]: Which is frustrating


[Daze-y]: well you could just ask Miss Verdun for help, but Princess is pretty cute :3


[OasisOfArrakis]: I'm not going to use Princess as my name, Daisy. I'm sorry, I need some time to think. We can talk later. 


They set the pad down on the desk and got up from the chair, stretching. They still needed to look up activities to earmark for potential future hobbies but they couldn't bring themselves to continue to sit at the desk on the Pad. They began to pace, walking from one side of the room to the other and back. Even the class Es in their system couldn't completely dull how poor their current position was.


They couldn't accept help for the name, but they couldn't find one either. Yet if they wasted too much time, they could end up stuck as Princess. They were pinned behind their own critical positions, unable to make any moves without compromising some or all of them. Miss Verdun had completely outmaneuvered them once again. She had been doing so almost the entire time. Even a stalemate would be an improvement, this was just... waiting for the end and hoping to buy enough time. Time for what even? To make it to what was likely a mock trial?


No... They had to keep hope that there was a way out of this without a collar. They just hadn't found it yet. Patience. They needed to practice their patience. It had been dashed against the rocks with the rest of their composure back at the vet, but patience was simple in comparison. It could be redeveloped. They may still be stuck on the name, but this did give them an idea for the hobby at least.


Camila sighed, setting the pad down. This 'Dune' had turned out to be a series of novels from before Terrans had left their system. It was also host to a rather insidious type of feralism. Even the Art of War itself wasn't as bad. It had given her the insight and perspective she was looking for, at least. The nature of its views on things like AI, humanity and will were hard to overlook. She'd have to get Princess to change her username again soon, possibly during tomorrow's talk. For now, it was nearing lunchtime. 


Picking up the pad again, Camila checked in on Princess one more time before heading to the kitchen. The girl seemed content, researching something at her adorable Terran sized desk. There was something extra cute about how small the things that were designed for them were and seeing them use them. Maybe Camila would let them have some items after their domestication, for her enjoyment. Her vitals looked fine, a few small blips of anxiety and panic still showed up in the history, but they had leveled off quickly. It seemed like Princess was finally starting to get comfortable. She had even worn the dress all on her own! Watching the girl give it a twirl and failing to fight off a smile had been absolutely precious. 


Her pet-to-be still safe, Camila tucked the pad away and set off into the kitchen. What should she make today? She had been planning on doing salad again now that they could taste. That would have to wait; Daisy had adorably asked that she give Princess a treat. Unfortunately, she had already given her a very sweet breakfast. Something else that was delightful, that wasn't sweet? Maybe something really savory, with meat? Camila set a few filters on her digital cookbook. Ah! Tacos would be perfect! The cutie could even eat them without assistance.


Camila sorted through the recipes, grabbing the essential ingredients as she found one that looked the best. Oh, she should make sure she kept them mild, there was no telling how Princess might react to anything seriously spicy. There would be a time to check, but that was hardly now when she had a walk with a playdate after. 


Now it was time to show Princess just how much Camila could care for her. 

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